
Developer asks LGBT advocates to include video games among their awards

This past week the LGBT advocacy organization GLAAD sharply criticized Nintendo for not including same-sex relationship options in the upcoming western release of Tomodachi Life. Now, a games developer is asking why GLAAD doesn't include video games as a category in its annual media awards.

majiebeast3678d ago (Edited 3678d ago )

Oh dear god more gay pandering. Nintendo should have never apologized they were never in the wrong.

kingdip903678d ago

Actually it's not it's the video game industry asking the gay community why they are excluded from this particular award show.

majiebeast3678d ago (Edited 3678d ago )

Yeah but it will lead to more pandering and they will just add a gay character to say "Wow look how progressive we are".

Im fine with gay marriage and what not but dont try and force it down my throat in media i enjoy. What does a gay character even add to games?

OrangePowerz3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

Diversity? Why should games only include sterotypical large breast women and buff guys? And Balade of gay Tony was fun and much better than the horrible main game.

I don't think it should be forced into games, but if it fits into the context of the game why not have homosexual characters?

morganfell3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

Over at neogaf, people are being banned left and right for the simplest of statements. There are two threads created by the same whining individual and the threads are full of personal attacks on a wide range of people. Those attacks are not by heterosexual gamers but rather by members that are outright gay or else those that support them. Those remarks, hating on anyone that does not immediately bow down to a vengeful minority are allowed to stand.

Yet one poster stated he would not buy a game where the character was gay and for that he was banned. There was nothing sophomoric, no names or jabs, he simply stated a preference and for that he was banned. And he is not the only person that made non-inflammatory remarks, rather simply stated a view and for their honesty they were given the ax.

When one cannot discuss their views and feelings openly without fear of reprisal, then there is no honest discourse and the true understanding of one another is thus placed high out of reach.

The gay community in gaming as well as some supporters, and that gaf thread seems to be a good example, are there model of intolerance they claim to decry.

EDIT: @majiebeast,

This is how the gay community loses the support of a great many people. They start to beat you to death with everything because they forget that while they have rights, so does the majority.


They could do what other people have done and just make the game they want. Oh wait, that would require work better forced out of other people.

randomass1713677d ago

Gay relationships (or the option to have it) in Mass Effect was a good move in my book. Gay characters aren't essential, but having more options never hurt anyone. I'm absolutely not saying gay relationships are essential to every game, but to say that they add nothing at all? I think they added to Mass Effect and can therefor add to other games and help gay fans identify with the characters. But only if it's done at the discretion of the developer and it's handled naturally, not shoe-horned in.

kingdip903678d ago (Edited 3678d ago )

That's pretty exclusive.

I think the polygamists should be offended they are not represented in in games also.

Nudists to, and people who find a relationship with animals to their liking.

In fact if their is not an option to marry an in game "living doll" in the likeness of anime girls (this happened in real life) then I feel any game focused on relationships should be boycotted.

Just like the GLAAD awards should be boycotted for not including video games in their media awards.

Excluding anyone no matter if the intention is malicious or not should not be tolerated!!!

Sarcastic rant over ;)

randomass1713677d ago

Bleh. Two adults of the same sex loving one another consensually is pretty different from one man with seven wives or one man and a dog. That being said it doesn't need to be represented in every single game or movie or whatever. Just as not every character needs to be black, or a woman or even a man. More diversity is a good thing.

kingdip903677d ago

The issue isn't about any particular group of people being represented or their "right" to be represented over any other group.

I'm not knocking homosexuals love it can be a beautiful thing, my point is that game companies cannot possibly make a game that pleases every demographic and doesn't leave anybody out or even offended.

The intent is what is important here and I don't believe nintendo were being homophobic or hateful.

A polygamist has as much right to be offended as a homosexual in this case and if it gets to the point where everything is a controversy it's going to be bad and much harder for the industry.

KonsoruMasuta3677d ago

This actually makes sense. If you want representation in games, show developers that you have a presence in the audience. After that, they might keep you in mind when they make their games.

I don't support trying to force developers to put it in their games or getting mad when they don't, but there is nothing wrong with trying to persuade them in a positive way.

JohnathanACE3677d ago

Yes I suppose its a good idea and all but doesn't it seem oddly timed with the whole Nintendo thing?

BattleN3677d ago

Bubble up, well said and u need a bubble haha!

randomass1713677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

"If you want representation in games, show developers that you have a presence in the audience."

To be fair, isn't that exactly what the controversy over Tomodachi Life is doing? It's showing that there are indeed passionate gay gamers out there. Even if their anger is not really being aimed at the right thing.

edit: @KonsoruMasuta below

Not entirely true. Jim Sterling did a Jimquisition video talking about how gamers raging on the internet has been an effective way to get the market to shift they wanted to. The Mass Effect 3 ending extension, the Microsoft DRM 180 and even when Konami lowered the initial price of Ground Zeroes. That was all made possible by online gamer rage.

KonsoruMasuta3677d ago

No, that is not what the controversy over Tomodachi Life is doing. They are trying to FORCE a developer to put in a feature with rage and anger.

That is different.

Note how I said "persuade them in a positive way". Nobody is going to listen to you when you're throwing a tantrum, and that's what these people are doing.

The most you can do is try to persuade them, you will go nowhere with force and anger. If they don't want to, don't get mad, that's their decision.

JohnathanACE3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

So much gay crap lately! I'm starting to think Russia has the right idea.

No Iran kills them which is wrong while Russia lets them live their live, but they can't shove it in peoples faces.

I'm not a "bad person" I'm an annoyed person.

Qrphe3677d ago

Iran has the right idea, teach a lesson to everyone who is different

randomass1713677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

If you think that then you are just a very bad person.

edit: @disagrees He is saying gays need to be IMPRISONED and MURDERED simply for loving members of the same sex. That is a very terrible and disgusting thing to believe.

DCfan3677d ago

Isn't it disgusting to defy nature?

OrangePowerz3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )


People loving other people sounds natural to me. Just because you, me and others don't want to sleep with people of the same sex doesn't mean those who want shouldn't. And just for fun double standards, do you feel the same about two girls having sex with each other?

Conzul3677d ago

No, imprisonment is what happens to those who FLAUNT it in the faces of the unwilling. Your edit is simply untrue.

Conzul3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

Well said. Fight the powah!

Talidan3677d ago

Ugh. I'm a dude who likes dudes and I'm absolutely sick of all this "EVERYTHING MUST BE GAY", and vise versa, crap.

KonsoruMasuta3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

I agree, it is tiring. Every time I try to explain to people that gay relationships don't have to be in everything, I get labeled as a homophobe or a gay hater.

I have no problem with homosexual relationships in games, sometimes I even make my characters pursue homosexual relationships. I'm just saying that it doesn't need to be shoehorned into everything.

Talidan3677d ago

The way I see it, if a character happens to be gay, that's great and all, but there's no reason to make it like that just for there to be a gay character. Just as there's no reason to really stress that a character is straight, unless it actively contributes to the story or character development.

If we just treat it all with normalcy then it will all, eventually, just be normal.

You start forcing things, it will always be difficult for it to be accepted.

randomass1713677d ago

Well I'm straight and I can sympathize somewhat. I just feel a lot of the protest and emotion is being aimed at all the wrong things. I want LGBTs to have equal rights same as anyone else, but all of the controversy over Tomodachi Life is just silly. I'd be more understanding if Nintendo proactively removed same sex marriage from the game, but it was never there to begin with. And all the mud being slung at Nintendo... when you attack someone for being on the fence, it makes it that much easier for them to side against you.

GuruMeditation3677d ago

Exactly the same here. And if WE'RE sick of it, I can't imagine how others must feel. I've never noticed a lack of representation of my sexuality in games (in fact there have been a few decent and tasteful examples of inclusion) and I'm quite content with how things are. Homosexuals are a minority group, having them crop up every five minutes in a video game would be pretty jarring...

Talidan3677d ago

On the topic of minorities in media, it's not even on the same level as racial minorities, which is what really gets me when people make arguments comparing race and sexual orientation (which does happen).

You can't usually *see* homosexuality. It's not always a visual thing. Any character that hasn't clearly shown he's only into the opposite sex could be gay, or bi.

If you notice a distinct lack of black people when there's a likely possibility there should be some (like if it's set in the southern United States), that's an understandable issue to get upset over.

Gays, on the other hand, you just can't see it, so why get up in arms just because there isn't an extremely strong hint, or having it shoved right in your face, that a character is gay?

It's just self-entitled whining and it's always so stupid and pointless.

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MadLad1581d ago

The original was a pretty cool game, and one of the first ever for me to review *cough* "professionally lol.
Didn't know there was going to be a follow up, but definitely checking it out.


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