
CRank: 6Score: 21720

This will not go well...

367d ago 4 agree27 disagreeView comment

Guess making big 3rd party IP's like Spiderman and Final Fantasy exclusives isn't powerfull evidence against Sony...

367d ago 16 agree65 disagreeView comment

Would like the release date for Hollow Knight: Silksong.

367d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment
368d ago Show

Most gamers don't care about VR. It's a niche product.

368d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

18 July!

369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't have to be a half wit about it.

369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
369d ago Show

Gaming engines are updated constantly.
Unreal has been around since the 90's.
Rockstar's Rage engine and the Unity engine started in the early 2000's...

369d ago 1 agree21 disagreeView comment

Still not convinced, but I´m very curious about Atlas Fallen. Need to see more gameplay.

369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Outer Worlds and the Pillars series are good games. Hyped about Avowed.

369d ago 17 agree7 disagreeView comment

And the spinning has started... like I suspected.

When the PS5 Pro launches, why will developers be forced to compromise their vision simply because they have to release their game on the normal PS5. Sony will basically force them to make a PS5 version of their game if they want to release it on PS5 Pro (increasing costs and development time).

@SullysCigar... Actually, the point went over your head.

370d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

What about the PS5 Pro and PS5? If the PS5 can't handle a game, developers should release it only on the PS5 Pro?

Yep, that will change your tune.

371d ago 4 agree67 disagreeView comment

So, when Sony launches the PS5 Pro, developers should forget about the lower spec console, the PS5.
That's good to know!

Now, let's see the ones bitching in this thread spinning this!

371d ago 9 agree75 disagreeView comment

So, when/if Sony launches a PS5 Pro, developers should forget about PS5 and launch their games only on the higher spec console, the PS5 Pro.

Now, let's see all the ones bitching in this thread start spinning this!

EDIT: ... and the spinning has started... LOL

371d ago 2 agree39 disagreeView comment

Find it unbelievable that there are people still funding this scam.

371d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment
375d ago Show
375d ago Show

Avatar feels like a Far Cry game, but still looks good. Liked Prince of Persia and Star Wars. Creed Mirage looks like more of the same... rest of the games don't care.

375d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Smart move. Xbox Series and PS5 are going for their 3rd year. Forget about mid-gen console upgrade and in 2025 or 2026 launch their next generation Xbox. A 5-6 year cycle for a console generation is perfectly fine.

375d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment