
Nvidia unveils GeForce RTX 2070 & 2080 GPUs at Gamescom 2018

Gamescom 2018 has been given an amazing start from Nvidia by announcing their new high-end graphics cards, the GeForce RTX 2070, RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti.

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bigmalky2399d ago

How much? 800 quid?

Until prices drop back to the £400-£500 range, I won't be PC gaming.

Cobra9512399d ago

800 quid for top-of-the-line stuff. You can do plenty of high frame rate PC gaming for about a third as much on the video card.

Also "six times the performance of the 10 series" my shiny white butt. Wait for competent reviews with actual benchmarks before swallowing that load.

snake-OO2399d ago

The top of the line version is actually £1099

Bladesfist2399d ago (Edited 2399d ago )

They are talking about ray tracing performance when they mentioned the 6X figure. They haven't said anything about regular performance although we do know it has roughly 30% more CUDA cores than the 1080Ti.

Definitely wait for benchmarks and reviews.

Cobra9512399d ago

snake-OO, yeah, and that's insane. These are consumer-grade cards, not pro. Those prices are exactly what happens when a company has no real competition. Ray tracing won't be a factor in gaming until well after the upcoming cards have had some time to drop to prices that better reflect their actual value. (And even then, developers won't drop good-looking support for existing Nvidia cards or AMD.) There's no way I'm buying one anytime soon. Pascal will do me just fine, for years if need be.

Criti-Choco2399d ago

@cobra951 The are enthusiast cards, they arent for the common consumer, the 2080 ti is basically replacing the Titan series which has always been above 1k. and according to nvidias metrics the new 2070 is actually comparative to a current gen titan (although theres some debate on how they are comparing it).

New top of the line equipment always has a premium not to mention we are getting tech that has never been on consumer products before too. Some dude on youtube made a comparison of die size of the new gpus to the cost increases aswell, 60% size increase for about 70% pricing, it kinda adds up. If you want a cheaper card get the GTX series without raytracing probably next year.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2399d ago
Razzer2399d ago (Edited 2399d ago )

Why not buy the current gen for around that price?


bigmalky2399d ago

Because I refuse to hold up the industry, constantly buying cards that should have been lower priced in the first place.

Prices won't drop to suitable levels until people learn this.

Razzer2399d ago

“Prices won't drop to suitable levels until people learn this.”

lol....yeah, it is a thing called supply and demand. Suitable levels are what the market will bear.

Cobra9512399d ago (Edited 2399d ago )

You're both right. You point out S&D, and bigmalky wants us to lower the 'D' side. Higher 'S' or lower 'D' (or both) would drive prices lower.

RedSalmon2399d ago

You can get a perfectly decent card for the figures you want - just not the bleeding edge.

bigmalky2399d ago

But why should I pay £400 plus just for a GPU that will be outdated by next year or the year afterward?

It really makes no sense.

Cobra9512399d ago (Edited 2399d ago )

Outdated how, bigmalky? Do you think games will go exclusively ray-traced in a year or two? No way, man. Developers would go out of business if they only supported a technology that hasn't even hit the market quite yet, and comes only from one company anytime soon. (AMD says hello--weakly, I grant you.)

Razzer2399d ago

Ok.....then stick to consoles where the hardware is outdated on day one.

Ceaser98573612399d ago (Edited 2399d ago )

"Ok.....then stick to consoles where the hardware is outdated on day one."

Well if I get quality games like God of war , UC4, Zero dawn, Bloodborne .. to name few.. Then I am fine with it...

Razzer2399d ago

Ok? That wasn't the point at all. bigmalky says he won't game on PC because bleeding edge hardware costs too much and he will not game on outdated hardware. My point was that I don't get where he will be playing games as consoles are not bleeding edge whatsoever. I game on PS4 and PC so I'm with you on the great games for console.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2399d ago
--bienio--2399d ago

Looks like I’m going to buy gtx1080ti when prices start dropping...👍🏻

Marcus Fenix2399d ago

im gonna skip this gen, I don't think we're not gonna wait another two years since 7nm should be very usable next year, notice that Nvidia is launching their 2080Ti right away which indicates a short lifespan for 20XX series imo.

Neonridr2399d ago

yeah usually the cards come in the summer and then the TI usually late in the year or early the next year. The fact that it's all releasing at the same time makes me wonder.

Cobra9512399d ago (Edited 2399d ago )

Skip it, worst case. Best case, wait until the prices make sense for the improvements that you get *in practice* (not just theory)--how much ray-tracing support games actually get, and how much of a difference it really makes as you're playing them.

Miss_Vixen2399d ago

I don't care about how much faster it is in ray tracing nor AI. What I want to know is how much faster is the RTX 2080 Ti than the 1080 Ti in actual games performance excluding the ray tracing stuff.

2399d ago
Bladesfist2399d ago (Edited 2399d ago )

Ray tracing does look amazing in the titles that support it but the list of games with support will be quite small for a while. I think a lot of gamers will be satisfied with the fake lighting tricks we currently use to get around the issues with rasterization if it means saving £300 - 400.

In a few generations though when the prices start to come down and more people get to experience it I think PC gamers will push hard for ray tracing. Hopefully the new consoles have some level of support for the technology too otherwise it's in danger of being ignored because the potential user base is too small.

If anyone here is unfamiliar with the technology. The reasoning behind it is similar to the reasoning for using physically based shading in that you try and simulate real world properties and behaviour (in this case simulating light and how light bounces) to receive a more natural look although instead of this being about making sure dry rocks aren't shiny. This is about making sure light works as expected.

Here's the star wars demo running on a single card in real time (at 20 fps): https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Here's how it looks in tomb raider: https://gfycat.com/gifs/det...
Here's how it looks in Battlefield V: https://clips.twitch.tv/Sli...

jmc88882399d ago

Yeah the list they showed was a bunch of meh. Some stuff I already own, and barely play. Some stuff I may buy, but nothing really killer. BFV is the biggest one on their list, but who is going to use it if it tanks their fps? People want 120-240 FPS not 30-45 or whatever.

elazz2399d ago

Probably around 15-20% faster because of the bandwidth gains of gddr6

SlashHabit2399d ago

4x faster, he said it on the conference.

Miss_Vixen2399d ago (Edited 2399d ago )

He was referring how much faster the new cards were in ray tracing when he said that. Please re-read what I posted.

Cobra9512399d ago (Edited 2399d ago )

Best case under very specific circumstances, 2X:

In general, going from the extra CUDA cores and bandwidth/memory speed, it looks like 30-50% to me. Strictly a ballpark guess. We need benchmarks!

I recommend watching all of that GN video for more info. Steve Burke knows his stuff.

SlashHabit2399d ago

uhu, it's still 4x faster. The new cards uses gddr6 memory not gddr5.
1080TI - 2080TI
11gbps - 14gbps (gddr6 not 5)
484GB/s - 616GB/s
3584Cores - 4352Cores
The 2080TI runs Infiltrator at 60fps while the 1080TI does it at 30fps.

2399d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2399d ago
dolfa2399d ago

Expect 10-20 FPS increase over the 10xx series, ray tracing is just marketing bs

jaycptza2399d ago

ray tracing is a thing its just to expensive to apply in games and maintain frame rates. bettre for people doing rendering

Neonridr2399d ago

Blast Processing is back baby!

InKnight7s2399d ago

Can someone explain to me why this 2080 didn't exceed 8gb? I mean what is the point? is GDDR6 will create huge gap or just semi-Ti gap?

Bladesfist2399d ago

Because no game uses all 8GBs and the cost of GDDR6 is probably higher than the cost of GDDR5 especially if the rumoured reasoning for Turing being so late is true. The rumour being that they were waiting on very limited amounts of GDDR6 from Samsung.

I_am_Batman2399d ago

Lack of competition from amd and overstocking the 10series chips are likely contributing factors for the late release. The limited spec sheets look ok so far and the raytracing capabilities are promising for the future but I have to say even though I expected steep prices these are actually higher than I thought. Can't wait for more information to come out and the first in-depth reviews though.

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I love consoles but Microsoft has me less excited than ever about the Xbox Series X successor

The prospect of the next Xbox Series X is not Microsoft-ing me crazy.

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1d 7h ago
Vits1d 1h ago

The only thing a console should excite anyone about is its role as a middle-of-the-road solution: a cheaper entry point than a PC but with fewer features and worse graphics/performance; more expensive than streaming but with the benefits of native gaming.

Anything else is either gone or extremely reduced from what it once was. Innovative controllers? Not really. Nintendo still tries something, but overall, they have aligned more with traditional designs. Exclusives? They still exist to some extent, but fewer games than ever before are exclusive. Most of Sony's titles eventually end up on PC, and while the Switch had a solid run, a good chunk of its 'exclusives' were just Wii U ports. I doubt they will be able to repeat that with the Switch 2.

Ease of use? The more features they try to incorporate, the less user-friendly they become. Even something as basic as finding a good game on their store without an external resource is a pain. Standardized experience? Not anymore. Now we have at least three different performance modes, plus whatever exclusive mode the 'pro' console will introduce.

Physical media? PlayStation still supports it, but many games are now digital-only. On the Switch, it’s already a coin toss whether the full game is on the cartridge or if you’ll need to download a large portion of it. With the Switch 2, I fully expect that to get even worse. And with Xbox, they might as well not exist as the games are rarely on the disc.

Profchaos17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

You've said a lot here but I have to disagree
Controller wise Xbox is the only one of the big three that keeps their design the same
The ps5 has tons of innovation in the duelsense and VR controllers the switch has countless controller designs and ways to play

Ease of use they are largely still plug and play they need the internet more these days buy you can still take a ps5 out of the box and as long as the game doesn't have a internet require or downlad required you can play

The switch is very user friendly to the point I've seen young kids pick it up and play with no instructions

Physical media well that's going to die off eventually unfortunately but for the moment pretty much every first party Sony and Nintendo game runs from a disc without a patch or a cart in switches case

Consoles are as great as they've ever been in my view

Vits14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

It doesn't. The DS5 is merely an iteration of a very basic design that a couple of people on the internet try to hype more than it should, because their company is great. The Switch, as I said, does offer something more unique, but Nintendo has fallen into the basic controller trap as of late. Pretty much every single one of their games can be played with the same basic method used decades ago.

VR controllers are a completely different beast because VR itself is a completely different beast. They are barely related to consoles unless you consider the Meta Quest a console in itself.

It is not. Give a console to an older person and watch them try to set it up. Ask them to buy something from the store. Ask them to freaking leave the game. The Switch is, again, a bit different because Nintendo has stripped it of pretty much everything what in theory made it simpler, unless when it doesn't. Because they stripped it of so much that for months you couldn't even log in to a public wifi with the device, as Nintendo had stripped it from a browser.

Every first party game from Sony and Nintendo is quite literally just a handful of titles on quite literally thousands are released. You are aware of that, right? Plus, that also ignores updates. Some Nintendo games have, quite literally, half a dozen of updates.

Sure, if you were born a decade ago and have no clue what they once offered, they are still great. If you did, you would agree that the only thing they have going for them now is the low admission price while keeping most things running natively.

Cacabunga6h ago

Same goes for next gen Sony console.. first time ever i will pass if they don’t change their broken vision

Knushwood Butt17h ago

I'm pretty happy with my middle of the road console.

Vits14h ago

And you should, they are great value after all. Being the middle of the road solution.

S2Killinit15h ago

What a bunch of incorrect assumptions.

derek15h ago

Keep your pc evangelism to yourself. Most people don't want to game on a pc with its stupidly expensive parts and constant tinkering with settings and updates, get a grip, lol.

Vits14h ago

Read again kid, I'm talking about consoles. Not PC.

zypher7h ago


You’re talking about consoles by comparing them unfavorably to PCs … ie, you’re PC evangelizing.

Profchaos13h ago

Yeah to be clear my first console was the NES and obviously by the nature of those systems they were extremely simple out game in press power and play I still have my old systems console gaming has evolved because it had to we wanted more everything more graphics more social elements and we ended up with what we had today.

Its not perfect and has trade offs like games requiring the internet and patches but it's about as simple as we will get.

Thing is with the hand a game to a older person example is that it was no different 40 years back old people didn't know what way the cartridge had to go in the NES what button did what how to tune it in if using the RF signal Same thing goes on today.

Yes the duelsense may be overhyped in its feature set but the thing is it is trying new and different things it's not the same as the ds4

And as for third parties requiring a patch that's out of the hands of the console manufacturer and first party it's down to the third parties mishandling of the development of said game But eventually became a shortcut.

But by your logic the grass isn't greener anywhere besides grabbing a mega drive.

PC , PlayStation, Xbox, switch all share the same flaws in many of these regards.

Vits7h ago

It's not as simple as it gets. Streaming is pretty much where that simplicity is. These days, it works just like old consoles. You pick a game and play it.

That is the silliest comparison I have ever heard. Really. There is no way you can seriously say that putting a little game cartridge into a slot is the same as setting up a new modern console. I'm sorry, but I will not engage with this level of dishonesty.

It is still nothing new. It is just the same thing but with a lot of hype. A lot of ads told people it was special, and then some people keep repeating that without thinking. The same way they do with the "super-duper mega SSD" and the "super innovative ML upscaling." All of it is just BS marketing, just iterations of things we have had for years.

I don’t care whose fault it is. That is not what we are talking about. What matters is that games on discs and cartridges are going away. Most games don’t come like that anymore, and the few that do are missing parts, so you still need the internet to play most of them.

Probably because, as my freaking post made clear, I was not saying that something else is better. Did you even read what I said, or did you just assume things because you really, really love consoles? My whole point is that consoles are mediocre by design. They are not the best at anything. They sit in the middle, not as strong as a gaming PC but not as simple and cheap as streaming. If at some point they had other core strengths, those have been stripped away or severely reduced. Now they are just the middle-of-the-road option. They are the Mario of Super Mario Bros. 2.

Zerobalance4h ago

Xbox might not as well exist because their games are rarely on disc? So Steam should not exist! I've not bought a disk since 2014. Should not exist. 🤷‍♂️

neomahi1h ago

Wrong. Look at PlayStation ports to PC for example. Having a console isnt just a cheaper option, everything is perfectly optimized and having it's closed ecosystem ensures top performance. You know, there was actually a time when game consoles were more powerful than PCs. Once Xbox 360 came along and everyone started griping about proprietary hardware that created innovation and gamers tried to tuck the PS3 away, we lost that. The Steve Jobs of gaming was suppressed and consoles went to off the shelf PC parts thus now leaving consoles behind PCs. It's really that simple. Look at Rise of the Ronin, for example. Runs great on PS5, but as usual, runs flawed on a PC, which is funny because ALL games are developed on a PC, that's the irony

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
blacktiger19h ago

I say that's exactly what they want, because they want us to go to streaming. Native hardware and game is necessary and online match, streaming is the worse. My wireless mouse is still laggy as fk and that's local

robtion13h ago

Yes Microsoft is all about control. They want you online only, subscribed for life, and GaaSed up to the eyeballs.

BlackCountryBob16h ago

I think there is a very good point underlying here that as consoles have adopted more and more PC features (updates, installs, user selected visual modes and features) then what has made consoles unique and easier to use than a PC has sort of been lost.

For me, the trade off of consoles compared to PC was that I was paying maybe more for the hardware and software based upon a certain level of convenience that the console just worked, I could drop in a game and just play it immediately in a format that a developer had decided was a best compromise which I was happy with. Now if I buy a new game it’s 30 mins to install from the disk, plus about the same again to download a 20gb+ update (100gb+ if wanting to go back to a old COD single player campaign) then making decisions about frame rates and visual fidelity, textures, shadows etc.

I understand that many want the choice and the flexibility, but the old timer in me feels I already made that choice and that’s why Ive kept choosing console instead of PC over 35 years. If game streaming gives me any hope, it’s that some of that console simplicity can come back (but with different trade offs about ownership and preservation).

crazyCoconuts11h ago

I like things about both console and PC, but there are still other painful things on a PC that consoles avoid. Like not downloading updates while on standby and having to do graphic card updates yourself only to find that your game takes an extra 5 or more minutes to start because it now has to compile textures.
Plus when consoles release new features like 3D audio and controller features, every game on the console is forced to support it. It's consistent.

BlackCountryBob10h ago

For sure there’s more consistency about using features on console, though not universal (see patchy 3rd party use of PS5 Haptic Feedback).

Don’t get me wrong, there seem to be some console type things which are now present on PC like the single launcher, user interface and achievements from Steam / Epic etc but I don’t think that has taken away from the PC experience.

For me at least some of the console experience has been lost by becoming more PC like as the 2 different things have converged. It’s not bad, it’s just a different trade off

derek15h ago

Sure there seems to be even less of a rational to buy an Xbox than ever before with there first party being ported over to playstation and Nintendo (I've never owned one). But there remains a small community of gamers that will always chose a Microsoft/xbox console because they like their ui/ ecosystem.

Obscure_Observer13h ago


Next gen Xbox will be made with the core Xbox gamer as the target audience.

People will be able to enjoy all Xbox games on whatever platform they want. Console war is dead for good.

goken26m ago(Edited 23m ago)

Hehe it’s pretty obvious there are always some. ie you lol.

Also, there are still millions of gamers with large libraries of games and subscriptions. MS needs to continue servicing them. It’s the responsible thing to do.

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