
CRank: 5Score: 39910

Wasn't HAWX fixed already that has the "new" protection? I read blogs on how it was cracked. Also, the people mad about modders are usually jealous or too stupid to get their own system modded.

Modders do not bother me, a game will cost $60 regardless of hackers/modders or not. The proof goes back to cartridge days which were uncopyable by 99.9% of everyone... the cost was still just as high. Since Microsoft doesn't care about storage size, I think cartridges are ...

5632d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Unless you can prove some proof, links to sources, websites, etc. then you need to STFU. It is no secret that the PS3 has superior hardware. Many folks have provided link after link of Uncharted versus Gears screens, and just because some of you REFUSE to click on it and look doesn't make it not true.

Unless you can counter these findings with info, just shut up and get over it. This simple fact does not discredit Gears, not even in the slightest... but PS3 exclusives have s...

5636d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I commend Stardock for taking a gamble and trusting consumers to pay for a decent game and letting us know it is DRM free. It is ashame that they were forced to release it early.

It is easy to see the reason, people who have been looking out for the game get pissed because it is not available and they start to LOOK to get a pirate copy. By releasing the digital version @ least everyone has the option to purchase legit downloads online. If any company deserves the success of ...

5638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So in order for porn to be on the stick and in a PSP screen size compatible mode, it would generally have to be purposely ripped using Handbrake, etc. or something similar.

This has everything to do with the memory stick and what conent was placed on IT, not the PSP. The only true question is HOW it got into the PSP.

1. Someone is lying.

2. Someone did a really good open job when they bought the PSP from Wal-mart used it, and repackaged it in a c...

5638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why not upgrade VHS tapes to read IMAX movie strips? While we're at it lets make all new VHS players capable of viewing all Real 3-D movies right out of the box?

Who cares if thes new VCR tapes would be $150 each, hell I don't mind paying $500 for a shiny brand new VCR that can store all that extra IMAX movie data. - Sarcasm

I guess you can see where I am going with this.

5639d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

At least most decent Bluray players are equipped with USB or Network ports making them flash-ready. I wonder if the laser lens could be re-calibrated via flashing the firmware to make this possible on Bluray discs.

I mean if a 4.7GB single layer DVD can be reconfigured to use 100X te data, why not reconfigure a 25GB single layered Bluray with the same effort and more flash capable standard hardware?

I suppose I would be truly impressed if this was possible with ...

5639d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So imagine what a scratch would now do to one of these "special" DVDs. It would be more practical to apply this new tech with a Durabis coated media like Bluray instead.

5639d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What happened to Microsoft's Handheld? Anyone remember that? Or did that turn into the Zune... hahaha. Microsoft chickened out (and rightfully so), but the DS and PSP has sold great. They both have turned profits for their companies - end story.

Microsoft fans truly are miserable creatures. Bubble me up!!!!!!!

5639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No other Sniper Rifle can slow down time, this makes things like leading targets and accurate head shots a piece of cake. If I had my choice in the field from the most mentioned, it would be the Fareye, one shot killer more than most.

Although, I prefer a Rail Gun from GRAW2 or MGS4, but some may not consider this a true Sniper Class Weapon, but it is... no wall can hide you from a Rail Gun, Screw the Deep Impact of COD, Rail Guns give you 1 shot kills through walls.

5639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A long time ago, I saw a GRAW2 ad in Target being played on one of the HDTV screens boasting "Only on the 360" when EVERYONE already knew that it was coming to the PS3. Microsoft is a company that falsely advertises and are BLATANT liars when it comes to exclusive games.

Bioshock was another so-called exclusive that everyone behind the scenes knew was coming to the PS3. Even early Bioshock computer gamers found a reference to the PS3 wrote into a .ini file.

5644d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Capcom built it for Guerilla Games just like they did for their own RE5. Capcom will be selling us the unlock key for Killzone2 co-op at a whopping 600kb download for $9.99!!!

5644d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just had to throw that in since Why o Why mentioned it. That game is an uber turd, I have not played since I scored it 2 weeks ago. Ninja Blade is awful, I don't care if they give away a real replica sword and ninja costume with the game upon release, do not buy it, Ninja Blade sucks!

5645d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Zune bombed horribly, which is unfortunate. It really was great hardware, despite the ironic fact that the software inerface is GARBAGE!!! The original Zune required registry hacks in Windows in order to make it user friendly and independent of the software packaged with it that nearly crippled the good device itself.

Lets hope Zune2 has hardware that is just as reliable and software better than Vista's quality to go with it.

5645d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Because you'll probably be the 31,001st sucker online who bought it. It is VERY easy to tell if it is ACTUAL DLC or an activation key to unlock Disc content that you already paid for.

If it is a couple of hundred Megabytes, then it is true DLC... if it is 2MB or less 10 times out of 10 it is an activation key. Usually activation keys are 500KB or so, but some companies are at least smart enough to PAD the downloaded file with a dummy file to increase the download size to tric...

5646d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Go to this website for true info on the virus "YET".

Most of this will be wayyyy over everybody's head, but I don't think there is a fix for this virus. The previous removal tools was for versions A and B... this is "C" and it is wildly different.

It basically breaks down all your computer's defenses - disables firewall, antivirus,windows defender, malware/spyware services, and can even change your PC's DNS entry for YOUR DOMAIN! It also rep...

5651d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How is that so I wonder. Several people have stated this fact without looking @ the big picture. That is why Sony is in business and most people here are not.

Did we soon forget that the PS3 is SOLELY responsible for ALL revenue Sony makes now and in the future for Bluray sales? Think about it. The PS3 single-handedly secured the HD format over HDDVD for Sony. Trojan Horsing every console with Bluray was costly and risky, but genius.

Bluray sales have skyroc...

5651d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What classifies as a character? Carbon copies of zombies in different clothing and outfits? 6,000 combinations of random clothing? A zombie Sims maker? Or will each character model be unique or will there be 20 different character types with 300 capable varieties of each in skin color, clothing, etc.?

Because if you look at the African american zombie in the blue shirt and green pants, he looks exactly like the zombie in the red shirt and jeans @ 9 o'clock in the background...

5656d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Alan Wake has been in production since before the 360 was launched... it is vaporware right now, the Duke Nukem of the 360. Microsoft shoulda spent some of that GTA4 DLC cash to pay for more people to finish that game up.

The 360 is gearing up for an exit, while the PS3 is making moves to ensure longevity... just like Sony said they would. you can see it in the forecast.

5656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All they have to do is knock on the basement door of Symantec and McAfee and they will find the bastard who lives in his mom's basement. No regular productive working person has the time to do this.

Start @ Symantec, how else can they create demand for their product without hiring a few virus hounds? Most of these jerks probably write a virus, and then earn major cash by selling Symantec and McAfee the fix patch so people can download it. Symantec is happy because you bought...

5656d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Socialist services that you utilize and HAPPILY pay taxes for 365 days a year include:

The United States Post Office
Local Fire Department
Local Police Department
Department of Transportation
Local Electrical Power Provider

Or are you special somehow and can choose who comes to save your ignorant azz when:
1. Your house is on fire
2. Someone is robbing you
3. When a transformer blows and knocks out your power

5656d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment