
Sony cares more for their fans than Microsoft

With the great amount of success the Xbox 360 had this generation, it has given Microsoft a false sense of security and thus, the big head. SCEA, who was once arrogant has deemed itself by not being just a corporate driven company, but a fan driven company.

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Redrum0595099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

If M$ cared for the fans as much as Sony did, they wouldn't hav released their console 1year early with many faulty problems and wouldn't sell their harddrives for more then a hundred bucks. Microsoft realy only cares about trashing their compatition and cashing in on the Industry.

@PS3ftWin well said my friend, well said. I've always noticed that Microsoft talks more about Their Compatition then they do about games. I'm srry but 1million console bans b4 a big game launch doesn't sound very caring to me.
40million install base my ass

ps3ftwin5099d ago

Microsoft and care for fan? WHATT???

Online is charged
hardware accessories cost upto 400% normal prices
XBL uses a flawed points charging system

If anything Microsoft ensures to fully suck the blood out of its fans.

-Alpha5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

This nonsense of companies caring for their fans is really funny.

Do you think MS or Sony would theoretically support any fan if they didn't see them as means to their ends? That is all what "fans" are. Means to an ends. We give them money, they give us the product. It's as simple as that. MS approaches it differently than Sony.

Take paying for online. Do you think Sony does it because they are nice guys? Or do you think, maybe, that Sony does it because they are forced to keep their online free? Good way to keep the competition on MS's heels wouldn't you say? Sony knows that if they charge they have to have a service as good as LIVE. Do you really think SONY has expertise in online software like MS does? This delusional that these guys sit down and would drink tea with you is absurd.

And take a look at MS. Do you think they extend RRoD warranty because they truly are sorry for what they did? They extend warranties because they know if they didn't the 360 would have no support whatsoever.

I'm sorry, but give me a break. These guys don't care about jack. They see they have a fanbase and try to please them not because they are nice guys, but because they get money off of them and if they don't keep them happy they know the fans can easily move towards the competition. I can't believe a word like "Caring" is so easily tossed towards these companies. The "caring" is conditional: if you aren't going to support the product then they are going to turn a cold shoulder. It has nothing to do with being genuinely nice or having a genuine self-interest for the well-being of yourself. People will kiss MS or Sony's ass all day as if that love is returned for free.

With all that said I do feel Sony is more "humble" but guess what? They have to be. It's got nothing to do with caring, it's about taking an approach that guarantees you the best yield of consumers and the most beneficial reputation. Very good article by the way.

iamgoatman5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )


Couldn't have said it better myself. Which is why I won't even bother, but instead just give you a bubble.


I've seen someone with 4 bubbles, not sure what the limit is.

rezzah5099d ago

Isnt the limit 3? it wouldnt make sense to give a bubble if he cant have anymore.

Dr-ZOOM5099d ago


In other words Companies only interest in fans is $$$ which makes the article statement null.

ArmrdChaos5099d ago

One of the problems today is the fact that these companies have in way become proxy parents to some individuals. It is pretty evident with some of the comments that I have witnessed that this is the case. You speak ill of these "parents" and their corporate offspring will do their best to rain down fire (at least in their mind) upon you and then pat themselves on the back for some imagined "victory". Unfortunately for some this is the only means they have to define themselves. I chose X, X is superior because... , thus I am superior.

As it was previously stated by Alpha...these companies are only in it for the money. The only difference is the paths they are taking to get there. They will offer something for free only to make the money back somewhere else...thus they get what they want and still look like the savior. Their corporate "offspring" will come on here, as they already have, and argue this point endlessly to no avail...my "parents" are nicer than your "parents".

If they gave away ALL their hardware, software, and services to the gamers for free then you might have an argument but that doesn't seem to happen in the real world. But then again...a lot of people choose to not live in the real world either.

thief5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

Frankly, what Alpha Male is saying is rubbish and misses the point
Obviously, nobody runs their business for charity. The question is rather: which company does less to rip-off their customers and hit them with hidden costs.
Here is an incomplete list of things Sony could have done but chose not to:
# Rip out the wifi and charge $50 for it
# Add cheaper components that would fail more often, but save Sony money - say a cheaper, noisy tray drive, cheaper plastic, extrenal power brick.
# Make all their exclusive online games (MAG, KZ2, Warhawk) P2P even if meant lag and host advantage, and save on server costs. After all, Live does that after charging for it.
# Charge for online - yeah I know, Live is better, Halo 3 is the best online, etc etc - but Sony could easily have charged a lower amount say $25 for online.

Sony could do all that and much more with no impact on sales. They just are not as keen as MS to extract every possible dime out out of their fans

Tony-A5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

I absolutely, positively 100% without a doubt understand why some people would believe that companies don't care about their fans at all, but there are clear exceptions that I see in this topic.

Obviously, when it comes to caring only about the money behind the fan, there are companies that listen to them (like when Sony offered requests of remade PS2 games. Obviously that has to do with money) for that reason exactly.

Still, there are some things that don't always lead to sure money, but companies do the good deed anyway. One example would be the free DLC that some developers give away. Media Molecule, Insomniac Games, Zipper Interactive and Sucker Punch have done it countless times before and I'm really glad they do.

Another example is Sony's PlayStation.Blog Share feature. They could easily not care about what our ideas are, especially with things that don't make them any money, but that Share feature is being used by fans a lot and is getting voted on a lot as well. Obviously, there hasn't been a whole lot of that implemented, but hopefully E3 will show that they've been working on it. If not, I'll accept the fact that it's just a placebo.

The most obvious and recent example is when President & CEO of Insomniac Games (Ted Price) took time out of his schedule to personally call a fan and thank him/congratulate him on the job he did with his YouTube video.

I'm just saying. 90% of the time (fake stat), companies are all about money. In the end, however, they are humans with real human feelings. Once in a while, they're going to show their gratitude.

cereal_killa5099d ago

"And take a look at MS. Do you think they extend RRoD warranty because they truly are sorry for what they did? They extend warranties because they know if they didn't the 360 would have no support whatsoever."

Your only part right on this they extended it because if they didn't they would have had a massive court approved recall that would have cost them 2-3xs more that what the extended warranty cost them.

"With all that said I do feel Sony is more "humble" but guess what? They have to be. It's got nothing to do with caring, it's about taking an approach that guarantees you the best yield of consumers and the most beneficial reputation."

To be honest they don't have to anything but they do it because they want that certain respect yes we know that every company is in it for $$$$ but if you want to make $$$ you also have to respect the consumer and provide them with the satisfaction to make them considering your product the next time they need to purchase and related product.

Dnied5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

Have to agree with DWeezy on this one.

There's a little thing called passion. I would bet a pretty good chunk of Sony developers enjoy making their games as much as we do playing and can't wait to let the world get their hands on what their creative minds have thought up.

Even the engineers behind the PS3 itself would involve some sort of passion and enjoyment, its why they're involved with the industry. I'm sure the people behind such technology could think of another way to make money other than some game console..

There's a love for gaming and a love for the feeling you get when the whole world salutes you for the job you've done. I think Sony falls into this category a bit more than Microsoft for sure.

In the end, everyone needs money to survive, so I don't think it's fair to call out Sony, or even a (very) few individuals from microsoft as greedy robotic bastards here to suck you dry.

I think the safest bet, and the 1 company to accuse this of is Activision.. I see very little passion these days which is probably at the heart of the reason IW fell apart.. IW had the will to do better, Activision wouldnt let them.

EDIT: To further elaborate... just look at LBP or modnation and compare it to something like mw2. Clearly U5 and MM are in for the enjoyment, they could be like Activision and keep these creation tools for themselves.. every 3-4 months release a pack of new tracks and mods for an additional price. They'd rather see what we can do with what they've made, I bet theres no better feeling for them.

DaTruth5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

Anyone notice that the 360 preferring guys seem to think all companies only care about money, but the PS3 preferring guys seem to be under the impression that Sony cares about them.

It's called value for money! When you are being ripped off, you take a cynical perspective to everything and it makes you feel better to believe that others are getting the same(misery loves company). But when you are receiving value for money, it feels like the company actually cares about your business.

It's nothing about fanboyism, every time I turn around Sony is giving me something for free I would have gladly paid for.

xabmol5099d ago

The fact that ICO (a game that only sold ~50,000) got a sequel means that Sony cares.

ukilnme5099d ago

@ Da Truth

"Anyone notice that the 360 preferring guys seem to think all companies only care about money, but the PS3 preferring guys seem to be under the impression that Sony cares about them."

That tells me that the 360 preferring guys are the smart ones in this case. At least they get it. The PS3 preferring guys seem to be drinking the Sony certified fruit drinks as usual.

Alpha-Male22 is 100% correct. I know the truth hurts but it is what it is.

-Alpha5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on I didn't say Sony DOESN'T care or have a passion for the business. I am saying however, that this sense of "Caring" is misunderstood. I agree with all of you above: Sony has endorsed a much more respectable ethic: I love Sony's drive.

Thief asks which company does less to rip you off. Anyone remember the PS2 last gen? Overpriced memory cards and multitaps? It's not as if Sony hasn't done things to rip you off either.

No doubt MS rips you off more this gen, but that's because they can, and as long as they can, they will. That's why something like MW2 map packs are $15. They simply can get away with it.

I have never said Sony DOESN'T approach things in a better way. I love Sony's approach, but it doesn't mean they "Care" about consumers in some human way, they care about having a philosophy and image that makes them seem more appealing. That is, without a doubt, a great philosophy to have and it's evident that people are frustrated with MS and how they approach the situation.


MS wont be giving away free Natal's. First of all, it's an unrealistic course of action, and second, MS knows people will buy Natal regardless (or at least they are hoping). That's my point: everything is driven through business and the concept of caring is just a public-relations method driven by the business model. I'm not saying Sony doesn't treat gamers better THIS gen, but like you said they are no saints either. My example is online and how Sony could have easily charged for it if they were the ones leading online gaming services.

Anon19745099d ago

It's a business, I'm not denying that, but that's what set's certain companies apart from others; caring for their consumers. At their hearts, all corporations are run by people. How would you feel about your job if you existed just to screw over people all day, to simply view people as giant wallets with legs. While there might be a minority that is fine with that most of us would have issue working for those types of company's and if they did work for those outfits, their work would suffer and so would the company as a whole.

There's a balance out there with good companies. There are plenty of companies that are not only concerned with making profit, but also concerned about taking care of their consumers and their employees. After nearly a decade in the brokerage industry I can personally attest to that. I can also attest to the fact that there are plenty of companies out there that don't care about their consumers, or only care to the extend that it helps their bottom line.

Microsoft is one of those companies, and the 360 is the perfect example. They rushed an unfinished, untested product to market knowing full well that they would be screwing over a huge portion of their consumers, but they consciously made that choice, probably rationalizing that it was worth delivering a bad gaming experience to a third of gamers if the other 2 thirds had no issues and it improved their position. They lied about it, then they extended their warranty to a year, then 3 years rather than take the hit to properly deal with the issue.

I'm not saying Sony are saints by any stretch of the imagination, but Microsoft knowingly screwed gamers over. I liked the original Xbox, but when I look at my 4th 360 console sitting on my entertainment stand with it's $100 wi-fi and I'm afraid to turn it on because I just know this one is going to die too, it's a constant reminder of how little Microsoft cares about consumers. To them, I feel we are just wallets with legs, and that's why they no longer get any of my gaming dollars. If Microsoft had even an ounce of respectability they would have replaced broken 360's with no units, or at the very least tried to make some amends to gamers who got shafted by them.

If Natal is all that Microsoft claims it is, they could start by giving it to people who have had multiple 360's die on them as a way of an apology. That would at least be a start.

The Wood5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

half right half wrong.

Sony do not care about my life...Im nothing but a punter to them. If i fall on hard times they wont pay my mortgage or gas bills so let me get that clear. Do all companies care, for lack of a better word, about their customers the same...Dont be stupid therefore i think its fair to say that x company can care for their customers more than y company. Even though MS will do whatever it takes to get the best/fastest content for its customers ie old ps2 exclusives, timed exclusive on dlc etc Its sony who has put more into their console. Sony's online is still free but MS will brag about how much millions it generates off live. They released a dodgy console to one up their rival and lied about its faults. They spend money on dlc and timed instead of footing the bill for development and growth of studios and games.

..Sony do not care about my life...Im nothing but a punter to them....BUT they sure an hell care more than MS does in console gamer terms

ASSASSYN 36o5099d ago

I think Alpha just tea bagged this subject with logical style.

truehunter5099d ago

Alpha-Male22, The reason why MS extended RRoD warranty is due to legal action. MS was force to do this. If they didnt then the class action lawsuit would hit them hard.

SkyGamer5099d ago

Hello bluray, hello "People will work more hours to buy the ps3", hello removing OtherOS support for "fear" of piracy, which already exists, just not mass market . . . yet. sony cares as much as MS. They are all in it for the money and only a fanboy would see it any other way. In fact the company that cares would be Ninty and Corsair and EVGA. They actually stand by their products, charge a competitive price and offer great products. I like the points system on LIVE as I do not like giving out my credit card number. With points, it is just a one time deal and your personal credit info isn't being used by other companies. Yes I still have my launch date ps3, haven't hooked it online because I don't want to take that crappy update that "FORCES" its users to remove features. But then, sony "cares" for it's customers, rubbish.

JokesOnYou5099d ago

Yeah sony loves you.

Micro is greedy and cares about money, sony is greedy and cares about money, lol but keep telling yourselves they made the ps3 slim and lowered the price so much not because they had to but because of course sony loves you. I mean every other company is in business to make a profit except sony. lol, If any sony soldiers are looking for a winning lottery ticket pm me.


Mo0eY5099d ago Show
commodore645099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

i just don't get the Sony fans.

Bottom line is, Sony and MS are making products, to sell to consumers, with the singular aim of making profits.
To make those products, billions of dollars are invested.

Those billions of dollars need to be recouped.
Those billions of dollars are recouped in the form of profits on sales of their products to any and all customers that have the money to buy those products.

That's it.

Any illusions we might have about which company 'cares' for us, is simply that - an illusion.
The reality is, the companies are trying to provide us with a product they hope we will enjoy enough to spend our money on, so that they can make a profit, on the billions they invested.

Both companies do NOT 'care' about us, as people.
They care about the dollars we have to spend on their products.
They care about retaining marketshare.
They care about maximising shareholder value.
They care about expanding their businesses at the expense of their competitors.

In achieving the above, they have a strong incentive to maintain the illusion that they care about their customers, so the customers remain loyal and continue to purchase their products.

All you guys that like to think any company cares about you are simply textbook examples of the effectiveness of successful corporate marketing campaigns.

Let's be real.

kunit22c5099d ago

a better thing to say is gives their customers way better deals and arn't cheapskates

Ausbo5099d ago

i think there is another reason he has come to write this article. " I’ve tried to get into their E3 Press Conference since March and I’ve tried to book appointments at their Xbox 360 booth at E3 since March and had no luck."

he is just pissed because he didn't get into the conference.

plumber155099d ago

Alphamale is right it's all about money that's how a business works

Heisenberg5098d ago

And they don't mean Sony literally cares about you personally, it's just another way of saying Sony is smarter and has more foresight as far as the gaming console business goes. In that they believe the best way to make the most money and run a company successfully for the long term, is by making sure the customers are kept satisfied after they've bought their console and and by being fair, rather than just looking out for initial sales and then doing everything they can to squeeze you for every penny they can afterwards.

In other words, what Sony knows is, you can only skin a sheep once but shear it many times.... If you want to satisfy a customer and keep them coming back, you don't squeeze them dry the first time. So no, they don't care about you personally, but they believe it to be good business to sell quality products, keep you happy, and maintain their reputation, even though it requires more out of their pocket, they believe in the long run it'll pay off.

DevastationEve5098d ago

When companies care for their customers it shows. And I give a lot of respect to companies that go out of their way when it matters. But in the end they can't be nice to each and every customer and that's where it falls apart.

Sony doesn't do anything more or less then any other company out there. And Microsoft for sure doesn't do anything less.

Microsoft has extended warranties on affected Xbox 360 consoles (not just launch ones either but ALL red ring errors) and have taken tons of feedback about their Xbox Live service on how to keep making it better. They're not deaf to the complaints and deserve a lot of respect for not outright failing in spite of their problems.

Microsoft has made many deals with companies who would otherwise have been Sony exclusive in order to make the Xbox platform more appealing to the end gamer. They've done some majorly impressive things just so that I can get the games I want, yet in the end fanboys will continue to draw their complete bull about games being better on this console or that.

Microsoft has also designed a console experience that's tailor fit to each gamer. From launch they gave you the choice of getting all the great extras or just keeping it simple. That says a lot more than Sony shoving their options down you throat and forcing you to believe you absolutely need memory stick readers and bluetooth. It's more affordable to buy a console that has everything from the beginning but not if you don't need all those other features.

Microsoft didn't have to try but they did, so you have to respect the fact that they know some gamers just want GAMES and not just fancy features like bluray.

I think we're already too far into this gen to keep rehashing old gripes, but PS3 fanboys really have some serious issues letting go and just respecting other gamers' preferences.

rockleex5098d ago (Edited 5098d ago )

$50 online
$100 HDD
pay for Wi-fi
proprietary products
knowingly release faulty products

Free online
HDD included, non-proprietary
Wi-fi included
offer risky new technology for more storage
dedicated servers
Home for free
The Tester competition shows for free
GT academy

Point is, they're both in it for the money. No company can ever be a charity, except maybe Google. :P

The difference is that Sony focuses on giving the most bang for your buck, while Microsoft is focuses on ripping you off. Therefore Sony cares more about their consumers than Microsoft.

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 5098d ago
lociefer5099d ago

if course they care, unlike the other company wich most of its fanbase r kids, only thing it do is rip them off

deadreckoning6665099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

Both Sony and Microsoft care about money in the end. But I will say that Sony understands the meaning of value much MUCH better than Microsoft. Still, if it wasn't for the 360s success, Sony would still be arrogant as hell and the PS3 would be $400 with HALF of the PSN features it has now.

Sony cares more because they were forced to do so after M$ lit a candle under Sony's ass when Xbox Live became a gaming phenomenon. Disagree if ud like...but its true.

@Ravenshield- I agree with you partly. Sony lost exclusivity of the Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, and Final Fantasy franchises(please fanboys, don't start mentioning how many exclusives the 360 lost, WE KNOW, this is Sony I'm talking about)

However, to say that Sony doesn't care is WAAY off. For a free online service, there doing a hell of a job and Home is being offered for FREE. IMO, PSN, as far as core online gameplay is concerned, is the equal of Xbox Live... just for free.

ravinshield5099d ago ShowReplies(2)
XactGamer5099d ago

First off, their corporations not a "person" the only thing they care about is money. You guys are going to argue and defend which company cares about your dollar more when all they want is your dollar. Musicians, actors, writers, and developers care about their fans, MS and Sony are not any of those. Sony and MS hire all the people above to make what fans like for mony. Your not a fanbase when you buy a console you are a consumer buying entertainment. MS and Sony are nothing more than movie studios and theater owners selling you tickets but they don't make the movie.

Inside_out5099d ago

This guy spends more time talking about himself than anything...it's not about him...lol...I won medals...but now I write dumb articles...

These companies care about market share and profits...right or wrong, like it or not...they are in business to make money...

EVERY gaming company/enterprise from magazines to developers to publishers are abusing the gaming community right now...Things like charging for content/DLC already installed on the disc...M$ recently eliminating the 1200 point cards, requiring gamers to buy more points than they need....developers taking 5+ years to make a game at a huge expense which will inevitably be paid by the gamer...it goes on and on...

This is the worst I've ever seen...$15 for 5 maps, 3 of which are refurbished old maps...wanting gamers to pay for demo's...requiring gamers to enroll in the company/developer to play there games as well as receive extras....they've gone crazy with greed...Did you notice Virgin getting back into gaming...there is a fortune to be made...

They all have there scams and it's gonna get worse...watch and see...

Bodyboarder_VGamer5099d ago

If only you people tried to read the articles before making long ass comments full of nonsense.

Nobody is saying that Sony isn't doing it for your money. The point of the article is that after so much fail from Sony with 600 bucks console and arrogance they have changed a lot and now for example, Sony opened the PSblog and they host monthly party's called meet ups in different cities to showcase their new games and othe things to the fans while MS party's are only for the press.

Another example was that Sony was using twitter and facebook to give away 150 passes to the fans to go to E3 while MS doesn't even care. They just have the circus for the press and the stream for everybody else.

Another example the author say is that he is from a not well known website and when he tries to call MS they don't even care, they just say to send them an email. Then he say that if he was from GameSpot IGN or any other big website then MS would be all over them.

He even has many more examples about why he thinks that Sony cares more for the fan.

Dude4205099d ago

By your logic, Microsoft cared more for their customers than Sony last generation.

- Xbox had an internal HDD and was a very reliable console.
- PS2 was faulty and you had to pay for memory cards.

Oh and don't give me the "Bu... Bu... MS stopped support for the Xbox!". nVidia stopped production of the chip, so MS had no choice but to stop support.

Face it, what alpha-male said was right, just because Sony has done much better this generation, doesn't mean they're saints. Remember the "People will get 2 jobs for a PS3!" quote?

DaTruth5099d ago

Tell that to my almost ten year old PS2 that I was just using last week!

"Oh and don't give me the "Bu... Bu... MS stopped support for the Xbox!". nVidia stopped production of the chip, so MS had no choice but to stop support."

If you actually believe Invidia could just stop making a chip they are under contract to produuce... there are just no words for you then, maybe something Special Olympics related or something! I never even heard that one before! Whatever makes you feel better about your purchase!

Dude4205099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

Wow, personal insults, how mature of you, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?

Yes, it did end by contract, however, in my last post I didn't mean to say they stopped it just like that.

The thing is DaTruth, nVidia obviously must of done something wrong to have ATI win over MS. When ATI was chosen to make the chips, what do you think happened with the relationship with nVidia and MS?

When you look the PS2, the reason it's been going on for so long now is because Sony created their OWN machine (Emotion Engine), whereas MS depended on other companies to make their chip.

"Tell that to my almost ten year old PS2 that I was just using last week!"

Wow it's been that long? Congrats, now go tell that to the other people who had to go through multiple PS2's.

If you have something to say, at least say it in a civilized manner.

boysenberry5099d ago

True, and this is why I love Sony. LOL at all the disagrees. Do you Xbox fanboys really think that Microsoft cares about you guys? LOL.

duplissi5099d ago

well they used to not.... they felt we were a never ending resource that they could treat us however they wanted.... 2006 2007 anyone?

of course they do now, theyve realized that we keep their pockets lined so they better deliver and deliver they have!

AAACE55099d ago

You can look at it any way you want, but you have to look at the facts! I don't think either company cares about us as much as we think.

Sony was perfectly comfortable selling us tons of 8 Mb memory cards last gen, while the Xbox came with a HDD installed. XBL cost alot while PSN is free. But you also have to ask the question, would PSN have been free if they didn't have to compete? They are now coming with PSN+ to make some money off of it! Also, they both charge too much for the downloadable crap, but MS seems to charge more or maybe they just offer more content which is why it's more noticable!

MazzingerZ5099d ago

I wouldn't say they care more as if that was the case they would give PS3 for free :D

But I do think, and it's a fact, that SONY is more professional and has more resources than Micorsoft's GAME DIVISION delivering a gaming experience as an international company.

The best games on the PS3 are 1st party studios and SONY has high standards regarding localization for 1st party games so lots of games are localized even to small languages like Swedish or Danish, which is awesome!...many people don't see nor appreciate this as US and UK are the big markets.

Dashboard is translated to around 20 languages, not just the dashboard but every error/informational messages as well...it feels so great to let my kids play LBP, Eye Pet everything is localized, every single item, sticker, every tutorial video is in my scandinavian language...even the Tags för search of custom levels in LBP are localized!

The localization of R&C games are top notch!

great voice actors are hired by SONY...even the audio of the co-op missions/MP in R2 are localized.

On the X360? the only game that has been localized to my language is Viva Piñats (the first one! VP2 was in english! I was like WTF? so my kids need to learn english to play a game sold and distributed here on a console that purchased in my country and promoted as a family game?...on the other hand XBL Market place can nicely show me how much my card will be charged (in my local currency) if I change my XBL membership or want to add MSFT points.

Ona has high standards that covers everything in the life-cycle of the product they sell while the other puts only effort in the main markets and in the small ones localize only stuff that could cause customers not to spend their money on them.

MNicholas5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

It's about internal company culture.

One takes it's customers for granted, has a cut-throat culture of win at any cost, and stops at nothing to squeeze every last penny out of every single customer.

The other takes pride in it's technology and quality, places a high premium on customer loyalty, and actively argues the benefits of this approach to convince share-holders that this is key to long term success and that it's not just giving stuff away.

We all know that I don't have to spell out which description matches which company.

gunnerforlife5099d ago

you lot are a bit chatty today aint you haha

Eddie201015099d ago

Sony is better at creating a perception of caring for there consumer's and if you are good business or company that goes a long way towards increasing the bottom line. In the end the consumer is still the one benefiting from that perceived caring the company is trying to create.

IdleLeeSiuLung5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

Just 5 years ago, every body would be singing a different tune. Sony was the arrogant company and MS was new on the block. This author might be right now, but his reasoning is so wrong on so many levels.

Basically, he is saying that since his tiny little site isn't getting attention, MS is arrogant. Well, I'm sorry, but when business is brisk and a lot of people want to talk to you, you select the most promising ones. There is only so much resources and time... That is just the nature of business. If you get showered by gazillion tiny blogs every day, I think you get tired of pretty quick too. On the flip side, I have seen a lot of tiny sites that get Natal hands-on....

Fan service to me is when companies give out specials to their customers such as great pre-order and midnight opening incentives. Have special events for the fans i.e. their customers.

I remember going to Gears of War 2 midnight opening, I got a sweather, a hat and Gold-Plated Hammerburst. For the pre-order, I got a large remote controlled tank albeit it had a huge design flaw and so didn't move very well. There were very few people (a handful when I showed up 5 minutes prior to opening) at probably the busiest Best Buy in the area for this game! So much so that they had extra stuff the next day even handing it out to everyone and their mother and father literally!

For the Splinter Cell: Conviction, Best Buy gave away beanies and a mini strategy guide.

You contrast that with Modern Warfare 2 midnight opening and there were at least 100 people in line and what did we get? I think only 10 people got a poster! The biggest freaken game of the year? Where is the fan service?

Fan service are for fans that buy the games, not the media for their tiny little blog site that complains about competing with the big guys! They aren't fans!

mookins5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )


Sony does care about their fans. I would say that they're one of the few companies with a bit of decency.

acedoh5099d ago

SONY is doing what they should be doing. A smart marketing campaign. Likable people and of course great games. Despite the talk of arrogance SONY really stepped it up. They have always been good to their fans. I think now they have made themselves more accessible to western gamers.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5098d ago
Sunny_D5099d ago

Sony were definately arrogant and all talk at the beginning of this generation. But, they have turned around and have proven themselves like they did with PS1 and PS2 with quality and innovating games that come out consistently.

I was starting to think that Microsoft were the ones bringing the goods, until they just became arrogant and all talk. Natal has yet to show anything, other than hype. I think Microsoft are the new Sony.

MazzingerZ5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

They weren't arrogant, Kutaragi was telling the truth about PS3 being a better console and the cell + BR delivering better games

On the other hand "the console for the hardcore fan", "Only on X360", "We have the best games", "Metacritic", "Best graphics", "Forza is the best racing game, better than GT5", etc...can't even be called arrogant comments but rather lies.

Cueil5098d ago

that you've forgotten all the bull that was said... confidence in ones products is one thing, but out and out lies were sony's style for over a decade starting with the PS2's "jack into the matrix" and ending with "work overtime to pay for a PS3"

Nike5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

I'll just say this:

If you're a jerk in the world, it doesn't matter so long as you keep the checks rolling in. The key words are "so long", however.

Microsoft may not be the most popular company - hell, even before they entered the gaming market - but they're successful for a reason. And it sure as hell isn't because they give fans what they want, but because they convince fans to want something they don't KNOW they want. If that requires being a total jerk, to sell off those products and keep the moolah coming, you can bet MS is not the only company that does it (Apple and EA of old, anyone?). And that they certainly won't be the first to stop.

ClownBelt5099d ago

Yeah and it doesn't matter whether you screw your customer by offering overpriced products and releasing a half broken system just to get ahead of the competition. XD

Nitrowolf25099d ago

this may be a little bit off topic but i think MS should get rid of the Point or at least have it so they equal same amount of money
http://www.gamestop.com/cat... i mean it maybe 18 bucks but i seems like your only getting 16bucks worth of points.
Sony and Nintendo do it right, 20bucks=20buckPSN 20bucks=2000 wii points

Cueil5098d ago

@Nitrowolf2 was put into place to circumvent international exchange rates... that way each division of Microsoft would be able to independently control the price of the points and it wouldn't be tied to any currency

Evilavatar5099d ago

Come on. Companies care about sales and money. And they use the image they think will help them the most. Just like that. No company care about the fans, if they cant give them money.

DEATHSTROKE-cro-5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

yeah,and that's why PS3 online is free and Sony invests money in games like
LBP,Heavy Rain and Last Guardian which are not hardcore games and you never know if those games will make money -_-

and read the article. he said he met Sony guys and they were nice people

-Alpha5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

You do realize Sony was forced to keep PSN free right?

It's all about business and it's naive to thing Sony "cared" for its fans. If they charged for PSN it would have had to be as good or better than LIVE and Sony isn't a company that has expertise with online software like MS did. So it was smarter to say "look, we have free online for anybody, the other guys charge for their service".

Look how well that worked out. Some people REALLY don't care for the bells and whistles of LIVE so they jump to PSN. Do you think MS cares? They make so much money off of LIVE users. Sony wish they had that, any company wishes for any kind of profit stream. But Sony can't have that because they are simply not in that position to charge for PSN.

Smart strategy wouldn't you say? As opposed to "look, we are nice people. We want to give PSN for free, because we don't care for money"

Please stop with this nonsense that Sony is some caring company. They care about your wallet but approach it differently than MS.

And it's funny, just last gen Sony was the one milking their consumers with all these add-ons for the console. Multitap, memory cards, network adapters, all of which were built in to the Xbox to my knowledge. Sorry, but these guys look at things from a business perspective not from some moral handbook.

yess5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )


Sony made the memorycard so people could take it to their freinds house instead of the hole PS2.
The network adaptor was cause online play on consols was untested, there for they chose not to integreate it, they later added it to the slim at no xtra cost.
Multitap was made cause the games demanded it as they evolved, to more players pr. games.

It's all buisnes as you say but they did not force you to buy those xtra to milk you, they did it cause the gaming changed.And they where unsure in wich direction.
MS learned from Sony and added some of those things...

Redempteur5099d ago


sony was not forced to keep their online free they took a different approach..

LOOK at HOME it's free BUT the people using it are willing to pay for prenium games or items.. it's the very same system used in MMOS like mabinogi or pangya and many other things ... you keep acces free but offer prenium content

THAT WAY everyone is on the same page and you encourage people to buy your stuff because it's expanding ... The number of asiatic companies using this model is HUGE

Microsoft With LIVE is just using another business model ..AFter all they just have different priorities

FFXI1015099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

"You do realize Sony was forced to keep PSN free right?"

How was Sony "FORCED" to keep PSN free? were you there when they make the decision, Alpha?

He wrote the article from his personal experience, what experience do you have that's similar to his? have you ever talk to Jack Tretton? or anyone in MS?

Mr. Tretton tells him “Its all about the fans man, its also about money, but it is about the fans.” when was last time anyone in MS say somthing like that besides trashing their competition?

I personally, saw the invitation to Sony's meeting in either magazine or blog(can't remember which) when was last time or ever MS send out the invitations to anyone besides the press/media/celebrity?

If anyone needs to stop the nonsense, it should be you.

Arnon5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

"yeah,and that's why PS3 online is free and Sony invests money in games like
LBP,Heavy Rain and Last Guardian which are not hardcore games and you never know if those games will make money"

Congratulations. You are the prime example of what a brainwashed customer looks like.

PSN is free because Xbox LIVE is not. If PSN was not free and had the same features it does today, do you honestly think it would be anywhere? No. It would be stomped into the ground and forgotten about. Microsoft charges for Xbox LIVE, and yet somehow their service continues to grow and outnumber PSN in terms of features.

People continuously state that Sony invests money in games. Is Microsoft somehow doing something different? Microsoft (the company that everyone thinks is evil, on this site), is forking out their own money for extra content and exclusivity to bring it to their console for their customers to continue to enjoy, and it's somehow a bad thing, right?

Sorry to burst your bubble folks, but it's all business. Sony cares about their customers as much as BP caring about preserving wildlife near the Gulf of Mexico.

Get your head out of your asses fanboys, and wake up. Sony and Microsoft want your money. That's all their is to it. And since none of you are adult enough to accept this fact, I would like to know what Sony has actually done for you, the customer, in general. Please, do tell.


The memory card is a joke. That's why it no longer exists and Sony went with an internal HDD. Can you guess which console had the first internal HDD built into it?

yess5099d ago

Let me guess, it's the same company that brought the memorycard back;-)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5099d ago
AK465099d ago

Happy customers are loyal custumers

PirateThom5099d ago

I think people misunderstand this with "Sony fanboys".

I don't like Sony because I feel some sort of brand loyalty. Hell, I don't own any other Sony products bar a Mini Disc player. I like Sony because they deliver. I know that I can buy a PlayStation console and have games for it every year because Sony "care" (care as much as a faceless corporation wanting my cash can) enough to invest in games and I will happily give them money as long as they keep giving me games. So far, they haven't disappointed and, as far as this year goes, doesn't look like they'll be doing anything to change that.

whitesoxfalife5099d ago

i totally agree with you Alpha, everybody has to put on that suit to get us the consumer

thief5099d ago

Again, more rubbish about how Sony was "forced" to keep PSN free awhile MS can somehow charge because its so superior
Was Sony "forced" to add dedicated servers for KZ2 or MAG?
Was Sony "forced" to add a free wifi or rechargeable batteries as standard?

Just ask yourself a couple of questions
1. Couldn't Sony have easily charged a smaller amount for PSN, say $25?
2. What if MS had a PSN-equivalent free service and a Live Gold with the supposedly superior features (mainly cross-game chat, remind me what else?) 95% of the user of Live Gold would flee for the free PSN-like service.

What MS does is quite clever. Price the 360 $100 lower, and charge Live at a price which seems low (less than the price of one game) per year. But nobody realizes that if you add up lifetime costs, the console cost actually doubles.

iamgoatman5099d ago

I think you've missed the point a little.

It's all down to what Sony or MS see as good business. Obviously they aren't going to come to the same conclusions, and will often provide radically different approaches to a service in order to appear more appealing to potential customers.

Both companies likely watch each other like a hawk, as competition plays a huge role in such an industry. Increased features and usability are often direct responses to what a rival company may be producing. Look at features that came to Live such as Twitter and Netflix, but then came to PSN soon afterwards. This was Sony keeping up with it's competition so the quality of their service remained equal to it's rival. Allowing MS to gain an advantage would be poor business.

Which leads me to the "forced to keep PSN free" comments. Having an equal service with a competitor removes an opportunity to win over potential customers. If both PSN and Live were the same annual price, with the same features, then it wouldn't be a deciding factor to a customer, it wouldn't matter. But with Sony providing the service for free, it allows them to maintain their product to equal standards as the competition, and provide a greater selling point for their overall product. They may not have been "forced", but was it a direct response? You bet it was.

"Was Sony "forced" to add dedicated servers for KZ2 or MAG?"

No, but a happy customer is a loyal customer. If you can add to the quality of a product relatively easily, it has the potential to sell more. The developers themselves may have seen it as a good thing to do, but for the parent company, it's just a greater point of sale for the product.

And lastly to the people using the playstation blog as a reason, this isn't entirely an example of the company itself showing compassion. This is more down to individuals passion for a greater service, which shows a more caring side to the brand as many of you seem to find. And if it makes your company imagine look better, then no wonder it's funded.

Apologies for the long post, but it's my last bubble.

ironwolf7775099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

Corporations care very deeply about their 'fans'. They care about your feelings and they care about how much you think they care. It's not a business tactic or anything, they're just happy that your're happy.

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Wolfenstein: The New Order - A Highly Rated FPS That Hasn't Stood the Test of Time

Wolfenstein: The New Order launched 10 years ago today, but can it stand up to the modern FPS titles it inspired?

Seth_hun32m ago

I disagree. Its still a fantastic game, with very good gunplay and a surprisingly loveable cast of characters and a good story trough many different and interesting setpieces


Why Is No One Making AAA Horror Games Anymore?

Saif from eXputer inquires, "Despite the everlasting popularity of the genre, why hasn't there been a good AAA horror game in a while now?"

Jin_Sakai2d ago

Because the gaming industry is obsessed with live service games.

Cacabunga1d 15h ago

Even FPS are rare nowadays

Rynxie1d 14h ago

Because he touches himself at night to characters like lady Dimitrescu.

Crows901d 10h ago

You're the one still thinking about her

Rynxie1d 10h ago


Did I give away your secret? It's okay, if you sit on your hand and numb it, you can pretend it's her playing with your little stick.

MaximusPrime_2d ago

Good for me, I have no interests in horror games

-Foxtrot1d 17h ago

Even when they do it's first person trying to copy Outlast, Five Nights, P.T etc

I think the Dead Space / RE2 / RE4 Remake and the Evil Within 2 showed you can have a good story based, third person survival horror game.

jeromeface1d 15h ago

remakes is another good reason

thesoftware7301d 14h ago

Calisto Protocol was also fun with fantastic presentation.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 6h ago

I feel like we haven't had much in the way of horror games for years, I think it became rare after the PS2/PS3 gen. Maybe i'll pick up that Crow Country that recently came out, that looks good.

Venoxn4g1d 4h ago

Crow Country needs some more love.. and more exposure

Redemption-641d 15h ago

Because outside of a fee games, most don't sell that well

Crows901d 10h ago

So in other words...AAA publishers don't have creativity or passion for games.

CrimsonWing691d 15h ago

Didn’t we have Dead Space Remake and Resident Evil 4 Remake last year?

thorstein1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

Among others

And isn't Dying Light 2 a horror game?

Scissorman1d 15h ago

And Alan Wake 2 and Alone in the Dark.

on_line_forever23h ago

I like Alone in the dark but it's not AAA game

richardmmorales1d 6h ago

We also had The Quarry and The Dark Pictures The Devil In Me.

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