
Dr Who Game Getting Physical UK Release


Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock will be getting a limited physical PS3 release. Up to now, the side-scrolling platform puzzler was to be a digital-only title for PlayStation 3 and Vita via PSN, due for release sometime in April.

Cajun Chicken4403d ago

Nice, this means I can probably Lovefilm it.

4403d ago Replies(1)

Doctor Who: I Want A Video Game

Allan Muir of VGUTV states his reasons for wanting a game based around the television hit Doctor Who.

-Foxtrot3732d ago

I would love it if NaughtyDog made one

Although whoever does a proper DW game needs to have their own style, timeline, direction of the show. Something which separates it from the TV series.

I would love it if you started the game just as William Hartnell was regenerating but instead of regenerating into Patrick Troughton they change him into someone else creating a new timeline.

Rubberlegs3732d ago

I agree with the article, let Telltale have a go at it. I could never see a proper Doctor Who game being anything but an adventure style game like Sam & Max or The Walking Dead.

clouds53732d ago

I don't because it's most likely going to suck.

Scrivlar3732d ago

I'd love to see an attempt at least, then if it's good that's great and if it's bad we'll know not to worry about it again.

Ripco_Keller3732d ago

I'd like to play as a companion to the doctor, telltale style but perhaps a bit faster paced. You'd have to stay alive, help solve the mystery, save the day, keep the doctor in check, and of course the running. Lots of running.


Game Good: Hey TT Games, give us LEGO Doctor Who

Dali Dimovski of Sidequesting writes:

"After several failed and mediocre attempts at a Doctor Who video game, there may be one option that could not only satisfy fans of the TV series but also create an enchanting, enjoyable game."

Read Full Story >>
_LarZen_3750d ago

Who? What? That is what people will say when they see the game in stores.

I don't think Doctor Who has a big enough market. Or is it me that have missed out on something?

AtomicGerbil3750d ago

Doctor Who has a massive following, more so in the UK obviously, but since the relaunch in 2005 the fanbase is now global.

Yes, I do believe you have missed something.

_LarZen_3749d ago

Guess I have to check it out then. I just remember the old Doctor Who :P

toxic-inferno3750d ago

Over here in the UK (where TT games are based), Doctor Who has a massive following - one of the most popular franchises out there.

TheTrooper3749d ago

Doctor Who is considered a part of British pop culture, it's got a big enough following.

CrillyEdd3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

People just want to be trendy. How about a lego football sports game that is legit

secretcode3749d ago

Never going to happen. LEGO doesn't even have the Doctor Who license for Doctor Who building toys, Character Options does.

Reeze3749d ago

I would love this to happen. It makes so much sense. LEGO just needs to get the rights and I'll be a day-1 buyer.

GentlemenRUs3749d ago

Nah, How about a PUGGSY 2 instead...