
What Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 should have learnt from Dark Souls

VideoGamer: "MercurySteam did a great job on the art direction for Lords of Shadow 2, crafting a beautiful world. It's crying out for something meaningful to happen within it, and yet it rarely does."

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3730d ago Replies(7)
Master-H3730d ago

The Castlevania dudes should stop learning from other games and make new shit on their own, first it was God of War , then Zelda, and now Dark Souls ? can't they create something great and unique on their own ? no wonder it's getting mixed reviews.

kewlkat0073730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Castlevania has sh!t to learn from Dark Souls, a non- Hack & Slasher.

RyuX193730d ago

Lords of Shadow doesn't need to learn ANYTHING from Dark Souls. Dark Souls isn't even that great of a game, Demon's Souls is much better in almost every aspect. Another mainstream gamer thinking Dark Souls is great because it's different than the average first-person shooter drivel that has been coming out as of late.

If Lords of Shadow 2 is bad then it doesn't need to take elements from Dark Souls; it just needs to be a better game.

Allsystemgamer3730d ago

Ugh you demons souls elitists are terrible.

LAWSON723730d ago

What gave it away, lol?
IMO the gameplay mechanics are much better and I prefer the equipment upgrades as well, but the game is fantastic. I mainly just like the world, atmosphere, and nexus in Demon Souls. I really did not care for the tendencies, and I thought the covenants were a nice addition.

But what does that matter I am a maiunstream gamer apparently, lol


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The prevalence of parrying: Why is it so popular?

Parrying has been creeping into more games, with almost every high-profile title of the last few years featuring it in some way.  Why?

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phoenixwing52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.


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Father__Merrin81d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up