
CRank: 6Score: 67350

Whether you liked it or not, Microsoft won.

5211d ago 4 agree42 disagreeView comment

How exactly did MS fail for the Hardcore? The only BIG game Sony has revealed for the rest of the year is GT5 whereas MS has Halo Reach and Fable III. Microsoft is well known for focusing on the current year @ E3 and from now and on we have many reasons to be happy and so do the casuals and Microsoft in terms of revenue.

The first half of the year was also killer with Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake and Red Dead Redemption among others. The hardcores have absolutely nothing to whine...

5211d ago 13 agree40 disagreeView comment

This year's E3 is already a massive success for Microsoft. All their SKUs are selling like hotcakes and it seems that this is just the beginning of a long term trend.

I can't remember how many times I said here to be cautious with those hyper optimistic (and biased) predictions about when would Sony overtake Microsoft Worldwide. It was obvious we'd need to see what MS had for this E3 before jumping the gun so soon.

Take a look at Amazon's List...

5211d ago 62 agree106 disagreeView comment

This year's E3 is already a massive success for Microsoft. All their SKUs are selling like hotcakes and it seems that this is just the beginning of a long term trend.

The Ps3 closing the GAP has ended this monday in my opinion.

5212d ago 30 agree48 disagreeView comment

Dear Sony,

This is not the right time to say this because your just preparing the ground for a massive crow meal.

PS3 outselling the Xbox 360 ended on Tuesday.

5212d ago 2 agree28 disagreeView comment

Sony really needed something big to counter Halo, Kinect and the Xbox 360 Slim. All of those are coming this year and for what I saw, the conference was focused on small exclusive deals, some move demos among which only sorcerer catched my attention, and then everything shown we already knew about before.

I just don't understand why in the world Sony keep spoiling their conferences by releasing heavy hitting material just before E3?? (LBP2, KZ2, IF2, etc...)

5213d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Pretty Dissapointing conference to be honest. The only thing that interested me (though I'm no fan of this genre) was Twisted Metal. OOther than that, no big announcements and it was focused on multiplatform small deals.

Sorcerer looked pretty neat, I'm interested on that one, but what happened with Project Trico?

So was, Microsoft had the strongest conference. They had a lot of variety in software and brand new hardware. Nintendo had serious problem...

5213d ago 3 agree24 disagreeView comment

I must say, that's the only highlight of the whole conference. It was basically focused on multiplatform games, some deals of limited exclusivity and well, a couple of good exclusive demos.

Microsoft took the cake this E3. Nintendo had a good one but the problems with the Wiimote (Due to interference according to them) screwed it all.

5213d ago 3 agree69 disagreeView comment

Ok so we had New Metal Gear Running, Awesome Gears of War 3 and Halo Reach footage. A 100% EXCLUSIVE Crytek game (yes, the ones that make the best looking games around), Fable III and a new Xbox 360 Slim (which first reviews are praising a lot)

On the casual field, Ubisoft Shape looked great, and the Sport games didn't look half bad. For a family audience, those demos were very welcome. ESPN partnership looked really good as well.

Everyone I know left the...

5214d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

They saw the same conference as you, but without the Sony glasses. It was awesome, get over it.

5214d ago 9 agree40 disagreeView comment

Well, IGN, a much less fanboyish publication, agree on that the conference was kick ass.

Damage control is at its finest. People all around pretending the awesome wasn't as awesome, that we need to rethink if what we felt in the moment of the conference wasn't as good and it was at that moment.

Sorry guys but this has been one ...

5214d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

Which one of those games could be convincingly played with your body? Everything seen so far have been failed attempts until Kinect, which make something 1 yera ago we thought could only be done in futuristic movies into reality.

Come on guys, wake up and smell the coffee, throw away the fanboyism and appreciatte what the future in gaming is.

5214d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Failed to impress? lol ...


Watch the MS conference and think again. The thing is absolutely impressive. My no gamers relatives were totally blown away.

5214d ago 2 agree23 disagreeView comment

Awesome conference guys. Get over it.

5214d ago 14 agree36 disagreeView comment

And published by Microsoft so there's no way this goes anywhere else.

Brilliant conference so far.

5214d ago 7 agree14 disagreeView comment

He's jealous because he wasn't invited to Kinect conference.

Watch the damn live blogs and know there's a lot of stuff apart from what LA Times revealed. Double vader's light saber included =)

5215d ago 6 agree18 disagreeView comment

Learn to read. I said where Kinect comes from, obviously, it's not a word, just like playstation wasn't before it was trademarked.

5215d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Kinect" is a good name, means "movement" or "motion". It comes from the Greek "κίνησις" .

Cool Cool, let the information avalaunch begin!!

5215d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

If Microsoft pulls a new console desing + sucessful Natal reveal + Big Hardcore Announcement they will steal the hell of this E3 and the hype it deserves for months to come.

Tomorrow, it's gonna be so interesting. It's kill or die Redmond.

5215d ago 28 agree73 disagreeView comment

Just take a look @ news. Is anyone talking or getting excited about Move these days? The reason people is not is, as hard as it might sound, it's essentially a Wii in HD, without Nintendo's Charm for the casuals.

On the other hand, Microsoft is betting high on Natal and probably an xbox 360 rebrand and redesign. Surprise factor is a major plus in these kind of announcements and MS has all the eyes on them, it's the perfect time to take advantage of it.

5215d ago 17 agree14 disagreeView comment