How to Find an Underworld Chest at Grim Gate in Fortnite

Fortnite Myths and Mortals promo image of Grim Gate

Looking for some specific chests for a quest? This article explains how to find an Underworld Chest at Grim Gate in Fortnite, and how to complete the associated quest.

Weekly quests are a staple of Fortnite, and completing them will further your Battle Pass progress. That way you can unlock seasonal and event goodies, which everyone loves. The requirements of these quests can be as simple as moving from one place to another, or as complex as looting a specific chest and then making a getaway without suffering damage. One such chest is today’s subject, so let’s see how to find an Underworld Chest at Grim Gate in Fortnite.

Fortnite: How to Find an Underworld Chest at Grim Gate

Underworld chests are God-tier chests, and you can recognize them by their golden glow. There are five of them at Grim Gate. One in the center, between the two tallest towers, and one in each corner of the Landmark. The Landmark itself is quite small so finding these chests is very easy. Just look for glowing golden chests.

The tricky part is that every other player will try and loot these high-value chests. So the Landmark will be a highly dangerous zone to visit, let alone survive without taking damage, as is required by the quest.

Best Way to Complete the “Search an Underworld Chest at Grim Gate and Leave Without Taking Damage” Quest

The absolute best and easiest way to complete the “Search an Underworld Chest at Grim Gate and Leave Without Taking Damage” is to directly glide to Grim Gate, and escape using the river Styx.

From the Battle Bus glide towards the Grim Gate. Land on the wall connecting the two tallest towers there and this is where you will find an Underworld Chest. Search it, and then jump down into the river.

The river Styx grants you three zero-point dashes each time you jump into it (represented by greenish skulls that float around you), so use those dashes and the river to avoid enemy fire. Your best bet is to quickly dash westward, and as soon as you move far enough away from Grim Gate, the quest is complete.

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