DeadSpaced4243d ago

Like the author said, I agree that gaming will evolve, but violence will always have a place in games, at least in part. Conflict can be achieved easily by violence and games center around conflict.

Some great games are based around violence. It all has to do with the story.

Vinc3604243d ago

While what you say is true, gaming and other mediums have constantly proved along the years that some of the best stories don't include violence. When this medium reaches its maturity, we'll get a bit less of these violent tales. Now I'm not saying I hate violence in video games. I just bought Dead Space 3 and preordered MG Rising, GOW Ascension and Gears of War Judgment... but just for sheer variety of games, it'd be nice if we could get a couple of actual "AAA" games that didn't include shooting mechanics or other violent and repetitive things that we see in every game? Stuff like journey and walking dead was absolutely great. Why not give that even more attention so these games can grow into something even more interesting?

unworthy154243d ago

Violence WILL always have a place in video games, I agree, and acknowledge, and am HAPPY about that. Trust me, I love my violent video games.

I'm just saying we need to balance things out a bit. Not every game needs re-occurring enemies and a combat system, ya know? Hell, I want to make a video game without a health bar. That would be grand.

Vinc3604243d ago

I can tell you didn't read the article, which leads me to believe you should be the one that fades.

Donnywho4243d ago

After reading this article I'm convinced that the reason given for why violence should fade in games is because the author personally enjoys non violent decision based games a lot. Sure, it seems like there's some valid point in there about gaming evolution being held back by overdone violence but if you really analyze the piece it just doesn't make any damn sense.

Vinc3604243d ago

It's not about the violence itself holding back evolution of gaming, it's about the sheer immaturity of the format and how it treats violence. Walking Dead is violent, and the author uses it as an example. I don't think he's saying violence itself is the problem, but considering how games tend to utilize violence in immature, cliche ways then maybe the solution is to start focusing on less violent games?

unworthy154243d ago

"Violence" is simply the best way I could sum up the elements I was actually talking about in the piece. What I meant was the traditional "you encounter enemies every now and then and you have to fight them."

It's time for gaming to grow up a bit. We need more untraditional games in the mainstream. Also, Journey isn't a decision based game.

-Gespenst-4243d ago

I keep saying more or less this.

If you don't agree with this guy, you can only be a pubescent teenager, at least in your mind.


Finding Solace in 'Journey'

BY JOHN: As winter approaches, I find myself searching out "cozy" games that I can play when I need a break from the high-octane action and intense competition found in most modern games.  If you're feeling a little jaded by mini-maps covered in icons and a list of quests and side-quests a mile long, I have the perfect game for you.  A serene masterpiece for those looking for a port in the storm.

That game is Journey.

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Sky: Children of the Light Sliding Onto Switch in June

thatgamecompany announced earlier today that Sky: Children of Light is finally coming to the Nintendo Switch this June after many delays due to the pandemic.

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Magog1254d ago

Sad that they went from making amazing games to f2p MTX ridden junk.


8 Years Later, Journey is Still as Serenely Captivating as Ever

A look back at thatgamecompany’s seminal work nearly a decade after its PlayStation debut.

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techies1602d ago

annnnnnd i got it for free on PSN !!!

Pego1602d ago

At first I was reluctant to spend $20 for a 2.5 hour game but man, it was worth it. What an amazing game.