
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - 10 Years of CDPR on Console

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition debuted on Xbox 360 10 years ago, laying the foundations of CDPR's console releases.

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Community779d ago
kevco33779d ago

10 years and I'm not sure they've done anything better since...

pietro1212779d ago

I take the Witcher 3 over part 2, but Cyberpunk was a disappointment. God I hated Johnny Silverhand so much.


Xbox Store Kicks Off Shocktober & Publisher Spotlight Series Sales

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just launched two new digital game sales that heavily discount various Shocktober games, games from popular publishers, as well as Xbox 360 games that are backward compatible with Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One right now!"

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Community595d ago

Xbox Black Friday Game Sale 2021 Starts Now

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just kicked off its Black Friday game sale ahead of PSN, featuring tons of recently released, AAA, and indie games with huge savings for Xbox gamers right now!"

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Community929d ago
prophecy929d ago

Xbox Store has just kicked off its Black Friday game sale -ahead of PSN- - Did they get kickbacks for saying this?

Here is a link to PlayStation Indies -1349 items

Here is a link to November Savings - 590 items

Here is a link to the Under $20 sale - 230 items

PlayStation's Black Friday sale starts tomorrow with hundreds more games.

It's kind of a joke to act like xbox is EVER beating Sony to a sale. Sony always has 3-4 sales going on with thousands of games. PSN having 1000+ games is just another Tuesday on PlayStation.

DJStotty929d ago

Relax, it is just an xbox black friday sale....

prophecy929d ago

Listen, this site decided to make it a competition. Why don't you ask them why they needed to add that part about PSN.

DJStotty929d ago


The same reason if it was the other way around, it would be worded "PSN black friday game sale starts now before XBL"

Nothing in it, just stating one has started before the other, if this kind of thing triggers this kind of reaction, speak to someone.

prophecy929d ago

I have never seen a PSN sale article that mentioned anything about xbl, much less made it seem like any type of competition.



Livingthedream929d ago

PROPHECY just took fanboyism to a different level. SMH seems like some people are insecure about their console.

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Chris12929d ago

Not everything in life is a conspiracy. Chill out........

DaveZero929d ago (Edited 929d ago )

Agreed sometimes fanboys just need to stop because there is nothing going on to support fanboynonsense.

Do not know why people just cant enjoy games and have to ensure all sorts of cracked up conspiracy drama.

Gaming4Life1981929d ago

Chill and just buy all the games you want that's on sale. All consoles will have a black friday sale.

BenRC01929d ago

Omg dude, you'll get some aaa games soon I promise! Let xbox have its month in the sun.

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BrainSyphoned929d ago

Thanks but my rental service is all I need on Xbox. Like the other article states if I want to buy a game to keep it is physical on PS.

CBaoth929d ago

Yep. Buy 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party on PS, double dip on 3rd party PC, buy occasional 1st party on Nintendo, and rent on Xbox. I'll never buy another game from MS since it's apparent developers get paid quite handsomely off GP contracts according to Xbox fans here

Father__Merrin929d ago

There's no need for them to say ahead of PSN they have done so due to paid shilz nothing more


Looking back to 2011 and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Jack writes: "Before viewers who raved about The Witcher Netflix series could be called posers by those who have played The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, gamers who raved about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt could be called posers by those who already played The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings."

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Community1115d ago
MadLad1115d ago

I just started the first playthrough of this game in years.
I love Witcher 3, and think it's one of the best open world RPGs had, but I have to say I think that the more focused content had here is more enjoyable as a whole.

As just a pure action RPG experience, I think they did better with Witcher 2.

Michiel19891115d ago

I have a soft spot for W2, it hit so many of the right notes for me. brutally hard combat, a cool narrative that splits up into 2 parts, a beautiful world even though the gritty style wasnt for everyone. I preferred it over W3 which open world was gorgeous but felt kind of empty when it came to discovery since for me having an "x" or a "?" on the world map for you to go to doesnt feel as exploration to me, it just feels like you are being led on rails to your next reward. maybe im suffering from open world fatigue or i just dont like that style of reward chasing.

Ill join you in replaying it, this got me excited to play it again

annoyedgamer1115d ago

RIP CDPR. Corrupted by American investors and shareholders. The Witcher 2 was the peak, TW3 didnt have the same soul as TW2.