
PS3 Overtakes Xbox 360, Or Does It? And Will this Trigger the Next Console War Anyway?

Steve Ballmer announced back in January that Xbox 360 sales had reached 50 million units, and he's not a man to get publicly over-excited. Oh and Sony claimed in February that the PS3 was on 47.9 million. So has someone's adding up let them down?

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LOGICWINS4787d ago

The console war only exists in the minds of several thousand idiots on the Internet...I wouldn't worry about it too much.

guigsy4787d ago

It's all fun and games to my mind, ripping on people that take it seriously is hilarious.

malandra4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

I wouldn't care about it if it wasn't for all the bragging about 360 sales and bashing of the PS3 during its first years on the market

it's so much fun to see 360 fanboys and in particular 360 sites (openly or biased) eat their words

also when it becomes really oficcial it will also be so much fun to see idiots like Pachter and other so called analists admit that every single thing they said for the past few years was wrong

darthv724787d ago

yeah i hear what you are saying. But two wrongs dont make a right. One side has to be the bigger in order to not let such petty squabbling get to them. If it gets under your skin then you are no different than those that are causing it.

People will believe what they want. If there are some that believe the ps3 is the holy grail of consoles then you cant tell them no different. Same goes for the 360.

It is the rational logical people that are able to use common sense and not get involved in such matters. You say what you say as if you are one of those radical's just waiting for the moment to shout victory and in your face comments.

Let it go man.....let it go.

TotalPS3Fanboy4787d ago

Sony finally overtake the 360. And they said it would never happen. I say, "take that! back."

Kleptic4787d ago

stopped reading at 'and he is not a man to get publicly over-excited'...

typed 'steve ballmer getting excited' into youtube...

found this at the top of the list:


thats_just_prime4787d ago

I have to pretty much agree with darth. I find him to be one of the more reasonible people on this site and that saying something cause he's an evil murdering sith lord.

However I do find ps3 fan to be exetremely anonnying and I find it amazing that that actually think $ony is some how looking out for them and not their profits.

I prefer the xbox over the ps3 but I also know that MS does give a shit about me

MaxXAttaxX4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

That was mistake #1 which was followed by several other claims such as "no games", "overpriced" and "no sales". All of which are erroneous arguments.


Nice stealth trolling. You gotta be delusional to think that Microsoft cares about you while Sony is the opposite.
The hypocrisy with you guys is just... lol

DualConsoleOwner4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

I loled at your

"$ony doesnt give shit about you"
"but MS cares about me'

Lol.... that is fail 360 fanboy..

Wrong... both comepanies just care about your money. you are just pathetic for thinking otherwise...

especially when 360 is getting no exclusives and turning into a new wii with Kinect.

thats_just_prime4787d ago

that obviousy was a should of been doesnt not does. Anyone that read it knew what I meant. It just goes to prove my point about ps3 fans.

pixelsword4787d ago

@ darthv72:

"They say two wrongs don’t make a right, but it damn sure makes things even."

- Sister Souljah

Sorry, I couldn't see another chance where I could use that quote.

MaxXAttaxX4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Pretending like you 360 fans aren't any different than all other fanboys and that you believe that Microsoft actually cares about you and not Sony, is one of the most hypocritical things I read on this site.

IcarusOne4787d ago

Most of us weren't laughing at Sony because we were underestimating it. We were laughing because they shot themselves in the foot so hard at launch it's taken them this long to almost catch up.

Sony could have owned everything about this gen if they'd been a little less douchey.

OneSneakyMofo4787d ago

But but but the sales!

Called it back in '09 - PS3 would overtake 360 in 2011.

RedDevils4787d ago

"My dad can beat your Dad!" :D

ShinMaster4787d ago

What's there to laugh about?

You 360 fans mocked the high pricing of the PS3 and said how it wouldn't succeed because of it.
Yet the PS3 is selling faster yearly.

You guys said PS3 had no games and all the exclusives where on 360. Funny how that turned out.

The only one getting laughed at here should be Microsoft and the Xbox 360.

RedDead4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Come on guys, there were reasons for that, Ps3 had a terrible launch, most people ask why pay for Xbox live. Back then there WAS a reason for the money, Psn was terrible at launch, Xbox live Gold has basically remained the same, all that is added is the Party chat now, but since 05 Live has been as good as it is today. Psn was playing catch up for years. Not to mention the cost of the Ps3 at launch(630 here!), also a late release in Europe.

Although imo now it has caught up and I ain't paying for live anymore. Ps3 had no great games back then either. The 360s dominant years for games where the ones when Ps3 had no real amazing ones.

I've said this before, the 360 felt like a different generation to me than the Ps3. The 360 had me happy from 05-08, and the Ps3 literally took over after that. It's when the Ps3 really start becoming the more appealing consoles. Remember 05-08, the 360 had it's best games out by the end of 2008. Gears, Mass effect, Forza 2, Oblivion had year ahead on Xbox, Crackdown, Halo 3, am I missing any? not to mention Xbox live was better than Psn. Cod4 was better to play on 360 than Ps3 because of live.

Still, i've tried to sell my 360 now because I just don't need it anymore, it has Gears 3. That's all i'm interested in because Gears 1 was the first great Multiplayer game this gen I thought. Gears 2 didn't hold me so I;m only slightly looking forward to Gears 3, if Gamestop would've given me more than €12 for it I woulda sold

Fanboys annoy the head off me though, when any sort of Fanboy tries to say something I always defend what they attack. No matter what it is.

I'm glad I waited to get a Ps3 anyway, I got it when there was a decent amount of games on it and the 65nm chips were in. SO it's still quiet to this day since I got it a few years ago.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4787d ago
miyamoto4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

well said...console wars my ass! these idiot journalists and there websites are the ones responsible creating fanboys & flame wars. Have they anything productive to do?

Kleptic4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

I agree...the only thing that is really fueling anything is the media...and its so subtle in how they do it, but the effects are just the same...

just glancing through this article you can find multiple ways that the writer twists this generation to fit a different mold...even though his predicted outcome may be the same; his points on the past are different than what 'really happened'...

"MS dropped the 360 rather hastily to embrace the HD era"...

uh...thats how 2006 over at MS is now being spun?...wrong...MS dropped the Xbox because it was 100% cannibalizing the 360's potential market base...because the 360 had no real marketing advantages over the original...it dropped features that were standard on the original console (i.e. HDD), used the exact same disc format, etc...and was now using a 'standard/premium' sku lineup to entice those willing to spend more money...and because the design of the xbox was so flawed, that after 5 years production costs were still higher than what they were selling it for...

read stockholder statements from back then...pretty much everyone that 'owned' MS, wanted the Xbox division canned immediately...

the only thing, marketing wise, MS had to use was 'its more powerful'...which 2006 did absolutely nothing to illustrate until the launch of Gears late in the year...we scream and yell about sales and chest thumping left and right...but remember in 2006...the PS2 wiped the floor with the 360, let alone the original xbox...

that is why the xbox was ditched...not because MS offered a system that was completely state of the art and they were desperately trying to appeal to the new HD era...hell MS didn't even say a word about the 360's HD abilities until the PS3 showed up a year later...and MS quickly took the stance of 'hey, ours can do that too, sort of...' and offered a $150 add-on to play a format of HD media that was dead within another year...

roguewarrior4786d ago

@ kleptic
I agree, but the main reason MS dropped X-Box, is because of a fallout with Nvidia,(also why they went with to ATI to Dev. 360 GPU) over contract negotiations pertaining to the Price of the X-Boxs GPU. They didn't have much choice( no GPU/No x-Box) but to drop support and put all efforts into the 360.

bozebo4787d ago

There's mainly no point in a "console war" beacause most of the good games are multi plat this gen.

kreate4787d ago

i know huh? multi plat games are better than the exclusive games.. whats up with that?

ALFAxD_CENTAURO4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Exclusives is what define the console, and is one of the most important things for a console.

Lack of good exclusives is just a console more generic.

MysticStrummer4787d ago

My list of favorite games for this generation is mostly made up of exclusives. It's about a 60/40 split. My personal Game of the Generation is an exclusive, as is my favorite online game. Multiplats have their place and there have been some good ones, but exclusives will always be where it's at. This is the first generation where that fact has even been questioned, and it's mostly done by fans of a certain console.

Pixel_Pusher4787d ago

And with that comment bozebo I can tell you own an xbox. lol It depends on which box and what exclusives were talking about.

DaTruth4787d ago

Glad I don't have to choose!

Kleptic4787d ago

msyticstrummer...totally agree...

this is the only generation where I have heard anyone remotely arguing that 'all we need are multiplatform games anymore'...

there are a ton of great multiplatform games this generation...better than any other that I can think of...but there are also some of the best exclusive games ever created...within the past few years...

and that is not single console sided...just look at the highest rated games this generation...if you had to pick a top 5, a lot of them would be exclusive...it would simply come down to taste...

Gears of war, Gears 2, LBP, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, MGS4, Halo 3, halo reach, etc...all exclusive...and all easily stand on their own as some of the best games in the past 10 years...

games are simply getting better...but we definitely still need exclusive games that take full advantage of specific hardware and their networking abilities...

bozebo4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

"but there are also some of the best exclusive games ever created"

I really don't feel that this is true.

I didn't say there wern't good exclusives this gen, but surely they were better the gen before this and the one before that too.

jessupj4787d ago

@ Pixel_Pusher

I agree, as I was reading bozebo's comment I was thinking "He must own a 360".

I know thats a fanboyish thing to say, but like people have being saying here, it's ridiculas that other fanboys are actually saying stupid things like "Who needs exclusives this gen?".

Kleptic4787d ago

^^cool then...that is your opinion and its fine...

I can't say that all the exclusive titles in specific genre's crush all multiplatform games...but I definitely think that big exclusives are what open up the genres in the first place, and make multiplatform developers have to work that much harder to stay relevant...

my biggest example would be Dead Space 2...hands down the best multiplatform third person shooter I've ever played...and it is what it is because of games like Gears and Uncharted...yet its very different from those games; bringing in aspects of survival horror and everything...but doing it in the 'right' way imo...

the alternative is when a developer completely fawks it up and refuses to cope with the modern changes...RE5 being the example (15 years later and Chris still can't walk around while pointing a gun...)...that is what happens when a stubborn dev doesn't innovate on what has since been innovated...and it simply doesn't have the effect everyone is hoping for...

the exclusives seem to innovate first...then mulitplatform games innovate on that...and milk the hell out of it...and then another exclusive comes in and restarts the process...

I guess my point is that we do need both...regardless of your gaming tastes...

pixelsword4787d ago

@ bozebo:

from that comment I can tell you only own one console, and which console is obvious.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4787d ago
RankFTW4787d ago

This is the most serious war of all time!

RastaCC4787d ago

I'm setting up a 3-way cage match in my living room. It will be like the thunderdome. 3 consoles enter, only 1 leaves. X360 v. PS3 v. Wii


...who gives a poop?

cruncher_204787d ago

Console war is just funny...

I mean, I got the YLOD so I had to buy another ps3... So does that means that more you sell more failure your system have so people have to buy more then one... (same thing with the RROD).

So what these numbers really mean ?

MaxXAttaxX4787d ago

The difference is that the 360's failure rate was at least 4x higher than PS3's.

So if a new system is bought each time it happens, then the 360 clearly has the advantage.

GrandTheftZamboni4787d ago


and don't forget abandoning the previous console so that their owners didn't have a choice but to buy a new one. Those two things add up.

C4BL34787d ago

the console war is like racism, it only exists because people like this won't shut up about it.

Rage_S904787d ago

thats a bad analogy racism exist because of ignorance, fear and lack of understanding.

C4BL34785d ago

racism doesn't exist. black people have The NBA and welfare what more do they want?

TheXgamerLive4787d ago

read the entire article the Xbox 360 is still several million ahead of the ps3 in sales. Especially with the Kinect craze, it's climbing higher and higher everyday.
But, what does this mean, ahhh nothing really, were all good no matter what system. let's just enjoy the gaming before new systems for all come out at $600.00 and make us all poor again.

olLANDSHARKlo4787d ago

Remember last gen xbox vs. PS2 the sales numbers in the console wars meant everything. Now that people are told they have to get 2 jobs to afford a PS3 and the 360 is winning it doesn't matter LOL, what a shame. It's great being a gamer and not a fanboy.

DaTruth4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

You're absolutely right! If you're about to buy a console and one console has sold so little that it will be discontinued and lose support in a year, it is important to know that, especially when the other console has sold enough to guarantee infinite support for years to come!

When both consoles are neck and neck, and both are guaranteed support, what does a 2 million console difference really mean... especially when far more than those 2 million are defective dead consoles?

Just because you lost last time and sunk your money in a poor investment, doesn't mean the dynamics of console sales changes! My PS2 is still getting games for my stepson; I bought it before he was born, that's an investment!

The only mature reason to care about console sales is to know if your console will continue to receive support and recoup your investment in the hardware!

GrandTheftZamboni4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )


You neither have a sense of humor nor you're good at math: 360's price at launch was $400, while you could get a 20GB PS3 for $100 more when it came out.

$100 is not that much more expensive to require a second job. It was a JOKE. But in their smear campaign 360 fanboys just ran out of ideas and labeled it as arrogance.

Was it worth it? 360 is last again even with one year head start.

olLANDSHARKlo4787d ago

DaTruth, I didn't lose anything, I had both PS2 and XBOX, I'm a gamer not a fanboy, what's your xbox live gamertag?

malamdra4787d ago

it's so stupid to downplay the importance of the console war

it's what keeps companies trying to beat each other with better products

AhnnQuirajj4787d ago

Never a truer word spoken, good sir!

xAlmostPro4787d ago

The ps3 has taken the lead in worldwide sales by like a million or less..

however sales aren't something i care about i play my console of perference because it's exactly that

awi59514787d ago

This is just stupid if thats the case there are only 3 wiis out there. IT doesnt matter if you play your console or not how does that negate the fact there are 50 million 360's. Sounds like fanboys are just grasping at straws to attack microsoft.

50Terabytespersec4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Yes I remember a Fat arrogant co-worker and another guy made fun of me when I had bought the PS3..I said watch out that 360 is just a budget PC in sheeps clothig.They told me PS3 will fail and laughed at me and said 360 was supirior tech. I remember they said by the time Devs figure out how to make decent games for it the new XBOX 3 will be out with better Graphics!!.And here we are today with games like KZ3 and Uncahrted 2 GOW3!! and sales catching up....Where Xbox 3??Where are the graphics bar?
ALl I see is FPS games that are wattered down low res ,PC games(sheeps clothing) that play better on PC..Sad no original contenet at all..
Uncharted 3 will put and end to all this

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4785d ago
Kran4787d ago

Technically, it's not a war us gamers are fighting, so we shouldn't have to worry, and yet there are some stupid people who think numbers are everything when it comes to consoles. For a video game, yes, because most gamers hope for a sequel, but when you have a console thats selling 50 million worldwide, us gamers shouldn't need to worry because when the next gen comes out, those consoles would sell too.

So it shouldn't matter what console you own. As long as you're enjoying it.

chidori6664787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

PS3 has a better exclusive lineup but it's not gonna outsell the 360. If thats what he means by "overtake".

and lol Sony has nothing up their sleeve there will be no big surprise exclusives atleast not for this year at E3.

KonaBro4787d ago

Factually speaking, the PS3 is on route to outsell the 360 fairly soon. That's not debatable. Also, saying that Sony has nothing up their sleeves? Please think before you type again. You only have one bubble.

paintsville4787d ago

Bu,bu, bu, bu sales don't matter LOL. Oh this is just too funny. All of a sudden sales do matter? It's not surprising that when you're behind it doesn't matter but when you're catching up sales suddenly matter a lot LOL. That's typical behavior.
The console war is kinda irrelivant any way. The best games this gen are multiplat any how. No matter which version is superior.

Biggest4787d ago

No, that is your behavior. Sales where the only thing you could hang your hat on. Now that people are saying the numbers are switching, you're laughing at the numbers? Are you going to hang your hat on the AWESOME core gaming experiences brought to you by Kinect?

TreMillz4787d ago

@paintsville the same way exclusives was were it was at from 2006-2008? Now all of a sudden its all about the multiplats right? Remember the "No Gamez!" parade back then? You dont? Of course you dont...

palaeomerus4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Early in a console generation, when there are no or few good games, those will exclusives really matter.

Later in that same generation when the consoles are pretty close together in sales, and when we are neck deep in new and old games, most of them multiplatform, the exclusives matter a LOT LESS than they did early on.

That's how a console market generally matures. Exclusives have the most impact early on and lose impact as the cycle goes on.

And yes, that includes exclusives like Gears and Halo. This isn't rocket surgery or brain science. Right now it's more about price drops, product refreshes, and pack-ins to drive new sales.

YodaCracker4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )


Absolutely untrue. Last week, the PS3 outsold the 360 by a mere 30,000 units. If it keeps up that pace, the PS3 should pass the Xbox 360 sometime in Summer 2013. But this is what happens pretty much every year. The PS3 outsells the 360 by a small amount weekly for the first 2/3 of the year. Then the holidays come and the 360 rockets ahead of the PS3, quickly wiping away the lead the PS3 was building up for the whole year. By the end of the year, the PS3 has made almost no ground on the 360 and the cycle continues into the next year.

It is the most painfully slow process ever for the PS3 to catch up to the 360. Despite the power of the PlayStation brand name, despite the console selling in FAR more countries around the world than the 360, despite the console's built-in Blu-Ray player which is the sole reason for a large percentage of PS3 purchases according to several studies, despite the PS3's supposedly AMAZING exclusive lineup, despite all the 360's problems... the PS3 is still in dead last place.

gypsygib4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Ah Yoda Cracker, the biggest 360 troll I've seen, you go out of your way to troll.

I caught you on Metacritic giving extremely low reviews to PS3 games, including LBP2 a 0/10 and KZ3 a 2/10. (anyone can feel free to check it out, he goes by the same name)

You probably don't own those games but you still decide to lower the user reviews.

Lame buddy.

MaxXAttaxX4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Do you even know what "dead last" means?

Being a couple mil behind is hardly dead, considering the 360 started with an 8 mil lead and PS3 sells faster.

Or are you going to tell me that the first car out in Rally is always the winner? Lol

Why is it always sales with you guys. Whatever happened to the "no games" argument? haha
And to think PS3 is excelling in both categories.

awi59514787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Well the ps3 should have caught up its had far more price drops than the 360. The 360 is way overpriced it should have been at 129 like the ps2 when its sales really took off. The fact that xbox has been out like 6 years and still costs 300 dollars is just crazy sauce right now. With the tech in the 360 microsoft should be making lots of profit on each console now. Arcade units are hard to find now i think microsoft isnt making many of them. I think the 360 actually got a price increase with the kinect. Because those are the only versions i see in stores now.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4787d ago
VittoScaletta284787d ago

forget numbers, we buy these consoles for our entertainment. as long as they keep making them, we will continue buying them.

ultimate-remag4787d ago

ohh now sales dont matter as ps3 passes 360 huh... hypocrites!!!!

Kran4787d ago

Id say the exact same thing I said above if the 360 repassed the PS3 too since I own both, so yeah.

MaxXAttaxX4787d ago

I guess games don't matter anymore you either huh... hypocrites!

VittoScaletta284787d ago

"Hypocrite" really? I happen to own both. So don't judge to quickly my friend.

news4geeks4787d ago

yeah both sets of fanboys are hypocrites though so I wouldn't worry too much about it. It would be exactly the same if the roles were reversed.

B1663r4787d ago

This article isn't about sales. PS3 is still losing in sales. This article is about "active install base". In other words these numbers are even more speculative that fakechartz.com.

PS3 is still in last place sales wise.

bozebo4787d ago

There are 3 broken xboxes among my flatmates and 4 working ones, if that ratio was anything to go by I would assume that the PS3 is ahead in active consoles. Unless by active, they mean gathering dust somewhere?

palaeomerus4787d ago

There are a lot of older used PS3's stacked up at my local gamestop to eb sold and they don't seem to be moving. So what? Anecdotes aren't samples.

JeffGUNZ4787d ago

Funny Bozebo, I had the same 360 for the last 4 years and I have never had any issues. I think people up-play the failure rate of the 360 on this site. I mean come on, it your roommates are losing three systems, then they might need lessons on how to properly maintain their investment.

InTheKnow4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

The PS3 and Sony fanboys in there desperation to be number 2 ( O_o ) ignore and don't bother to read the data, they make up there own.

Did you bother to read the article above? Isn't it funny that right after NPD said that they were not allowed, I me were not going to release numbers based on factual true sales data that the next couple weeks it's Sony this and Sony that. See if this makes since to you taken from the article.

"Our ownership models apply ASSUMPTIONS about device retirement life cycles to console sales data on a regional and global basis." Which would appear to mean that these figures aren't based on raw sales data.

So you see, now that Sony has censored true factual data, the Sony BS machine can say what it wants, in this case making up delusional data that is eaten up by desperate fanboys.

Microsoft, whether you like the BIG American machine or not is on a roll right now and the numbers they release at E3 will show that. Sony has made a nice comeback, if you could call it that, from the BILLIONS they lost the first 3 years but it could be a case of to little, to late as I expect the announcement of new machines very, very soon. Gabe newell was right in 2006. " By the time Sony and the gaming community figure the cell out, the gen will be over, words of wisdom INDEED ".

bozebo4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

He said that in 2006, but now he has the complete opposite opinion.

KonaBro4787d ago

this is a true example of brand loyalty.

AntiHeroComplex4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

"So you see, now that Sony has censored true factual data, the Sony BS machine can say what it wants"

Right. You need to get out more kid. Not only does that make no sense, its quite possibly the most weak conspiracy theory i have ever heard.

Sony censored npd wahhhh!! wahh! Well let microsoft uncensor it you fool, they have the $$$.

You are the only one who is delusional here...

Oh and sales dont matter for shit anyway, they wont make your gaming experience better or worse. Its only for morons like you so you could get upset and get these sites hits.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4787d ago
Baka-akaB4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

I think some of us are supposed to drop dead when it happens .

And microsoft is to bow out gracefully while saying to Sony : "gives Nintendo and apple hell for me bro' !" /s

Show all comments (162)

Why Xbox believes it must cut costs and close studios

Companies, particularly public companies like Microsoft, need to grow.

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gold_drake16h ago

i mean its pretty simple, they spent close to 30 billion in acquiring activision, they thought they'd make it bk no problem, and that didnt happen.

its just shit that because of MS's miscalculation alot of people lost their jobs.

Jingsing13h ago

This is exactly what many people said would happen including the CMA and FTC. Lies lies and more lies and they allowed a $69 billion buy out to happen.

gold_drake13h ago

oh yeh it was 70 billion. that was my bad haha even worse.

thesoftware73013h ago(Edited 13h ago)


You can't be serious, right?

Do you think that MS thought they would make 80bill in a year & Half? They haven't even released titles under MS yet, lol.

But in fact, that A/B revenue is already paying off, look at the last earnings call. That $80 billion is long-term money, my guy, no sane person/company would think they would make that back in any short-term situation, it's a long-term investment.

Let's play silly then. If MS's reason for laying off staff and closing studios was due(which it really was not) to the A/B deal, tell me what Sony's reason was for past studio closures, the recent 900-person layoffs, closing Sony London, shutting down Dreams, and closing Japan Studio? Zipper? Psygnosis? cuts at all their internal studios.

Keep in mind, you are claiming MS's reason is because of the A/B deal; please explain Sony's reason.

Hofstaderman13h ago

You actually still defending them? Sheesh.....

gold_drake13h ago

this is not a sony vs MS debate. dont make it something it isnt.

and of course not, but im pretty sure they thought they'd make more money after the deal. they didnt, and closed off some studios.

its pretty insane to think there is any other reason for the closure of studios in this case.

romulus2312h ago(Edited 12h ago)

(It really was) due to the Activision Blizzard deal and the loss of physical sales due to gamepass. You keep bringing up Sony in all your posts about this, stop deflecting and trying to change the topic, this is about MS and what they are doing.

BehindTheRows12h ago

Has nothing to do with Sony. Stay on topic.

notachance12h ago

once in a while you see someone too invested in their make-believe console war that everything happened has to be connected to said war…

a bit of banter between fans is normal, this crusade you’re doing now isn’t.

Chevalier12h ago

Wow idiotic. You bring up very old closures not that there haven't been recent ones from Playstations, but, seriously stop deflecting. This has NOTHING to do with Playstation.

Does Playstation got $3 trillion behind them and daddies wallet? No they don't so stop making a fool of yourself.

Xbox has never been profitable really and they just keep losing money so between their worst hardware sales, terrible 3rd party sales and now terrible 1st party sales.

Gamepass numbers that are no longer being announced shows their numbers after 3 years of missed targets has flatlined. Plus their recent gains up to 34 million were ONLY because they folded Gold members in too. Absolutely take your idiotic rhetoric out of here. Keep on topic without deflecting.

S2Killinit11h ago

Ayayayay with these xbox/MS excuses.

Reaper22_6h ago

How dare you mention Sony! Everyone here knows when Sony closes a studio and lay off workers it was the right thing to do. Even when they bought Gaikai and fired almost everyone it was the right thing to do.

Gamers can be such hypocrites sometimes.

andy856h ago

Is it? That's revenue not profit. Completely different.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 6h ago
thesoftware73010h ago(Edited 10h ago)


"this is not a sony vs MS debate. dont make it something it isnt."

You are correct that it's not an MS Vs Sony Topic, but when exaggeration and imagination mix from a one-sided social group, similar examples are needed to ground radical thoughts; in this instance, the example was that shutting down 3,4,5, even 6 studios during a restructure/ buyout/acquisition is not some anomaly(it can suck) that has to be dissected or spell doom and gloom.

"But I'm pretty sure they thought they'd make more money after the deal. They didn't, and they closed off some studios."

But they did make more money, a lot, actually; the last earnings call showed a huge growth in profit, almost all due to A/B revenue.

"its pretty insane to think there is any other reason for the closure of studios in this case."

The fact that they did make money, kinda throws this out the window, and besides, you don't wake up and say, hey let's close a studio, you look at the output, you look at the dev as a whole, the long term and short term, you weigh it against all other studios and goals, you keep key members, ect..then you close if they are the weakest links...which by MS analysis they were.

Again, I will make a small Sony comparison, just so some of you can understand and see past the bias; Insomniac, ND, and Bungie have made some of the best games ever created, yet Sony saw fit to cut jobs in every of these studios, even tho Insomniac & ND are the biggest producers of PS games, leagues ahead better than Tango and Arkane, yet, they saw cuts, mind you, while being the TOP produces of PS first party. They were told to cut costs, and more jobs may be on the line, and Bungie is being threatened by a hostile Sony takeover. Put that in perspective, as I know that layoffs and dev closures are different, but if the best of the best is getting cut off, it is less than surprising, that lesser studios are closing.

My response fits well with your comments as well. You even went on to prove that the dev closures are not just due to A/B acquisition. Then you point out Sony has less money than MS, inferring that MS should keep devs open that they see as lesser earners, while Sony having less money makes it okay to close them. lol...it doesn't work that way.

gold_drake10h ago

im not reading all of that. u have ur opinion, i have mine.

thats rly it.

but this aint sony vs ms.

ApocalypseShadow10h ago

You're trying to compare a 100 billion company to a company that has 3 TRILLION worth. SIE has to live or die on their own. And in turn, PlayStation has helped the main company again and again. Sony has to balance out what is working and not working in the company.

While Xbox has Daddy Warbucks footing the bill to keep the platform afloat. They have been bleeding money from Nvidia hardware in the OG Xbox, the RROD fiasco, the attempted 2013 DRM nonsense and the lies about being the most powerful console in the world and the losses of paying out millions to prop up a service hoping it catches on with enough subscribers to justify its existence.

They're not comparable if Xbox isn't allowed to live or die by its actions. It's subsidized. Revenue isn't profit. And if they were profiting on their own, they wouldn't be closing developers. If they were profiting, they wouldn't need Daddy Warbucks spending 80 to 100 billion buying up 3rd party publishers to sustain a loss leading platform.

They stopped announcing game sales, stopped announcing hardware sales, stopped announcing game pass subscribers, they are putting games on their competitors platforms but you're telling us that they are doing great even after killing jobs and closing developers at Xbox.

Stop drinking the Kool aid. You're drunk.

Chevalier44m ago

Again at which point did Playstation have a $3 trillion company shift the market with a giant purchase?

"But they did make more money, a lot, actually; the last earnings call showed a huge growth in profit, almost all due to A/B revenue."

Lol. No they didn't. Increased revenue was ONLY due to adding Activision Blizzard revenue in. Growth was only 1 percent. It's idiots like you that have no idea what they're talking about is why Xbox isn't better than it is. You guys just make excuses continually.

If Xbox got so much profit then why did they stop announcing hardware numbers? Why did they stop announcing Gamepass numbers? Oh right because they're NOT profitable. Their sales in every category has dropped off the face of the planet. It's why Spencer will be closing more studios and canceling upcoming projects too.

WelkinCole5h ago

I am pretty sure MS knew this would happen and this was part of their plan. I mean if anyone with half a brain can see this happening I am pretty sure a multi billion company like MS knew this would happen

The whole strategy in buying Beth and Acti/Blizzard is for

1. Buy established games they can have under xbox because they have done a horrible job in building their portfolio internally for the past 15 years

2. Following from 1, try and boost xbox competitivenss against a dominat PS which MS after 3 tries still can't crack

3. Follolwing from 2, try and weaken Playstation dominance by taking out these massive multiplats from the PS

4. Following from 3, try and profit off from the PS domiance with selected games they will still have on the PS to make money like COD

5. Obviously get the IP's by buying them instead of creating them which again as I mentioned in number 1 they have been woeful in doing

None of these had anyting to do with keeping all the devs they accuried. MS has always been very shitty to Devs under them. Look at what happned to Bungie for example.

I believe MS in court truely mean it when they said they had to do something because PS was just too dominant. This was their last roll of the dice.

And from the looks of things. It has not panned out as MS had hoped. PS5 is still as dominant as ever and xbox is still behind. Worse still their MP's they got is not irreplaceable as they thought. Starfield? lol!. There have not been any major shift in momentum in this console war in their favor so now its time to start cutting their loses and it starts with the most expensive cost for any company. People.

Michiel19893h ago

for a comparison, sony laid of a bigger % of it's staff this year than ms, it's what companies sadly do nowadays. If you think with GP and Bethesda + acti aquisition they were looking for quick cash, you couldn't be more wrong. It hasn't even been a year, "they thought they'd make it bk no problem, and that didnt happen." shows you have 0 understanding of how a business operates.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 44m ago
anast13h ago

They are going to use AI for a large portion of the game development process. Upper management need bonuses and the shareholders need more money. So, people will lose their jobs.

Skuletor13h ago

Maybe they were already using AI to make business decisions, which would explain why they closed Hi-Fi Rush's studio, then said they need more games like Hi-Fi Rush not long after that announcement.

Crows9012h ago(Edited 12h ago)

They shouldn't have bought any studios. Some is okay...but they went on a shopping spree...stupid

Einhander197212h ago

The better question is why did Microsoft buy publishers for a service they were subsidizing they knew couldn't support.

And why are so many websites trying to make people feel sorry for Microsoft instead of truly criticizing the fact they are closing studios and killing jobs that would have been fine if Microsoft themselves hadn't gotten involved.

Quit feeling sorry for Microsoft and start feeling sorry for the industry and the all the gamers who are actually losing out.


RNTody12h ago

The first thing that happens after any major acquisition or merger is a consolidation of the whole new portfolio, which includes cutting any excess, bloat or portfolios that don't fit the larger MO of the big boy. So far, it's been par for the course with Microsoft and that's why gamers have been so against this acquisition. Tango Gameworks is the beginning. You think Microsoft wants to pay to keep small timers like Ninja Theory in business?

There is absolutely zero evidence to suggest that Microsoft will improve any of these studios, but plenty to suggest that they will get rid of what they don't need and hold onto the IP. The real agenda of the acquisition was always to acquire The Elder Scrolls, Diablo, Fallout, Call of Duty, Candy Crush etc. that will create millions in passive revenue stream for Microsoft regardless of where the games release. Microsoft simply wants their cut.

Because of Games Pass Microsoft has no interest in investing in new IP which is risky and requires creative talent they can neither nurture nor manage. Game Pass has also not grown in the way Microsoft expected it to, even post acquisitions. Therefore the logical thing to do, without serious money makers to release, is to cut as much cost as possible.

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Vader821d 16h ago

No 7 days to die is criminal