
Sony and Microsoft Square Off At PAX Prime, But Who Is Poised To Win

With PAX Prime a week away, Microsoft and Sony will once again take their console battle to the gaming public. Both have had differing approaches to the show in the past but with Sony holding the lead, what will Microsoft do to impress the buying public with the Holiday Shopping season not far away?

Garethvk3549d ago

True, I think they both will have some good stuff to offer. Microsoft needs to avoid the tech issues though, as at Comic Con, they had power issues with Sunset overdrive which caused them to shut down for a while. I understand this happens, but several times we waited to play and when we finally got to play, the thing conked out a couple minutes in which was very frustrating. I am going to give it another shot next week.

sonarus3549d ago

I never really understood how you win a game show? Is it who brings most number of games to the show, who gets the most applause, who has the most behind closed doors demos. Or at the end will it be a bunch of ppl saying Microsoft won, while another bunch says sony one with zero objective criteria as a measuring stick for winning. Articles like this just serve to rile up fanboys

Garethvk3549d ago

If I had space you would see the full article is will win the upcoming Holiday Season. I agree you cannot win a convention, but space would not let me post the entire article title.

afterMoth3549d ago

MS is re-introducing the Kinect only unit for a limited time only. Come November they are going to bury all remaining Kinect units with E.T.

DigitalRaptor3549d ago

@ sonarus

It's who brings the most new, fresh and surprising content. And at game events this year that's been Sony all the way.

disKinected3549d ago Show
MysticStrummer3549d ago

@sonarus - It's not that hard to understand. These are businesses presenting their products. The one who has the most positive response "wins". Each person will have their own winner or winners, but there is often a clear consensus winner, runners up, and losers by the time the dust settles.

Spotie3549d ago

You win it just like any other product wins any other show: have the better showing.


Chevy won because they showed better products. And yes, there's some matter of opinion- which is why individuals have their own winners- but it's not impossible.

As objectively as possible, evaluate what each company had on display, and decide which had a better display.

I don't understand why this has become so difficult to grasp. It wasn't this hard last gen. I wonder what's changed...?

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700p3549d ago


GamersHeaven3549d ago

Not Microsoft that's for sure.

Garethvk3549d ago (Edited 3549d ago )

I have tried to figure out what their approach and marketing strategy is as it changes often. It was ok, we are an all in one system. Then it became ok, we are a gaming system with awesome features. Then it was ok, its all about the games but they largely talked up 3rd party and independent games.
Of course we do not know what is going on behind the scenes but they do not show any since of concern or urgency as I know it is an ongoing race, but you would have to be concerned to be down 3-1 in sales to your rival. I know they have some solid looking stuff coming up, but you have to wonder if this would be the time to switch gears and have a more aggressive approach.

I know come Fall we will see their logo on all the new Call of Duty ads as they paid big bucks for that honor, but I just wonder what is going to play out.
I see Sony playing up Little Big Planet 3 and the new Killzone and Infamous content, as well as their Destiny exclusives, and Microsoft going with COD, Sunset Overdrive, and The Master Chief Collection.

LAWSON723549d ago (Edited 3549d ago )

Xbox will probably be advertising the new Dance Central and Fantasia, it would be smart to anyway. I think they should launch the Kinect separate come October and advertise it along with what it offers, while still maintaining the gaming centric ads. If they don't I will agree with those calling Kinect dead.

Both the systems got a pretty balanced arsenal of exclusive games and content, Sony has been doing great ads showing a wide array of awesome while MS still needs to show what they got despite an improvement with the recent ads.

As for PAX, it is not a huge game convention like E3 and Gamescom I expect minor stuff like some actual indie release Windows, if MS does plan to launch an unbundled Kinect it could get a release date, maybe some apps or features, and more demos of this holidays big games and maybe Quantum Break. I would expect similar things from Sony. I think nothing huge will happen at PAX. I really don't see anyone "winning"

user74029313549d ago

im going with the more powerful/faster race horse.

qwerty6763549d ago

im thinking Sony very shortly will unveil their holiday deals, i can almost guarantee Sony will announce a PS4 with a bigger hard drive for the holidays combined with some bundles.

hello123549d ago

Pax isn't that important. You only see games already shown at E3 and Gamescom in demo form.

TGS is more important for Sony and Microsoft sales.

Garethvk3549d ago

Actually it is. Gamescom and E3 are mainly for press and for the industry people. PAX is for the public and while there is press there this is the first and often only time that 50K+ consumers will get to see and play the games before they are released. As they are the ones who pay for the games and drive business, it is vital to the developers. It is one thing to impress the media so we write about a game, it is another thing to impress the people that have to pay the money and buy something as the time at the show is key. Look at Sony. They had hands on last year before the PS 4 came out as did Microsoft. But Sony had a bigger presentation and presence backed by a huge wall for Killzone: Shadowfall and playable demos. That is not to say this is why they are ahead but that is a factor. The buying public gets up close and personal and can ask questions which they often cannot do at retail.

gamerfan09093549d ago

No one but Japanese people or westerners obsessed with japanese culture care about TGS.

LAWSON723549d ago (Edited 3549d ago )

I am not obsessed with Japanese culture I just think some of the most creative games come from Japan that is why I look forward to TGS

qwerty6763549d ago

sometimes its nice to see some rpg style games get unveiled

im curious to see what sony hasn't shown us yet, unannounced ips they've said.

as i feel like Microsoft wont have anything new to show.

DigitalRaptor3549d ago (Edited 3549d ago )

Yeah... Sure...

Some of the biggest and most influential games in this industry were created by Japanese people. People who care about this industry crave JRPGs and that's where they get announced.

If Shenmue III is announced, or The Last Guardian announced for PS4, or Lost Oyssey 2 announced for Xbox, or Persona 5 announced for PS4, you will have a lot if people who care about that.

I'm not Japanese and I'm not obsessed with J-culture , and I care about TGS.

disKinected3549d ago

Oh yes, definitely, since ps4 will slaughter xb1 there, let's pretend TGS doesn't matter.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3549d ago
Mikefizzled3549d ago

To be fair The Behemoth are announcing their Xbox One exclusive and their games are always great fun.

Golden_Mud3549d ago (Edited 3549d ago )

Well Microsoft announced 5 new internal studios , this could mean they could showcase something but I do doubt it.

ThinkThink3549d ago

When did they announce 5 new internal studios?

Mikefizzled3549d ago

Leap Experience Pioneers, State of the art, [FUN]CTION Studios, NP and Platform Next. There was also Good Science but they already existed.

3549d ago
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LAWSON723549d ago

You know, the system wars that decide the fate of the universe

GiantEnemyCrab3549d ago

Oh, that's what this is about. I thought the winner got a pizza party but fate of the universe makes much more sense.

JeffGUNZ3549d ago

@ Giantenemycrab

Can the pizza party be at a gymnastic studio with those giant foam pits?!?!

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Hands-on Preview of Tinertia the Game with No Jump Button | Entertainment Buddha

One of the key mechanics of a solid platformer is how tight and responsive jump maneuvers are. Without a solid jump button and resulting physics, platformers can feel broken and frustrating to the point of rage. We’ve all (ok maybe most of you are sane) thrown a controller, punched ourselves, bit our fingers, or screamed bloody murder while dying over and over again in a platformer that featured poor jump controls, and it sucks. What if there were a platformer that didn’t use a jump button at all? How would it play, would the experience be enjoyable, or pure hell? Well the team at Candescent Games has tackled this exact scenario in its upcoming game Tinertia, which believe it or not, doesn’t have a jump button.

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HAMM3RofBUDDHA3507d ago

This game is tough, but in a good way.

FrogSpork3507d ago

Precision based movement eh? Sounds pretty interesting, might have to look this one up. Has been a long time since I've played a game like this.


Hands-on Preview of This War of Mine | Entertainment Buddha

EB's Matt Heywood writes, "While at PAX Prime I met with Pawel Miechowski, who is the game’s Senior Writer, to talk about This War of Mine and the team’s inspirations behind it. It was immediately clear that he and the small 11-Bit team working on the game were emotionally attached to it thanks to the heart wrenching content it contains, which has been crafted based on true life stories from their relatives that lived through the horrors of the World Wars in Poland. By capturing these horrific tales the team was able to focus on what types of choices, living conditions, and struggles civilians face during a war that has brought enemy forces to their doorstep."

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HAMM3RofBUDDHA3514d ago

Very intriguing take on a war game.

GregMicek3514d ago

Link broken? Its just taking me back to N4G


Hands-on Impressions of Reassembly From PAX Prime 2014 | Entertainment Buddha

EB's Matt Heywood writes, "Tinkerers and space fans alike should be very excited for Anisoptera’s first official video game release, Reassembly (PC, Mac, Linux), which is a vector art infused spaceship game that meshes crafting with arcade style spaceship shooting action. While at PAX Prime I had the opportunity to go hands-on with the game while discussing its merits with Arthur Danskin, who is the game’s creator and the founder of Anisoptera, and I found Reassembly to be a very detailed and intriguing Indie video game experience."

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HAMM3RofBUDDHA3524d ago

If you like crafting stuff in video games you'll love this title.