
We Can’t Play Video Games Around Anybody Anymore

Jacob S. from Link-Cable writes: "Video games aren’t what the family friendly, colorful pass-time we used to enjoy with our families. The medium has changed and you’ll now see games with far more violence, coarse language, and nudity than ever before, making it difficult to play around with anyone anymore. The fact that most of the games people do play are catered to an adult audience make it feel strange and almost embarrassing when the only overly sexualized or brutally violent moment in the game just so happens to be when you are playing near someone or have somebody walk in during your play session.Simply put, its getting harder and harder to share gaming with other people."

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savedsynner2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

FWIW, I agree. My biggest issue is with gratuitous sex and violence(tho personally I believe sex is for marriage and games trivialize violence). Sometimes these elements are actually enhance the story(Witcher is a good example...you can make Geralt a sex maniac or someone you might consider bringing home to mom...there's a choice and reasoning behind it). Just because a story has sex or violence doesn't means it's endorsing it(tho often it is). But games like DoA and that ilk are just showing big breasted women, totally out of proportion just because they can.

Some games are made more adult audiences and some for kids, but each DoA-like title cheapens the argument that games are a legit form of media.

spreadlove2395d ago

DoA is also a Japanese game and Japan is a highly sexualized country. It is the most sexualized country of the industrailzed nations. Where else would you buy used women's panties in a vending machine?

Even in the US we largely got rid of booth babes, in Japan it is the main form of marketing.

2395d ago
spreadlove2395d ago Show
2395d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic2395d ago

I just think more countries are becoming too conservative, nothing wrong with admiring anatomy.

spreadlove2394d ago


Appeal doesn't mean you need to act on it. Taking something without permission also appeals, but most of us hopefully don't engage in that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2394d ago
datriax2395d ago

"sex is for marriage"

What is this, the 1800's? lol

savedsynner2395d ago

Haha, good one right. Saving the most intimate form of physical love for a monogamous committed relationship...how archaic. Sorry for the sarcasm but alot of people wait for marriage and are glad they did, apart from the moral and religious reasons.

NXFather2395d ago

His name implies that he is a Christian but, yeah that has never been true.

Sitdown2395d ago

Having a Biblical value is the 1800s?

shauzy2395d ago

Even Muslims don't do that anymore 😂

Cobra9512394d ago

Imposing Biblical values on a society is the 1800s (Victorian era, to be precise).

savedsynner2394d ago

"Imposing Biblical values on a society is the 1800s (Victorian era, to be precise)."

Um, pretty sure no one is imposing anything. Also, pre martial sex was looked down upon for thousands of years before the Victorian era. There were certain cultures that embraced it but many did not.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2394d ago
ChickeyCantor2395d ago

> I believe sex is for marriage

Everything tells me you will have sex before marriage

savedsynner2394d ago

And you're basing this off 2 comments in a comment thread...might want to look into your basis for coming to a solid conclusion.

ChickeyCantor2394d ago (Edited 2394d ago )

Because people like you that preach the loudest fall the hardest.

Your nick name is even savedsynner, you are born with original sin ( im assuming that's what you believe ). You're already out of logic there.


FinalFantasyFanatic2395d ago

I don't think any developer would noses sex and violence, anyway, we have a rating system for a reason. It's clear that gaming has grown up with it's audience.

Realms2394d ago


Wait what? Yes some games are made for adults and yes some games have questionable content, but so do other mediums.

You bring up DOA as proof of questionable game and the industry's creditability yet how many movies are made that are cheesy and over sexualize women? How many magazines are devoted to just that sexualize women come on man , and let's not get into the violence in other mediums because it's a lot worse in some cases. It's pretty simple you don't like that content don't buy it. The games have a rating system it's not like all games are extremely violent or overly sexualized.

savedsynner2394d ago

You bring up good points. My point was that other mediums do not have to fight uphill to be accepted as true works of art like video games do. I dare anyone to play Metal Gear Solid and The Witcher and tell me they are not art but they are not accepted as such by society at large like a great novel or movie would be.

Games like DoA, GTA, and any of the other games which treat their entire fanbase like 14 y/o boy don't help with that.

Please note I'm not saying devs don't have a right or even an incentive to appeal to young males, but rather it cheapens the whole format.

Realms2394d ago

@ Savedsynner

Who cares about what non gamers think, I don't. It's interesting that you bring up GTA because it's the best selling game by a large margin and yes underage kids and teenagers play it but who is buying said games the parents. So again some games are for adults I get that some people may think that they are only for kids but a whole generation has grown up playing video games and many of them are now adults who still enjoy them. I like GTA but not because it is ultra violent or because it's demeaning towards women but because it's satire of reality. Much like South Park the Fractured Butt Hole is these games are not for everyone but I'm glad they exist any kind of censorship is the first step towards an oligarchy where free though is censored.

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agent132395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

I hate all sexual things i almost puke when i think about sex, the games like witcher 3 are good because they let you choose to see these content or not but some games and movies force you to watch these crap scenes.

EatCrow2395d ago

Not to mention they dont adequately represent the intimacy either.

NXFather2395d ago

They don't let you see in the butt like porn.

G3ng4r2394d ago

No butt guts, no deal.

KwietStorm_BLM2395d ago

You puke when you think about sex? Lmao never heard of nothing like that in my life.

synistatha12395d ago

I was thinking the same thing lol

AspiringProGenji2395d ago

I would feel nauseas when I watched porn or thought about it when I was like 7 years old lol

FinalFantasyFanatic2395d ago

Some people have hang ups or just find it gross, others have no interest in it. It varies from person to person.

nitus102395d ago

Wierd I know but if you are a Christian and have read the Bible you get something like the following: Genesis 1:1-31 “Go forth and multiply” just to name one and I am quite sure God did not mean for you to attend a maths class.😎

Personally, I don't have a problem with some people puking when they think about sex. Basically, they are one more member of the human species that has voluntarily taken themselves out of the gene pool.

BTW. Other holy books have something like the above and it looks like humans have been listening.

Relientk772394d ago

So when you have sex with a girl you puke on her?

Lol, bet she doesn't like that

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2394d ago
2395d ago Replies(4)
2pacalypsenow2395d ago

" i almost puke when i think about sex,"

I feel sorry for you.

ziggurcat2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

"I hate all sexual things i almost puke when i think about sex..."


Segata2395d ago

Sex is horrible but having an avatar for a game where you murder people is ok tho right? You sound like the typical conservative. Blood and violence are fine on TV but a nipple is the worst thing ever! SO OFFENSIVE! THINK OF THE CHILDREN! SAVE THEM FROM THE NIPPLE!

FullmetalRoyale2395d ago

“I hate all sexual things i almost puke when i think about sex”


That was a good one, I’ll admit. Well done.

Soy2395d ago

..........you're Stan Marsh, aren't you?

Sunny_D2395d ago

Awww, you youngins will no doubt start thinking differently when you hit puberty.😂

Sam Fisher2395d ago

This new generation is soo weird, before puberty hit i was already spanky the monkey 🐒

Activemessiah2394d ago

Even Mario is showing his nipples now...

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2394d ago
Thatguy-3102395d ago

I actually think the opposite. Don't understand why one would be embarrassed with sex and a lot of violence in games. To me and to many others it's no different than watching a show or a movie.

EatCrow2395d ago

And why did you not add porn in there?

2395d ago
The_Sage2395d ago

Well... Would you feel comfortable with watching a sex scene with your mom?... How about your 6 year old daughter?...

My kids grown up now, but I did not play certain games till he was in bed when he was younger. I'm glad he was in bed when I got to Aphrodite in God of War.

Thatguy-3102395d ago

Well obviously you wouldnt exposed such things to a child. That's just common sense. However to an adult why would they care? It's sex and its pushing the story forward in some way whether its done in a good or bad.

Kleptic2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

^what is troubling is that, more and more, this seems to be some sort of unheard of thought process...

I have a nearly 2 year old son...Any parent is probably aware that somewhere between 1 year to 18 months old, short little human beings start to turn into sponges...they repeat every single word you say, they imitate every single thing they see.

It's pretty obvious that certain content isn't meant for 'the family'. Everyone keeps acting like it's this huge surprise when you play a mature game, watch a rated R movie, or just gamble with netflix's original series...and there is some nudity and/or a face turning inside out. With even the slightest bit of awareness as to what you're actually doing entertainment wise; the judgement on who you should absorb it with is kind of automatic...isn't it?

Big David Fincher fan, and i'm aware of what the guy puts in his movies/shows...Mindhunter went up the other night, and maybe we're nuts...but my wife and I didn't start it until our child was in bed, away from the TV. (spoiler alert) within 4 minutes, someone's head was missing. Within 30 minutes people weren't wearing clothes, doing things that everyone does, but sensitives can't stand others doing (or something?). I was surprised, for that guy, i thought it started a little slow....not because 'omg this show has sex and violence in it, what am I supposed to do if my 'family' is around?' It's not a big deal unless you fack up and aren't informed, and aren't aware of who you're with.

to be honest, i'm not sure if you're complaining about the content, or implying that it take some monitoring. Either way, on the same page with god of war...not a game to play in front of a little kid...nor was it ever advertised or described as one.

Cobra9512394d ago

I watched the 1st 2 episodes of Mindhunter myself last night, Kleptic. Good call waiting for the little ones to be asleep. Riveting show too.

The_Sage2395d ago

I understand what you're saying, but there are circumstances where I wouldn't play certain games. I wouldn't play Dante's Inferno in front of my mom.

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shaun mcwayne2395d ago

Sex and violence has been around since the caveman days, club a woman and take her back to your cave for Sex. Its is just some people that get embarrassed, depending on how they were raised or events in life that make you think a certain way about things. Me personally I think the worst ive experienced was Trevor from gta that guy was a loon, I laughed as much as I cringed at him, but at the end of the game I didn't want to kill him off as he made the campain for me. I wouldnt want to be friends or hang out with a guy like that, but man one of the most memorable characters in any game.

spreadlove2395d ago

If you club a woman, she is likely dead and you are having sex with a corpse. I don't think that was common even back then.

shaun mcwayne2395d ago

Have you ever met a woman they are not made of glass. Tougher than most men.

spreadlove2395d ago


Have you met a woman outside video games?

They are human, and have all those limitations.

yeahokwhatever2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

People are literally confusing a Mel Brooks movie with historical fact. This level of ignorance is how Hillary got any votes at all.


Cobra9512394d ago

To my knowledge, nobody filmed Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon mating rituals during the paleolithic era. The clubbing of prehistoric women for sex seems more like a modern fantasy from frustrated male storytellers than anything based on reality. They certainly couldn't fix skull fractures back then.

shaun mcwayne2393d ago

You guys are way to serious, lol.

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KwietStorm_BLM2395d ago

There are plenty of Indies that do what you're looking for.

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