
CRank: 6Score: 67350

If a game is sub HD on 360 you can see the boys hordes trolling all over the site (i.e. FF XIII) even when this is very rare that multi perform worse in terms of resolution or performance on Xbox 360.

Whereas when it's the PS3 which has the issues, which happens way more often, you can see these guys screaming how it doesn't matter and going ape on those who say it does.

It has already been settled in this generation that the Xbox 360 is the best ...

5164d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

360 keeps kicking ass. In a couple of weeks, it will take the HD lead back in Europe, and Worldwide, it seems as it could expand the gap again. It's currently 5.5 million ahead and well before Halo and Kinect.

5169d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Those who don't risk don't win. Sony has played safe and copied Nintendo hence the lack of hype... whereas Kinect risked and is getting all media attention. I don't think Move will have nearly the same social impact as Kinect will. The thing is still limited to hardcore gamers with a limited casual appeal whereas Kinect is appealing non gamers and casuals first, and will eventually support hardcores who actually, aren't really in a hurry to throw their controllers.

5174d ago 9 agree73 disagreeView comment

Wow the xbox 360 is rocking. September will explode with the Halo 360 Limited Edition and the game itself, then comes Fable and lastly Kinect. Things will go over the top by then.

5174d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The most important ones could be:

1. You have no personality.
2. You look ugly doing so.

Fortunately I don't suffer from any of them :p

5174d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

Wow... examiner has been writing the most fanboyish articles around... they look like sonydfenseforce lately.

The thing is, why compare GT5 with Forza 3 when Forza 4 will be out less than 12 months after GT5 =)

5176d ago 10 agree53 disagreeView comment

When the competition answers with trashtalking you know you're making an impact.

5176d ago 8 agree30 disagreeView comment

This is a clever move. Kinect titles need more space for testing and they KNOW Kinect is the future, and as a leading developer house, they have already taken the needed meassures to get their piece in the Kinect gigantic pie.

5176d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

I'll love to see what this guy says in November =)

5176d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Oh boy the trolls. You guys just can't get over the fact that the Xbox 360 is selling like hotcakes. Come on guys... and Kinect isn't even out...

At this pace, the Xbox 360 will recover the leadership in the HD market on Europe in a couple of weeks.

@CaliGamer: Ridiculous figure. Jasper barely ever RROD anymore and no way will this amount of old models die just between E3 and now so these guys misteriously waited until now to report them. On top ...

5177d ago 11 agree11 disagreeView comment

Kinect appeal is incredible. Everyone in my house/office wants one, and most have never played a videogame!

Edit: It's now top ranked in movers and shakers and it will surely climb to the first places in the whole category. There are many products that go from non existance to existance everyday but the movers and shakers are those which make the biggest impact. Don't be naive/cinic, Kinect will be a smashing success.

5177d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Kinect has the best value for money and the best titles. It's the first to have a "casual" game to win E3 Critics Awards (Dance Central) and is definitely the only one with big 3rd party support. All others seem to rely almost entirely on first party productions.

5178d ago 2 agree21 disagreeView comment

Dance Central, (An Xbox 360 Kinect exclusive) on the other hand, won "Best Game of E3" in a game critics consensus:


First and 3rd party Devs are really putting and resources effort on Kinect.

5178d ago 0 agree27 disagreeView comment

Slim Arcade + Kinect + Kinect Adventures = $299.

PS3 Slim + Sports Champions + Move pack = $399.

Let's say we want to play with another person (after all, most are party games) you'll need to add another $80 to the Move. But you may need to buy 2 wands, in this case, $50.

Total PS3 Move Bundle for 2 players: $530.

Kinect and Kinect bundles are definitely the best value for your money.

5178d ago 2 agree28 disagreeView comment

Wow!. What a great deal.

Arcade Slim with 4GB on embedded memory + Kinect + 1 Game = $299. Xbox 360 sales will definitely skyrocket this November.

5178d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Great Deal!

5178d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't have noticed without those screenshots. Xbox 360 also has better shadows, not it's clear.

5178d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Wow! Excellent score. I really like what I've seen in the video review.

I'm seriously considering buying it. Another great Xbox Live Exclusive title.

5179d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

This has to be the poorest written article I had the pitty of reading in a while. The guy doesn't raise a single point, he only throws a couple of quotes and unsubstantial bold claims and finishes the article all of the sudden. Poor.

5179d ago 24 agree12 disagreeView comment

I has begun. The Xbox 360 S has been a smash hit in Europe and the US and will cotinue to sell with Halo Reach and Kinect. This is probably the best hardware revision for a console I can recall - infinitely better design + new features - and with the mass media marketing Kinect is receiving I wouldn't be surprised if the 360 starts reaching stable Wii levels of sales in November.

Edit: By the way, if sales keep this high, the Xbox 360 should outsell the PS3 in Europe (...

5179d ago 17 agree25 disagreeView comment