
CRank: 6Score: 67350

So far we have lies, trades-in, a link to an ONLINE retailer...

How about genuine shortages due to high demmand? Face it boys, the Xbox 360 is back on the game... the gap will not stretch anymore this generation.

5179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's nothing in HD in this trailer :S

5181d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course it's on shortage, everyone wants one.

5181d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sony's timming is the weirdest. They fix their "console supply" just when Microsoft released their Slim. The thing with shortages is that once you keep up with demand, it all goes back to normal whereas a console redesign with enough stock is the smartest way to go.

IMO Sony has lost their last chance to get close to Xbox 360 Worldwide. they're sitting at around 5 million behind and it seems it's the closest they will ever get considering the Xbox 360 i...

5183d ago 0 agree15 disagreeView comment

Nice, Xbox 360 back on first place.

The PS3 also had a sales boost. I wonder what originated this, maybe "Move" ?

5183d ago 29 agree55 disagreeView comment

Here comes the tortoise!

5183d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

There wasn't a Non Gamer appealing console or device last generation. Things are much different right now and the 120 million argument doesn't apply anymore, big percentage of those users that didn't buy a PS3 are Wii or Xbox 360 owners.

By the way, today is NPD time. Xbox 360 Slim Edition.

5183d ago 7 agree43 disagreeView comment

Now I know why Microsoft dismissed this one.

5185d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment

No guys, the Slim is only the tip of the Kinect Iceberg... Sales will increse again on September with Halo and October with Fable, then November will come with Kinect and the Xbox 360 will step in the next level. Hardware wise, the sales war could well be over by the end of the year.

5188d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

Even if GT5 impresses to some extent I doubt Forza 4, which will be released next year, won't be able to match or surpass it. I honestly don't see the point in delaying the game this long. Every month that passes by is money invested and money that might not be back if the game fails to impress at the ridiculous levels they have promised.

Take a look at the publications, no one has chosen GT5 as the best Racing Game of E3, they've chosen Need for Speed even gra...

5190d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is getting hilarious. If they made the PS3 with Move in mind they would've relesaed it years ago not 4 years after the console's launch and with a last minute lineup. Considering the massive success the Wii has had, saying such thing and releasing the device so late in the generation with such poor software support is understimating people's intelligence.

5190d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Indeed. I expected Kinect to do well but not this good. Having a Kinect exclusive game chosen as the best game of the whole show is an incredible achievement. The game was also chosen best of E3 by many publications like Kotaku.

I'm also impressed at NFS. I thought GT5 would take the Best Racer crown this year but according to Patcher and the media critics overall it seems that EA is doing an incredible job with NFS.

It's also worth mentioning t...

5192d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Indeed. I expected Kinect to do well but not this good. Having a Kinect exclusive game chosen as the best game of the whole show is an incredible achievement. The game was also chosen best of E3 by many publications like Kotaku.

I'm also impressed at NFS. I thought GT5 would take the Best Racer crown this year but according to Patcher and the media critics overall it seems that EA is doing an incredible job with NFS.

It's also worth mentioning tha...

5192d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Very well" is not enough in the neigbourhood of the Best Sellers.

5192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sony ends up copying Kinect somehow it would be the "Mee too" climax in videogame history.

5199d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

IT's probably too early to call a difference but it seems that the Xbox 360 has earned a lot of steam since E3 and I wouldn't be surprised if this trend continues and gets stronger in Holiday's season with Kinect.

5200d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Ghost Sparta,

I'm surprised how your posts hasn't been reported as trolling but what your link demonstrate is that Kinect has been successful enough to make the boys go rampant on damage control mode, finding every bit of non-positive text around the net to pretend it wasn't.

I don't really see many people excited about Move and that's because the technology has been around and working for 4 years now. This is just a minor improvemen...

5205d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

What's wrong with PS fans. The game can still be a lot of fun even with no Red Dead Redemption Graphics... come on guys...

5205d ago 4 agree36 disagreeView comment

The money is on multiplatform, and with the new Xbox 360 sales boost no one will like to lose that market.

5208d ago 12 agree66 disagreeView comment

It isn't even out, and it doesn't even has an official price. Kinect and Xbox 360 Slim are a massive win already. Sony guys should stop talking about sales right now and stick to software because the Xbox 360 Slim and Kinect (And Halo) are poised to obliterate everything in their way this year. Gt5 included.

5209d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment