
CRank: 6Score: 67350

The Sony boys will come in flamming even when they KNOW that the PS3 version will be most likely the less technically attractive of the 3, just like 90% of multiplatform games.

5144d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

PC hardware is advantage is more obvious these days. If the Xbox 360 version shown is nowhere near its PC counterpart, don't get your hopes high for the Ps3 version. Developers show their best versions on conferences and there are all chances that the PS3 one isn't exactly the best for consoles.

5144d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That the...

There are multiple videos showing retail Playstation 3s not debug units. Man PS guys are so desperate to prove the hack is false that take anything that remotely explains how it could be fake as granted.

Edit: Check the comments in the original article. Everyone is jumping at the guys poor reasoning and research @ stating this hack is fake.

5147d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Console sales will boost. Software sales will inevitably plummet.

This is terrible news for Sony because they're not making much profit on hardware but software.

More proof:

This one is definitively t...

5148d ago 11 agree16 disagreeView comment

Interesting. Once hacking becomes global, it will have two effects. First, sales of the console will be boosted, secondly, PS3 software sales will plummet.


This is not a duplicate. The first video once showed the device.

This one gives you pictures (and directions) of it actually working.

5148d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Terrible timing to make such comment, just when the 360 is kicking PS3 ass in sales globally.

It would be great yes, but I highly doubt it will ever happen.

5149d ago 2 agree19 disagreeView comment

Even if 1 year late you will finally have them most likely, best game of 2010. Everyone should be happy.

5150d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Those Gamespot shots were obviously bullshots. Sadly, we'll have to avoid the PS3 version at all cost. PC version is definitely the one to get but if you only have consoles, you need to go for the Xbox 360 version.

5151d ago 31 agree35 disagreeView comment

5 Xbox 360 games on the Top 10. Not bad at all.

5154d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Xbox 360 443.5K
Nintendo DS 398.4K
Nintendo Wii 253.9K
PS3 214.5K

Wow! The Xbox 360 owned both the DS and Wii.

Even more, the Xbox 360 sales were virtually Wii+PS3 sales combined. The Slim is giving MS a lot of profit. Now let's just wait for Halo, Fable and Kinect.

5154d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

First it's not soccer, it's Football. Second, your commentary is absolutely stupid and discriminatory, and last, they still buy videogames and consoles, only that they import them instead of buying them from oficial sources.

5156d ago 32 agree12 disagreeView comment

If the differences between PC and 360 is big, between PC and PS3 is abbysmal.

It's a pitty such a good console has been doomed to inferior multiplatform versions in this generation.

5156d ago 26 agree29 disagreeView comment

Wow Wow Wow!

I also thought it was the PC version. I'm totally blown away by the visuals of the Xbox 360 in this game. UNBELIEVABLE!.

5156d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

PC version is by far the best looking one. Xbox 360 seem to fall 2nd and PS3 version Last. According to GAF it breaks down like this:


res: 720p
AA: ? (no AA?)
FPS: Avg:25.763fps Min-Max:15.5-30.5fps
tearing: 40.146%
other: no SSAO, no DOF, less foliage

----------------------------- ------------------------------- ------


res: 720p

5156d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don't really get this. Activision has been in the eye of the twister ever since that problem with Infinity Ward but the reaction from fans has been moderate at most if your compare it to what happened with Electronic Arts and with enough reasons.

The problem with Activision is basically limited to one single scandal while Electronic Arts became a perfect model of what a developer house must never do. They went from one of the most beloved developers out there thanks to ...

5161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, when the PS3 launched the Slim and Vgchartz reflected its sales the site automatically became Gospel.

Now it's the other way around in both sales and the boys reactions.

Said this, the gap is now closing 6 million once again. With Reach and Kinect I wouldn't be surprised if it's back to about 8 million as it always was.

5161d ago 11 agree13 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect 2 keeps kicking ass even when Red Dead Redemption was ubber awesome.

Best 2 games of the first halg are either Xbox 360 console exclusive or plays batter on Xbox 360 ;)

My personal favorite was RDR followed by Mass Effect 2 and God of War 3 in that order.

5162d ago 11 agree8 disagreeView comment

How is this even news??? I can do this on my PC or any other.

5162d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

HD version here:

I find it bizarre.

5163d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Standard Reach screenshots vs. Doctored ODST screens. What a weird comparison. ODST didn't look nearly as good as those screenies and Reach can look much better than the ones they selected.

Reach is a huge step over ODST which looked very dated when it was released.

5164d ago 21 agree11 disagreeView comment