
This Is The Closest We’ll Ever Get To Next Gen Skyrim, Modders Show Off Their Amazing Skills

DSOGaming writes: "Last week, we shared a Skyrim mod that brought a lot of post-processing effects to the table. By using that mod, gamers can experience Skyrim like never before. Still, that didn't put off Skyrim modders who shared new screenshots from their custom configs and mods, showcasing visuals that will leave you speechless."

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LimeyGeeza3740d ago

Hard to believe that's Skyrim - crazy good

GuyThatPlaysGames3740d ago

But don't forget what a crapfest Skyrim is once you get past the graphics.

UltimateMaster3740d ago

I don't know why it should be the fans' job to improve the graphics and not the studio itself.

Kingnichendrix3740d ago

The studio has done the work, pc gamers and modders are just perfecting and tweaking it

SilentNegotiator3740d ago

Gee, you know, some people LIKE Skyrim.

neogeo3739d ago (Edited 3739d ago )

Your face is a crapfest you troll. Skyrim is one of the best games ever made. Pretty clear you either never played it or you only tried it on consoles back when it had ton's of bugs and I will admit it did have lots at first but a billion updated and bug fixes later along with the unofficial skyrim patch and thousands of mods. May put this game as the best ever mad in history.

DragonKnight3739d ago

First, the title of this article has literally been used so many times.

Second, why is this top news?

Third, I agree with UltimateMaster. The mods done for Skyrim are far and above everything that Bethesda has put into the game themselves, and these are people doing the job for free. Makes you really wonder what actually goes into dev costs when people are outperforming Bethesda with less equipment, less man power, and for nothing.

Mr Pumblechook3739d ago

I platinumed Skyrim but it's not a great game, it's a good game. What I like about it is that it is so easy to pick up and play and go anywhere. What is not good is that the main quest is too easy and can be completed early. Also there is not more of a cohesive story between quests and that there are no standout characters so you feel no emotional attachment to anything. Whatever you do has no influence on the world apart from that mission when you whether you are with or against the Stormcloaks. I enjoyed Oblivion more.

H0RSE3739d ago (Edited 3739d ago )


They have mods for that as well.. everything from unofficial patches, to increased AI intelligence for followers and enemies, to more difficult combat, to completely overhauled game mechanics, like more in depth crafting systems, added quests and NPC's, more in-depth skill trees as well as completely new ones, etc. You can mod Skyrim so heavily, that is essentially plays and feels like a completely new ES game.

The ES games have always been about heavy mod support from the community, hell, all of Bethesda's open-world games have been. In this regard, if you are not playing the PC version of games like ES or Fallout, you are really gimping the potential of what you can experience, and all of it comes at no extra charge.

insomnium23739d ago

Is Skyrim worth getting on PS3? Have they fixed the bugs?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3739d ago
showtimefolks3739d ago

i would love to play Skyrim on ps4 or xbox one.

3-4-53739d ago

That looks better than Ne...this gen.

Dynasty20213740d ago

A simple reminded as to why PC will always be best.

Agent20093740d ago

inb4 console fanboys will tear you down.

The_KELRaTH3740d ago

You see all those lovely Supercars but in the background there's crowds of PS4/Xbone owners defiantly shouting SKODA SKODA SKODA SKODA lol

GentlemenRUs3740d ago

I could not care less.

My PC is for hardcore gaming, My PS4 is for relaxing gameplay in the living room.

It's how it has always been.

Am_Ryder3740d ago

You've got it damn straight there, son. I use consoles to enjoy games of any kind. I use PC to get more edgy, hardcore experiences when I'm in the mood for it.

Console has those too, but it also has the swathes of just plain fun titles which are easier and quicker to access.

elhebbo163740d ago

@alex easier and quicker to access? any rig with an ssd is a thousand times faster than a console.

Neixus3740d ago

Yup, i don't get why it only have to be one side.
I have my PC to play Gmod,bf4, DayZ and WoW
And my ps4 and ps3 to play sony exclusives, can't really miss on them, almost every sony exclusive have been critically aclaimed. Except those ps4 games,tho.

GentlemenRUs3740d ago

So many pc-elitestsnobs in here... Bloomin heck just grow up...

iiorestesii3740d ago

These photos have all been air brushed and doctored. Not that mods aren't at work. But mostly, the enhancements are made to the images themselves. Just like 17 magazine. That's why there will never be a video for most of these.

NeXXXuS3740d ago

I'll always prefer console since that's what I've been playing with since about 4 years old (started out with SNES). I use PC to play LoL with friends and that's about it. I never really took to PC gaming even though I've tried it many times.

awi59513739d ago


Stop being a hater the mods make the game look that good i have a pc that can easily run them. When i was playing skyrim i had over 250 mods running at the same time and the graphics mods make the game look this good easy and i could still run at 60 fps.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3739d ago
Studio-YaMi3740d ago

To a "fraction" of PC gamers,I'm sure it is.

BallsEye3740d ago

After finishing it on 360, tried it on PC with all the graphics mods. ENB series etc if I rememeber well. I gotta say it did look pretty (some overdone instagram effects tho!) but I somehow preffered the vanilla version. Graphics does not make a good game.

Tsar4ever013739d ago (Edited 3739d ago )

You like the ENB Vanilla mod for SKYRIM? I can't choose between ENB SharpShooters(orig) for it's deep color and shadow dept or Project ENB(realistic)+COT for it's gorgeous LEN flare effects.

Still, it would've be nice to see a straight PC port of "SKYRIM Legendary Edition" with all the add-ons and *Unofficial Skyrim Patch, to the PS4/XB1, and the ENB modders could create a scaled down version of the various ENB texture mods and charge a fee on PSN/XBLive and let gamers choose their ENB mod(*Sharpshooters & Project+COT for me)for their SKYRIM game. The reason I mention *scaled down version of ENB is because the I know the nextgen consoles GPU's aren't strong enough to handle the ENB mods as they are NOW for the pc.

I'd gladly pay another $60 for a direct PC port of Skyrim L.E with a scaled ENB mod support for the nextgen consoles.

frostypants3740d ago

Can your PC run these mods smoothly? I'm confident in saying no.

duplissi3740d ago

Mine certainly can.

FX 8350 and HD 7950.

NeXXXuS3740d ago

"Can your money run these mods?"
lol terrible joke.

Maxor3739d ago

Easy as pie. Skyrim was designed to run on the 360 so even with these mods 1080p 30-60 fps is automatic. The only thing that would dramatically effect Skyrim is 2560x1440p with extreme texture mods or mods that feature huge battles with 50+ npcs.

akiraburn3739d ago

The thing is, a lot of the graphic mods can be run smoothly and easily on any mid-range card. But what these screens are showing off has more to do with an ENB being active, and certain Skyrim.ini/skyrimpref.ini file attributes being changed. And the thing about this that many people will neglect to mention, is that in order to use a lot of those really nice effects which make the screens so pretty, you basically end up running the game at unplayable framerates, even with something like a GTX 780 coupled with an overclocked Core i7 3770K.

If you get familiarized with the custom ENB menu, a lot of those post-processing effects (things like Complex Indirect Lighting, SSAO, Skylighting, etc) are so intensive you can't really play the game with them active, or at least not with them at maxed settings. You basically just activate them to take screens like this, then tune them down significantly so you can play at a decent framerate.

So while it is relatively easy for any mid-range card (like a GTX 650 for example) to run the majority of the texture packs, SMIM (Static Mesh Improvement Mod), and a lot of the like, it most likely won't be enough to handle an ENB, and definitely not with any of the post processing functions. And the more you turn up certain functions in the Skyrim.ini file or the Skyrimprefs.ini file (like the different Shadow sample sizes or perhaps the most intensive being the uGrids settings), the lower your overall performance will be, but the prettier your game becomes.

And so basically what you're seeing here, and on most of these kinds of articles, are screenshots with these effects all turned on and pushed as high as they can go while still being able to load their game, but then they turn them down/off afterwards to actually play. I've spent a long time finding happy mediums for mine, and while I have it looking very nice at a solid 55-65 fps, I don't use the majority of the heavy post-processing functions within the ENB. I've spent more time than I care to admit working on getting this balance and trying to troubleshoot all the CTDs, some of which I found were a direct cause of Bethesda not cleaning their DLCs (a function performed in TES5Edit to fix these things called "dirty edits"), some of them are due to mod authors not cleaning their mods before posting them.

H0RSE3739d ago (Edited 3739d ago )

Even with ENB and enhanced lighting mods, as well as COT and 2K HD texture packs, I can run Skyrim at 1920x1200 on max settings, and never dip under 30fps, usually maintaining around 60 or more.

tee_bag2423739d ago (Edited 3739d ago )

Mine can. Here's my video.


Not only am I playing at 1080p 60fps with a butt ton of mods, I'm also recording at 1080p 60fps. And guess what? I'm playing on my TV with a wireless 360 pad..how about that!
So to answer your question. Yes my PC and many others can run these mods.
Sorry to disappoint you.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3739d ago
OsirisBlack3739d ago

As beautiful as this is there are very few people who could play the game with those settings without a horrid framerate.

awi59513732d ago

Yes you can easy even low end cards like the 7850 can run it fine with a good cpu to push it. Because skyrim is a bad game and uses the cpu too much.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3732d ago
FarEastOrient3740d ago

These people need to be hired.

Timesplitter143740d ago (Edited 3740d ago )

no, I don't want the next Elder Scroll game to look like Anime Girlfriend Simulator 2015

Bimkoblerutso3740d ago

I couldn't agree with you more, Timesplitter...

Still, the actual environmental mods look pretty impressive.

KillrateOmega3740d ago

Yeah. I feel the same.

I liked most of the work they did, but sometimes they just go too far with the females. Too often they just turn them into over-the-top, sexy, elf, angel, bondage, and/or anime chicks.

Sarcasm3740d ago

"I liked most of the work they did, but sometimes they just go too far with the females. Too often they just turn them into over-the-top, sexy, elf, angel, bondage, and/or anime chicks. "

Soooo... What's the issue?

lol nah I get what you're saying.

awi59513739d ago

To be honest i like the sexy female mods because bethesda has proven they cant make female characters. All the women in all the elder scrolls games look like men with large chins and butt ugly.

Bimkoblerutso3739d ago

^I agree that the vanilla female character models look weird and disproportionate, but come on. These models don't fit in the world of Elder Scrolls.

No one is saying that they shouldn't exist...as mods. But when I think of a next generation Skyrim, I don't think of creepy-doll-faced anime hookers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3739d ago
CrossingEden3740d ago (Edited 3740d ago )

Why is it that the majority of graphics mods always comes with nearly nude woman? They might as well call it a different game with some of those lame designs.

Summons753740d ago

Because these almighty modders are really just lonely introverts who aren't happy with what others worked hard on and want to complete their own fantasies. These only look good because they live in their parents basement unemployed with no social life.

3739d ago
KillrateOmega3740d ago

The female designs are often my only complaint with these types of things. Everything else is beautiful, but the female designs are just so over-the-top that it ruins what would otherwise be a perfect set.

Tibbers3739d ago

People use this stuff to get views on videos/articles. There are plenty of realistic and fitting mods out there.

Psychotica3740d ago

I bet the game runs really fast, maybe 4 FPS?

elhebbo163740d ago (Edited 3740d ago )

@psy that was the joke..

Studio-YaMi3740d ago

Now tell me exactly how many PC gamers can run these mods,I'm waiting ..


starchild3740d ago


A hell of a lot more pc gamers than console gamers, that's for sure. lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3740d ago
Are_The_MaDNess3740d ago

even a GTX 580 can run this.... its not that demanding.....

Psychotica3739d ago

Really? Ok, maybe I am wrong then. I have a GTX 670 FTW so I guess it could run it fine. It just looks like it would be pretty demanding..

kingduqc3740d ago

this is what console gamer think.

right now video cards are 3-4 faster then ps4 and yuo can have 2-3 of them.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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I'm Replaying Skyrim (again), and So Should You

Replaying Skyrim after 13 years is a reminder of the progress made in western RPGs over the last decade, but also what's been lost.

anast38d ago

I tried, but it's a poorly made game that insults its customers.

lucian22938d ago

nah, only mods make it decent, and even then it's bad, and this is after i modded for at least 3 years

Nittdarko38d ago

Funnily enough, I'm about to play it for the first time in VR with 1000 mods to make the game playable, as is the Bethesda way


The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

SimpleSlave38d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan38d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.
