
Lucasfilms shuts down the Star Wars Rogue Squadron fan remake in Unreal Engine 4

DSOGaming writes: "According to the C&D letter, he has until October 23rd to remove all Lucasfilms and Star Wars references from his Star Wars Rogue Squadron remake in Unreal Engine 4 project."

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Community1799d ago
Neonridr1800d ago

This surprises nobody. Seriously Lucasarts, if you aren't going to make a game yourself then let the people have what they want.

xTonyMontana1799d ago

Lets be honest, lay the blame at the correct door, Disney! Lucasarts always turned a blind eye to the modding scene, or at least appeared to as I remember playing a ton of great Star Wars mods.

stefd751799d ago

Once again no one learns from past mistakes, dont announce its until its finished so at least then we can download it first

1799d ago
Juiceid1799d ago

How can people make costumes but not games?

NiteX1799d ago

Wha? Costumes and games are very different things buddy.

Juiceid1799d ago

I get that. But money isn’t being made from either of them.

Dandizzle1799d ago

Just to be very clear to everyone posting comments. Lucas Arts died a while ago when Disney bought them. I actually worked at Lucas Arts when that took place. 99% of everyone was laid off. Make no mistake this is Lucas Arts just in name, it is all Disney making these sorts of calls.

Lucas Arts is just a shell, just a name to brand things. I know a few folks who do still work there still but they just check that things are "on brand" for Starwars games/media etc coming form other places. Basically a quality control for Starwars branding. Absolutely nothing like what Lucas Arts was prior to Disney.

Little bit of side info: Lucas Arts had some very cool looking games in the works when Disney came in, canceled projects (some on the absolute verge of release) and let everyone go. I worked on those games and I can tell you 1313 and First Assault where very cool and looking like stellar games. So just know nothing with the Lucas Arts name now a days has nothing at all to do with the Lucas Arts of the past.

Sorry for the ramble

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Aspyr May Consider Porting Classic Rogue Squadron Games If Demanded

Aspyr is seemingly interested in bringing classic Star Wars: Rogue Squadron games to modern platforms, if there's a demand from players.

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Community880d ago
Gridknac880d ago

"IF there's a demand"! LOL. Still to this day the best star wars flying games. I'd buy every damn one if they aren't just lazy ports.

mkis007880d ago

I now have the mission voice overs going through my head.

Futureshark880d ago

Do it!!!

Plenty of demand out there, love to play Rogue Leader again!

Majin-vegeta880d ago

But first can we the Force unleashed games/Knights of old Republic on other consoles/PC?

TheColbertinator880d ago

Rogue Squadron II and a basket of cajun fries ^^

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N64 Games That Actually Aged Well

Star Wars Rogue Squadron. That’s the list. You can all go home. I’m just kidding, of course. The N64 had a lot of unforgettable titles throughout its run.

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Community1056d ago
Jiub1056d ago

Quest 64, while simple and short, would certainly fit on this list. So would a few others.

JEECE1056d ago

Lol Mario Kart 64. That's the perfect example of nostalgia blinding people from seeing how badly a game has aged. Great at the time, but the controls are abysmal now. People ripped on Double Dash at the time, but it aged much better. Unfortunately for people my age N64 is so attached to their childhood that any criticism of any game is taken like an insult to their family honor or something.

franwex1056d ago

I guess to each their own. But I still think Mario Kart 64 is good all these years later.

NotoriousWhiz1056d ago (Edited 1056d ago )

I still enjoy playing N64 games, the only ones that truly haven't aged well are the FPS games : Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Although the Turok games have aged well as it uses a better control scheme (move with C buttons, aim with control stick)

metalgod881056d ago

Wave Race 64 is absolutely fantastic. Racing games are my jam, but I remember this game being really tough because the rough weather and strong waves were pushing my jet ski around slamming me into obstacles haha. I wish I had an N64 so I could replay it.

YoungKingDoran1056d ago

Duke Nukem 64 and Doom 64. Also the recently english translation of Shiren 2 looks and plays great

Venoxn4g1055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

Conker & Star fox 64


Breaking Down Ridiculous N64 Prices in 2021

Over the course of the year video game prices have gone through the roof. Nintendo 64 has been hit particularly hard with consoles, games, and accessories all seeing a massive spike in value. This article takes a close look at just what’s happening there.

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Christopher1252d ago

Supply and demand. Is it really that confusing?

Knightofelemia1252d ago

Depends on the game how popular it is, how good it is, how much demand there is for that game, and how rare that game is also. That goes for any system not just N64 whether the Atari 2600, a Commodore 64, to a PS3.

Atom6661251d ago

It's a bit more than just supply and demand. Just about all retro prices have been on a steady increase consistently over the years because of S&D, especially the lower selling systems and titles, but the big jumps lately are more interesting.

I'd group N64 and GCN in the same categories here, and to a lesser extent, Dreamcast and OG Xbox, too.

Good example of the insanity: Pokemon Gale of Darkness on GC. 2015/16, I would find them pretty regularly. CIB prices were $30-40 back then. So if I found one for $5, $10, $15, it was a good deal. Knowing Pokemon always increases a bit in price, I held onto them to use for trades later. Pre-covid, prices had climbed to maybe $50-60. 1 year later, you can get $200 for a complete copy.

The biggest factor(s) have been the pandemic and age of collectors.

Lockdowns and social distancing gave people a reason to stay home. N64 and GCN have a high number of quality, iconic local MP games too. That's always driven up prices a bit compared to some other systems.

Couple this with the age of these systems and the age of its fans though. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

For someone around 30 yo, the N64 may have been their first system. 25 yo? GCN may bring back a lot of memories as their first experience.

So when millions of 25-34 yos are stuck at home, have more "free" time, and feel that nostalgia pull, it's going to lead to a interesting retro market.

I'm not complaining, but I feel for those who just want to play some of these games. Dolphin runs very well on an Nvidia Shield if you're curious...

HeliosHex1251d ago

It's never been people at home during the pandemic driving the prices up. No one out of a job is going to pay a few hundred dollars for a copy of kuon. I believe company's like limited run and super rare games sparked the flame that later turned into an all out wildfire when it caught high end collectors eyes that those games were high in value and could be flipped for even more money resold as is or graded and sold. Think about it collectors camped on those sites and the games would be sold out on the first day. 30 dollars a pip for regular about 80 to 130 for limited editions. Later those games would pop up on eBay for twice as much. Once it proved lucrative they thought why stop there let's see what other games are rare or just not so common that people are willing to pay top dollar for. Let's check ps1,ps2,GameCube, n64,etc etc yeah looks good sealed copy of silent hill 3 people are paying 300 for it ill get it have it graded and sell for 1,000. He'll why stop at eBay let's really maximize the profit put on auction at the heritage auction site. Super mario nes sold for 650,000. So you see it's high end collectors with deep pockets driving the market. They are done with comics and baseball cards it's all about rare games. Nintendo even cashed in with super mario all stars taking everyone for fools on that game claiming it was limited when you can still buy them at best buy by the lots. Deep pocket profit seeking collectors are driving regular thrift shop collectors out. It's a whole new ballgame now that was developing since before the pandemic hit.

esherwood1251d ago (Edited 1251d ago )

Man Playing the n64 was the most fun I’ve ever had with video games. I remember playing Mario 64 and thinking there’s no way it gets better then this lol.

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