
GameSpot: The Sims Medieval Exclusive Hands-On

What is The Sims Medieval? It's the next game in The Sims series. That is to say…it's not quite an expansion pack, and it's not quite The Sims 4, but man…! So to answer your question, GameSpot doesn't know. In any case, they recently played it alongside executive producer Rachel Bernstein and have new details to report on just how this unusual new entry in the series--which takes place in ancient times, puts you in the role of blacksmiths, kings, and other medieval professions, and has distinct victory conditions, after which the game ends--actually works.

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The Five Best Sims Spin-Off Games

While the PC base games are great (Sims 4 excluded), they’re not the only games that EA has managed to pull from The Sims. Their spin-offs can be somewhat preferable to the typical PC versions.

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-Foxtrot2277d ago

No Sims Bustin Out?

Tut Tut

micx3710d ago

The first Witcher should have been on the list as well, and maybe Dragon Age: Origins.

SilverTuna3710d ago

Man, I really should get around to beating Witcher 2 finally...

Denton563710d ago

Mount and Blade is life consuming. It took me a long time to figure out what the hell was going on, but once I did I couldn't stop playing.

BirdMan0143710d ago

Chivalry is a weird game. I want to like it, but there's something about the mechanics that just doesn't do it for me.


Big Origin Sale on Sims Games and Expansion Packs

Origin is putting on a big sale for Sims games and expansions until 3AM PDT tomorrow.