
Xbox One Consoles Smoking

Angie Santiago reports from SpawnFirst: "Two users on the Xbox Support forum have reported that their Xbox One had an amber light on the power brick and, when they plugged it into a different outlet, the console began smoking from the top. Sending the console back to Microsoft will get you a replacement console. One user said that the amber light appeared and, when they reset the power supply, the console made a buzzing sound and then began to smoke."

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theBAWSE3812d ago

rrof .. red ring of fire

genuinely hope they get it sorted..

Xsilver3812d ago

I see the Xone is a HOT Topic it's http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-o... :D I'm here all week.

GrizzliS19873812d ago

so...leaving the console by itself until it finishes updating or installing a game is risking your house on fire.


Eonjay3812d ago Show
G20WLY3812d ago

Smoke now?! Jeez, will it ever end? :/

Xsilver3812d ago

damn this is crazy I'm guessing next week it explodes :/

gta28003812d ago

Damn, so one minute you could leave your house while your Xbox downloads and the next you return to a house made of ashes? That sucks!

amiga-man3812d ago Show
Nekroo913812d ago Show
AlexanderNevermind3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

Wow I was not expecting that... Hopefully its only a few systems. Don't want anyone to get hurt. In the meantime why pass up a good joke op:

Xbox one....Flame On.....Baddum Bum


nukeitall3812d ago

I call BS just like these reports:


Point being, show us some pictures of the smoking Xbox One, or I call it fangirl agenda!

ThunderSpark3812d ago

XBox One: 4x better with the power of the Smoke Cloud!

AgitatedOcelot3812d ago

Xbone theme song...

Ring of Fire, by Johnny Cash.

fardan853812d ago

If those guys listened carefully they would have heard the following:
Smoke wins, Fatality! /s.

I feel sad for them, I hope MS will respond to them and sort it out.

Kayant3812d ago


"I call BS just like these reports"

Did you bother to look at the source of this first? Did you see that it's from the official Xbox forums by a member with a very high gamerscore suggesting is a long time Xbox fan. No because you're too hang up in a bubble thinking XB1 has zero issues.

Shadow Flare3812d ago

I bet even the smoke is 720p

HammockGames3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

Smoke 'em if you got One?

Or maybe BYOC? (bring your own cloud)

XB1_PS43812d ago

I'm done with this site.

ajax173812d ago

@XB1_PS4 -- Ok, goodbye!

SolidStoner3812d ago


the smoke is real time 4K resolution!

if it happens, Dont say "sh*t" or "di*k" or you will still be banned when receive your replacement model!!

user55757083812d ago

this was a problem with the original xbox. i remember getting a letter in the mail about it...really sad to see its still and issue 12 years later

Pintheshadows3812d ago

@nukeitall. Same thing happened with some PS4 reviews on Amazon. They were copy and pasted as well. I take things like this with a grain of salt right now. Hardware also has faults at launch. You take the risk (which is very very small).

CoolBeansRus3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

Really? This website? no pictures or videos? Word of mouth? Why did this even get approved?

It takes two seconds for someone to take a video and upload it, but we are going off of no proof here, this article is bogus.
If you go to the link provided you can see this guy has been going around trolling, there is a picture of it.

badz1493812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )


"Point being, show us some pictures of the smoking Xbox One, or I call it fangirl agenda!"

That is a single dumbest comment EVER! Your console is pouring out smoke. So the 1st thing you do is? Take a picture??

(Insert genius meme here)

ThanatosDMC3812d ago

^Why I hate the current bubble system.

mgeezy3133812d ago


You won the internet! Leave us alone! lol

Xer0_SiN3812d ago

its called xbox one or IED for short.

TheAwesomessMan3812d ago

The Xbox One wasn't smoking it was downloading his own personal cloud comes with a sub to Xbox live gold membership

jebabcock3812d ago

We are seeing alot of WMDs this launch. Weapons of Mass Disfunction... JK!

Truthfully we have seen alot of crap articles like this for both consoles. It is starting to get old. 2 failed launch consoles is not a story. 200k failed launch consoles can be a story.. Never 2 or even 3...

indysurfn3812d ago

@Shadow Flare "I bet even the smoke is 720p "
You owe me one drink! I spit mine out laughing forget ROFL I SMOL!!! Its holiday season so, cider please.

shivvy243812d ago

console smoking ? power of teh cloud !

G20WLY3812d ago

Is there any update on this situation yet?

OMG it's over a thousand degrees*!

*The article, not my XBone. Maybe both IDK..?

bakasora3812d ago

It's funny the rumor bar reads "hopefully" lol

7uff13811d ago

There are so many haters that they bubble down Nekroo91's comment because he made a joke mentioning Wii U, this community is full of retards(nothing new), we see PS4 and X1 related comments on Wii U news all the time and nobody gives a shit, the same goes for PS4 comments on X1 posts, or X1 comments on PS4 posts.

Kidmyst3811d ago

With the fun error messages Xbone has, I wonder if Xbox would flash - Error: Play something else, I need a smoke break.

insomnium23811d ago

'You know things burn'-Peter Moore

DAS6923811d ago

Did you guys not see the system specs??? That's just the smoke machine they added for extra immersion.... O_o

+ Show (34) more repliesLast reply 3811d ago
pyramidshead3812d ago

I honestly hope to god this is a joke article and this isn't true, because....holy...

G20WLY3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

I do too, this isn't funny anymore, it's dangerous. Hopefully these are the only two such incidents.

Then again, as they say; there's no smoke without XBone...wait, dammit, I got that wrong :/

Or did I...? ;^P

frostypants3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

I'd chalk it up to outlet issues in the homes in question. Power supplies can smoke if they are plugged into the wrong voltage outlet. I know because I did it once when I was overseas.

Why o why3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

I agree...some things are just bigger than 'our factions'....like friends and family on the 'other side' who may actually own the xb1... lets hope this isn't true.. I don't mind a bit of banter and ms have given me months of material but this is something different imo.

Despite what I've just typed I couldn't keep a straight face after reading lannisters comment below..Some funny s#;+

iiwii3812d ago

Well, I got a PS4 but for the sake of those who did buy XB One, I hope if it is true, it's a small issue. Nothing worse than seeing your $$ go up in smoke (not being funny).

frostypants3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

Wow...10 disagrees? OK guys, fine...it's smoking because MS IZ TEH FAIL GO SONY YAY! I'm a PS4 guy, but god this site is full of basement dwelling fanboy jackasses.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3812d ago
solidt123812d ago

That sounds like a hot and a ground wire was touching somewhere. not good. hope this is a isolated incident.

dedicatedtogamers3812d ago

Sounds like an isolated incident, just like with the PS4 problems. It is curious to see, however, that there are a wider variety of *types* of failures reported for the Xbox One so far. *THAT* may be something to keep a watch on.

TheTwelve3812d ago

Woodpecker sounding disc drive, green screen of death, smoking consoles...

Dude the X1 is like 3 days old...

dcj05243812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

Yeah. The PS4 has the RLOD the BLOD and HDMI pin problems whilethe X1 has Smoking, disc drive problems, not responding to controllers, random turn offs and green screen.

Prime1573812d ago

At the store I work at, no ps4s came back, no ones either. However, two controllers for the one came back.

iiwii3812d ago

To be fair, I'm pretty sure the HDMI pin problem was some idiot trying to force a cable in incorrectly. But still...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3812d ago
GribbleGrunger3812d ago

Now THIS needs to be taken seriously. What if they hadn't noticed and it caught light?

gta28003812d ago

I think the next batch of Xboxes are gonna start coming with a fire extinguisher.

Shadow Flare3812d ago

And then the fire extinguisher gets rrod as well


i still have a microsoft force feedback steering wheel that was discontinued cause some caught fire. way to go microsoft.

Blachek3812d ago

I expect to see more and more "horrific" reports of system failure for both consoles, as users of each look to discredit and one up each other.

Prediction, tomorrow an XB1 Fanboy will take a photograph of their sleeping dog and post it with the caption 'PS4 Reportedly Killing Pets'... which will be followed the day after by a PS4 Fanboy videotaping themselves Fapping in the living room claiming their Kinect uploaded it without them knowing.

The future is bright friends.

GrimbleGromble3812d ago

Well I fell into a burning ring of fire!

a4114113812d ago

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Red Ring Of Fire

Retroman3812d ago


now thats a new one haaaaa

Retroman3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

Ohio players should be X1 theme song: FIIII-RE DUDAUM-DUDADUM fiiii-re DUDADUM-DUDADUM FIIIIRE!!

Sarcasm3812d ago

What do people expect when it uses a cheap $10 cpu cooler

Croc-A-Doodle-Doo3812d ago

Looks at smoke above Xbox One, "Ooh, is that the cloud everyone has been going on about?"... "hmmm, the cloud smells kinda bad... uh oh, that's no cloud, that's FIRE!!!"

Ashunderfire863812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

I fall in the red ring of fire. And it burn burn burn from the power brick. Then I call Microsoft and tell them that they are pricks... For the red of fire, the red of fire.

mikeslemonade3812d ago

haha "I bet even the smoke is 720p" That's clever.

GuyThatPlaysGames3812d ago

Told everyone that the XboxOne was all smoke and mirrors but they wouldn't listen.

DarkHeroZX3812d ago

Microsoft: kill the infidels!!!!!!

UltimateMaster3812d ago

rrof red reign of fire.
They played Crimson Dragon for too long. XD

PSX043812d ago

WTF, is that a gaming device or microwave

Lykon3812d ago

My local Game was one of the few that had actually sold out of the Bone .. to be fair I understand they had very few to begin with .. but there were a handful of people there bringing back faulty boxes... I wish I'd asked what the problems were now.

Demster3812d ago

I bet the failure rate of last gen was at least the same as it is now. Just back then, we didn't have 13 year old fanboy kids (well at least not as many as there are now), who post shit like that on the internet all day to cause shitstorms, just to make themselves feel better about their lowlife..
like damn, this new generation of GAMERS is the actual problem here. not the consoles. my xbone is fine. i might get a ps4 next year sometime, because i've always liked both sides. i also asked the guy @ the store who sold me my console, if many consoles were returned because of failures..that was yesterday, so people had enough time to return. Guess what, the xbone was sold out there since launch day, no one returned theirs.
i don't understand how people can waste their time with this fanboy shit instead of actually PLAYING videogames.

rainslacker3811d ago

I believe the word you're looking for is anecdotal.

I agree a couple unsubstantiated reports is not indicative of a major fault, but many reports that may or may not come keep companies on their toes and make it so companies can't just sweep things under the rug easily.

RROD would have probably gone to court if MS hadn't seen that the community was upset about it. The PS2 disc drive issues went to court and they happened when the internet was rather insular and didn't include every random customer out there, and it was much less of a problem.

People are going to talk. People are going to make jokes. And people are going to speculate. The only thing that makes me shake my head are the ones that seem to hope this is true for the console war, but even they are a pretty small, albeit loud, minority. No one should want their fellow gamers to have to go through some of the troubles reported, because I'm sure they wouldn't like it if it happened to them.

BlakHavoc3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

Looks like the X1 likes to get high off its own supply."I know you don't smoke, I know this, but ima get you high today" *chris tucker voice*

otherZinc3812d ago

I don't trust any site that would give Knack a 7.5.
If Knack were a $4.99 Indie game yes, a $60 game no.
Don't believe this site at all.

Lykon3812d ago

very sad .. XB ONE is a very poor quality piece of hardware. what a waste of plastic

SL1M DADDY3812d ago

Really? Smoke? Good gravy! Yet another reason why MS frightens me. How is it that they can justify this type of hazard? I would never put my house and family at risk for a gaming console.

Sirlancealot3812d ago

Smoking is bad for your health

MetaReapre3812d ago

Is it just me or is the xb1 breaking down in so many different ways... I mean if it was a consistent break down of each console that could be easy to sort out but now this? Damn.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3812d ago

Leave it to Sony4G to have this rumor at a "hopefully".

Why would anyone vote this hopefully? I noticed that when PS4's were breaking down and the rumors were up to vote, of course on this site PS4 breaking rumors were shot down so fast and denied even though it was true.

This site... wow the Sony fanboys run the show here.

XboxFun3811d ago

Of course, would you expect anything different?

When the X1 breaks down the story jumps to 500 degrees and gets to the top of the site and becomes the number one most commented story.

A supposed two users get a smoking Xbox and everyone runs with the story.

No details either. Did the users have it in a closed area, did they have anything lying on top, a power surge, where they just completely inept?

rainslacker3811d ago

That just means people probably expect it to be true, not necessarily that they hope it's true. It's the option given for the voting. If they had it be "probably not" or "very likely" then it would make more sense.

I do believe that a couple reports doesn't mean that it's likely true at this moment though.

TBONEJF3811d ago

my friend told me bout this store some guy xbox caught on fire and was laughing so damn hard and have to read the story. sure M$ prob won't give him a new one

BallsEye3811d ago

Poll results showing immaturity of N4g community. HOPEFULLY - wishing another persons hard earned money will burn.

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 3811d ago
black0o3812d ago

sh!t happens ... no need to report on issues unless 1-10k users report the same problem

Kayant3812d ago

Sadly People just want to stir that fire for no reason :(

CGI-Quality3812d ago

Or the X1 is creating it's own fire(s)..........literally! :P

OT: Wouldn't stress it unless it becomes widespread!

3812d ago
NatureOfLogic3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

It happens to every hot item. No biggie. ;) Xbox One burning down houses in 720p glory.

Hairy Chewie3812d ago

I'd be dissapointed if my house burned down in anything less than 1080p

teknx3812d ago

"XBOX, call the fire department"

KILLNSFUN3812d ago

Luckilly they were able to upscale the smoke to 900p. Full 1080p smoke caused framerate issues.

InTheLab3812d ago

A green screen is one thing.

A potential fire hazard is something else all together and is news worthy.

FITgamer3812d ago

...or until someone's house burns down while there family and pets are inside.

GribbleGrunger3812d ago

Fella, this isn't an issue you can just put down to 'stuff happens'. This could have had serious consequences for those two people.

black0o3812d ago

my old laptop -ACER- did that also an amplifier i used to own, electronic-devices sometime can burn buildings down and it happens

but it become a thing when it happens on large scale like the lithium battery explosions which was ban on airplanes and a lot of companies had to re-pull them from the market

i'm not defending M$ here but i don't like making a big deal out of any isolated incident

insomnium23811d ago

Hey like Peter Moore would say if he still worked for MS. 'You know things burn'

JessiePinkmanYo3812d ago

BlackOo-Sh!t happens until you're the one with a pile of smoldering ashes, formerly your house. Blue lights of death or DOA consoles are one thing, but when a game unit becomes hazardous like this, it's a whole new category. Let's hope this isn't true. I'd hate to see the first massive game console recall.


I completelly disagree. Everyone having issue, doesn't matter how small or in which kind of product, should be reporting it. If anything, this makes more customers aware and manufacturers have to act faster on fixing issues. Imagine for one second if everyone that have a problem would just contact warranty and be done with it... I'm not simply talking about consoles still having over the charts fail rate all around, I'm talking about paint manufactures still using lead if researchers had not heard on the problem and further investigating it, forcing 'em to remove lead and/or find other safer components.

Also, what you expect makes to logical sense! If everyone were to wait on someone else report before they report their own issues, no one would be reporting at all...

What doesn't make sense is all those websistes overblowing stuff for the safe of hits. But that is a completelly different problem.

BallsEye3811d ago

There is a need to report every single issue that XO have. When there are thousands of ps4 consoles with issue, it's not a biggie...n4g

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3811d ago
AmkOwns3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

This article is gonna cause wild fire in a few hours

eldeladi3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

X Smokes One™

AgitatedOcelot3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

It's burning up the charts, and your house. Actually just your house.

mk40023812d ago

Its one of the hottest toys this holiday season!

BlakHavoc3812d ago

They mind as well bundle the X1 with a nicotine patch.

Mrgolden793812d ago

This girl - I mean box is on fiiiiiirrrreeeee

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3812d ago
ziggurcat3812d ago

oh dear...


misterx is probably going to go one about how this is "sony lie brainwash"... and it kind of makes those saying PS4 had heat problems look foolish.

theWB273812d ago

With no context to where they had their consoles placed, how much room they allowed for ventilation etc....it's gonna be a different article everytime one of these systems break?

abzdine3812d ago

yes and no one is forcing you to post a comment.

AnthonyJrWTF3812d ago

Wow... Get your head out of your behind.

moparful993812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

How exactly is console placement and air ventilation going to prevent faulty electronics from catching on fire? Use your brain not your fanboy.

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Publisher Thunderful Games and developer Image & Form Games have released a “gameplay deep dive” trailer for turn-based RPG sequel SteamWorld Heist II.

ZeekQuattro18h ago

SW: Heist was the first game in the series I played actually so I'm very excited to play this.


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Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B13h ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7211h ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii12h ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast9h ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.