
CRank: 5Score: 39910

Sony has a history of having 2 console devices on the market as a minimum. When the PS2 came out, the PS1 was still on the shelf. When The PS3 came out, the PS2 was still selling very well, along with PSP sells. Sony is already working on the PS4, you would be a fool to think that they are not working on it. Also, expect the PSP2 to be on the shelves as well.

Sony is not a ONE PRODUCT WONDER like Microsoft is, see Microsoft has not choice but to shovel money into the 360, w...

5671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There will be even LESS interest with the second installment of GTA4 DLC. This REEKS of a bad investment... easy test for you ultimatek1, if it was your money, would you bet your $25 million on the 2nd installment on GTA4 DLC? If so, you are an idiot.

The fact is that Microsoft paid 50 million dollars more for GTA4 since MOST GTA4 owners, which include PS3 AND 360 owners will NEVER download the content. Can we prove that even HALF of GTA4 owners will download this material? ...

5671d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lemon 360 consoles do not die for some reason, unlike its millions of brethern. IGN's entire fleet of 360 consoles have died, so consider yourself lucky if you haven't had a problem. Lemon 360s are rare, they are the working units.

5678d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are replacing flawed hardware with... guess what, FLAWED HARDWARE. The only thing that would "FIX" the problem is a motherboard redesign. The Jasper is supposed to lower the heat which should make folks less susceptible to this type of problem.

But if you have any other issues like Bricked power supply ($100) to replace or DVD drive failure, which bricks your console, then you're shyt out of luck. Unless you are willing to crack open your 360 and buy a replace...

5678d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Any IN WARRANTY repair work absolutely REQUIRES proper shipping. What happens when Microsoft gets a 360 from a customer who shipped in a thin box with inadequate packing materials? Will Microsoft guarantee a console replacement if UPS decided to play smear-the-queer with your 360? I hope so, Microsoft is a horrible company... their tech support market sounds like the stock exchange with so many people yelling on the phones in the background.

5679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is because, When is the last time the Wii, PSP, or DS had a game as high profile as Halo Wars and RE5? PC hacking is standard now, I guess you're saying so is the 360, so why is this news... maybe you have a point. RE5 is availbale for download via the 360's weak PC like security and easily replicatable DVD media.

It doesn't even make economic sense to attempt to crack and replicate the Bluray version for the PS3 since the blank discs are costly, and there isn't even a...

5680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This fear is why 90 percent of the XBL community has not modded their consoles. If a person knows how to take the right steps to check the DVD files, they will be OK. 90 Percent of all 360.iso images out there are pre-stealth patched before release.

There are good hack teams like KFC and a few others who have a REPUTATION of releasing GOOD 360.iso images for public use. The images two weeks before out in the public is the same GOLD image on retail copies that went gold the w...

5680d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

All 360 games are available for download BEFORE they are even released to the market. I run into these files all the time online, the full game pre-hacked with stealth already waiting, sometimes even TWO FULL WEEKS before launch day.

5680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You guys need professional help. Aren't you lame jerks embarrassed by the kind of people that are attracted to your console. It is like a Band of Losers. Seriously, a majority of you guys are real losers.

5682d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everyone has calmed down now and can admit that the scores were bloated... and it worked. Don't compare a FPS to an FPS? What kinda nonsense is that? I will say this, I will take the Electric Gun in Killzone2 and fry Master Chief's azz ike a bacon crisp if he gets in my way.

Halo 3 = Missed Hype Expectations
Killzone 2 = Met Expectations and/or surpassed for some

I call for a GOOD 360 remake of Halo1... then we can go back to the greatness of the Halo f...

5683d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Too bad Game sells do not equal Best Game. Or are we gonna count Wii Sports in on the action? Halo is a NAME Brand, and a great one might I add. I loved Halo1, liked Halo2 pretty good, but Halo3 was almost a disgrace to the Box Art since that was the best graphics Halo 3 had.

I won't lie, anything with the Halo name will sell because of its predecesors, but as far as CONSOLE FPS games go, Killzone2 is top dog. Anyone who cannot admit that has a serious problem and needs som...

5683d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

KZ2 Graphics > Halo3 Graphics (620p?)
KZ2 Sound > Halo3 Sound
KZ2 Story > Halo3 Story

KZ2 is just a superior product. Don't let your fanboi googles fool you. KZ2 does everything better IMO, and somehow you have to scrape and claw for reasons to lower KZ2's score. Not on the game itself, but because there was no KZ2 Doritos or KZ2 Game Fuel it is somehow a lesser game. Oh and don't forget the goodie bags with free complete copies of the retail game for ...

5683d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I got my copy from Gamestop midnight launch, only because I was awake, Gamestop is 1/4 a mile away, and I only had to work half a day the next day.

Rest In Peace Halo - 360 fans really are miserable creatures. The fact that you constantly try to discredit great games that are not on your console means you need professional help.

You have been KILLZOWNED!!! Officially teh best FPS ever.

5683d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Rest In Peace Halo - 360 fans really are miserable creatures.

You have been KILLZOWNED!!! Officially teh best FPS ever.

5684d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Many fail to keep in mind that the 360 had an entire YEAR of time on the market WITHOUT ANY next-gen console competition. The PS3 is only 7 Million units behind the 360 when it basically lauched competing against TWO next-gen consoles. The only people who discounts this advantage to the 360's sales figures and market share is too stupid to boot their consoles. The 360 actually has sold less consoles over its lifespan per year than the other two... keep in mind WITH A YEAR WITH NO COMPETITI...

5684d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No matter if we agree or disagree on this. According to the LAW, Microsoft is discriminating against this person BY DEFINITION. The is no User Agreement that can superscede the law. The same as if Denny's cannot have a restaurant "User Agreement" on their restaurant saying that they only serve people of certain skin color, race, or sexual preference. Microsoft cannot BAN XBL users if they say I am Lesbian or Gay. Would they ban me if my comment said " I am straight and hav...

5684d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Remember all that money they spent showing Lost Planet ads in movie theatres like it was the 2nd coming of Christ. The game turned out to be crap IMO. Everyone felt tricked by that garbage, glad I didn't buy it.

All the tech in the weapons they use in that game, and there are no gravity assisted boots that lets you run faster ABOVE the snow... nice thinking Crapcom on that game. Glad the latest SF was better. I have zero expectations and hopes for Lost Planet 2 since so ma...

5686d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thank GOD my PS3 isn't riddled with mountains of Shovelware like the Wii. That is the result of copy & paste from Gamecube development techniques with modified controls.

The fact that developers must undergo WORK to release a game perhaps they are less reluctant to spend said time creating DUNG on Discs! I am glad developers have to work to make PS3 games, it seems to encourage a sense of pride and/or accomplishment from those who possess the skills and use the proper too...

5686d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Does different equal harder simply because one cannot Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V Xbox 360 code to PS3 version of the game? Or does it just equal WORK? It is just work, which is what developers are PAID to do when they release any console version of a game.

If a multiplatform game is released, then Microsoft has to pay and Sony has to pay as well. How can a developer get upset that they cannot just simply copy and paste most code like they did from the PC version to the 360? God forb...

5686d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If one does not like to learn new tech, then that person is a bad technician. I work in the IT field, and if one cannot accept that technology is SCHEDULED to change, then one does NOT need to work in the field. Operating systems, hardware, programming languages change (usually) in efforts to improve and/or sell new technology products.

In the end we hope these products are more efficient, but things are broken all the time in the tech world like IE7 broke FTPing from a web b...

5686d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment