
CRank: 6Score: 67350

9/10. Great but no superb. =)

5214d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why do you think it'd be a sad day for xbox fans when a fanboy website couldn't socre the most anticipated PS3 game of the year above 9.

Mass Effect 2 still sits untouched in the GOTY favorite throne.

Better luck next time.

5214d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

So, is Gamespot review now credible?

I remember sony boys waiting for GS for Heavy Rain reviews.

This is just the score it deserves. First triple A of the year. Not a GOTY contender though. ME2 sits untouchable there right now.

5214d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

Did I miss something?

When did 9.2 started to becom a bad score?
It's a great score for what I know. The problem here is that Sony boys believe every single exclusive deserves 10/10 even when they have NEVER touched it and the reviewers have.

Great score guys, it's no ME2 but still great. Deal with it.

5214d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment
5214d ago

Very good for a 10 hour game.

They definitely put all they could in terms of graphics and gameplay. Of course, this doesn't compare to the favorite GOTY contender, Mass Effect 2.

I have also noticed that Bayonetta did better than GOW3... interesting to say the least.

5214d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

Nice score, but Sony boys expecting the 10/10 level will be dissapointed.

It will be too hard to socre anything beyond 9.5 after the Masterpiece Mass Effect 2 was.

The GOTY favorite is INTACT.

5214d ago 8 agree36 disagreeView comment
5217d ago
5217d ago

Except that the Xbox 360 can upscale In-Game content to 1080p by hardware, whereas PS3 doesn't or does by software which hits performance.

If you have a 1080p tv, you should consider buying the Xbox 360 version :)

5217d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment
5218d ago

Lol... Sony boys will try to hype the unhypable.

Socom 4... give me a break.

5218d ago 4 agree20 disagreeView comment
5218d ago

Come on, don't act like a droid. FF is the very only case of a lower res port just because the was a "last minute" port. This one is being planned for both from the beginning so there's nothing to be worried about.

Remember what happened with Bayonetta though, and that wasn't a late port.

5218d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Looks absolutely gorgeous on Xbox 360 in my 1080p TV. Since the console upscales it to 1080p automatically, graphics and cripst and detailed and don't suffer from the blur QQAA adds to the Playstation version, which by the way, doesn't scale it to 1080p.

If you have a 1080p TV and care more about In Game graphics than Pre-Rendered Cinematics, the Xbox 360 version is for you. It also runs velvet smooth through the WHOLE game.

5218d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

The game looks absolutely gorgeous on Xbox 360 in my 1080p TV. Since the console upscales it to 1080p automatically, graphics are crisp and detailed (something that the Ps3 doesn't do) tThis is most likely the exact same experience Gamespot had when they said the Xbox 360 version looked better In-Game.

If you have a 1080p TV and care more about In Game graphics than Pre-Rendered Cinematics, the Xbox 360 version is for you. It also runs velvet smooth through the WHOLE game.

5218d ago 2 agree18 disagreeView comment

Yes IGN scored ME2 higher than UC2 and it totally deserves it. Of course, it would've gotten a perfect 10 if it was an exclusive review o and on PS3.

This might be a rumor but I wouldn't be surprised it this happens. That Resistance 2 score killed all IGN's credibility especially when they get to release their reviews first.

5218d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Because OPM stated that in their review. Same awesome game but prettier, and that's what prevented it to go above 9/10.

Every time IGN gets an exclusive review they overrate the game to death. Remember Resistance 2? That game noboy talked about after launch? That game got the same score as Uncharted 2 and 1 point below Mass Effect 2.

Does it deserve a 9.5? My Ass... Later reviews made it go where it belongs 87/100. I expect the same to happen here but in a less...

5218d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

8? I never said that. But to give a 10 to a game that has only improved graphically just because it's on PS3 is clearly fanboyish and unobjective.

5218d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

The OFFICIAL Playstation Magazine has given it a 9/10, so IGN giving it a 10 would be fanboyish at its worst.

5218d ago 3 agree19 disagreeView comment