
The War Z Review - incgamers.com

"Oh boy.

Some context: in 2012, a mod designed by Dean ‘Rocket’ Hall for the 2009 military sim Arma II was released. It was called DayZ and it turned Arma II into a multiplayer, zombie-survival game. Players started off unarmed (or barely armed) and had to scavenge for food, water and protection in a land overridden by both zombies and other humans, neither of whom tended to think twice about killing you."

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viridius4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

This guy doesn't verify his facts at all, he is writing about bugs that have gotten fixed near a month ago, and makes no reference to any of the current events surrounding this game.
Such as the developers apologizing for they way they have been acting, and are making every player unique weapons as a way to apologize.

What is said about The war z is true, it's a hot mess of false marketing and money grabbing. But if the devs do change their ways (they said they would in that open letter so we will see) it could still turn into something decent.

Judging it off reviews like this that shout about honesty and integrity but give none themselves, well then you can't complain about companies screwing you when you let a single person do it.


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