
CRank: 5Score: 39910

Get your wallet and check card ready. The warranty covers RROD ONLY! And guess what, if the DVD drive tanks, your 360 is trash - not covered.

5413d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My personal failure rate is 50%. I've owned two, one died, my failure rate is 50 percent. All of my friends are at LEAST on their 3rd 360 or worse. So, for m,ost of them who had 2 die and is playing their 3rd, their personal failure rate is 66%. For the mathematically challenged, 2/3 = 66.66%. I have one or two friends who are on their 4th, which takes them up to the 75% personal failure rate.

When you break it down to PFRs(personal failure rates), it is not so hard to beli...

5413d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its is like trying to save a sinking ship by scooping out water with a bucket.

Headlines should read:

360 bundled with wifi = Too Little, Too Late.

5413d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Guys, the 360's Wifi is based off the old 802.11G platform which is archaic. These adapters still sell for around $25-$30 in the store and THAT PRICE is at a profit for the manufacturers. SO PLEASE stop acting like bundling the EXTERNAL wifi adapter is somehow a GLORIOUS deal when it is wayyyy overpriced old tech to begin with.

I say to all of you, grow up and get an education. By selling one of these to a consumer @ regular price is enough for Microsoft to produce 10 of the...

5413d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I understand this move. It can eventually put more cash in Sony's pockets since they are making big moves with making PSOne and PS2 classics available online for digital download. I never fire up my old PS2, but now that I think about it, I may have to dip back into my library.

5418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Watch the video again and look at the driver side Rear View Mirror! Best racer so-far confirmed.

5418d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Listen, I tell you this with zero hostility. The biggest question YOU should ask is "Why has Microsoft not released their own factual 360 failure percentages/rates?"
The answer, it is in their best interest NOT to disclose bad information to the public. Because it would directly or eventually affect their reputation and sales, and no matter how bad people think it may be now... Microsoft would PROBABLY be the only company on the PLANET who had a mass distributed product wit...

5420d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

The last thing I wonder is why has there been no FORCED recall of this item? There comes a point where government has to set a standard... I mean imagine if this was Ford or Cadillac or hell even Bissell or Black&Decker... would there be a mandatory recall on this product due to unacceptable failure rates? Also, the 3 year extended warranty does not fix the problem.

The 360's issues are in the root of the design of the motherboard. So when you send a broken one in, the p...

5420d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

That the average generic brand toaster has a longer average shelflife as a 360, that at one point was guaranteed to be $400 and up. Most folks have come to terms with this, but there are a few who still have issues with reality.

My advice to those of you, is to let it go. Don't create a safe-haven for manufacturers or companies to produce shoddy hardware in the wake of your denial. If so, this may become a standard business practice.

5420d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've had two in my possession. 1st one died, replaced by another... the second one is lightly played, I am at 50%. Now my friends who are on their 4th, 3 have died and their current one is working , they have a personal failure rate of 75%. When you break it down individually, the failure rate is not hard to believe at all. It sounds closer to the truth than many will ALLOW themselves to believe.

It seems to be a point of not IF your 360 will die, but WHEN. We all know tha...

5420d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why would Sony want to stop Windows7 from being able to use a Bluray player? That is stupid. Every machine that comes bundled with a Bluray player is money in Sony's pocket TRIPLE fold... 1) for the player itself 2) for the Bluray movies being played on it, and 3) If the Bluray device is a burner, then chaching for Blank Media being bought for it. Giving rights for Microsoft to bundle bluray drivers into a Windows package is already possible. You can and have already been able to buy PC ...

5423d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft should be concerned due to the fact that they are the Hare in the race against the Tortoise. An old story, but we all know the outcome.

The Will Zoomed past the 360 like a turtle attached to a rocket sled. Now the PS3 is slowly catching up... the release of a Slim with a simultaneous price cut would be extremely attractive.

We all quickly forget that the 360 had the market to itself a whole year in advance... but yet it can barely hang on to a number ...

5423d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That is like bragging on beating your grandpa in a race... wow big deal huh? But I am glad these games are different in play, makes them unique. Bring on Splinter Cell, and Bring on any new MGS game too, we all know they are coming.

5423d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wasn't MGS4 the reason why Splinter Cell Conviction was scrapped and sent back to the drawing board? MGS4 was rumored to be why this game was delayed. Word is that they got a glimpse of MGS4 and decided to send much of their work to the delete bin in order to work on improvements. - This could all be rumors, but this is what I read or heard somewhere.

Listen, gamers win because both of these games continue to exist. Hopefully, this competition will be favorable to us so we ...

5423d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You over-analyse Muhammad Ali's comments to Joe Frazier. There wasn't anything RACIST about what Ali said to Frazier... he was telling Joe the truth according to him. Joe Frazier in his fighting days had facial/body features that resembled an Ape... plain and simple. ALI didn't call George Foreman or any other black boxer an APE because Foreman didn't resemble an ape... lol. He may have called Foreman a big sleepy looking bear or something else that fit.

Ali was always part...

5424d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

My wife's exact first comment while watching me playing it was, "Why does it look so shiddy?" Halo3 is not even close to the best or best looking game on the 360, the online portion is fun, but the campaign mode is a tragedy when compared to Halo1. Here is to hoping for improvements in the remaining Halo games yet to be created... Cheers! Congrats on the sales anyways... I guess the Doritos bags and Moutain Dew game fuel paid off... sure made a sucker out of me for buying it.

5424d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

All companies that sell digital downloads for the same price as retail are rip off artists. So much of the cost of a regular retail game is shaved off it only makes sense if the company selling the product BELIEVES with all of their heart that their own customer base is nothing more than a pack of morons. (Which seems to be the case frequently with Microsoft... $99 G speed wifi adapter anyone?

In this case Microsoft is increasing their profit margin while passing zero savings...

5426d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

OMG, This is the most funny and moronic comment on N4G all year! I like pissed my self while drinking milk while coughing because it was running out of my nose! I would give you a bubble for the sheer humor in your comment, but it is so sub-moronic, I could not bring myself to do it. GT is just one more PS3 exclusive, that Microsoft cannot buy out, that 360 fans will envy until the day they die, what a sad and pathetic existance...

Here is a tip, own multiple gaming consoles...

5427d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell, the common consumer won't accept such failure rates from a $20 toaster, much less a $400 console! Also, there would've been a demand for that same toaster to be recalled. I have no clue how Microsoft gets a free pass when they PURPOSELY rushed the console to market, they ADMITTED this themselves, and idiots fall in line for blind support! It baffles me. Honestly.

If you buy a 360, about the only way to secure your investment/i.e. get your money's worth out of it for s...

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Makes you wonder if nine 360s to one customer is equal to 9 sales on the quarterly figures sheets... hmmmm.

5428d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment