
I was wrong: Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! is fantastic

After spending months criticizing Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu since its announcement, one writer ended up buying the game, and realized that all of his preconceived notions regarding the game were wrong. In fact, Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu might be one of the most entertaining games of the year.

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lellkay1992d ago

I'm enjoying it. As i've said before I think it is a tad to expensive at full price, but it's fun regardless.

patrick11992d ago

If I'm going to put 50+ hours into a game packed with content that's really fun, I'm sure it's worth every bit of the $60.

lellkay1992d ago (Edited 1992d ago )

I've played many Indies RPG's that we not full price yet still offered me lots of gameplay. When I look at the Crash N Sane trilogy, that was a lovely remake of 3 older games and launched at £25. This is a nice upgrade of Pokemon yellow with some new mechanics chucked in, but £50, (the same price as say Red Dead Redemption 2 or The Witcher 3) feels like a LOT for what you actually are getting.

Again, I enjoy the game, but I definitely don't think it should have been full price... had their been some new post game islands, more effort on combat animations, proper voice acting for NPC's, and proper pokemon voices recorded I might have felt like the full asking price was permitted a bit more.

CorndogBurglar1992d ago (Edited 1992d ago )

It's nice to see someone admit when they were wrong. Especially a journalist.

Let's Go is still Pokemon through and through. It's a Pokemon game with a different catch mechanic and Pokemon that you can see wandering the world, which I actually prefer. But other than those changes, it's still a normal Pokemon game.

The production value is very high. It looks great, has great music, and it respects the world of Pokemon.

I love when so many people who were hating on it before launch are wrong. Most will never admit it, of course, and even more won't even give it a try, so its their loss in the end.

EddieNX 1992d ago

I thought it looked garbage , then after playing it, love it!

CorndogBurglar1992d ago

Exactly! This is what I'm talking about. We only need to see all the positive feedback and articles post-launch to confirm that all the trash talking pre-launch was baseless.

But hey, some people will still claim that it is garbage, even though they haven't given it a try.

IMissJimRyan1992d ago

nintendoenthusiast praysing something from Nintendo.

I'm shocked.


The Worst Thing About Pokemon Are The Games

Game Freak was used to smaller platforms and from Sword & Shield onwards were expected to scale up in the midst of a pandemic. That’s when it all started to go wrong, but it isn’t until now that fans are finally starting to smell the pixelated roses.

While the games began to lag behind and make their shortcomings ever so clear, the wider Pokemon community and other pieces of media kept on trucking.

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MadLad534d ago

I only ever got up to Pokemon Yellow. I still go back every handful of years for some nostalgia.

shinoff2183534d ago

I'd like to try Pokémon someday. I was probably just a hair older and missed the og Pokémon craze back in the day. My issue with Pokémon is the 2 games thing. Stop selling them like that. Put it all into one. I feel that's a giant rip-off. Say what you want

Elda534d ago (Edited 534d ago )

I never had any interest to play Pokémon video games,never watched the cartoons as well. Guessing because when it all started I was way into my adulthood.

Number1TailzFan534d ago

I tried one via an emulator once. Did not like it. IMO Custom Robo Arena had far better gameplay that had full real time combat control. Turn based games that i actually liked are very few and far between, like Worms 2 & Armageddon with their online play.

gold_drake534d ago

it started to go wrong when the shift to 3d happened, decades after everyone else.

imo, GF spent way too long in the 2D development world and just couldnt do it. what we got was bugs, lack of polish and experience.

but that will never change since the games sell like crazy.


The Top 10 Most Underrated Pokémon Games

With the vast number of Pokémon games in existence there will undoubtedly be some that don’t get the recognition they deserve. So here are 10 Pokémon games that are underrated and that deserve your attention today!

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deleted1406d ago

I really enjoyed this article, it was a good read. This quote gave me a chuckle, because it's true!:

"Pretty much every JRPG involves the player’s characters going from barely being able to lift a sword to killing God"

indysurfn1405d ago

LOL...exaggeration but I get your just making a point. No one can Kill God. Don't drink Satan's cool-aide he is just trying to recruit you (backwards recruit)

Tross1405d ago

He probably only has the grape kind anyways. All the folk up in heaven surely hog all the good flavours.

BrainSyphoned1405d ago

Final Fantasy 15 the ultimate delayed game with delayed story dlc shoveled in at the last second. Doesn’t ring the gratifying bell when I see that stupid car at all. Article+thumbnail is like describing a 5star meal while watching your cat clean its backside.

1405d ago Replies(2)
nommers1405d ago

More specifically I would say JRPGs are progressive gratification. Basically like listening to prog music vs anything else which imo is the best. Even if a JRPG is all about the journey, generally speaking JRPGs keep getting better as opposed to other games which usually have their high points come in either too soon, or the best parts just aren't nearly as impactful.

indysurfn1405d ago

Also don't forget the direct comparison that the old Square Enix president made. He said Western players like TWITCH games and eastern players love Cerebral games. Now it was taken as a racist slam. But he meant it as one of the reasons outside of development time and cost return on investment(ROI). But he had a true point people here are TRAINED to like instant stuff. And people there are trained to like delayed over the top stuff. It is not a intelligence slam. I'm glad I LOVE the later gratification! Because it is way better!

iofhua21405d ago

I like JRPG's for the big anime tiddies.

indysurfn1405d ago

lol.....I stand corrected!

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