
The PSN wallet is cumbersome and I can't stand it

"Until Dawn, however, was on sale for $5.99, so I decided that now was the time. I added it to my cart and went to check out. Alas, I only had $5.50. “Not a big deal!”, I thought to myself. “I only need to add another fifty cents.” Upon attempting to checkout, however, I was met with the fact that, in order to do so, I would need to add $5 from Paypal, at which point a single dollar would be taken from my current $5.50 balance." -- PlayStation Enthusiast

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FallenAngel19842127d ago

I felt like this topic was already discussed before


Kumakai2126d ago

lol seriously. sums it up.

1Victor2126d ago

I don’t know why it’s so hard to add a credit card. I never had any issues paying with my credit card and I been a plus member since the beginning. I had gotten free $$ from time to time and purchased game with it and the rest automatically he deducted from the credit card.

blackblades2127d ago

Yeah like last gen, not a big deal. Just be so change left for your next purchase.

Lockdown5552126d ago

Lol, what if you just want to spend an exact amount of money? How is not being able to do a basic transaction in 2018 not a big deal?

TheUndertaker852126d ago

Mom & pop shops can charge for the exact amount and even below a dollar. Surely Sony can too. Their competitors do.

TheUndertaker852126d ago

“530D AGO”

And yet the problem is still unaddressed. As it was since the PS3 days of PSN as well.

Skull5212126d ago Show
Jinger2126d ago

Seems like Sony doesn't mind retaining crappy methods to keep you on PSN. Locking 3rd party accounts to their system, making you spend more than you need to have you keep buying from PSN otherwise you just waste that money.

rainslacker2126d ago (Edited 2126d ago )

Likely because Sony has to pay the CC company, or Paypal, to charge people's accounts. Paypal is something like 10 cents + 1% of the charge. CC companies tend to charge 20-30 cents plus 1% of the sale to use their services. Actual amounts will vary based on the company. Sony probably has a high percentage of charge backs given that they're a digital goods company, and that increases their rates....which is why they auto-lock people that do them.

It's a business side of things that most people don't realize. They think that the CC companies charge the consumer through interest, and while they do, the processor also does the same thing, at which time, the CC companies themselves also get a cut.

It's a cost of doing business for most companies, Sony just chooses to not take a loss at the time of purchase. When they have all these small amounts within people's wallets, they're accruing interest on them, making back the money in this way. Some smaller companies that sell retail goods also require minimum purchases for this same reason, otherwise, they can lose money on a pack of gum or something. My distributor for the games I sell has a 1% surcharge if I pay with a CC because margins are so thin they can't afford to lose them. Since I can't afford to pay them and still make a decent enough profit, I use other means to pay.

Does it suck? Yes.

Is having $5 taken from your account to store for later use a problem? Not really....particularly since they tell you they're taking that amount and you have to agree to it before making the charge.

Should Sony change this policy? It probably wouldn't hurt, and I think their bottom line wouldn't be drastically affected if they did. But I guess every little bit helps.

81BX2126d ago

Should sony change this policy?

Your next statement should have been, yes not it probably wouldn't hurt.

rainslacker2126d ago

I run a business. My margins are much leaner than Sony's. And I don't charge my customers for me having to pay CC fees.

But I understand why Sony does it, and if it was more common that the consumer paid those fees, then I would charge them as well.

In other words, I understand why Sony does it, ,and for a company like Sony, it's not likely to affect their bottom line, and it wouldn't hurt them to do so. So yes, they should change it. At the same time, people should stop acting like $5 is going to break their bank.

2126d ago
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ziggurcat2127d ago (Edited 2127d ago )

this has been the case (afaik) for as long as the PS3 has been around, and the author is only finding out about this now?

Dark_Knightmare22127d ago

Yeah I find it hard to believe this is the first time this has ever happened to him

KillZallthebeast2126d ago

Ehh guy might be 10 and well educated. Fully grown "reporters" write stuff I could of seen being scalded by teachers in the 5th grade

Lockdown5552126d ago

So it's been around for 2 generations now and still hasn't been fixed? Why not talk about it in hopes Sony can improve upon it's already amazing system?

Goldby2126d ago

Nothing is wrong with it.

2126d ago
Goldby2126d ago

Should be, but isn't, isn't hurting anyone but this guy, who feels 5$ is a lot of money, he should be sticking to physical copies.

Ive never had an issue once with the psn or the wallet, so again, nothing's wrong. It's just different

shinrock2126d ago

Your on this site asking that question🤔

ziggurcat2126d ago

fixed? it's not even a problem.

StormSnooper2126d ago

It not a problem because you end up spending it eventually. Unless you intend to buy something and never use the network again, it’s not a big deal.

subtenko2126d ago

its not a fix, its a method..one they choose.

rainslacker2126d ago

I don't really take issue with it, but I see the point of view of the author, or at least understand why some consider it a stupid implementation. Up above I have a post about why Sony probably does it this way as well. It's a business thing.

That being said, Sony does inform you before they do this at the checkout page, at which time you have the opportunity to back out. Because of this, I feel that Sony is probably well aware of how many sales they may lose over this. Since they are aware, they probably looked at how much they lose out on a sale vs. how much they lose out on in CC fees should they allow small purchases. For instance, if someone just brought a 59 cent avatar created by a third party, they'd probably end up spending money to provide that product to the customer because CC fees would take up more than half, and the dev posting the avatar gets around 80% of the sale. May seem like a trivial loss, but when you multiply it by tens or hundreds of thousands, it can add up.

I've only ever had this issue crop up one time, and it wasn't that big of a deal. The money was just there the next time I wanted to buy something....in my case it was a PS+ renewal.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2126d ago
Cmv382126d ago

On the next episode on Cry 4 Nothing.....

TheUndertaker852126d ago

Didn’t read the full story did you.

“Therefore, when I do purchase Playstation games digitally I just do it on Amazon so that I don’t have to beef up my wallet in five dollar increments. So, the question stands; did I bite the bullet, add the $5 and purchase Until Dawn? No. No, I did not. I would have, but I knew that if I did, I’d have $4.50 sitting in my wallet for months to come and I didn’t want to yet again be prompted to add $5 to my wallet.”

They’ve known but it’s no less an issue. Particularly when other retailers or outlets don’t require “minimum funding”.

ziggurcat2126d ago

It's not even an issue. He's complaining about something that's part of the system they have had in place since the PS3.

I've had my CC frozen because of a 50 cent charge before, so the minimum charge is likely there to prevent that from happening.

rainslacker2126d ago

It's an issue for this guy...and maybe some others. I even understand their reasons. But on the business side of things, it still costs Sony money to accept CC, and use paypal. They decided that they didn't want to lose money on small purchases. I've seen small local stores do minimum purchases for the same reason. Amazon doesn't, and most big stores don't, but they are willing to take the loss on small purchases. When you go to the convenience store and buy a soda for $1, and charge it, they lose money on that sale. They accept that loss most of the time, because most people are repeat customers.

Being an issue is a matter of perspective, and is highly dependent on how you use the service. I've had to do this type of funding at one point too. I just ended up using the extra later.

TheUndertaker852126d ago (Edited 2126d ago )

1) It is an issue. A long unaddressed one at that. As stated, even by me, a problem that’s existed for some time.

2) People complained about it during the PS3 days as well for it to go unaddressed even still

3) I’ve ran my card for less than a dollar on NUMEROUS occasions and never had an issue. I like taking advantage of free or cheap rentals from Redbox which CONTANTLY come out to less than one dollar. I’ve been able to pay for things via Xbox Live for less than a dollar as well and not had the issue. The author even writes about the ability to do so via Amazon and other outlets. The author is shopping around and stating why it is an issue. PSN sales aren’t that great when you have to put in a minimum $5 for an item that may cost less than that via PSN. Then other outlets follow the same deals and charge the exact amount. So PSN isn’t really offering much of a deal at that point.

4) I was a deposits agent for USAA and know for a fact that minor transactions 99% of the time do not get flagged. Larger transactions do.

5) Most banks offer the ability to remove the lock on your own via app, website, or phone with some easy information if it’s your account.

So I’d state again. Other retailers and even direct competitors can run transactions for much less than $5, even to the exact amount. So why can’t Sony? Little mom and pop shops along with independent contractors can with no issue, all being a lot smaller than Sony.

81BX2126d ago

It is an issue. This is exactly why sony adds features. To improve upon and make psn a better place for us gamers. Just because something has been in place since a gen before doesnt mean it works for gamers today.

ziggurcat2125d ago


1. No, it’s not a problem.

2. That still doesn’t make it a problem. People complain about anything.

3. Count yourself lucky, then, because i’ve had it happen to me. Also, the remainder carries over, so... you’re not really spending $5 on a game if it’s less than that amount.

4. That’s not true. It’s much easier for scammers to get away with only charging pennies on a massive amount of cards than it is for them to get away with larger purchases on a smaller number because those micro charges go relatively unnoticed by people, and that’s why they get flagged. I was told this by the person on the phone when I had to call my CC company to unfreeze my card. It got frozen after a legit transaction took place, and had to call them to verify that it was a legit charge.

5. Good for you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2125d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2125d ago
littletad2127d ago (Edited 2127d ago )

Yeah, when you're gaming on a budget, with kids, work schedules, you know life; blowing five bucks since it's nothing is actually kinda of a small deal. All he would have needed is 50 cents plus tax, but it's 2018 and you need to add a whole five bucks more. Lovely.

Eidolon2127d ago (Edited 2127d ago )

It's annoying and primitive to have to spend $5 more, but it's not like it's being wasted, if you're on the platform, you're going to use it eventually... And maybe you shouldn't be buying video games if you're going to stress over $5, maybe change up your spending habits.. there's a lot of stupid shit you buy daily that could save.

ziggurcat2126d ago

the remainder is left in your wallet, which gets put towards your next purchase.

and in some cases, just charging 50 cents will cause your credit card company to flag, and freeze your credit card.

BLAKHOODe2126d ago

The only people who are going to understand the "every penny counts" struggle are the ones living penny to penny. Most anyone else is going to shrug off any argument with "it's just $5".

But then, if you can't afford $5, you shouldn't be wasting money on PSN anyway.

jerethdagryphon2126d ago

I don't just link PayPal as payment source exact change

Razzer2126d ago (Edited 2126d ago )

If someone's "life" budget hinges on $5 then they probably shouldn't be buying games at all.

Regardless, PSN shouldn't require minimum charges. It is just silly.

TheEnigma3132126d ago

Gaming is an expensive hobby. You should't game if you're on a budget.

yomfweeee2126d ago

If it is that big of a deal then you need to make better decisions in your life.

Goldby2126d ago

Well if he's gaming on a budget, he shouldn't be using the digital store front and should be looking at used copies for everythibg

NecrumOddBoy2126d ago

I dont have an issue with my credit card. I dont use the PayPal method.

Also. Not to sounds like a dick but dont buy games when you cant afford it

2pacalypsenow2126d ago

"but it's 2018 and you need to add a whole five bucks more. Lovely."

You must of not been around the Ps3 and Xbox 360 days.

Profchaos2126d ago

If you're down to the point where every penny counts maybe don't buy any games in fact it's irresponsible of you to continue to buy them when you need money that bad. I've been at that point before I simply stepped away from gaming besides the give away titles and when I say simply it was hard but ultimatly worth it

rainslacker2126d ago

I could spend more than $5 going to McDonalds for lunch. People often take their kids to McDonalds for a quick dinner in their busy lives, and they easily spend $5-20 depending on if they're eating, and how many kids they have.

While $5 can indeed be more than nothing to some people's budgets, if its the point where it will make or break your finances for the month, or even the week, then one should analyze their priorities. For instance, this person has internet access to write this article. That's probably costing him more than $5. The difference in price for this guy was only about $4...since he'd have to spend 50 cents plus tax.

He wanted a cheap game, which is fine, we've all been impulsed to buy a cheap game.
He didn't want to spend hardly anything. Which is fine, we've all been there.
He didn't get those two things, and decided it was a big enough problem to complain about something that's been around since PSN started, and rarely gets complained about because most people aren't fussed over $5.

Hitman07692126d ago Show
+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2126d ago
Lockdown5552126d ago

Yeah, insult the guy because he wants a basic feature on his modern day console. You tell him. Because insults are definitely the best way to prove your point that there is no problem with Sony's anti consumer policies.

Xb1ps42126d ago

You know damn well it's a bunch of 10 yr olds that get mommy and daddy to buy the games that's why they are insulting the guy.. that and you know playstation is perfect to thses sony fanatics..

Goldby2126d ago

No more on the fact that this guy is complaining about putting 5$ on the psn wallet. It that was so hard for him yo do instead of just 50 cents he shouldn't be buying games thru digital store fronts, most cases they are higher.

@xb1ps4 or people like us who are able to properly budget for gaming don't see an issue with it.

PaleMoonDeath2127d ago

Only issue I have is when it's empty.

Lockdown5552126d ago

Yeah, insults are definitely the best way to prove your point that you're right. That was like a good middle school quality one too. Nice work!

2pacalypsenow2126d ago

You think that is an insult?


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Until Dawn Remake PS5 Screenshots Reportedly Leaked

Leaked screenshots from Sony Interactive Entertainment and Ballistic Moon's upcoming remake of Until Dawn have reportedly emerged.

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Battlestar2377d ago

Doesn't look any different to the ps4 version. Hope it's not another lazy Sony remaster a.k.a remake.

Andy_Dee77d ago (Edited 77d ago )

Wrong, they even showed it on the last State of Play and I just played it the month before since I wanted to go back to it.

It does look better and more cleaned up, it's not a remake at least what they said. They said remaster so this article is wrong from the info I've heard.

Until Dawn is getting remastered to coincide with the live-action movie.




So not a Lazy remake and yes it looks better! :)

CrimsonWing6977d ago

It’s pretty different looking.

Neonridr77d ago

I'm sure it's a fair upgrade seeing as it's UE5 now. That being said, the original was not ugly by any stretch and I can't fully understand the need to remake this other than a cash grab to coincide with the movie that is coming eventually.

Crows9077d ago

Please point to me to a lazy remake?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 77d ago
Hedstrom77d ago

A good game, had some fps troubles on ps4. So hopefully thats ironed out with some better looking graphics.

solideagle77d ago

I think Sony should rename PlayStation to RemakeStation. I am a Playstation fan but this is getting ridiculous. I think this is the weakest gen software-wise compared to all other gen.

PS2 > PS3 > PS1 > PS4 > PS5

Battlestar2377d ago

Agreed. Sony has released only remasters/remakes of games and noting new. MS has released so many new games i don't have the time to name the all.

solideagle77d ago

I have never owned or cared about Xbox, so I don't have any opinion about that. if you say that MS has released then I believe you I guess

Terry_B77d ago

Ratchet & Clank, Spider-Man 2, Gran Turismo 7, Helldivers 2 , Horizon Forbidden West to name a couple.

And what Microsoft released in the last couple of years was way beyond the league of those listed games.

MrNinosan77d ago

Ratchet & Clank, Returnal, Spider-Man 2, Gran Turismo 7, Helldivers 2, God of War Ragnarök, Horizon Forbidden West to mention a few of the good ones.
Then everything on PSVR2.
Then we have the bad ones, like Destruction AllStars and medium ones like Sackboy: A Big Adventure.

On top of that, there are lots of third party games.

Compare that to MS.
Redfall, MS Flight Simulator, Forza Horizon 5, Forza Motorsport, Starfield, HiFi Rush. Did I miss anything?

Now lets compare the games, and see which console had the best start this generation.

solideagle77d ago

I think Sony should have abandoned the PS4. we have not seen true PS5 potential yet. where are those games that would load Assets from SSD where the character is looking <-- Mark Cerny

I hope all new games from Sony Studios are PS5 only from now...

CrimsonWing6977d ago

What’s worse is this gen is almost over, if you can believe it.

staticall77d ago

I completely agree with you. At first it was like «Hey, so cool, i've never played this game and it's getting a remake, means it'll be much better!» but now it's «Come on, i was just playing that, it still looks and plays just fine». I want to play new games, try new experiences, hear new stories from new characters. It's like gaming companies have hired George Lucas as a consultant or something.

> MS has released so many new games i don't have the time to name the all
Suuuuuuuure, dude. Come on, be real.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro77d ago

Looks like the PS4 version. Lol, that'd be 70 bucks.

Machina77d ago

Cheap and quick way to fill in the release calendar in-between major new games - that's why pretty much all the major publishers have been doing it.

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New Until Dawn Comparison Video Compares Upcoming UE5 Version to 2015 PS4 Version

An early new Until Dawn comparison video has been released, comparing the visuals from the upcoming UE5 version to those of the 2015 original.

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92d ago Replies(1)
anast92d ago (Edited 92d ago )

This is a fun game. But remaking this is lazy. A cheap remaster while a new game is being developed would have had more value for the customer.

EvertonFC92d ago

Yeah I here ya, I'm on the fence tbh as I think the haptics could be really cool but it seems a little early.
I guess it's to tie in with the movie release so makes sense somewhat.

outsider162492d ago

This over Killzone remake? Or Socom 2 remake?

monkey60292d ago

Less effort and there's a movie release to tie into.
I am very tired of all these remakes and remasters of games from recent years. If they're going to remake anything it should be a lot older.

Chevalier92d ago

If the Resistance trilogy on PS3 was being remade I would buy that day 1. Really hope the franchise returns along with Killzone

JEECE92d ago

Socom 2 remake wouldn't be worth the effort. I don't know the exact number it finally sold, but from looking at articles from a few years after launch, it looks to have gotten in the ballpark of 3 million. It has been twenty years now so many of those people probably don't even play games anymore, and the people who play multiplayer games now would start whining about Socom about three weeks after launch about how "there isn't enough content" and "they just sent it out to die." Granted, it would probably develop a small but dedicated player base from the old crowd who want a stable, solid multiplayer game instead of a live service, but that isn't a lucrative proposition for Sony.

EvertonFC92d ago (Edited 92d ago )

It was the same when millions of gamers asked for a sly remake then when the game came out it sold like 10,000 copies.
Sometimes we think we want the old games then in reality nobody ever buys it 😂🤣

outsider162492d ago

You have a point though. I guess we want it because of nostalgia. Was hoping we'd get a socom with a good single player and ofcourse multiplayer, maybe it'll sell well.

92d ago Replies(1)
92d ago Replies(1)
92d ago
Shane Kim92d ago

It's nice and all, but who asked?

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Quarter Disorder Podcast: Episode 3-PlayStation State of Play 2024

Tim and Luis talk what they’ve been watching and playing along with the news from the past week, including all the games from Sony’s “State of Play,” Evil West, Silent Hill: The Short Message, Hideo Kojima weirdness, Spec Ops: The Line delisted and more!

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