CRank: 5Score: 12890

Game of the generation? Not even game of the year.

249d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A video game where you shoot each other to death until only 1 person or team is left standing. And they thought putting black history month in it was a good idea.

Nah man, that was a dumb move by Epic. The kids playing fortnite don't want to be educated, they want to play the damn game. If Epic doesn't like it, then another developer is more than happy to have those players join their game instead.

290d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Art style is unique if the teaser is accurate, but PLEASE try to add some innovation. Battle Royales, hero shooters, and COD are all that we ever see anymore.

291d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because a century being over 100 years implies it's the greatest playstation game of all time. I love the game but the fan base are ridiculous.

293d ago 32 agree9 disagreeView comment

It wasn't enabled again, they just found another method. Microsoft started the ban shortly after Xenia launched, which honestly was pushing it too far. If hackers launched a PS3/PS4 emulator on PS5 I doubt Sony would let it slide either..

297d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

It was only a matter of time. I suspect Xenia/Xbox360 emulation was pushing it too far.

297d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

After Infinite and that laughably bad TV show, it would take a miracle to save Halo.

334d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sad, if rumors are true they originally planned a new engine, more missions, way faster updates. But somewhere during development they went back to the old engine, and had to keep the micro transactions and slow updates.

Destiny was doomed from the start. Activision killed the studio that made one of the most well known game series in history.

2222d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not much money. Microsoft don't release detailed sales numbers, so I'm willing to bet a lot of people like myself used the 14 day trial game pass and never bothered renewing. Plus it was free when you bought a new Xbox at most stores. I wonder how many of those 2 million sales were gamers who bought this turd at full price.

Game design is broken beyond repair, and instead of changing it, they are doubling down on trading companies and grinding. Terrible company.

2227d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Author seems to miss the fact that the game design is fundamentally broken.

More new quests with trading companies? This was one of the biggest problems with the game! Trading companies should be a very minor part of the game. And finding a treasure chest should feel rewarding, not just a step in order to get a few measly coins so you can buy a hat.

More types of enemies? More focus on exploration? They had 4 years. There's no excuse for how fucking b...

2227d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except they only ever had Team Kojima to make game engines, and they are basically gutted and without a leader.

Konami needs to go away. If they stopped after the release of Phantom Pain they would have saved a bit of their reputation. Now they are milking the work of a man they tried to destroy, and don't seem to understand why that pisses everyone off.

2227d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good luck with that. Usually these groups are amateurs who end up getting doxxed themselves. Not to mention leading witch hunts on people who are probably innocent but blamed by people who have a grudge.

2228d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved it. It was so unreal, I don't think i was the only one laughing my ass off, wondering if this was the bad ending.

To those complaining, I thought it was way fucking better than the cliche arrest the bad guy after proving he was a liar.

2228d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you are already going to spend $300, why not spend the extra to get the best?

Same goes with televisions. I see people cut corners all the time instead of future proofing their investment.

Are you saving $200? Or wasting $300?

2237d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Far Cry 5 would be way better suited for Battle Royale from Ubisoft. Especially if they kept Wild Life in the game, nothing like running for your life from a Moose while another player is trying to run you over.

2240d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Which Randy Pitchford announced over a year ago. He even talked about loot boxes and such.

Either the author of this article is behind the times, or this is just clickbait.

2251d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I mean from what I played, it can be fun. But so can kicking a can down the street.

Problem is the game is this: Get quest, sail, get chest or kill, return for coins. Repeat.

If Destiny was simply just strike missions, thats what Sea of Thieves pretty much is.

2251d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya, this game is far from ready. No Mans Sky had way more stuff to do at launch, and they only had 6 or7 people working on it.

The price tag is outrageous. Make it free, give treasure chests items not grind coins, and include micro transactions for unique cosmetics.

2252d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Video game devs and voice artists are constantly being assholes. Manveer was a racist and Bioware praised the guy, even when he was insulting white employees.

This is just bullshit. Another company pandering to SJW's because of their loud screeching. Thankfully most companies have realized they have more to lose by doing so. This will only hurt Yooka Laylee, not help it.

2615d ago 43 agree32 disagreeView comment

sense of entitlement to people who got it is hilarious. If a store clerk forgot to lock up for the night, does that mean you're allowed to keep what you can sneak out?

2981d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment