
CRank: 5Score: 18230

Rockstar did not say they preferred anything; a single dev from rockstar said “I myself prefer the Xbox because of Xbox Live”.

Fanboys...where delusion twists the truth.

5094d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment

You're calling the Ps3 hardware 'dated' in comparission with the 360s hardware, and then went on to disparage the PS3 version of RDR using AW as an example to boast the 360s capabilities? You do realize AW was sub HD as well do you not? Your logic is a strech, even for fanboy standards.

5096d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think some of the people that ripped AW for it's sub HD resolution did so due to the fact a lot of fanboys hyped the graphics as the next console benchmark. Others did it just to be jerks.

5096d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

From the guy who said AW would be game of the year.

5096d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Overheard a couple ubisoft employees talking on the train awhile back about the development nightmares they've endured. They mentioned having to drop the multiplayer component in it's entirety as well as the direction of this game changing several times. They were not happy and were not optimistic about the end result. One suggested to the other that he should just work on 'autopilot', complete the game, and hope the next project turns out better.

5097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It seems you can place people on 'ignore' on their profile page.

5105d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can see a single field in motion. There are 2 fields per frame of video and stepping through a cut in the video will not show a flash of a single field despite it being there. However, in motion I will see that field everytime. It's not the perfect reference to your point but it's an example of how your eyes see things in motion that are not descernable while static.

5106d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're right, you didn't hype the game at all, it was all PS3 fans.

Some of Hallmarks comments on Alan Wake:

'Alan Wake is the most visually impressive game to ever grace a console.'

'This is the most impressive game I have ever seen on consoles.'

'My must have single player game this year so far. I upgraded my HDTV for this game'

'Watching Alan Wake game play on XBL with ...

5106d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

...Metacritic has a listing for Alan Wake on PC releasing November 1? I imagine this is old but Im surprised they haven't removed it yet.

5108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Metacritic has a listing for Alan Wake on PC releasing November 1. I imagine this is old but Im surprised they haven't removed it.

5108d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...but that doesn't make sense. For a person to purchase a PS3 'second hand', doesn't that require the console to be originally purchased at retail ('first hand')?! Since every console purchased at retail is not resold, most people buy their PS3 new. Am I missing something?

Edit: @ Edge. Didnt see your comment, but that's what I was thinking.

5119d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, it wouldn't technically be 3 sales. Unless I entirely missed your point, and if I did i apologtize in advance. The people selling you the xbox no longer have it, so it wouldn't be right for MS to record the sale toByou. The previous owners are no longer Xbox owners unless they replaced the one they sold, in which case that sale would hve been factor into the 40 million. The install base is the number of consoles in homes, not how many people owned it at one tome or another.

5122d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I didn't notice he left out the 5 million sold in 05. So it seems it's also fiscal year to date.

5122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you consider the year end numbers from launch; that would mean they have sold an average of 1.2 million consoles a month in 2010. I haven't been following NPD numbers etc., does that add up?

Edit: I should add that I'm going by Siyrpbbo's post of the year end numbers.

5122d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I casually 'debated' that Pulitzer Prize winning journalist's specific point of his post, not in the way in which he wrote it, or the way he choose to express it. There is a huge difference. I went on to debase his postbased on the fact I felt his point wasn't valid and showed a biased ignorance. You 'debased' my claim solely based on the way I wrote it and did not speak to the point of it at all. Are you now choosing to debate my point that his doesn't 'get games' because he is 'well read'? ...

5122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am really sorry you are so distraught by my profiency on a test. You really shouldn't put so much weight in others accomplishments and should concentrate on building your own success rather than trying to downplay those of the people you encounter. I never meant to emasculate you or make you feel inferior. If I did howver, I am not too worried; as it seems you have little difficulty in propping yourself up by criticizing peoples grammar within an internet post. I assure you I am not insulte...

5123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your points in regards to my spelling and grammar such as my use of 'there' as opposed to 'their' etc. are all valid. Although I wasn't aware that my post was being graded on these merits, it was a post on intelligence so I could have been more diligent. Regardless, I am terrible at spelling and always have been. With that said, internet posts are not usually held to a high grammatical standard but again, i was questioning someone's intelligence so I will take it. Furthermore, I literally wro...

5124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have an IQ tested at over 200 amd I am currently considering an offer of membership to Mensa, yet I love gaming and always have.

It's interesting that all the 'artists' working on games, pouring there heart and soul, day and night, into artictic creations are not actually creating 'art'.

Hey, all you devs, stop codeing, writting and designing your silly games and read a damn book! Morons! /s

That statement alone displays his ignorance; and his i...

5125d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can Crysis be a better game? That's completely subjective. I never liked Halo myself but it's popularity speaks for itself in terms of gameplay. Halo is a part of pop culture, Crysis is not and likely never will be. It won't out Halo anything.

The real question is will it unchart Uncharted 2 (or GOW3, KZ2) in terms if graphics as they claim? I'll believe it when I see it but certainly welcome it if they do.

5135d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

...but this is a Beta, glitches are expected. That is one of the reasons for releasing a beta. If a beta has a low amount of glitches, its showing some 'polish'.

Why do people hate Halo so much. I never got the love of the game myself, it just didnt do it for me, but I would think I am in the minority.

Lots of people love Halo, and they will snap up anything Halo related; why are they not allowed?

5142d ago 22 agree1 disagreeView comment