Minecraft Best Enchantments

Image of a happy Minecraft character running through a field of flowers with bees buzzing around, showcasing a bright and cheerful environment.

Regular items and equipment in Minecraft are all well and good, but nothing beats an item with a good enchantment. However, have you ever wondered what the very best enchantments in this game are? Well, we’re here to tell you.

Overall Best 3 Enchantments

3 – Efficiency

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

If we’re talking about a weapon that is used for mining, then every single professional Minecraft player or content creator will tell you to apply the Efficiency enchantment to your weapon. The amount of time you save is just too good to pass up.

2 – Mending

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

Hey, remember all the times you had to make an Anvil every time you wanted to repair your weapon or armor? Well, what if we told you there was a way for you to restore the durability of your worn out weapons and armor with the Mending enchantment? All you need to do is collect experience orbs and they’ll be used to restore your items to top condition.

1 – Unbreaking

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

If Mending is good to help you restore your items to their former glory, then Unbreaking is what stretches out how long a weapon or armor stays in good condition. Pair the two together and you have yourself the best enchantment duo in the game.

Best 3 Enchantments for Armor

3 – Mending

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

Yes, we’re starting off strong with one of the most popular and powerful enchantments in Minecraft, which is the mending enchantment. What this essentially does is it allows players to restore the durability of certain items using experience.

Any items with Mending in the player’s main hand, offhand, or armor slots that are not at maximum durability are repaired by experience orbs collected from any source, and if the item held is at maximum durability then it won’t be affected whatsoever.

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2 – Unbreaking

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

Keeping up the trend of listing armor enchantments that increases the durability or useful life of any piece of armor, we couldn’t possibly pass up the opportunity to put Unbreaking on this list. Specifically Unbreaking III.

What this pretty much does is it allows armor to last much longer than it normally would without breaking. Of course, Unbreaking III is the best of the three Unbreaking enchantments, but it’s also the most expensive of the lot. Because of this, some players go for either Unbreaking II or Unbreaking I.

1 – Protection

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

If you’ve been playing Minecraft for a while now, chances are you know how useful the Protection enchantment is, especially regarding survival. Although all Protection levels are useful, Protection IV naturally takes the cake because it reduces all damage taken by 16%.

The more pieces of armor you have equipped with this enchantment, the less damage you’ll take, as the effect stacks as well.

Best 3 Enchantments for Bows

3 – Punch

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

What the punch enchantment does would most likely be considered pretty much useless if it had been any other weapon we were talking about, but because it’s the bow, the Punch enchantment is invaluable.

What it does is it knocks back any enemy or mob you hit with an arrow. Seeing as how the greater the distance between you and the enemy, the more effective a bow can be, we’re sure you see why Punch is on this list.

2 – Flame

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

Okay, we think it’s cool to see every enemy we hit with the arrow burst into flames that do damage over time. After all, who doesn’t? Although this specific enchantment doesn’t have any tiers or anything like that, it’s still very useful, both in PvP and when out hunting monsters.

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1 – Power

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

Okay, so the bow might have multiple enchantments you can apply, but the fact of the matter is that the Power enchantment is the only one that actually increases the base damage of the arrows you shoot.

Every tier of this enchantment increases the damage dealt with your bow by 25%, which means the highest tier, tier 5, deals 150% extra damage for every arrow. Pretty deserving of #1 if you ask us.

Best 3 Enchantments for Pickaxe

3 – Fortune

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

If you’re someone who feels as though it takes way too long to farm enough diamonds to craft anything useful, then let us introduce you to the fortune enchantment. It increases the number of resources players get for mining any block, making the process of mining much quicker than it usually would.

2 – Silk Touch

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

Up next is easily the most popular pickaxe enchantment, which makes it so that every time you mine a block with this specific enchantment equipped to your pickaxe, instead of getting resources associated with that block, you’ll get the entire block added to your inventory instead.

Because of how much of a time saver this has the potential to be, at the end of the day it’s very situational, and for that exact reason, we decided to keep this at number 2 instead of at number 

1 – Efficiency

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

Okay, so riddle us this. What is the most important thing a pickaxe does? Mine, right? Well, what if we told you there was a way to cut down the time it takes to mine blocks by a lot? How much? Well, you’ll be able to cut down your mining time by more than half if you use the Efficiency V enchantment on your pickaxe.

This is most useful for when you’re on the hunt for diamonds, as to reach the deep underground diamond ores, you first have to dig through some tough deep slate. By having this enchantment applied to your pickaxe, you’ll be able to get there in no time at all.

Best 3 Enchantments for Axes

3 – Sharpness

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

Although the axe used to primarily be used for chopping trees and the like, it gradually became a weapon in its own right, with some players even favoring it over the sword. If you’re one such player, then the sharpness enchantment should be right up your alley.

What this enchantment does is that it increases the amount of damage you do against mobs and other enemies. Get Sharpness V on your favorite axe, and watch as all your enemies get cut down in no time at all.

2 – Smite

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

Skeleton, Withers, Zombie Pigmen, Strayed, Zombies, Wither Skeleton, Skeleton horses, Husks, and more. Yeah, it wouldn’t be an understatement to say Minecraft has a lot of undead enemies we have to deal with on a constant basis.

But what if we were to tell you there was an enchantment you can apply on your axe that would increase the damage dealt to all these enemies by a LOT? Yeah, you can probably guess where we’re going with this by now. The maximum level of the Smite enchantment is V, and every level gives you a 2.5 damage increase against an undead mob.

1- Efficiency

Minecraft inventory armor.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked

Yes, we know this one’s a bit of a repeat, but could you blame us? The efficiency enchantment is just that good. Pair up efficiency with Enchantment and Break to make it so you’re able to mine blocks at an insanely fast rate all the while keeping the damage done to your axe to a minimum.


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