
CRank: 5Score: 39910

Awesome display of gaming development, they upgraded an old and loved gaming genre/style seemingly without tainting the original feel. Totally new and completely nostalgic all at the same time! Kudos, this deserves my purchase - I am very impressed.

5486d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How many times do people have to remind you of the "Bullshots" of Gears 2 that Microsoft and Epic claimed were "real in game footage" The final running product of Gears 2 was a joke in comparison, unlike Uncharted where CG and real game play characters used the same models and quality.

To make it short, to actually CLAIM that Gears 2 maxed out the 360 was an insult to the console, especially if true. Gears 2 is filled with low res textures, pop-in (even ho...

5489d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

New engines that are more efficient will be made. Congrats to ND for making TWO amazing games yet to be matched on 360 hardware.

Also, in today's news, I went out @ lunchtime and bought Valkyria Chronicles for $19.99 at Walmart!!! This is the price I was waiting on!

5489d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Microsoft, the filing continues, has had "repeated and mounting consumer complaints and inquiries concerning this operational flaw in Halo 3" but has failed to recall the game or fix the failure."

Looks like Microsoft coulda just tried replacing this guy's 360 and maybe send him a fresh copy of Halo3 - and this lawsuit would've never existed. Kudos to Microsoft for picking this as a wrong battle.

5490d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT5P never released @ $60. So using that to somehow support that ODST SHOULD be at $60 reeks of FAIL. GT5P is/was $39.99 and ODST SHOULD be priced accordingly. Having Masterchief on the boxart does not justify an extra $20. Nice Try.

5491d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It doesn't matter if the campaign was only 2 hours long and it was $60. As a matter of fact(assuming the game is 8 hours long), they could divide ODST into 4 two hour discs, sell them at $60 EACH, and Halo fans would eat it up just because of the Box art.

No offense but some of you 360 gamers ain't so bright. You get overtaken with advertisements wayyyy too easily. You have no restraints on making Microsoft actually EARN your money. You are too busy throwing it at them. <...

5491d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft can just keep piling on sand, glue, and broken glass to that strap on and loyal 360 fans will take it up their rear ends with the smile of a jester and with the pride of a wounded soldier @ war.

Everytime a 360 fan pays a premium price for Online gaming, exhorbantly priced accessories (hdd and wifi), etc. They butt f*k the rest of the gaming community while saluting like a cross-eyed Golmer Pyle.

Die-hard 360 fans are a DISEASE to gaming, because they...

5496d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Has some of the worst AI ever built into a game... EVER. I am not even sure if it can even be classified as AI. I am almost 100% certain that it is "script-bits" instead of AI

5496d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Duhhh! Ummm, how about this ad:

Halo ODST, better than Halo3, but not the first!

Yeah, that'll send people falling over themselves to buy it on day one. OF COURSE they are gonna say it is the best (liars), but that is for Bots who would sell their own mothers for a copy on day one anyways.

People will buy it no matter what. Are we gonna have Halo Doritos and Mountain Dew game fuel as the overhyping of the next Halo begins? Give me a HD remake o...

5496d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Damage control MUCH?

5497d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Before the Storm.

5497d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Despite the bickering about multiplats, yada-yada-yada... I am pleased to see that not one person on EITHER console has reported this game as bad. THAT is the true news about Batman AA, and I am glad to see that. No crappy versions of this game exists, we can enjoy it guaranteed - PS3 has the extras so, I will probably purchase for PS3 by the end of the day. :)

5503d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shadow of Colossus PS3...

5503d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. Sony's ad could've easily been fixed by having the black and white person embrace, etc.

2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Microsoft's ad, it was rushed to market, just like their console!

It should be expected, and we are lucky the black man didn't wind up with a RROD on his forehead.

The difference, Sony's ad can be PERCEIVED by some as racist, but it appears to be accidental and an overzealous attempt at art & modeling. Kinda lik...

5505d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My 60GB still has the plastic wrap on it to protect the case from scratches. I just trimmed it away from the vent holes for adequate air flow. It is in immaculate condition. I will be buying one or two slims and archiving away my pristine condition launch 60GB model.

5505d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had one die one me, but hell, it was nothing like this. Please keep my 2nd console in your prayers... lol.

5505d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just bought a house and had to buy all new appliances. Even $1000 and up refridgerators, washers, and dryers are standard with a 1 year warranty. It is kinda the agreed electronics industry standard whether we like it or not.

Some appliances offer more, but you'd better read the fine print... it only covers CERTAIN parts of the item, not all. Kinda like the 360 warranty only covers RROD, if your cheap DVD drive goes back, you'd better know a hacker and buy a replacement dr...

5506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is a proven method to do this... I know that it works, personally. Long live the original 60gb PS3! (And God bless the still working x360s)

5506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stuff like MP5 beating out a SAW, etc. at point blank range. 50 Cal Barrett needing 2 shots center mass to kill someone. A Barrett should be a 1 shot kill even without a Stopping Power perk, PERIOD. The most realistic portayal of the Barrett that I've seen was in the last Rambo movie, there is no walking though taking a hit from that bullet, not even if it is an arm shot. You ass is hitting the deck.

But we all know that COD is not about realism, the different gun classes a...

5506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Wii is already slim... the PS3 has gone slim, both having 1 year less in lifetime than the 360. How does the 360 come out first, but always finds itself in a "me too" position?

5506d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment