
Ghost of Tsushima Should Be the Beginning of a New Anthology Series for Sucker Punch

Ghost of Tsushima could be a great template for telling different stories across different settings under a single umbrella.

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-Foxtrot1420d ago

I don't know how it ends as I haven't finished but for a sequel I'd like them to go to China somewhere and introduce Ninjas, would help them improve the stealth "ghost" mechanics

Ghost of Beijing

Run along that Great Wall

To be fair, you could see Jinn travel around a lot so we could have any setting really.

RaveTears1420d ago (Edited 1420d ago )

I would love a sequel where Jin go to Japan. He getting hunt by every Samurai for breaking tradition, honor and becoming the Ghost of Tsushima. Meanwhile trying to fight for the weak and liberate the people from horrible Lords and Samurai.

Sonic-and-Crash1420d ago (Edited 1420d ago )

SP worked a lot to nail that Samurai/Ninja role with historical accuracy but also with fun/playable mechanics that work very precicely in the world

tbh i would like SP either to explore new historical invasion in other worlds ( spartans/athenians and persian invasion in Greece for example) with the same attention to historic detaiL and quality in combat mechanics (not like the trashy AC:O) either to continue Jin Sakai story in mainland Japan where he will travel to Iga /koga villages ( the most known ninja villages in japan) to tcreate ninja schools

cesar41420d ago (Edited 1420d ago )

I don’t know if them making a game where Jin just goes around slaughtering Japanese people is the way to go, especially Samurai.

house1420d ago

onin war would be an amazing setting. very few media has touched it,

Christopher1419d ago

***a game where Jin just goes around slaughtering Japanese people ***

Bandits? Okay. Act 2 groups? Also okay.

RavenTears didn't say slaughter Japanese people, but obviously those who are hurting the people he tries his best to protect. And, he already does some of that in the first game. And, honestly, finish the game if you haven't.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1419d ago
Vengeance11381420d ago ShowReplies(3)
meganick1420d ago

I think mainland Japan would be the best locale choice for a sequel.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1420d ago

Not only is "Jin" going to China a horrible idea, it's also historically inaccurate. Japan's feudal period has plenty of backdrops to use to continue the story of Jin's journey.

Christopher1419d ago

Gotta admit, one of your worst ideas. Makes no sense.

Finish the game, it's pretty clear what the sequel will be about. Also, please take the Honor choice at the end. It's not about you, it's about the victim.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1419d ago
LOGICWINS1420d ago

That's cool...but I want an Infamous Cole reboot first. That has to be completely remade for the PS5. Imagine how good New Marias would look!

toxic-inferno1420d ago

The inFamous series really deserves another entry. It just completely fizzled out.

Its not my most-desired PlayStation return (that would be Jak and Daxter). But at least Jak and Daxter got an "end", whereas inFamous never really felt finished.

1420d ago
Hakuoro1420d ago

I'm sure there will be more games. It doesn't even have to be the same character there are hundreds of Japanese historical and folklore heroes they can draw upon.

Christopher1420d ago

It's pretty well set up for a sequel at least. The question is if it would necessarily be Jin. 1333 is a big year in changes in Japan, so Jin would be in his 60s by then. They might just fudge timelines to make it happen, though. Perhaps they'll go with starting the early elements of the change and go with 1333 in the third game with a new Ghost.

ShadowWolf7121420d ago

The Ghost being a key weapon in ending the Kamakura Shogunate would be somewhat poetic.

FlavorLav011420d ago (Edited 1420d ago )

Just because Sony makes a better Assassins Creed game than Ubisoft, let’s not go cornering a great studio like SuckerPunch into making only one genre of game. They’ve proven themselves capable of managing existing and new IPs. I say let them do whatever AAA project inspires them most, sit back and enjoy...

cesar41420d ago

Why, they have a popular formula. I’m not saying only make this series forever but they should absolutely make another game or two if they keep selling. If they can strike gold they can increase their studio and produce more games.

I imagine making a second game will still be fun don’t push it to burnout but I have to imagine they are on high for Ghost of Tsushima 2.

FlavorLav011420d ago

Would you ask Tony Hawk to perform 2 900s in a row, or ask to see a 900 and whatever else he’s been working on? I want to see the new sh$t. That’s exactly what was wrong with Assassin’s Creed, same game, small changes, and a new skin(city) every game. I hope to see SP’ passion to create fun games guide them, rather than “popular formulas”.

Morbid Bulldozer1420d ago

Not really better, though. Several AC games are rated higher.

FlavorLav011420d ago

Undeservingly, AC has always been a better parkour tour of ancient cities than an actual game. Their stories suck and are unfollowable to most casual players, and the combat has never really felt polished. But you’re right, for some reason some AC games have scored higher. Smh

RememberThe3571420d ago

Yeah but they're not necessarily actually better games.

Morbid Bulldozer1419d ago

According to the only semi-objective metrics, yes, they are. Which means that making more AC clones like GoTsu is pointless, there is a tired old series in place that does the same thing, only better.

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Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut PC Review - A Legend Reborn | The Nerd Stash

TNS: "Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut on PC is one of the best ports we've seen in recent years from one of the best action-adventure games ever."

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Ghost of Tsushima on PC delivers impressive upgrades over PS5

Ghost of Tsushima PC vs PS5, best settings and more in the Digital Foundry tech review.

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VincentVanBro25d ago

Playing this at a locked 175 fps on an OLED ultra wide at max settings is truly awe inspiring. A great way to replay this classic.

Psychonaut8525d ago

Sweet! Glad to see it make the jump. Hopefully the PSN requirement doesn’t put too many people off. I think it’s only if you plan to play the Legends mode. It’s bullshit, but at least you can access the main game without making a PSN profile if that bothers you. I know on PC everyone’s sick of everyone trying to push their own launchers and shit.

Deeeeznuuuts25d ago

It's really not that big of a deal, PC players just love to complain, my friend has quite a few launches and never once complained, really no issues at all 😂😂😂 28514;

Goodguy0125d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Indeed. It's for the trophies and online. I just hope Sony doesn't require ps plus subscription at some point for their online games. PC gamers have dealt with 3rd party launchers forever, just a bunch of silly complaints, nothing different.

just_looken25d ago


Right how dare those 180 countries that had this game listed a month ago but no longer do complain about a forced new regulation that is blocking the sale of the game even in japan.

Then you got the fact many countries need a goverment id to check if your legally a adult.

I have a psn account that is not linked to my steam account as having any form of vpn/antivirus and even something like discord can break there psn TOS. If your psn account gets banned via pc bs then your entire consoles online are bricked as do too them needing real information we all only have one account now.

FinalFantasyFanatic25d ago

I don't mind having a few launchers, just don't make me log into it all the time, it's astounding that some developers still persist with having their own launchers.

just_looken25d ago

Its a greed deal

Alot of them wanted to leave steam so they would not pay that 30% charge but then there overall number of sales dropped opps so now there back but with there launcher as a leach because all these games have attached bullshit like ubi points or capcom rewards/stat tracking even the activation launcher that needs to be a thing for cheaters/stat track i think even trophies to a extent.

Just be glad we do not have a sony launcher as it would no doubt be fighting rockstar for most unsecured worst launcher on pc.

anast25d ago

So we are lovin' PSN now? How fickle the herd is.

Aloymetal25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Some people love to complain but if it wasn't for Sony themselves they wouldn't be playing these amazing 1st party games on their PeeZees.

23d ago
HankHill25d ago

Cry more while your precious plastic box keeps losing exclusives.

anast25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

As long as your not serious, welcome to the party.

This is fun. My turn.

Yeah, all 10 people that can actually afford a decent PC isn't much. This is why they are drip feeding PC gamers because they'll eat up 10 year old games like they're new, and that's all 10 of them. Consoles gamers already wore that shoe, you all are getting leftovers.

Your turn

Number1TailzFan25d ago

@ anast uhh, looks like the video is showing last gen (soon to be 2 gen old) GPUs running it pretty well to me? I mean if you can't keep your PC decently current then that's hardly the devs fault now is it?

Shiore2u25d ago


You really need to stop trying so hard, it's getting downright embarrassing. Brand loyalty is a stupid endeavor, accept it, learn from it and move on.

FinalFantasyFanatic25d ago

A 7-year-old GPU can trade blows with a PS5 in performance, I don't think it's going to be that hard to match/beat the PS5, especially if you look at the second hand market for parts.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 25d ago
just_looken25d ago

here and most of the internet will never go against sony or play station there like the apple logo.

InUrFoxHole25d ago

I guess the ps5 was holding this game back.


Has Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC sales earned around £18 Million in its first week on Steam?

CG writes: The question we’re asking is, has Sucker Punch’s just released stealth-action game Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC earned over £18 million in revenue on release week via the Steam platform alone (also available via the Epic Games Store)?

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thorstein27d ago

"also available via the Epic Games Store"

I'm pretty sure Epic Games Store is available in over 190 countries and 30 territories. So anyone that said that this game was not available in them was just lying.

I'm so shocked by games journalists and fauxragers lying. Really shocked. I do pity them though. I can't imagine going through life with such anger... at everything.

bunt-custardly27d ago

Hehe, you do know how much PC players whine about having multiple store platforms when really all they want is Steam to run a monopoly. Thank ye heavens for Gog and Epic.

Giblet_Head26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

When Steam is one of the very few actually trying with it's feature set it's a hard sell to get people to want something on a storefront that could care less about improving it's service. GoG is another exception, but Epic, which is still missing many features that have been on Steam for years like every other publisher just half-ass it, so they've earned and continue to maintain their poor reception and presumably act confused come every quarterly report for failure to understand the market they're in. Who really wants to invest in something that actively instills little faith?

bunt-custardly26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Interesting answer from co-pilot when asked what are the differences between EGS and Steam.

The Epic Game Store (EGS) and Steam are both digital distribution platforms for PC games, but they have some key differences:

Game Selection: Steam has a larger selection of games, including both indie and AAA titles, and has been established longer, since 20031. EGS, while newer, offers a curated selection of games, including timed exclusives and titles not available on other platforms1.

Revenue Split: EGS offers a more favorable revenue split for developers, taking only a 12% cut compared to Steam’s 20-30%, which can be a big draw for game publishers1.

Free Games: EGS is known for its regular giveaways of free games, which has been a major feature since its launch in December 20181. Steam also offers free games, but less frequently1.

User Interface: Steam provides a more feature-rich experience with user reviews, community discussions, game streaming, and non-gaming software. EGS has a more streamlined interface, focusing on a simpler user experience1.

Social Features: Both platforms offer social features like friends lists and chat functionality, but Steam’s community features are more extensive, including groups, forums, and user profiles1.

Exclusivity: EGS has secured exclusive deals for certain games, making them available only on their platform for a limited time before they can be purchased elsewhere1.

These are some of the main differences that set the two stores apart. Each platform has its own strengths and caters to different preferences and needs.

Co-Pilot forgot to mention: Both offer software, but Steam is very much more in-tune with VR with its Steam VR integration.

Giblet_Head25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

I wouldn't take AI as gospel, especially a corporate one that ends most every answer with meaningless neutral ambiguity. You're better off actually talking to humans that use either and have something to lose, be it time, energy or financial investment. Personal experiences AI can't relate to.