
PS4 Red Light, Overheating Due To Thermal Paste Lead Sabotage?

Gaming Blend "At this point, it's easy to brush off this instance as feckless forum chatter from 4Chan, however all of the above gathers immense weight when proof of faulty thermal pasting was discovered in a day-one unboxing and thermal grease replacement video from YouTube user Rick The Electronic Guy."

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allformats3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

All these rumors. You had over 1 million consoles sold in 24hrs, there were going to be defect units.

The only reason this "news" is sticking around is because of social media.

Also, people rather spread bad news than good. Most people are enjoying PS4s, and never share their great experience. But let something go wrong and the whole world knows about it.

Also, some of these videos and "news" are made just for hits and clicks.

This particular video is taking it a bit far... But whatever. PS4 is a beast! The best machine Sony's ever made.

cyguration3827d ago

dude calm down. The video doesn't take it too far, it's just a cleaning video that notes the thermal paste is already dried out before he even used the system.

it doesn't mean the PS4 is terrible or anything, it just means that there might be traceable reasons behind some of the faulty units.

allformats3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

Well if that's the case, your submission's title is sensationalist because it speaks of "sabotage", and as you've stated, the video does not point towards that.

shoddy3827d ago

Still under warranty so exchange until you get the working one

PoSTedUP3827d ago

the article is pretty concrete as it backs up the interns claims of using faulty thermal paste intentionally to sabotage. lead based thermal paste that corrodes quickly, depletes the silver, cutting the life of the gpu and cpu short by not letting the ps4's fans know it is getting too hot (or something like that). and the dude gets his day one ps4 with completely useless thermal paste right out of the box.

the bad part is that they have to leave it up to Chinas police to identity the intern (which posted on the college forum where they used the students).... before sony can investigate? i hope not, i hope they can get right down to the bottom of this. i hope foxxcom* dies and their workers get the treatment they deserve. im definately going to be cautious of where my ps4 comes from.

NateCole3827d ago


That student if found and his crime proven will most likely get the death penalty.

China takes these case extremely seriously because it will affect their manufacturing sector negatively is this is true.

I just hope this is not true not just for this kid but also for anyother potential PS4 owner getting one of these allegedly bad PS4.

M-M3827d ago

I knew this would be one of the reasons for this, I stated it in another post 2 days ago. http://gyazo.com/9e886fb986...

PoSTedUP3827d ago

@NateCole- eh youre prob right. then im with you 100%. more for the kids sake. it just sucks there for the most part.

harrisk9543827d ago


"dude calm down."

allformats said nothing wrong and his post was not "over the top", nor did he sound like he was having a breakdown over the article. Instead, it sounds like someone is getting a bit defensive about an article they submitted.

cyguration3827d ago


I just don't see how the video takes it too far? The guy is literally just walking people through taking apart the PS4 and notes the thermal paste is already dried.

lol... am I missing something?

bayport3827d ago

I'm not horrible surprised by the dried up paste. They did it last gen as well.

Autodidactdystopia3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

This guy going at this ps4 is like watching a baby seal trying to perform brain surgery.


Probably should have practiced a bit first, he's lucky he didn't break it.

Also, The paste seen in the video is supposed to harden, Hardness has nothing to do with thermal conductivity. The way that heatsink is designed it doesn't have a .0... etc micron surface to adhere to that thermal paste is meant to bridge any gap left inbetween the processor and the heatspreader, what he did was replace that with something that is meant to be .ooetc microns in thickness to get the best heat transfer, essentially he added resistance to the heat transfer and will likely incur problems in the future, if he really wanted to replace his paste he could have used a TIM pad, whichyou can buy in many thicknesses, or even a thick paste. Arctic silver just because of the name is not the best for the job.

Maybe something from the prolimatech range.

This dude seemed to know little to nothing about what he was doing..

Please do your research before you overheat your ps4's with arctic silver.

hakeem09963827d ago

So one guy is responsible for all the broken PS4's .Yeah right !!!!

gigoran3827d ago


And? That worker knew the crime. That worker knew the penalty for that crime. Hence the sentence "do the crime face the time". If he didn't want the punishment he should not have done it in the first place. So, find him and give him what he has coming to him. If it's death it is his fault and his fault alone. next you're going to be telling me people shouldn't get the death penalty in Indonesia when they try to smuggle in massive amounts of drugs and ruin thousands of lives.

abzdine3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

i think it's still a good idea to change the paste from day one.
if his PS4 has dry paste out of the box then it's maybe a good idea to take action from the beginning.
i am gonna do it i already have Arctic Silver 5 at home.
The question is, why doesn't he "butter" the paste on the processor? i thought there should be a thin layer???

DragonKnight3827d ago

The bigger issue is that people haven't commented on the fact that by opening your PS4 like that on day one, you immediately voided the warranty on the very first day. Now if there are any problems at all, you get to pay for the fix.

SilentNegotiator3826d ago

Then why title the article that way?

Oh, it's CinemaBlend. I guess I'm not surprised.

warczar3826d ago


You think it's ok for some poor bastard to get the death penalty because he may or may not have sabotaged PS4 production because he works at a forced labor camp and they treat him like shit? I hope I'm not the only person on here who thinks you are a huge fucking douche bag who deserves to be put in a Chinese forced labor camp. Just so you know, the Chinese government has total control over the internet in China so don't worry your stupid little head about it, they will find the student in question and probably kill him. hope that makes you feel better you prick.

Dude4203826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Well, the guy certainly has to pay for another PS4 if it screws up.

krazeecain3826d ago

@Autodidactdystopia What are you talking about? All metal surfaces have some kind of micron-level roughness and inconsistency. And arctic silver is one of the best kinds of thermal paste you can buy! It's almost certainly better than the cheap OEM crap. Even if applied sloppy and thick, the mechanical retention will often squeeze the paste to an acceptable thickness. I've winced at how thick my classmates would apply thermal paste in my computer class, but they've rarely had an issue with it.

SITH3826d ago

Lmao! one person caused all of this. Please! Sony went cheap in the wrong places. I have seen this before and so have you, in the 36o. Microsoft went cheap with the 36o to make a profit and it cost them a billion dollars. Funny it was a very similar problem. Insufficient thermal paste, over heating, warping of the cpu when it cooled resulting in failure at the solder points.

bmx_bandit3826d ago

Okay lets have a look, its quite simple:

- Sony has financial problems. Fact.

- to get money, PS4 HAS TO BE a success.

- to make it a success, it has to be cheap->more buyers-> more success

- even if the PS4 costs billions in R&D and Sony sells the console cheaper than they could afford, it still has to be cheap…so its a risky game especially when it comes to BLOD and stuff.

nukeitall3826d ago

I wonder if my PS4 suffered any problems?

I won\t have a chance to open it for another number of days.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3826d ago
cyguration3827d ago

I'm guessing you didn't read the article.

_QQ_3827d ago

They never do on here

kenshiro1003827d ago

It should have been titled better.

thekhurg3827d ago

Your flamebait title is going to cause this to happen. But you clearly wanted that because it would drive the heat up on this site. Trolling with news articles, congrats.

ThanatosDMC3827d ago

If the title suck, a lot less people would click on it. Pretty much your fault.

warczar3826d ago


Man you have a long history of whining and complaining. Here's an idea, go to another website and end all of your misery.

iloveallgames3826d ago

Uhmmmm... You guys do know that cyguration didn't write that title, right? That is Cinema Blend's title, he just copied and pasted it which is exactly what N4G submission rules require him to do.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3826d ago
kewlkat0073827d ago

Dude the damage control is amazing..right now everyone is taking a deep look at this console because of the issues..I mean a really deep look so certain things m might be discovered.

Chill, the console is not perfect.

Hicken3827d ago

"Chill, the console is not perfect."

That's part of the point, isn't it? That people are jumping over the few(though a lot, potentially, it's still relatively few in contrast to a million systems) incidents, seeming to HOPE that it hints at a larger problem with the PS4.

MRMagoo1233827d ago

I really cant wait for the xbone release because its gonna get hammered by all the rampant sony fanboys on the net lol, then we will see how the xbone fanboys opinions on the subject change to suit them as they usually do.

kewlkat0073826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

@MRMagoo123 - Oh yeah, xbox users are strangers to mass console defects..\s

Hicken3826d ago

No, they're not strangers. And that's why this is silly. It's as if they've all forgotten all about the RROD(or, in the case of JasonKCK, never knew at all).

Nothing's perfect, yet Xbox fans are acting as if the PS4 shouldn't fail AT ALL(quite a few fanboys have said just that, which is laughable).

Nobody's doing damage control, unless you include those who are trying to make things seem worse than they are. Somehow, though, I get the feeling you're only referring to those ho are trying to keep the scale and scope of the problems in perspective.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3826d ago
imXify3827d ago

Bad pasting can happen with any PC/Laptop/Tablet you purchase, just calm down.

ABizzel13827d ago

I thought my PS4 had red ringed, but then I realized it was the use the Dual Shock 4 light :D

The_Blue3827d ago Show
AndrewLB3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

There isn't any lead in the thermal paste. It's just that they used a very poor quality paste like you find on budget video cards and on CPU's of PC's bought at big-box stores. Typically the stuff is dried out before they even leave the store because good thermal compound is EXPENSIVE. The good stuff costs like $20 for just 2 grams. And if you have to apply this to a million+ consoles, it really adds up. And this claim that Lead hurts thermal performance is outright BS. For YEARS, PC enthusiasts used lead based thermal paste before the move to Silver compounds about 15 years ago.

I think you guys need to sober up for a second and stop pointing fingers at the workers at Foxconn until SOLID PROOF is found that these failures are due to sabotage. Chances are that the vast majority of you spoiled little brats live in relatively free countries and have absolutely no idea about the situation in communist countries like China. These workers who may or may not have done something wrong are currently in a situation that will likely cost them their lives regardless of guilt. They don't have the presumption of innocence in China, due process, or juries of your peers. Show trials are quickly followed by a bullet to the back of the head. The Chinese Government is responsible for murdering 40,000,000 men, women, and children during the half century which makes Hitler look like a boy scout.

So as I said... THINK before you speak. Spreading all sorts of conspiracy theories without solid evidence may very well get a bunch of people killed. And I could care less if some of you disagree with me. Everything I said about China is accurate and not up for debate.

extermin8or3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

Well.... the fact that I have not seen/heard of a single person posting with a machine thats dead whose console isnt manufactured in the same factory during augisr/september.... seems too large a coincidence; especially considering what the students said. Usually sony devices have a failure rate much lower than this at launch even of this is comparitively low.

mochachino3827d ago


Every system released was made in the same factory in august/september.

steve30x3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

"And I could care less if some of you disagree with me"
You do care then?

TRGMatt3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

Many people are also looking for a reason for PS4 to fail in North America. The install base here for Xbox 360 is nearly 2 to 1 over PS3 and any little problem with the competition is going to make people feel better about sticking with MS' machine in order to keep their online friends nearby which is going to be the VAST majority of later adopters. And let's be honest, PS4 has both a lot of momentum and makes a compelling case for brand switching.

Add to that a fact that probably less than 1 in 50 adopters are buying a console this year at ALL and a week of "what do we do until the next machine comes out?" and you have a recipe for controversy seeking. If it wasn't this, it'd be something else. The calm before the storm and everyone knows the storm is coming so the tension is thick.

Curious to see how the wider internet reacts after we see how XB1's launch plays out. THAT is when comparisons will be drawn and the real meat and potatoes of these launches are divied up. All things considered, the bar was set pretty high by Sony.

christrules00413827d ago

It's just a way to start a flaim bait war. Get clicks and make money for the journalist.

richie007bond3827d ago

I wonder if you'll have the same answer if xbox one has the same problems !!

Tapewurm3827d ago

I have to agree with Allformats on this...at least from my personal experience with my system and the group of friends and family that I know have the system and are currenly playing. I personally know 8 people that have the system and none of the 8 have had any problems. Not to mention all the folks on my friends list that are on with there system playing when I am (wouldn't be playing day after day if the system was overheating or dead). Just a lot of hype for the VERY SMALL percentage that were unfortunate enough to get a bad egg.

ZombieKiller3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Allformats: Very well said.
Tapewurm: Make that 9 people with no console problems.

On the opposite end of the spectrum:

So far I have had no problems with my PlayStation 4. I am loving every second of owning one. With a warranty and previous experience with sending stuff out to Sony for repair, I am not worried. Don't physically damage your console, keep all sides clear of anything else so the thing can breathe (I say at least 2 feet on each side to be safe)and you should be fine.
I'd rather listen to my own intuition then some random over the internet telling me not to buy. Any GAMER that ignores this console, is doing themselves a major disservice. This thing is awesome.

r1sh123826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

@allformats - im just saying imagine if this was MS.
Everyone would be seriously angry and saying the Xbone is this and that etc.
But because its Sony - its a little easier going.

Lets take perspective.
1. Sony have confirmed the issue
2. the issue has occurred in the first 28 days of console release, and can be refunded or replaced.
3. its still under 1 year warranty
4. Sony are investigating.
5. Its a limited number of consoles in comparison to all sold (so far).
6. Maybe foxcon is at fault, they cant handle the demand?

(MS did the exact same thing, then they upgraded warranty to 3 years). If this is a persistent issue Sony will do the same.

Chill people.

Enigma_20993826d ago

Welcome to N4G... your first time here, I take it.

Tsar4ever013826d ago

Why the hell did he start dismantling it from the bottom first? I thought he may have found a quicker way to the heat-sink. But he ended up turning back over and dismantling from the top too, which made the whole process take even longer than nessasary. After watching this guy, all I got from this is I wouldn't want THIS SlOPPY JOE, amateur techie messing around in my PS4. Thats for DAMN SURE!!

BallsEye3826d ago

Sony could not make a mistake! Mark Cenry is a God! This had to be sabotage! PS4 for life long live sony!! ^^
Typical blind fanboy way of thinking.

ziggurcat3826d ago

typical blind fanboy way of trolling.

BallsEye3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )


Blind is the one that do not see the issue. Seems like you don't see one. I don't believe you'd be kissing Yoshidas feet after saving up half year for ps4 and getting a broken one out of the box. I just don't get you peolpe. I don't care about brands, I care about my money being well spent and getting what I pay for.

ZombieKiller3824d ago

If you care about money being well spent and getting what you pay for, then why are you trolling against Sony?

UnholyLight3826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

Well, for my first Sony console...it's sure blowing me away. Never been happier with the money I spent on it!! Really considering cancelling my X1 preorder..or at least waiting another year cus the PS4 is unreal!!! I've only had some wonky connection problems and a 2second freeze on the home screen but Im pretty sure it's due to the fact that my internet isn't hooked up yet and I'm using a wireless tether from my Smartphone to stay connected to the world!

PS4 = 9.99/10 in my eyes!

PS no videos on the internet that show gameplay can prepare you for how amazing the games look in person, ESPECIALLY Killzone and BF4! Simply...Wow

ZombieKiller3824d ago

Dude I would NOT recommend that unless you have unlimited data! I work for a wireless company and I just gotta say....don't do it man.

I hope you have unlimited.

UnholyLight3824d ago


All good I do.

Sasktel are assholes though, they said I have unlimited data but have reduced my download/upload speed by like 7/10...and I've only used 5gb with my wireless tether. Gb Whores!!! lol

Friday I get real internet yay

Gozer3826d ago

Its rather weird watching sony fans turn against their own fanbase because people are legitamitly having problems. I think saying sabotage is a little ridiculous. Either way its obvious there are some issues with the ps4. Its no fun getting something you have been waiting for only to have it be broken. Someone shouldn't be treated like an outcast on top of having to deal with the disappointment of a faulty product.

Fanboyssuck273826d ago (Edited 3826d ago )

lol shut up, if this was nintendo then you sony fanboys would not be saying all these crap excuses. lol
Typical Delusional Sony Fanboys.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3824d ago
Godmars2903827d ago

Well there is a rumor that Foxxcon working are activity sabotaging consoles. Likely not as an act of fanboyism, but working conditions.

If such is indeed true, I can't really fault them for doing such. Regardless of the results.

Skynetone3827d ago

this type of job is seriously not for everyone, some people like the fact that they can do there work with zero thought and little skill and don't mind the monotonous nature of this type of work, I personally would crack up

im not trying to downplay the harsh conditions they work under and the long hours they have to work and they should be treated fairly with proper pay, but I do thing this type of work is not for a lot of people

Godmars2903827d ago

Its long hours, no pay on the scale of a 3rd world pay scale, and fully exploitative conditions. As in you sleep and work in the same building, with food and rent coming out of the slim wages you make.

DeadMansHand3827d ago

We're not talking about a little OT on an assembly line here in the states with 2 10 minute breaks and a lunch. These people live in the building they work in and are not allowed to leave or they are canned. The food they get is like prison food and shifts are 12+ hours. No talking, no potty breaks and they receive very little income after food and board are deducted. Its like prostitution but you make machines not sex.

Sony is not the only compNy to use them. Many tech giants do. As consumers, we support this if we buy the products. Its a hard pill to swallow. I feel bad for them but also do nothing to protest. I'm very blessed to live where I do and have a good job and place to live. Its a conundrum; don't buy my favorite toys and hope it sends a message or buy my toys and try to stuff my guilt.

I'm not being snarky. I actually do have a moral dilemma with it. What can we really do? Corporate greed wins out every time.

MRMagoo1233827d ago

maybe they should go get a new job if its that bad, china has billions of jobs im sure it wouldnt be too hard

AndrewLB3827d ago

The workers at Foxconn get paid about $350/month, and when you factor in cost of living... it's actually not that bad of an income. I've been to china and outside of the major cities like Bejing, that monthly pay would go a long way.

Deadmanshand- This is not a result of capitalism. It's directly because of Communism and it's authoritarian nature.These people are forced by government to do a job and do not have the ability to quit and look elsewhere for work. That's far different from the unsafe working conditions and low pay seen in the United States 100 years ago. And keep in mind, in China you aren't going to do much climbing of the corporate (commie party) ladder. Capitalism with a far less authoritarian government allowed people like Rockafeller and millions of others to go from rags to riches.

TRGMatt3827d ago

China isn't as brutal as one of the posters above made them out to be. They've come a lot further than even educated people realize and it's happened quite quickly.

While their working conditions DO suck, so did America's when we were growing into a super power. They are behind us in modern civil rights but make no mistake, they'll make strides and eventually achieve higher standards in the work place.

irepbtown3826d ago

Their food/drink is also moderated during working hours so that they don't use the toilet unnecessarily.

@MRMagoo123 - You're wrong (I hope you were joke)

Foxconn can do this because they can easily replace workers (a lot of them come from poor background, so they can't just switch jobs). They are also China's biggest exporters and pay the most tax therefore the Chinese Gov will obviously leave Foxconn to their own devices.

The only way to stop (or change) Foxconn is for companies like Apple, Sony, HP etc to stop using them. But then there's a problem; they won't meet the demand of us, the consumer.

TRGMatt - The problem is this is 2013. It isn't the industrial revolution. If a country is becoming a super-power, they cannot follow the old ways. There's too much death and destruction. History tells us this.

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HappyWithOneBubble3827d ago

I feel bad for them. They work long hours like a dog with little pay. It's slavery. Just imagine trying to make millions of consoles with your hand. Millions pay big money for these products and don't realize how the product they bought were made and sadly some don't care. Some people got it made and still complain.

NateCole3827d ago

We wont know anything for sure until a month or so.

MontyQ3827d ago

cliffy b t-bags me for Heinz baked beans

Nivalis3827d ago

stupid thing is, if a chemist comes forward, tests the paste for signs of lead, (easily done, by the way), and finds none, then the conspirators will just change their tune to "well not every console got sabotaged, only a few".

PoSTedUP3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

if they find it in some, then it was sabotage. lead hasnt been used in electronics since 2006 (or'08) for that very reason. the ones without it are obv. just faulty consoles. foxxcom only handled a # of ps4's, lets hope it was a small number if this is true.

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