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5364d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I might as well, if the games are different enough to warrant it. We'll have to see as more of the story is revealed.
If I were S E, i would have made two completely different genres, one an action RPG and the other a traditional JRPG, to catch two different kinds of gamers. THAT would have rocked :D

5364d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to actually agree with Zlatko. The first pictures that were shown were kinda generic and meh. Now the game seems to be shaping up to something interesting. Hopefully nier Gestalt and Nier replicant will be different enough to warrant purchasing and playing both.

5364d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most probably because Microsoft dropped on them some big money for the two version to be "identical"

5364d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

it might NOT be about the same guy. They have the same name, and that's all we know. Given that one has to save the lil sister and the other his wife, it's very possible that they just share the name.

5364d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Read the article :D This is PS3 exclusive, Gestalt is 360 exclusive, setting is the same, main character is named nier in both. In the 360 one he has to save his wife, while in the PS3 one he has to save his little sister. Nothing else is known.

5364d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You forget titles like Infamous, and there are many others that while they are sequels they come from young franchises that started this generation or during the end of the previous generation. When was the last time Nintendo created a new AAA franchise? World War 1?

Promotion is also a big difference. At least Sony and Microsoft promote towards core gamers, bringing third party developers to actually develop lots of core games for their consoles. Nintendo promotes only towards c...

5365d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Please spoony, I understand that you need to defend nintendo at every step, but most of those are nothing more than extremely low quality second party sovelware.

We're talking about AAA titles here. Zero.

Again, it's not all bad though, that way the actual third party AAA titles won't get downgraded to fit the wii, and those of us that have multiple consoles can enjoy them with decent graphics.

This doesn't change the fact that reggie should stop whinin...

5365d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh sure, now it's our fault that Nintendo's creativity can't go beyond putting some motion sensing in a controller and they'd rather shoot themselves in the face than actually... you know... creating a new core franchise?
Is it our fault that basically ALL their promotion is aimed towards casual gamers and non gamers?

Aren't you a little confused? Nintendo is the developer, we're the customers. It's their responsibility to create products and do the marketing, not ours to f...

5365d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Reggie should really shut up. His comments are becoming more and more irritating. Compare the number of core titles released for the Wii with that of ANY other major console in the history of gaming and you'll realize why many core gamers feel ignored.

The only "core games" they have are the n'th iteration of their usual obsolete franchises.

Moreover their promotion and marketing is 99% aimed at casuals. It's obvious that third parties aren't really hot on...

5365d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Seriously... then sega complains about sales. Of course a game that releases when it's 9 months old and the hype has come and gone won't sell as well as it could.
I understand that it's text/voice heavy game, but summer 2010 simply has no justification.

5365d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sega of America has demonstrated again and again since the time of the Dreamcast that they learned their marketing in preschool. They have no idea how the game is played, and their distribution and publishing policies are horible.

Just read how a moron named Simon Jeffery (Sega of America's former president) went on mumbling that western games should be fed primarily western games: Sorry if i had to break a bubble.

Actually I don't think the generation makes a difference. If you never played games before, but you buy a console, and decide to make gaming your hobby (as such treating it like an hobby, not a simple occasional pastime), then you're a gamer.

On the other hand, you may have begun with the vic 20, but if gaming isn't currently your hobby, then you're not a gamer.

5368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm afraid you're confusing "hobby" with "pastime" There's a subtle difference there.

Putting "time" doesn't mean putting in 10 scarce minutes just because you have to fill them somehow and happen not to have a newspaper handy.

Just kicking a ball doesn't make you a soccer player. Just playing tetris or puzzle bobbe doesn't make you a gamer :D
It can be PART of a gamer's gaming habits, but that alone isn't enough.

5368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In fact hobbies require time and passion. That's exactly what differentiates a gamer from someone that isn't one. The gamer cultivates the "hobby" of gaming. Non gamers simply play some games occasionally when they have nothing better to do.

A soccer player is someone that regularly trains in the sport, even if not a professional. Someone that just kicks the ball in the backyard occasionally is someone that plays ball, no more, no less.

5368d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yay! Flamefest incoming!

5368d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you kick a ball in your backyard, then you're a soccer player? Oookay :D

5368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And duplicate on top of that

5368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment