
CRank: 6Score: 21780

The hate from Sony fanboys for this game is absurdly high. People should expect low scores from hateful fanboys reviewers to decrease Metacritic and Opencritic average...

While they hate, enjoy the game.

457d ago 6 agree19 disagreeView comment

"Spencer says he sees the same for The Elder Scrolls VI"

Could mean he is indecisive. I expect he's waiting for Starfield results before making up his mind.

458d ago 2 agree24 disagreeView comment

This is from the IGN page...
"Back in 2020 — when Microsoft announced its plans to buy Bethesda — journalist Imran Khan first reported on Starfield's potential PlayStation exclusivity, writing "Sony had been negotiating timed exclusivity on Starfield as recently as a few months ago. Going to guess either those talks are done or the price suddenly went way, way up." Shortly after in early 2021, the reports started to surface that Starfield would head exclusively to ...

458d ago 8 agree19 disagreeView comment

Yes, Activision likely took a cut from Microsoft when they had timed exclusive deals.

Why would any 3rd party developer make exclusive content if not to be compensated in some form or another? No 3rd party developer makes exclusive content for free.

458d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment

Phil was under oath when talking about Starfield. Do you believe he was lying?

458d ago 5 agree25 disagreeView comment

What the hell are you talking about? Do you simply change the subject as you please?

458d ago 13 agree22 disagreeView comment

What part of timed exclusive COD content for PS5 don't you understand?
Do you really expect Activision to make timed exclusive COD content (like DLC's) for nothing in return?

458d ago 3 agree19 disagreeView comment

Sony took a cut because they were promoting COD and had timed exclusive COD content.

Sony likely takes a cut on all their 3rd party exclusives, like Final Fantasy 16.

458d ago 7 agree27 disagreeView comment


458d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, I guess Insomniac, Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog should decide if they want to release their games on other platforms.

458d ago 5 agree24 disagreeView comment

What a strange world we live in. The CEO's are making the big decisions in a company. I always thought it was the intern that made the big decisions. /s

Someone should warn Jim Ryan that he's not making the big decisions at Playstation. /s

458d ago 16 agree41 disagreeView comment

Ironically, it's due to Sony's monopolistic tactics that's provoking these big purchases by Microsoft.

Sony was basically trying to make Starfield and COD as Playstation exclusives.

458d ago 19 agree75 disagreeView comment

There goes Sony's fanboys theory out the window about Sony and Starfield exclusivity.

458d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Sony are a cancer in the gaming industry. Their only goal is to kill any competition and be the only high end console available.
Using monopolistic tactics they got huge 3rd party exclusives, that simply would be impossible for others to obtain.

If Sony had their way, they would have made COD and Starfield exclusives, and by that, killing the competition. Microsoft did the only thing they could to save the Xbox...

459d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment

I find this comment so funny... and so dumb. The amount of people that agree with you is just ... * facepalm*

Both games have the same price tag. Should we expect less from No Man's Sky, in spite having the same price tag?... absolutely not.
The moment both games have the same price tag, you should expect the same quality, no matter the budget.

459d ago 2 agree17 disagreeView comment

It doesn't matter if No Man's Sky was made by 1 person, or made by a 1000. Both games have the same price tag, so you as a consumer should expect the same level of quality from both games.

Should we make up excuses for a game made by 10 people, even if that game has the same price tag of a AAA game?... only if you're an idiot.

459d ago 4 agree20 disagreeView comment


Here's a little secret, and, I hope it helps you guys in the future... EVERYBODY LIES.

459d ago 3 agree22 disagreeView comment

Don't worry. Bethesda games are timed exclusive... In a year or two the PS5 will get those games.

459d ago 5 agree62 disagreeView comment

Disney made exclusive contracts with Sony (Spiderman and Wolverine games), now people are baffled they made exclusive contracts with Microsoft?

Seriously, how hypocrite can people be...

459d ago 25 agree37 disagreeView comment

Whats surprising about all this, is that the American FTC prefers that two Japanese (Nintendo and Sony) companies continue controlling the console market, then an American company competing with those two Japanese companies.

459d ago 2 agree27 disagreeView comment