
Physical Console Games are Quickly Becoming a Relatively Niche Market

Ars-exclusive analysis shows discs and cartridges becoming rarer and rarer.

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XbladeTeddy944d ago

Less plastic in the world isn't a bad thing, I've not had a DVD drive in my PC for years. Physical is pushing more and more into collector category rather than necessity. I buy physical but more often it's digital.

darthv72944d ago

i have been a long time physical collector but lately i am feeling burned out on the 'collecting' side. Just recently I divested myself of my saturn / dreamcast / sega cd collections. I just wasnt playing them like i used to and also switched to using optical drive emulators instead of the real discs. I dont miss them, esp not after the huge chunk of change i got for them ($10k).

With so many ways to play the games of my youth, I dont worry so much about missing out on holding them in my hand or looking at them on a shelf. the other collections i may decide to part with include gamecube, xbox, ps1 and ps2. I will hold onto my 360 and ps3 and wii / wiiu collections for now. And of course xb1 / ps4.

Urrakia34944d ago

Not to judge but I don't understand why you would get rid of your older games collection which is more likely to include titles that will be lost in the digital era? For me, collecting is not about actively playing them constantly. It's more about preserving games I've beaten and enjoyed so that maybe one day I can share those experiences with younger generations who want to play games that are no longer easily accessible or flat-out unavailable digitally.

darthv72944d ago

^^nothing is truly lost. the physical medium is just a vessel to hold the data. The same data exists in digital form and if saved to various forms of flash drives or hard drives then it now has become physical again (just not the same context). Even if a digital store removes its content, somebody out there has already backed it up so preservation is an active process being performed by members of the community.

As for sharing those nostalgic experiences... I tried that myself with my kids. you'd be surprised at how the youth arent really interested in the games of our past. Nobody born in the last 10-20 years wants to play Atari like i did when it was new and fresh in 1977. while i experienced it first hand, most young today consider their first hand with something like the PS2 or PS3 and anything older just doesnt have the same appeal. I get that, its the same with old music and movies. If they didnt grow up with it, they dont have a connection to it.

now my reasoning to get rid of these was due to the market being ripe to sell. I did the same thing back a few years to all my cartridge collections (nes, genesis, snes, n64, tg16) and made quite a pretty penny then as well. Eventually the market will be so saturated with retro / vintage games and few with the disposable income to buy. you dont have to worry about that when you play the same games on real hardware using more modern methods. With a $50 gdemu clone and a couple of SD cards, i have my entire DC collection back (and then some).

Hofstaderman944d ago (Edited 944d ago )

No sane person is drinking this kool aid. Microsoft wishes everything will move digital. DRM, no swapping of games, no reselling of games and no guarantee games will be removed from a server in the future.

Profchaos944d ago

Yeah I can understand your point of view many kids just won't care about older games is like us playing our generations music to them and expecting them to like it.

DOMination-944d ago

Digital is the future whether you like it or not. Valve did it in 2004 and the PC market embraced and thrived off of it. For the hardcore collectors out there it sucks and I understand that but that is a really small percentage of gamers. For the rest of you, Sony is going to go there soon so you need to get used to it. It isn't that scary, I promise. Shop smartly like you would normally and there is just as many bargains to be had.

XiNatsuDragnel944d ago


I feel you want the corporates to own your games and physical media will persevere your games. Don't be a sheep be free.

TheEroica944d ago

Dude, I just threw out a hundred games. Entire Xbox and 360, ps3 libraries. It was time to part with them. I've kept my nes games but that's it.

-Hermit-944d ago


"Don't be a sheep be free"

What does this cringe even mean? Has it ever crossed your mind that people just prefer digital media? I do, I have been done with physical media for nearly a decade at this point and I haven't missed it one bit.

jznrpg943d ago

Let me know where your selling stuff I’ll take a look at it .

TargusX943d ago

Do you work for Nintendo?

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annoyedgamer944d ago

The corporate PR machine disguises a ouch for digital as environment friendly. But it's just a ruse to lock people into a digital market.

Notellin944d ago

Do YoUr OwN ReSeArCh. EvErYtHiNg Is A ScAm.

DigitallyAfflicted944d ago

It just makes them more money. Imagine if dreamcast was digital-only, we wouldn't be able to buy and play most of Dreamcast games now. With physical copy we will enjoy retro gaming for generation to come!!!

XbladeTeddy944d ago

If digital is done correctly it works very well, just look at Steam it's a brilliant digital platform which consumers actually love. So much so that if a game isn't on Steam but on Epic's store as an exclusive or somewhere else people just boycott the game until it gets a Steam release.

Love or hate it, digital is the future.

moriarty1889944d ago (Edited 944d ago )

Exactly. There are many older games that are so cheap physically but the digital versions are much higher. Many of them still at full price like when they launched years ago. Ridiculous.

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Profchaos944d ago

In the surface that's a good statement but I'm not sure the amount of energy consumed by the expanding digital distribution network actually offsets all the plastic from games and casing

REDDURT944d ago

Boy they have really drove a generation into not want to own anything.

TheEroica944d ago

Can't believe how many down votes such a sensible comment got.... I think physical media is entirely unnecessary as well. Just pollution. Send me your best down votes!

DarXyde944d ago

I much prefer physical and understand the need to reduce the use of plastics, but notice that companies have yet to explore (publicly, anyway) any means of securing digital ownership for consumers indefinitely. These companies could very easily get bigger digital support if they could ensure ownership the way physical games can.

Will they find a way? Probably. Will they let us know and implement that technology into their devices? Probably not. Going full digital is actually the consumer taking a loss: you don't get a discount, you don't own the game since you're only licensing it, and you can't let a friend borrow it.

jznrpg943d ago

This isn’t plastic that’s being thrown away 99% of the time . If you want to get rid of more plastic they need to stop selling water and soda in plastic bottles and items of that nature that is automatically thrown away .

Dreadnort943d ago (Edited 943d ago )

Couldn't agree more, I haven't had one for at least 12 years now. I do have a USB one, just in case, but the days of a CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drive as part of my PC build are long long gone.
I think Consoles fill that role of physical media quite well though. It's more of a necessity. PC 's have the advantage of being able to use multiple storage media, Consoles don't have the same kind of luxury in that regard. There is still something to be said though for purchasing physical media, ripping off the cellophane and dropping that disc into the drive. I think until Consoles can match PC's with the versatility AND multiple storage space options WITHOUT restrictions, physical media will remain a steadfast component for some time to come.

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Gheritt_White944d ago

For as long as I can pick up a physical copy of a game far, far more cheaply than a digital copy - even a new, shrink-wrapped copy - then I will favor physical editions. You can also share and trade in pshyical games - I've yet to see any compelling solutions to this for digital games.

Plus, it doesn't help the PS5 SDD isn't even as big as the PS4 Pro's HDD, so less content can be installed at any one time.

blackblades944d ago

Ps5 sdd might not be large as ps4 hdd but is faster because its sdd and to sdd ps5 compression makes up for it to an extent

one2thr944d ago

I put a 2tb SSD in my PS5, and I still prefer to physically own certain titles.

robtion944d ago

Agree. I just picked up Horizon 2 physical for $79 in Australia(PS4 version and downloaded the free ps5 version). The digital edition is $110. Ridiculous! An all digital future will be pretty anti consumer I think.

-Foxtrot944d ago

I don’t mind if digital is a choice but an all digital future is not something I want to be part of.

The worst is having a couple of collectors editions now being digital only, it’s shitty, especially when they come with a steelbook.

solideagle944d ago

if they can give the functionality to buy/sell our digital games then there is no need for physical games I think

-Foxtrot944d ago (Edited 944d ago )

I don't think it's just about being able to sell them, for a lot of people we like physical discs to keep.

Digital stuff could be removed whenever, hell even something within the game could be cut/censored at anytime, look at the GTA Trilogy removing songs or the recent Martha is Dead having a scene censored, if that game was released as a physical product first time round then at least people would still have the original copy.

I just don't like the idea of companies having full control over something still despite me having bought it.

staticall944d ago

What happens with "your" games if you'll get banned at the service, which might happen for any reason, by the way, from fair (like using stolen cards) to idiotic (like "being toxic" or disrespecting someone else's pronounce)?
What happens if your internet stops working?
What if your government and/or service provider will block either related services (like auth or trading servers) or whole service? That slowly happens all over the world, by the way, if it didn't happen yet, that doesn't mean it will never happen.
What if a license for particular content expires and service/publisher (or both) can't sell or store some game? Like happened with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled and many other games.
What if a piece of content would be deemed "problematic" and publisher/service decide to not sell it anymore?
What if a service stop serving your country?
What if a service stops supporting your console?
What if a service is closed down completely?

There are a lot more of "What if's" with digital-only future. And even buy/sell of "used" copies or even renting will not help in any way, shape or form.
With a physical game, i can just put a disc in and the game works. There might be a problem with patches and/or DLC. But at least the game will be playable.

P. S.: You might argue, that it might never happen, but Nintendo is planning to close down WiiU and 3DS store, they already closed down Wii store. Sony is planning to disable PS3 store as far as i remember. The list goes on. There's a saying, «the morning sun never lasts a day». Every service will shut down sooner or later. But no one will take away your physical copy, unless you destroy it.

dumahim944d ago

Agreed. The other thing that annoys me is the publisher incentivizing people go digital as well. I mean, I can't fathom how stupid it is for HFW Regalla Edition to have a steelbook case, and no disc. Forza Horizon 5 only made the standard edition of the game physical. Deluxe and Premium digital only. GT7 is offering more credits to pre-orders depending on which version you buy. Etc...

darthv72944d ago

Horizon 5 really disappointed me. As a steelbook collector i think that was a huge missed opportunity. One of the rarest steelbooks i have is for Forza motorsport 6. It was only released to EB games in Australia, no other version in the world got a steelbook for FM6 but they did for FM7 and of course FM5... go figure.

-Foxtrot944d ago (Edited 944d ago )

Yeah that's one of them I was actually talking about

Like I just think at the end of the day I highly doubt those who are purely digital with their games are going to buy collectors editions, the whole point for most is they don't like clutter so why would they want to buy an edition of physical goods? Makes no sense to me, they have special digital editions of digital goods on the PSN store anyway so I just don't understand, why ruin it for the people who collect physical goods

I've had to buy the collectors edition, sell the code (at a small loss sadly) and buy a standard retail copy

I just can't keep doing this for future PS exclusive editions, it's ridiculous.

I'm really worried for God of War Ragnarök

0hMyGandhi944d ago

Agreed. It reminds me of a bunch of people I know who "cut the cable" and went to streaming with Netflix and HULU and got rid of their extensive dvd/blu-ray collections because of accessibility, not realizing that some of your favorite movies and shows are basically licensed out for a short time. I knew someone who got rid of their favorite Speilberg movies, not realizing that Amblin doesn't play well with streaming companies and movies like Jaws and Jurassic Park weren't available for the longest time.

Alan Wake and the GTA "definitive edition" are great examples of what happens when people consolidate their works. Alan Wake was taken off Steam due to a copyright dispute with it's music, same thing with GTA and the Tony Hawk games. There is absolutely zero guarantee that our favorite games/movies will be available for consumption at all times.

Nyxus944d ago

I don't mind if it's a niche market, as long as the option is there.

Fist4achin944d ago

If physical media is so niche, then why's it so hard to find either of the new consoles disc versions? I still haven't made the next gen jump yet and will not until I find one.

JEECE944d ago (Edited 944d ago )

Well with PS5 it's harder to find a digital version of the console than the disc version. But also it's not like everyone who is primarily digital-focused refuses to buy consoles with a disc drive. For my part, I have PS5 Disc, but I buy all my games digitally, and have since the beginning of the PS4 gen (I do have Killzone:Shadow Fall on disc, because I wasn't confident in 2013 that the PSN wouldn't crash on launch day lol). Still, if I ever get the urge to buy a disc or even check out a 4k Blu Ray, I have the option.

With Xbox, the answer is a little more obvious: the digutal-only version of the console is less powerful, and people want the more powerful version, regardless of how they are going to buy games.

dumahim944d ago

To add to what JEECE said, backwards compatibility is probably a significant factor as well. Can't play your last-gen disc games on a system without the disc drive.

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smashman982h ago

im skeptical of the validity of this although everything sounds cool and lines up with previous rumors. I'm very interested in the dual protagonist approach and how that affects the classic persona style day-to-day gameplay. However there is another previous rumor that suggested they would be doing away with the traditional calendar system.

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