
Top 10 Classic Survival Horror Games

1MC writes: In honor of the Halloween season, I decided to count down my top 10 favorite survival horror games. Now before we begin, I guess I should explain the survival horror genre to those who aren’t familiar. Survival horror games are a sub-genre of action games, however they are made to make the player feel weak and outmatched. The goal isn’t to see how much you can kill, but rather see how long you can survive.

Now as with all my lists at 1 More Castle, all games on this list are retro, so they’re from the PS1/N64 era or prior. However, I’m going to throw out my one game per franchise rule because there really aren’t that many unique retro survival horror games, plus in some cases I just couldn’t leave one of the games in the series out.

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PlayStation Community Rejoice. Resident Evil 1 and Dino Crisis Finally Released From PSN Paywall

Until a few days ago, you could only access Dino Crisis and Resident Evil 1 via PS+. No one could simply purchase them, you had to rely on a monthly subscription.

SimpleSlave54d ago

Fucking Finally! Such a dumbass move to keep them behind a paywall hardly anyone will pay just for these two games.

Also, for some reason, Resident Evil Director’s Cut is free. It happened with Grandia (PS1) too a while ago. Weird, but oh so good.

VersusDMC54d ago

If you bought the original PS1 classic you get the new one for free. I didn't buy the RE1 PS1 classic back in the day so it is 10$ but i got legend of dragoon free because i bought it back in the day.

SimpleSlave54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

Interesting, but I didn't bought any of these games digitally. I only bought them physically and played them on the PS3. And while Grandia and Resi are part of that collection, there are other games, like G-Police, Legends of Dragoon Legend of Mana, that still have a price tag for me.

This sounds more like a random thing Sony is doing. Regardless, I just saved $10. So that's something.

VersusDMC54d ago

Honestly the texture gitters/clipping are a dealbreaker for me so not even trophies will get me to play these versions.

Capcom should just do a survival horror collection with proper remastering ,trophies and extras. Just like the MVC collection. I will just replay them on my vita for now.

jznrpg54d ago

If they made a collection with trophies I’d buy it but I’d like for them to add trophies to what’s there already


Interview with Keiichiro Toyama (creator of Silent Hill, Siren, and Gravity Rush)

In a career spanning interview, I speak to the creator of the Silent Hill, Siren, and Gravity Rush franchises about his 30 year time within the industry, what his thoughts are in making the transition from working for a AAA publisher to essentially becoming an independent, whether he’d be open to working on new iterations of the franchises that he’s renowned for, whether he’d be open to collaborating with any of the horror greats in the games industry, and what his long-term goals are for the next 30 years… Enjoy!

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Knushwood Butt92d ago

Interesting read, although the questions should have been more focused, and I think Gravity Rush, at least the first one, is fairly dark. Never got into the sequel.

DarXyde91d ago

I loved both games. There are pervasive themes of darkness worked in, but they're very vibrant games and Kat (history withstanding) is a very light-hearted character in a world that has its dark moments, but it's very generally upbeat, especially in comparison to Siren and Silent Hill.

isarai91d ago (Edited 91d ago )

Wait, dude made all 3? Wtf? Dude has a knack for cult classics like damn

DarXyde91d ago

"So most of the games that I’ve worked on have been new IPs, even though I’ve made different franchises and stuff. But I want to note that every time I make a new IP, my resources are pretty limited, and they’re limited by the company that I’ve worked for. So in that sense, Silent Hill, Siren, and the first Gravity Rush game, I think that we were striving to achieve something new, as opposed to making a big budget videogame. So I feel the need to do that every 3, 4, or 5 years. And I keep making new games, so going individual, like going indie right now, for me, I don’t really feel limited, I feel that it suits me more. So it feels like I’ve got an advantage, because I know how to work with limited resources."

That's encouraging. I really hope Sony would approach Toyama-san for a Gravity Rush sequel.


Resident Evil Original Cast Reunion 2 | Rebecca Chambers, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Wesker

RESIDENT EVIL (1996) Original Cast Reunion & Interview with Linda - Rebecca Chambers, Charlie Kraslavsky, Greg Smith & Eric Pirius.