
Say ‘Dick’ in an Xbox One Video or Skype, Get Suspended By MS?

Apparently someone made an Xbox One video using Upload Studio that contained the word “Dick” in it, and Microsoft suspended this user from the app for 24 hours.

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allformats3817d ago ShowReplies(2)
TheEnigma3133817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

Wow really? They shouldn't be monitoring your conversations like that. Some people deserved to be called that. I hope this isn't true.

kreate3817d ago

They did say they will monitor u. And the user bought, agreed, and used it in such a way so....

One can argue it's also the user's fault as much as Microsoft.

Visiblemarc3817d ago

Are you serious? You a think terms of service waiver of 300 pages of indeceipherable lawyer-speak should allow them to eavesdrop on and censor a private Skype conversation?

If this is legitimately happening it should scare the hell out of each and every one of us. This is so close to the camera in the home of Winston from the book 1984 that it makes the hairs stand up on my neck.

Tell me this isn't true. This has to be false rumours and clickbait. I know the guy said it was text related re:Skype but that is still creepy as hell and would make me want to unplug Kinect immediately.

nveenio3817d ago

What if that's someone's name?

Hellsvacancy3817d ago

"Hay man I watched Dick Tracy last...................." SUSPENDED!!!

SilentNegotiator3817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

Anyone named Dick deserves to be exiled for such a potty-mouthed name. /s

MS wouldn't even let that guy from "Fort Gay" keep his real town name in his info. MS loves to suspend and punish via keyword detection.

PLASTICA-MAN3817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

WHAT? What does that mean? Our Skype calls aren't private? So they are really watching us? What if I say it in other languages to my fellow mates(some deserve to be called so, at least in private calls)?

Oh Btw, I have a Skype friend whose real name is Dick, I didn't see him around these days... Does that mean...? WTF?

I think Kojima knew about this thing in advance , That's why he aborted the name of the Studio "Moby DICK" and went back to calling it Kojima Productions Western Division, otherwise he will get MGSV and his entire studio banned. /s

Btw, I remembered something, dick in german means fat/thick, so will they ban any fat german gamer or person who is following a diet?

Ritsujun3817d ago

Xbone180'd, and Xbone720p'd.

solid_snake36563817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

"Hey Dick hows it hanging bro?" BANNED!

tokugawa3817d ago

what a load of rubbish

i spent 45mins skyping my dad yesterday and must have used enough swear words to make a sailor blush..

guess what, i aint banned

andrewer3816d ago

"Dick Grayson is my favorite Robin" BANNED

dmeador3816d ago

People need to chill out a little, and stop looking for ways/news to jump on, haha. He did not get banned for a monitored Skype call, it was a video he uploaded to the public domain.

user55757083816d ago

this is just ridiculous. anyone try pussy cat yet? probably get suspended for that too

CoolBeansRus3816d ago

Half the people that commented here didn't even read the article. MSFT did not ban him for saying dick.

tawak3816d ago (Edited 3816d ago )

Vice pres. DICK cheney, is the 46th Vice President of........................ "Banned"

Gaming1013816d ago

The X-bone hates dicks... insert joke here about the oversized X-bone being a fat lesbian who will cast vengeance on you for inserting a dick into your conversation... LOL

memots3816d ago

well that was a "dick" move.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3816d ago
mhunterjr3817d ago

It doesn't appear they were monitoring conversations, just moderating their Upload service... which is absolutely necessary considering folks can upload video footage of themselves.

It appears being banned from Upload also means being banned from Skype. He wasn't banned for his behavior on Skype.

mydyingparadiselost3817d ago

"This is my experience with Skype: “Was typing to my buddy on Skype, typed a few words of profanity talking about movies, and when I jumped back to Xbox One, it said I was banned from it for the same reason, citing “past behaviour”.”

Cueil3816d ago

that's probably the real reason... he was temp banned from anything that uploaded videos

JBSleek3817d ago

That wasn't monitoring. He uploaded using the Upload Studio and MS suspended him.

It's just like Google would handle YouTube or any other upload service.

Visiblemarc3817d ago

No, no it isn't. Youtube is moderated based on community feedback. Also, private exchanges are NEVER moderated on Youtube.

Shaaunyb3817d ago


So they don't monitor videos at all? They don't have something that detects the different skin shades to determine whether a video is suitable or not?

vallencer3817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

He uploaded the video with him saying the word. It's a little different when there uploaded to be seen by everyone versus Skype being between your friends and not uploaded. Just don't upload videos with you cussing it's as simple as that.

Prime1573817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

I question the validity of this, but the average gamer is 32.. I don't mind hearing someone saying it. free speech. And should be able to upload.

There's a better way to moderate than this if it's true... example: give it a "mature rating" and allow parental controls to not allow the viewing.

torchic3817d ago

spare a though for Dick Dastardly, can't catch the pigeon and now forever exiled from Xbox One :(

some however might say that it's a blessing in disguise...

Cueil3816d ago

no one is named Dick... it's shortened name for Richard

Bobby Kotex3817d ago

No more talking about an American hero: Dick Cheney.

andyo133817d ago

When XONE was first announced this is what all the media were talking about. The fact that it's monitoring you so closely it can sense your heart beat and had to be on 100% of the time and always connected.

Yet a lot of people seem to have forgotten this and they're buying it in droves. So people seem to have a very short memory.

H0RSE3817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

Seeing how both the upload software and the xbox services are both property of MS, monitoring doesn't sound as "1984" as some make it to be...

You are using their service, and thus them monitoring their service(s) doesn't really seem that out of the ordinary. When players opt to upload a vid to skydrive, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some form of monitoring, you know, to check for boobs, penises, or foul language. As for Skype, I have actually skyped with friends, with enough curse words flying around to empty a bar full of sailors, and no action was taken against us.

This isn't like Youtube - it is much more privatized. Virtually anyone can upload to youtube, yet only people with X1's can use the upload software and services included with it. The services MS has provided, isn't a soapbox for people to do and say whatever they want. It's like a private club with different rules. Whether or not their rules may be too strict or not, is an entirely different discussion.

That being said, There's a couple things:

1 - Is this a case of some Orwellian MS ploy over it's users? It is still just a rumor.

2 - If it is true, how far does this type of thing extend and what are the reasoning from MS? Many seem to think that MS would do these types of things, just because they're evil, and while that makes for a good movie plot, it doesn't really translate well to real life...

There has to be a reason would do these things, and one obvious reason would to assure others that their service(s) are "squeaky clean" and as non-offensive as possible, not only to make for a more enjoyable place for other users, but to essentially cover their asses from a legal standpoint.

3 - X1 owners agreed to the terms (which many likely didn't even read) so what's done is done.

Finally, the statement you made about the Kinect:

"The fact that it's monitoring you so closely it can sense your heart beat and had to be on 100% of the time and always connected."

Is false. It doesn't have to be connected or on 100% of the time. I have used the X1 without the Kinect plugged in.

3817d ago
solidt123817d ago

What if your name is Dick?

1Victor3817d ago

so what should I call my friend Dick on XB1?

Tiechie3817d ago

Someone with a xbox one fancy testing this out?

solar3817d ago

When you play under a propriety systems you play by their rules.

Blachek3817d ago

The guy stated that he sent it in a message to one of his buddies, I imagine it isn't too hard to flag something as offensive...

Maybe he flagged it, or maybe Microsoft is running some code designed to clean up their online services... I am going to hold judgment on this issue until there are more instances of people being banned for their casual conversations amongst friends or it's confirmed that he sent a message that was flagged by another user.

Yodagamer3816d ago

So they're bad for making sure they have a clean environment? I don't know about you, but i wish it would have happened more on xbox 360 with the kids and annoying people.

n4rc3816d ago

Save your breath.. People don't want logic, they want to argue crap they already know the answer to..

Game uploads get sent to everyone.. You see them when you browse a game etc.. There has to be some control and moderation or you end up with the crap ps4/twitch just went through..

Your private conversations are not censored or moderated.. Only what you share with the public which includes little kids

FlyingFoxy3816d ago

Voice recognition has always been patchy at best, it could probably mistake Tick for Dick.. they are likely just opening themselves up to a lot of tech support issues with this.

lpc3816d ago

Meray lun pay charay Microsoft

gigoran3816d ago

All the people critisizing microsoftcck and they always online drm camera monitoring BS don't look so biased now do they? They were in fact CORRECT! So... suck it xbone supporters!

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3816d ago
Billybobjoey3817d ago

Hah. That's interesting. Microsoft trying to censor, there will probably be some way around it discovered at some point in time.

MasterCornholio3817d ago

Hey have you seen the new Dick Tracy movie?

-Microsoft bans user-


Xsilver3817d ago

what happens if the Kinect thinks you said Dick would you still get banned :/.

Gozer3817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

It doesn't work that way. You have to upload a video to Skydrive and post it on the internet before anyone would try to censor you.

@The Meerkat
Because using profanity isn't tolerated. Why did you say"Why the F should MS decide what I can and cant say" Funny you censored yourself for N4G using a text message, but you feel its ok to use profanity in voice and video on Live. I think you are a sony fanboy trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

And Im sure he would get suspended from Live had someone reported him for being inappropriate. This is a family service, not a drunken night club.

The Meerkat3817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

What about words that begin with dick?

Like Dictator, Dictatorship (yes I'm talking about you MS)

edit Gozer: fair enough. I was expecting the power of the cloud to do the censoring. Still, why the F should MS decide what I can and can't say?

Xsilver3817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

@Gozer wait hold on "he did something similar in Skype and was also suspended from that app, yet he as of this writing is still suspended" he got suspened from skype too.

Fishy Fingers3817d ago (Edited 3817d ago )

"Still, why the F should MS decide what I can and can't say?"

Because your using their service having agreed to their terms and conditions. Not condoning it, just explaining.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3817d ago
Inception3817d ago

Hey, have you read the latest Batman? DICK Grayson got killed by the Joker!

-MS bans user-



GortJester3817d ago

I was thinking the same thing, what if I upload my buddy and I playing Dead Rising 3 where one of the characters you play as is named Dick... Will they ban their own game when Nick refers to Dick by his name? Dumb....

OlgerO3817d ago

What the hell, is this not from your Nexus 7 ?

torchic3817d ago

"duuuude Dick Dastardly & Muttley In Their Flying Machines was such a great cartoon!"

-Microsoft bans user-


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Xsilver3817d ago

Really? in this day and age censorship is stupid it's called freedom of speech and people just Do what they want http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Kaneda3816d ago (Edited 3816d ago )

You can create your own game console or app and say what you want to say. No one will stop you. That is freedom of speech.

But if you use another network. You have to agree to their rules. If you don't they terminate your service.

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