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"Second screen apps aren't a gimmick, will soon be complusary" - Ubisoft EMEA boss

"There are so many things to do on the second screen that enhance your experience. Very, very soon it will become obvious to players and compulsory for most new games," said Ubisoft's Alain Corre.

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Community3885d ago
Godmars2903885d ago

And gaming will likely die then.

There has not been on case where a second screen has been absolutely necessary. Worse that such a "compulsory" is not supplied. Replies on a gamer having an add-on which could cost more than a game console.

krazykombatant3884d ago

I think the implementation of the second screen is an awesome way to expand on gaming.

I highly doubt gaming will die or any as drastic as the light you're putting it under.

The WiiU (first party games) do an amazing job of utilizing the 2nd screen. If the second screen becomes something more than just "inventory screen" Then I think it will be better for gaming.

Godmars2903884d ago

"If the second screen becomes something more than just "inventory screen" Then I think it will be better for gaming."

That's the thing; if game companies try to force the issue, make the second screen a thing when they haven't figured out what to do with it, can't make it as common as the joystick, then its just going to be this expensive thing that people wont really need but have to have because because one or two titles have managed to incorporate it.

And really the WiiU - no one is buying it under the argument that no one is making games for it. How much do you thing that has to do with the second screen as much as its specs?

kazuma9993884d ago

They just need to put that second screen on the vita, since you can use it as a controller -_-.

krazykombatant3884d ago

There is a difference between not figuring out what do with it and being to damn lazy to come up with a concept. Dice and Ubi seem keen to the new idea of a secondary screen.

You want to turn this into a specs talk? I personally couldn't careless because I enjoy my hobby on many platforms. The WiiU offers some variety from the rest of the market. Did they skimp out on the hardware yes. However, graphics aren't just what make a game fun, plenty of games from the Wii are testament to this.

If I want to enjoy games at the very best I play them on my mid/high end rig. (Oh but it's too expensive! This hobby IS expensive).

Everyone laughed when the Wii first came out and it did an amazing job so much so that MS and Sony had copied the idea, it was pretty crap but they copied it.

To say something like "the end of gaming" due to a second screen is absurd.

Godmars2903884d ago

"There is a difference between not figuring out what do with it and being to damn lazy to come up with a concept. Dice and Ubi seem keen to the new idea of a secondary screen."

And what have DICE or Ubisoft done which is amazing or unique with the WiiU's second screen? The system's been out for a while and yet all that's been done is PR speak to the effect of "you need this" with nothing which sows that I do.

"Everyone laughed when the Wii first came out and it did an amazing job so much so that MS and Sony had copied the idea, it was pretty crap but they copied it."

Yeah people laughed at the Wii. Are still laughing at it in fact. At the fact that its the #1 selling console of its gen, and was unceremoniously dumped by Nintendo in favor of the WiiU which has become another laughing matter.

And yes MS and Sony copied motion control from Nintendo. It part of the reason, with Kinect literally being shoved down people's throats, That the XB1 has become a hated system before it even launched. The PS4 has become so popular, because it technically dropped Move while silently keeping it.

Its that the second screen has to contend with motion control as well as the return of VR, another gimmick which is outright overly expensive, that I say that any segment of the gaming industry which insist or force the use of any one of them, has the never to say they're not gimmicks when they clearly are, will very likely go down in flames.

krazykombatant3884d ago

Yeah people laugh at the Wii and Nintendo don't even hear them from their gigantic pile of money accumulated from the console.

I haven't said that Dice nor Ubi have done anything with the WiiU, all of the Ubi ports into the WiiU barely use the gamepad for anything other than a map or basic junk.

However, they are implementing secondary screens as bigger influence in their next couple of games.

Microsoft copies and at least makes improvements/ keeps to their guns. Sony doesn't talk about the move because IT IS GARBAGE. So they keep within the comfort zone.

This whole next gen crap with MS/Sony is a joke. One side tried to change things it blew up in their faces and Sony just basically said "I don't want to be that guy".

Does the WiiU have issues? yes mostly because Ninty released too early and didn't have the software to even get the thing started.

I find motion controls to be great if done properly. Skyward Sword was a great example of this. It can be done poorly look at most kinect games.

VR, meh I haven't use Oculust Rift and I'm sure neither have you. It is an expensive piece of hardware, but I'm sure 25 something years down the line we'll have something close to it in our living rooms.

This industry is tough and competitive if you can be innovative enough and get something new to work and be out there for the masses it won't necessarily go down in flames.

How old are you mate you sound very cynical saying the end of gaming is coming and ya-da ya-da ya-da let's enjoy our hobbies while we still can! :]

Godmars2903884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

I'm someone who doesn't want to deal with motion controls, VR or a second separate game screen, that's who I am. More so when the damn tech's been out for years and jack all but PR talk has been done with it.

Yes, I was being overly dramatic in saying the "End of gaming", but do you honestly think that the Wii and WiiU were/are honest successes? That the industry can keep on going with AAA and higher budget productions that only copy COD? Capcom and from what I hear EA are circling the drain over thinking like that.

And even though I bash the WiiU if not the whole industry as a failure I have every intention of buying one just as soon as Xenoblade 2 gets a release date for the Western market.

As much as my hobby is tearing itself apart and drifting away from the arcade themes which first drew me to it, there's no way I'm missing fighting giant monsters in a robot anime style!

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slinky1234563885d ago

I definitely think they can work well, very well in fact, just that it takes away from the experience a little to look away constantly. And if you're not doing it constantly is it really worth it without some huge bonus?

JimmyLmao3885d ago

I think PlayStation App for PS4 and SmartGlass for XB1 will provide for some good game experiences in the future.

Could end up something like this?

jackanderson19853885d ago

thought they already had something like that in production for the DS4?

JimmyLmao3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

yeah they are a real thing.

made by Nyko, they are called Smart Clips.

Should be available around the launch of both consoles.

jackanderson19853885d ago

i'm personally looking forward to it... even something as simple as having the map on a mobile device would be a great addition to a game

mcstorm3885d ago

It all depends on the game. If you look at some of the games on the WiiU it works well. Even though COD got a port without DLC ect the WiiU Game pad works well with COD in terms of selecting guns mp info ect. Fifa also worked well on the WiiU game pad but this will also work well with voice.

Then for games like Pikmin and Wonderful101 the have made it work well too.

For me a 2nd screen is not a must but like Kinect it can add to games and more options and different ways of playing games is always a +.

chrissx3885d ago

Please leave it to be optional not compulsory

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Ubisoft: Stadia's Server Capabilities Will Usher in a New Generation of Games

Ubisoft executive Alain Corre said the publisher believes Google Stadia will usher in a new generation of games thanks to the hardware capabilities of its data servers, allowing creators to use more NPCs and better AI in their games.

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ccgr1690d ago

Can't wait to try the Stadia

Imp0ssibl31690d ago

Stadia will be the real next gen. Mark my words

Nyxus1690d ago

"More to the point, I was missing shots, and it was initially difficult to time melee hits against enemies. It's not that the input lag makes Doom unplayable, but it makes it harder, and it makes you worse at the game. It's the kind of thing that would make you reboot your console and check your TV settings."

And that was in a controlled environment.

Mopedgames1690d ago

People who are excited for this just haven't tried streaming. And it's not like playing on a laggy TV or something because with a TV the lag is fairly constant. If your playing a rhythm game on a laggy TV your brain can easily compensate and just press the button early. With streaming the lag is constantly changing so just pressing the button early isn't going to be enough, your brain can't adapt to that scenario.

You got people buying ultra low latency monitors and buying gaming mice and fancy controllers to improve their gaming experience and streaming goes hard in the opposite direction.

Streaming has been done in the past and it has never really caught on, I don't think this will be the time. It may seem big because they are buying so much advertising, but On-Live when it was new was pretty much the same and we know how that turned out.

1690d ago Replies(1)
Brave_Losers_Unite1690d ago (Edited 1690d ago )

Imagine being a Stadia fanboy. Must be really poor not to be able to afford hardware for gaming. Enjoy the input lag and streamed video

Mopedgames1690d ago (Edited 1690d ago )

No thanks, hopefully the whole streaming thing crashes and burns.

nyu11690d ago

It won't. You should come to terms with that.

If it doesn't work out now, it will later. As long as internet capabilities keep improving, streaming will be a thing.

Inzo1690d ago

You put way too much faith in the improvement of the internet. Also streaming services like Netflix are in financial trouble and Disney's streaming service hasn't even released yet and they have already cancelled over dozen shows and its not because there is a problem with the internet, its because people are losing interest.

I predict that game streaming will go the same route because so much more can go wrong with streaming a game than with simply streaming a tv show.

milohighclub1690d ago

Until they realise it's not turning a profit so they scrap it and you lose all your games...

andibandit1689d ago (Edited 1689d ago )


"Also streaming services like Netflix are in financial trouble "

Because the other big players(hbo,Hulu,Disney,Amazon ,apple) have seen that Netflix is sitting on a goldmine and want a piece of the action.

"its because people are losing interest."

Do you have an article or something that suggests this cause I'm finding nothing?

1690d ago
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Ubisoft: New Consoles a 'Major Leap' over This Gen, 'Fantastic' for Creators; UPlay+ Has Great Value

Ubisoft's executive Alain Corre stated that the next-gen consoles from Microsoft and Sony are going to be a major leap over this gen, which is fantastic for creators. He even called the SSD addition a revolution.

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Chris_Wray1781d ago

Great value is subjective. If they release quality games, certainly true - but it all depends on the games being entertaining rather than just vectors for content. I will certainly agree on the upcoming console aspects, the power of them - though I'm PC first and foremost - and SSD's are a huge leap in reducing loading times.

Eldyraen1781d ago

For millions, it’s probably a great deal. It depends on what titles are out though and if you sub for a month or more of course.

Cost of console (or both?) as well as launch titles though? That will add up fast. Subs can help more budget conscious day one gamers (or even not day one).

Uplay+, EA Access, Game Pass, and/or whatever else comes out will be extremely lucrative for day one buyers though. You can pay the cost of a single game and get instant access to 3-4+ game libraries for at least a month thanks to BC and new titles (I’m assuming eA will make pc’s EA access premium console friendly—think day one games are limited to that version ATM.

That’s probably when I’ll actually look into subs most often—at launch when i probably spent over a grand buying 2 new consoles, accessories, some other games, etc. or when I’m done playing the ones I bought or games that saw improvements added.

I don’t think I’m keeping multiple $10-15 a month subs often however. Especially since I and many others already pay so many (Switch/Xbox/PS/etc and then Netflix/etc too all on top of Internet—too many to list actually). I’ll take advantage of the models when I want to though ;)

Profchaos1781d ago (Edited 1781d ago )

I'm a console and PC player I have my preference of platform depending on the game type eg long rpg experiences like fallout 4 I prefer on console but fps I play on pc but on PC I find that engines aren't optimised yet for SSD with some games still taking a bit to load on my Samsung Evo 970 m.2 it's significantly faster than console but can still be 60 seconds or so for GTA v (I actually have an SSD in my ps4 pro as I got sick of fallout 4 taking a long time to load interiors and exteriors 26 to 11 seconds now)

So even as PC players we should experience a increase in load times as a benifit from the next gen consoles as engines are optimised for SSD hardware.

mcstorm1781d ago

I'm with you on that about pcs and with microsoft now supporting pc gaming again I see things improving to. Part of the reason I have moved to pc only gaming due to having less time to game.

Born2Game831780d ago

Great quality is also subjective. A lot people like online only games like Division, Destiny, ESO etc. They don't really care for single player games. For them that's great quality. And vice versa.

BlackIceJoe1781d ago

The only games I want to see from Ubisoft next gen is a new Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia. Plus they need to be single player and not have always on internet, to be able to play them. Because if I'm playing a single player game there is no Need for the game to be online.

TacoTaco1781d ago

I'd very much like to see an AC-like Prince of Persia. Decrease the scope, make it more focused/linear, and yes - offline.

Jakens1780d ago

Ubisoft are now doing all their games 'Alway online'

Sorry, but true.

CyrusLemont1781d ago

Hoping to see some AC Odyssey but with the population density of Unity, really keen to see the AI improvements and streaming limitations alleviated too.

SyntheticForm1781d ago

Wouldn't mind playing Unity again on the new consoles. I enjoyed that one. The micros were so intrusive though; red chests dotting the map, encouraging you to buy helix credits. It was difficult to peruse the map without the cursor locking on to one of those chests.

Profchaos1780d ago (Edited 1780d ago )

Yeah ubi has only gotten worse if you look at far cry new dawn it resembles a play to win mobile title at the start of the game you're encouraged to spend real world money to get a vehicle and weapons if you don't you're walking until you find someone to take out that has a car and a half decent gun

BrettAwesome1780d ago

Bullshit. You don't need to spend money in that game. Not even remotely. You get access to vehicles almost immediately.

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"We want 5 billion players" - Ubisoft's Alain Corre on next-gen gaming, politics and Google Stadia

As EMEA Executive Director for one of the world's largest video game publishers, Alain Corre is uniquely placed to assess the state of an industry on the brink of a revolution.

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XiNatsuDragnel1782d ago not this gen or next my dude

Stanjara1781d ago

And with that bs you get investors...omg.

Segata1781d ago

1 billion Xbox 360's. Remember that?

psuedo1781d ago

Sounds like a bunch of crap games.

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