
The Worst and Most Disappointing Games of 2013

BT writes: "2013 was a brilliant year. We enjoyed tons of great games, met a bunch of interesting new people, and just generally received a bounty of diverse creativity. Unfortunately, there were more than a few missteps as well."

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Venoxn4g3782d ago

Killer is Dead and Remember Me are not disappointing games (at least for me) :)

MadLad3781d ago

Killer is Dead is a fantastic game and Remember Me, despite its flaws, is still a rather good game in my books.

CrossingEden3781d ago

Killer is dead imo is just what happens when someone is trying to make something seem quirky just for the hell of it. Substance>Style

SamPao3781d ago

Yeah remember me was cool!

MadLad3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

I remember really enjoying the game the first time around, but I can promise you that, now, I know it was purely because of the story.
When I attempted a second playthrough I only got so far because the game was purely about the gameplay now and, on that level, it far from delivered.

It really is a sub-standard shooter that rests on its good writing. I am pretty sure it is the openness of the original that keeps it an engaging game to this day by comparison.

This was meant as a reply to showtimefolks regarding Bioshock:Infinite.

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showtimefolks3781d ago

for me it was bioshock Infinite, there was so much hype and delays but the end product didn't deliver imo

1st bioshock is still the best bioshock, in infinite there were so many missed opportunities. Boss battles were not well throughout, gameplay became dull quite fast, it was a beautiful yet very empty world. In the gameplay demo at E3 it was shown hat Elizabeth would be able to open tear to other worlds but that was never used in the main game and could have been a huge game changer

ghost boss battle
and last boss battle both sucked, last one a lot more since you are fighting the damn ships

STICKzophrenic3781d ago

I haven't even finished Infinite because it was so disappointing. Colombia sucks compared to rapture.

JasonKCK3781d ago

I agree with Bioshock Infinite. Too casual for my taste and overrated. I played Bioshock about 10 times and Bioshock 2 3 times. I played Bioshock Infinite once and deleted it off my HDD. Even though I got it cheap from Steam, I still feel like it was a waste of money.

Zeniix3781d ago

Funny, for me it's the game of the year, I guess mostly of the story since I prefer story over gameplay most of the times, not saying I didn't like'd the gameplay cause I saw nothing wrong with it.

showtimefolks3781d ago

it didn't have a great story either besides the huge ending twist. Original bioshcok and even bioshock 2 had much better stories

but i guess to each their own

Zeniix3781d ago

Well A LOT of people thought differently about the story then you.

showtimefolks3780d ago

that's why i said to each their own, my opinion isn't fact. Great thing about games is you may like something i don't but that's fine

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3780d ago
ErryK3781d ago

Remeber Me was a stellar game.

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Remember Me - A Forgotten Gem

A Capcom classic, Remember Me, has ironically been forgotten in the 10 years since its release on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

SimpleSlave335d ago

Sadly, Remember Me is not a forgotten Gem but a case of wasted potential. The best idea the game had was the Mind Remix Segments and the New Paris World setting, neither of which where really exploited or used well. Instead everything comes down to this just being pretty Beat'em Up and nothing more.

It does deserves a re-imagining though. Make it in first person and use something like the current Sherlock Holmes like gamedesign. Use some of that Deus Ex/Hitman mechanics and go all the way with the Memory Remix as the center piece.

Each case takes place in the mind of a victim, either dead, dying, or alive, and each level should be design like a Hitman level. Contained but chock-full of details. Investigating in the real world give you hints and clues as to how you can help or mess up a person's memory. Make this a player's choice. You can add combat but make it tasteful and short IF combat is required. Make the combat fit the narrative and the setting. Like a Boss fight taking place in the Mind of a CEO that's hiding a dark secret. Or a victim injected with some nasty Nano Machines trying to erase her memories so she can't be scanned by the Memory Remix Agent. Stuff like that. Again, make these short, sweet and to the point.

The potential for a classic is there but the original wasn't even close to being it.

blackblades335d ago

I liked the game, couldve been better but you can say that for every game or movie.


Looking Back at the Best Beat'em Ups on the PS3

Carve your burning fist through this list featuring the best beat'em ups you can experience on the PlayStation 3.

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jznrpg416d ago

I loved Asura’s Wrath . It’s my avatar still to this day

Abnor_Mal416d ago

I remember Remember Me, I haven’t forgotten that it was actually a good game.


Bring it Back | Remember Me

Some may not remember Capcom and Dontnod Entertainment's Remember Me, but GotGame does, making it a part of another Bring it Back retrospective.

IamTylerDurden11129d ago (Edited 1129d ago )

I agree. Personally, Remember Me, imo, was quite underrated. The game was linear and beautiful Neo Paris wasn't available to be explored as much as I would've liked, but as a whole, it was enjoyable.

Graphics were excellent, the art style was terrific and Nillin was a tremendous character that was voiced beautifully. It even had a solid story. Combat was attacked, but going back recently, I rather enjoyed it. The pressen system was genius and the basic flow to action worked. Platforming was terrible, but the overall package was one that i loved and I'd rather DontNod make more titles like this then become complacent making knockoff Tell Tale games. They are going down the same road as TT, using old tech and pumping out inferior products consistently. I know they had interest in a sequel and had already written the script. Capcom just doesn't want it, but I do.

Magog1129d ago

Yeah their walking simulators do nothing for me. Funny that Quantic Dream seem to be going in the other direction. I wouldn't be surprised to see some actual gameplay in their next game.

Relientk771129d ago

I will always see Remember Me as one of the most underrated games of the PS3/Xbox 360 generation. I had a blast with the game. I would love a sequel.

PersonX1129d ago

No point, nothing but a mediocre game.