
CRank: 5Score: 39910

But how about admitting that 10/10 reviews are also fake? Be fair if you are gonna scream out fake. ODST may not be the worst game ever, but there ain't a Modder who has downloaded ODST and blogged anything close to this game scoring a 10/10.

But LMAO at some of you running to defend this game as if the reviewer were raping your mother instead of posting a fake Halo review. Funny as hell.

5389d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Including ODST, usually it means something about the game is being hidden from the public... usually has something to do with the quality of the game. Since ODST has been leaked for some time now, and it has yet to land ONE glowing review from anyone on the entire internet... it may not be as great as some 360 gamers are willing to admit.

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They still haven't got THAT right... so run out and get the MW2 special edition while they are still $400! Black and grey goes well with flashing red lights.

5390d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Webster's definition of the word "stupid":

1 a : slow of mind : obtuse b : given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner c : lacking intelligence or reason : brutish
2 : dulled in feeling or sensation : torpid <still stupid from the sedative>
3 : marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : senseless <a stupid decision>

4: You are paying to be a beta tester.

5390d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are getting upset with PS3 fans for something that Microsoft is stating. How dumb can people be? I would've rather had Crackdown 2 instead of ODST. Crackdown is a hell of a game. If you need Halo Reach BETA to sell (supposedly full game) Halo ODST, then you may as well put a "Lame" sticker on the box.

Imagine a demo of GT5 on a GTP disc.... duh?! The funny thing is, many idiots will pay $60, not for ODST, just for access to the Reach Beta.

Are ...

5390d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Heck, there is even a market for Bentley in the automobile industry. But any 360 is the reverse in quality, so having a Cadillac version with a Ford Fiesta engine, just doesn't make sense, but many fools have money, and it will soon part from them.

No matter how you color it on the outside, unfortunately, it is still trash on the inside. I wonder how much life my Intercooled 360 has left... 1 week, three weeks? A year or two? Who knows... and see that is the problem.

5390d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

1) Halo3
2) Halo3
3) Too Human (Remember that game with endless spreads on screen pics?)
4) Halo ODST
5) GTA4


5390d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

To piece one together with all the working parts that you'd want. Microsoft says, " So if you only want the $250gb hdd, all you have to do is fork over $400 for it... oh and have a spare console while you're at it, you'll need it, trust us."

5390d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The rapings, and some folks just scream, "Sir, can I please have another, Sir!" Oh, the shame of it all.

5390d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've read some comments, and I applaud some of you for trying to be noble. I agree that about 85% of Microsoft's behavior is parallel to the complacency of the main body of the 360 fanbase. I do not believe for a second that PS3 fans would accept:

1) Antiquated technology @ a premium price
2) Paying to play online
3) 50+% hardware failure rate
4) $99 20gb Hdds and 802.11g wifi adapters
5) $99 802.11N wifi adapters
6) Online purchasing platfo...

5390d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Same hardware under the hood, hate to see someone fork out the cash for this box and have it RROD. I don't see how this can be considered a great deal if you already own a 360. The advantage goes to fans of the series that have yet to buy one.

Edit: My Bad, for what Microsoft charges for hdds, you basically get the console for free LOL! With a 250gb hdd, this is a deal afterall.

5390d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everyone has to admit that this is equivalent to a savage raping from a inbred Saquatch with Jock itch! This is an embarrassment to gamer's intelligence. Microsoft is saying to you "Support my products, IDIOT!" There is no excuse for this pricing, and as long as gamers defend it, you will pay more and more.

5390d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are raping anyone who would even imagine buying this. I mean for God's sake, it is a CHIP on a VERY small daughterboard!!! They could solder this on the motherboard of the 360 and have it built -in! No kidding, screw you Microsoft. They are charging $100 for a product that sells @ $35 for a PROFIT! I love you guys, but this is Microsoft just calling you DUMB to your faces.

For those who wants to know what difference G or N will do for you:

If you don't ...

5390d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just kidding! LMAO... congrats I guess?

5391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd much rather use that $50 a year to buy XBL points and buy games like Castle Crashers, Alien Hominid and the like. You're stupid if you WANT to pay for XBL when the competitors are offering you the same sandwich without the pickle for FREE! Microsoft is giving you the pickle with the sandwich, and charging you a premium deluxe price for it. Raped much?

Screw that, I'd rather have a mandatory $50 Microsoft points purchase per year to play online, at least I'd get something...

5391d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft takes about 1 game AWAY from you a year in FEES.

Or Sony and Nintendo GIVES you almost 1 game a year for the ABSENCE of those FEES.

Now put that in your hat. Is it related mainly to principle or cost? You decide.

5392d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
5392d ago
5392d ago

Obviously someone who works in the gaming industry. Pirates didn't release the material to themselves. Don't be pissed at the pirates, get pissed at the source.

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People are comparing it to Lego probably because it looks ahhhh... "blocky". But this is OK because it is obvious that it is intended. To me it looks like an old NES Zelda world translated into a complete 3D lego form. It seems very innovative/creative to me, I will definately play it.

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment