CRank: 5Score: 27580

I can't remember the name of the developer but they said that if you need fast travel or pay to win schemes in order to not play the game then your game sucks and I completely agree.

15d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I haven't paid full price for a game in I don't even know how long , probably since the days of the PS3 at the latest. By the time I get around to playing something it's already been on sale multiple times and it's super cheap, paying full price is for suckers looking at the prices of new games being $90 Canadian

28d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

100% Wreckfest is the most fun you can have with your pants on lol

People are less interested in cars today because guess who introduced cars to most kids?
Guess who is increasingly not around anymore?
Single motherhood and idiotic feminist nonsense is rampant, and women are not the ones introducing their kids to cars, monster trucks, demolition derby etc.
It's incredibly sad.

37d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The best way to combat this is simply buy more physical media and send a message that this is a demand that will not disappear

42d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most games are becoming live service games, where by definition there is no end. They're designed for maximum grinding, lest you pay them to advance quicker, the free to play business model is being used on full price games.

89d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, free garbage with the cringiest writing ever with no subtlety whatsoever.
It assumes that teen girls commit suicide because they get called names and don't get as much likes and followers on social media as others. It's basically a woke idiot's version of explaining the suicide problem with teen girls.
The problem stems far deeper than that, as these are all surface level problems that literally everyone deals with, yet we don't all commit suicide.

94d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're so clueless they put a random guy's face on their front cover when absolutely no one knew who it was, no character was established. It's not like putting the face of Ellie from LOU2 or someone on the cover when the character is established and known, they just put a random face on it as if we're all supposed to know who it is.

This is marketing 101 and they're clueless.

105d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microtransactions made up over 70% of all game revenue last year. Think about the order of magnitude that is in terms of percentage - it's billions of dollars. Money isn't in game sales, it's in getting children who don't understand the value of money, to use their parents' credit card to buy an outfit for their favourite gun in Fortnite.

108d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's no difference in the $5 or $25 cards in terms of points. It's 1250 points for $5, times 5 is 6000 points for $25. You may as well trade the points in for store credit every $5.
Just so one day Sony doesn't say "Well it was a good run, but we're cancelling Playstation Stars, hope you all traded your points in for store credit and didn't save them up"

128d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Notorious, even that little old lady in that video couldn't do what a GTA protagonist needs to be capable of.
Even some of the strongest most athletic women in the world still fail at American Ninja Warrior.
The things you do in GTA just can't be done by women, least of all a skinny weak chick like the one in GTA 6 trailers. She would need to be a hulking monster of a woman to have the same strength and capability of manhandling men as any male GTA protagonist.

144d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

But really, do the woke imbeciles know that this isn't a superhero game, and that there's no way in hell a woman is a realistic playable character in the realistic world of GTA?
Sorry cucks, women are not going to physically manhandle men in any realistic situation. Leave that fantasy for superhero movies and games, GTA is set in real life only.

144d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Really? You never buy DLC? You're missing out on some amazing experiences, some of which surpass the original game in the way it fleshes out gameplay and ideas.

145d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

But really, do the woke imbeciles know that this isn't a superhero game, and that there's no way in hell a woman is a realistic playable character in the realistic world of GTA?
Sorry cucks, women are not going to physically manhandle men in any realistic situation. Leave that fantasy for your silly superhero movies and games, GTA is set in real life only.

155d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lazy? Spoken like a man child who has never built anything in his pathetic life and has no clue what pressure developers are under when it comes to deadlines -_-

180d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The whiny little b1tch who wrote this article hates it that there's too much stuff to do... meanwhile, none of that stuff is mandatory to get to the main story, which is what he was clamoring for. He's just whining for the sake of it.

201d ago 15 agree10 disagreeView comment

Zone of the Enders 2 is the best of all time by a mile, the rest are meh by comparison.

216d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's still around because all the creative people who had any vision left the company due to mismanagement, greed (not paying bonuses, same as Modern Warfare 2 devs back in the days of old Infinity Ward) and no vision of what GTA 6 should look like, settings, playable characters etc.
GTA 6 has been in development hell since 2013 right after GTA 5's initial PS3/360 launch. You can't make great games without creative people and this proves it.

219d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

What's the best free emulator?

228d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Phil Spencer just said if they can't expand their games division beyond consoles that they'll pack it up and quit entirely.
That's the greedy business model for them - if you can't monopolize an industry there's no point in competing within it to make everyone else better.

230d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really liked 3, although part 4 tried to be a superhero game and it was just dumb as shit.
This game is also dumb as shit as the writing is peak poor, there are no jokes that I'm aware of as I never laughed once, and it's glitchy and disorganized AF. The story makes no sense, as it's typical campy "Oh hey we're doing crazy things like killing people etc." but everyone is somehow super chill about the mass murder as if it's nothing. This is common them...

239d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment