
Valkyrie Profile DS confirmed for spring in Europe

Square Enix has announced that Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume is to be released across PAL territories in spring 2009, exclusively for Nintendo DS.

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Six Nintendo Sequels that were Radical Departures from the Originals

Some exceptional Nintendo titles that took a chance by changing a winning formula.

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To My Side, My Noble Einherjar: Remembering Valkyrie Profile

Take a look back at one of tri-Ace's most beloved franchises.

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knifefight3882d ago

Great game which still holds up today.

TetsujinFranky3882d ago

I really love this series. I really hope Tri-Ace will be able to give another game in the future.

Inception3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

" Nibelung..Valesti!!! "

Still fresh in my memories when i finished my combos with that special moves and watched the enemies scream and disappear. Amazing games indeed and i'll buy it again if SE put the PS1 / PSP version on PSN. With Silmeria of course.

izumo_lee3881d ago

Probably my 3rd favorite Squarenix series & why they do not expand on this story is beyond me cause there is still a lot of story to tell.

The first 2 games for the Playstation were great, they weren't big sellers but there was a cult following for the series on the systems. The move to the DS was a confusing one & maybe one of the reasons why the series is abandoned at the moment.

Covenant of the Plume was a very good game, but there was simply no audience for the game when it was released. Fans of the series were waiting for another game possibly on a Playstation system but to have it move to another was a strange decision for Squarenix.

I hope Squarenix returns to the series but the way they are run now i have my doubts.

Dante813881d ago

The character stories were heart-breaking in the original. It really shows how gloomy norse mythology is.

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Diehard GameFAN: What’s Worth Keeping…on the Nintendo DS?

Diehard GameFAN: Welcome back to the fourth installment of “What’s Worth Keeping?” where we help me pare my game collection down to twenty games per system. After all, I own pretty much every system, handheld or console out there and there’s no chance of me ever playing all of these games again, so it make sense to keep only the ones I know I’ll come back to regularly, giving other gamers a chance to own (and hopefully play) the titles I jettison. So far we’ve looked at the Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox and Sony Playstation. This time we’re going to look at a handheld – specifically the Nintendo DS.

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Lucario4123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

Man, If I had to review all the shovelware and crap this guy has had to for the DS, I'd have trouble trying to think of good games for the system too.