When everything is said and done, Another Code R is unquestionably Cing's best attempt at creating a game that plays much like a novel. The controls have been fined tuned to perfection and the visual approach also impresses. The game is a blast to play from start to finish and, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the game is one of the few must-have Nintendo titles so far this year.
Critical Hit! says: "Xenoblade Chronicles. The Last Story. Pandora’s Tower.
The truth is, Nintendo has a long history of holding games back from US release. The reasons sometimes vary (when reasons are given), but it’s a practice that goes all the way back to the early days of the NES.
To give you a small glimpse of what you’ve been missing, I’ve compiled a list of the twenty non-US first-party Nintendo games that struck me as being the most important, most interesting, or most potentially fun to play. I’ve limited it to mainly console releases (as opposed to handheld) in order to narrow things down. Now, allow me to guide you on a journey into the forgotten past…"
lol you guys get it lucky
its Nintendo's fault I never got to play Chrono Trigger as a 12 year old kid, FFVI....or Super mario RPG
Fantastic read. Without a doubt one of the best articles that i have ever read on here.
You know that it is a good article when you're completely outraged at the end. No more Fire Emblem?! I hope that you are wrong, because i will be absolutely crushed!
To make things worse... i never got a chance to play Earthbound! I have been patiently checking my Virtual Console every week. Just knowing that Earthbound would eventually come (they have 2 Earthbound characters in Smash Bros.). Before reading this, i had no idea about the potential legal issue with the soundtrack. It seems very likely that i will be crushed again.
I knew that NoA had a reputation (for being wrong), but, i had no idea that their track record was THIS bad. It hurts because i have just lost a lot of my optimism for Xenoblade and Last Story being released in the US.
The Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Disaster: Day Of Crisis
Dynamic Blade a.k.a Zangeki No Reginleiv
Fatal Frame 4
These are games that could have made the Wii more respectable with HD console owners. I don't know what to say but it seems that NOA and many 3rd-party developers really dropped the ball on the Wii.
IGN - "How Europe has caught up to, matched and surpassed North America. Is it time to start importing again?"
"The localization process used to make so much more sense to me. Japan got every Nintendo game first, which was understandable since that's the company's home country. Then America would get each game next, needing only a translation into English and a fresh manufacturing run to get going here. "
Fans of the original will no doubt persevere and get to experience the worthwhile moments of the second half, but others may find its slow development too boring, its story a little too lost for its own good.