
"Bit Early to Think of Xbox One as The 720p Machine & PS4 as The 1080p Machine": Divekick Dev

Iron Galaxy CEO Dave Lang talks about how the differences between the two resolutions is a red herring.

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EXVirtual3825d ago

'When asked if there was much noticeable difference between 1080p/60 FPs and 720p/60 FPS, Lang stated that, “No, I think it’s pretty much a red herring. Most people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.'

There is a difference. A HUGE difference. Wow! Devs are downplaying the difference between 1080p and 720p. The same devs who were b*tching and complaining about power restraints on current gen.

I understand the fact that launch games don't display the full power of any console, but the PS4 is more powerful than the XBO. It's that simple. We have proof in the form of real world performance.

GarrusVakarian3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

So sick and tired of people of saying there is hardly any difference. 1080p looks crystal clear compared to 720p.

1920x1080 >>> 1280x720, you cant argue with math, sorry.

Trust me, the people who say there isn't much difference will feel pretty silly when they see 1080p for themselves. Don't any of you people watch blu rays?

So i guess there isn't much difference between 480p and 720p either, right? Lets ask the PC gamers who have been gaming at 1080p for years if there isn't much difference, see what they think.

3825d ago
stuna13825d ago

Where are all the stealth disagreers hiding? If 1080p wasn't better than 720p why even add it as an option!? Why are full 1080p TV's more expensive than 720p TV's!? Why are PC gamers playing games in 2k - 4k resolutions!? Why have developers complained this entire generation due to fact of this generation machines not having enough power and the resolution to showcase their talent!?

Need I say more? There is a difference, and it has been a focus of discussion this entire generation.

forcefullpower3825d ago

I always find it's the same morons that recon an upscaled DVD looks as good as a bluray.

PoSTedUP3825d ago

cant say which console is more powerful; says the most ridiculous things in defense of the weaker console... Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight *Dr. Evil voice*

1nsomniac3825d ago

The people/devs who say there is no noticeable difference between 720p & 1080p are not to be trusted, simple as that!

I'll be staying away from this dev in future.

ElementX3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

I have a 16:10 monitor on my PC and I prefer those dimensions to a 1080p 16:9. A higher pixel height just looks better to me. I must say though that my monitor is only 22" and sometimes I will play via HDMI on my TV which is 46".

kiz26943825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Well Said Lukas! Completely agree with you. 480p is a massive leap, just like the leap between 720p to 1080p. Also people can see it for themselfs, just change your resolution on your PC, go to 720p to 1080p (if it can) you WILL see a difference.

JunioRS1013825d ago


PC gamer here! Yes, there is absolutely a huge difference between 720p and 1080p - it's no contest. These are just multi-plat developers trying to save face with both companies.

Smart, but a little disingenuous.

For example, I have a 24" monitor, and a gtx 680. When playing Borderlands 2, for some reason the default settings were 720p when I was in the pre-game menus. Before checking the resolution, I was thinking, "wow, this doesn't look very impressive to me, I don't know where all the hype was coming from?"

Then I found the settings and changed it to 1080p...

And it was just... so beautiful :'}

HUGE, irrefutable difference. And btw, compressed YouTube videos will do NO justice whatsoever. You have to see it rendered on a MONITOR in front of you to really appreciate it!

(*differences confirmed*)

0ut1awed3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Yea I mean I love 1080p on my PS4 but even that is slightly disappointing after having a 1440p (80% more res of 1080p) monitor on my PC for the past 6 months.

Even thinking that the 720p and 1080p difference is marginal is freaking dumb.

I was actually thinking about picking up divekick for my Vita. Now I've made my decision.

InTheLab3825d ago

Yeah...no difference at all...


How does stretching and blowing up the light blue box to fit the screen not look any different compare to the light green box that is already full pixel?

That's what kills me when people say there's no difference. It's literally twice the difference...lol

Autodidactdystopia3825d ago

1080v720 only didn't matter last gen when ps3 fbs were defending the ps3 against pc master racers, now 1080vs 720 is an extremely valid argument because the ps4 is currently showing that it can do it.

If the ps4 couldn't hold 1080p for most games then the argument wouldn't matter at all and it would be dev's fault, and $400 would be a bargain that you couldn't find a pc that could do the same etc.

The only thing that matters is that "such sony much -ps4, dat grateness"

facts and opinions alike are formulated and embellished around
"dat sonyps4ps4unchartedkzcellemoti onenginersxjaguargreatness" ;

anything else is absolutely crushed ;) but only on n4g.

The rest of the world/net seems evenly balanced, if not slightly swayed in favor of sony this time around. cause it IS more powerful. but that's not my point lol.

I exist outside of ps vs xbox argument, so I don't really care either way, but its funny to see how things that didn't matter all of a sudden matter because of who has what.

1080p is FAR superior to 720p end of story, its 1.5 times the resolution, but back in the day there was no way to convince any sony side consoler that that mattered at all. but now...NOW lol

1080P>720P who cares, that is the question...

Boody-Bandit3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

So sad to see sellouts and PR reps trying to spin this into a positive. Do they really think people are this gullible? Maybe if they say it enough they too will believe it to be so.

Basic description of 1080p:

HDTV (1080p) - This is the ultimate high definition format, with 1080 x 1920 pixel resolution and progressive scanning. Producing 44% more pixels than it's 720p counterpart.

Dave Lang, you were saying?

GmIsOnPt3603825d ago

Yeh in totally sick kf the people who actually make the games telling us how little difference it makes hahah ;). People couldn't even tell the difference in cod on ps4/Xbox one for the most part and had to wait for IW confirmation. Last gen wii won the war as the weakest console and MS crushed in multi plat but all you heard was Wahhhhhh who cares from
Sony fans, now this gen it's all specs and multiplayer. Pick a mindset and stay consistent folks.

nukeitall3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

I find it funny that people think it is a big difference. If you have to talk about what distance you have to be at to see it, the vast majority cannot tell.

Remember all the "I can't really tell difference between DVD and blu-ray"?

Point being, even with photorealism many cannot tell difference between 480p and 1080p, let alone 720p and 1080p. That said, if resolution was that important wouldn't you all just go to PC for the best resolution, graphics and frame rate?

That said, I think the Xbox One will catch up. Easy to develop for means less room to grow.

JokesOnYou3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

lol this is funny coming from a dev working on a ps4 game who doesn't think there's really a difference.

I actually think he's wrong and also right at the same time, there is a difference that anyone who follows games and reads comparisons to look for differences WILL NOTICE but he is 100% correct if what he means is that the other 95% of gamers who will buy either console then its true most won't notice the difference. SCENARIO: Dad takes son to gamestop sees COD Ghost running on a ps4 display unit, son wants Ghosts to play on Live with his friends, Dad buys son the game, son goes home plays Ghost with friends and never says, "damm this doesn't look like the COD Ghosts on display at gamestop." Hell remove the labels run them side by side and I bet a significant portion on n4g who claim to be so hard core would get it wrong.

That said for us the 5-10% all over gaming forums yes there is a difference and its important because we want to know that we are getting the best in terms of visuals and performance but then this developer is right again because it is indeed early and we will see 1080p going forward mostly, aside maybe from a few future gigantic open world games, with tons of things going on. I really don't know why people are so concerned when both have 1080p games at launch, logic says like every other gen that will only increase, I mean yeah if you were expecting 4k and launch games were barely hitting 1080p then yeah OK I'd wonder if we're going to meet that standard, but you could say ps4 would be closer to that lol, however neither is going to do 4k games.

nasnas763825d ago

I said it before and I'll say it again. If pixel count is be-all-end-all deciding factor, then why aren't PS4 fanboys playing on PCs? Maybe because there are other important factors that makes gaming important and pixel counts isn't on top of that list.

Personally for me having a superior online (dedicated servers) experiences is way more important than pixel counting.

Gohadouken3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

"If pixel count is be-all-end-all deciding factor"

Why is that trite argument rearing it's head , like a last ditch save everytime ?

Most sane people never claimed it's the end all and even the focus on consoles .

But there is a clearcut difference in that aspect that's all . All that "you wont notice the difference" posturing wont change that , and as soon as people of any side admits that yes 720p is not the same , we'll be able to move on and discuss more important matter .

There is a difference , it's just not the most important thing ever in console gaming , and pretending it's not there is only making it stay in the spotlight .

With that kind of behavior , we'd all still be stuck on arguing about "Aladdin being better animated on genesis than on snes" , instead of enjoying our games , when the truth is quite clear .

nukeitall3825d ago

I find it funny that here is a Ps4 dev saying resolution doesn\t matter much, and so on.

I guess in thsi case, there can\t be any bias, being a Ps4 dev, uh?

I think this statement holds so much weight, because if the dev was biased, he would have been biased in favor of Ps4, not Xbox one, being a Ps4 dev!!!

The vast majority cannot tell the difference between 720p and 1080p and that is a fact!

tomh22343824d ago

do you people not know that the 720p games are upscaled to 1080p that is why there is not much difference, its easy to tell on a pc because there are numerous settings to choose from. Theres no point in comparing a PC to a console its stupid.

PS4 and Xbone are going to be very hard to separate, either way there both gonna be alot of fun and new so fuck up and play em

H0RSE3824d ago

People aren't really arguing that one is or isn't factually clearer than the other. The argument comes from how a big a difference there is despite the numbers, and whether or not you can tell. There may be actual numbers involved, but that doesn't remove the inevitable degree of subjectivity.

Where one persons says there's a drastic difference, others may see a negligible difference whereas others still may see no difference at all. Results vary by individual, and that is where the core of the debate lies - What does it matter if one mathematically superior than the other, if you can't even tell?

To a degree, there is mental thing going on. Your brain sees "1080p" or in this case "PS4" or "next-gen" and it is automatically assuming "superior quality." You are subconsciously leading yourself to the results you want to see. It's like those skits on TV where they bring in people to a high-end restaurant and ask if they want to try expensive imported waters from around the globe, and afterwards they go on about how good they are and the differences in taste, whereas others didn't really see a difference between them, and the whole time the glasses were all the same old tap water.

UltimateMaster3824d ago

I sure hope a game like divekick is 1080p on Xbox One.
Otherwise, I'd have some serious question. o_O

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3824d ago
Enemy3825d ago

You're cool, posting on a gaming forum, telling other people to get a life because you have absolutely nothing worth reading to contribute. Feel tough now? Feel cool?


GarrusVakarian3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Incapable of having a mature discussion about resolution and console differences.

Resorts to saying "get a life".

But i guess having a discussion about facts would be pretty one sided....

malokevi3825d ago

A week from now, I wont be doing free pr for xbox. Do any of you actually play videogames? Isn't greatness sitting unattended by your tv?

3825d ago
GarrusVakarian3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

@ malokevi

"Do any of you actually play videogames? Isn't greatness sitting unattended by your tv?"

Im from the UK so i have to wait until the 29th. And if you must know, PS4 has had me so excited for the past few months that i haven't felt like playing anything apart from GTA5 ( and even that i don't play much). I just want my PS4, nothing else is cutting it.

QuickdrawMcgraw3825d ago

Malokevi will be back under his bridge in a week...Ha free pr you mean trolling.Hey weren't you pretending you were getting a PS4.I know I know you bought one but it bricked right.Just another day here on N4Xbox.

malokevi3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

I have to wait for christmas, my gorlfriend is using it as a footstool. So many assumptions, making an ass out of so many ppl!

But thanks 4 remembering me =) I dont even recognize you. I guess greatness isnt so great, for so many psboyz to be furiously defending their now released console!

When I get my sweet lover next week, you sure wont see me here! Why? Cause I actually play videogames =P


Same here. GtaV and bf3 are all I can bring myself to play. Though, I'm finding it harder and harder to pick those up as launch day approaches...

QuickdrawMcgraw3825d ago

Why of course I remember you malokevi,why won't I.There are three kinds of trolls the one will always remember.Really funny ones who are able make others laugh.Ones who bring a educated and well thought out point of view.And ones like you.

malokevi3824d ago

uhh... what?

I counted four, lol.

MRMagoo1233824d ago


"Im from the UK so i have to wait until the 29th. And if you must know, PS4 has had me so excited for the past few months that i haven't felt like playing anything apart from GTA5 ( and even that i don't play much). I just want my PS4, nothing else is cutting it." exactly the same with me cept in Australia, i dont wanna play anything till i get my ps4 lol nothing is good enough knowing whats coming.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3824d ago
Enemy3825d ago

They're trying to play the neutral card, even if it makes them laughably stupid. Anyone that can't tell the difference between 1080p and 720p is either in denial that their preferred console was a waste, or legitimately has vision problems.

GarrusVakarian3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

"or legitimately has vision problems."

Lmao, this. It's not even like there is a slight difference.....its BLATANTLY noticeable.....like going from VHS to DVD.

720p = Jaggy and blurry.

1080p= Sharp as a butchers knife.

Blacklash933825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Lower resolution in itself doesn't make a console a waste. Look at the 3DS; 240p and lots of great games.

I'm no apologist and as a part-PC gamer fully recognize the differences of resolutions and framerates, but I don't get why this debate is so heated. 720p, in all honestly, looks fine. Not nearly as good as 1080p, but it's perfectly presentable. What really matters is the quality of the game libraries.

If I thought resolution was such an important part of enjoying games, I'd only play PC which has better resolutions than 1080p. Compared to framerate, resolution only subtly improves gameplay in games and almost only in those that use very large distances like Battlefield and very crowded effects like Resogun. Any further enjoyment will be because of the visuals on their own merits. I'm not downplaying the fact that 1080p looks much better, but you can live without it and perfectly enjoy a game.

If anyone wants to chalk me up as an X1 fanboy, know that I have no intention of buying the console for several reasons.

GarrusVakarian3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )


Of course, but you don't expect to pay $500 to stay at 720p......

I played games at 720p 30fps for years on last gen and loved them,but that was last gen.......

Blacklash933825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )


If the X1 ends up having a better library than PS4, then I would definitely not blame someone for choosing it over PS4.

Some of my favorite games use pixel art and/or exist on sub-SD consoles. The PS2 was the weakest of its generation and was still the best platform. Ultimately and without question, the quality of the fundamental game designs, and collective libraries of them on the platform, are what matter and not that of image quality. I know many will, and should, agree with this.

The thing is, consoles are all pathetic standalone devices. Given that, I cannot fathom why people get this passionate about them because it is by all means arguing about which bottom of the barrel is better. Even the PS4, so far, is looking to be forced to have to choose between full 1080p and 60FPS. My PC's lower-mid range build from over 3 years ago can easily do both. Consoles are a platform investment to play games; nothing more warrants their purchase over an average quality (and much cheaper) multimedia device.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3825d ago
Kayant3825d ago

The more I hear this the more I laugh because if there wasn't any above minor difference between 720p & 1080p then we wouldn't have 1080p movies, monitors, TVs, etc.

It makes for a clearer, shaper & more pleasing image. Just like you can tell the difference between 30fps & 60fps majority of people will be able to tell the difference between 720p & 1080p.

When I first saw PS4 BF4 gameplay on gamespot's player I could tell the difference in fact my eyes took a bit to adjust to it. Just like I can tell the difference between a 720p movie & a 1080p one. Both are equally important & no one will tell me otherwise. Unfortunately we don't get to pick between the two on consoles as devs choose that doing development but when one console has quite an advantage in res I don't see why the media & some devs choose to downplay it.

Mike134nl3825d ago

There is a differece between 720 and 1080 p, visual differemce isn't huge. It however does require quit a lot more hardware resources.

Ofcourse it also depends on the size and viewing distance of the television.

Palaven3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

I have watched Blu-Ray for years and I know their is a huge difference between 720p and 1080p, I hate watching movies on Sky in 720p because I would rather get the same movies on Blu-Ray. I was excited to see the consoles reach 1080p because I bought a 2013 LED TV in 42 inch for next-gen, but watching the X1 v PS4 comparison videos of Ghosts and BF4 they almost look identical. Their are differences yes, but nothing that blows 720p out of the water.

GarrusVakarian3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

That's because both versions of CoD are 720p at the moment.....and BF4 is 900p on PS4, not 1080p. But there still is some difference....download the direct feed footage from Eurogamer and its clear the X1 has more jaggies, but both maintain 60fps quite well so its all good.


EXVirtual3825d ago

@Lukas, not to mention Youtube compresses the crap out of everything.

xander707693825d ago

There's a difference, but holy crap the reaction to these resolution differences is what I would have expected if the ps4 was displaying in 4K resolution and the xbone in 420...

Really. 1080P is great but I don't see how 720P is a deal breaker, or even worth the amount of ridiculous attention it has been getting. I'm much more interested in seeing how superior the later ps4 exclusives will be to anything that can be done on the Xbox one.

3-4-53825d ago

360 x 2 = ?

Either way Next Gen is here.

kewlkat0073825d ago

True that:

" Resolution affects potential for better visuals, but it doesn't instantly make a game look better. You could easily make a 720p game that looks better than a 1080p game if you spend enough time on the effects.

That same game would look better at 1080p if the system can handle it, but that doesn't mean 1080p instantly makes a game look better. No.

You're better off maxing out effects at a lower resolution than cranking up the resolution and having the game look bland or have performance issues.

H0RSE3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

It is closer to say that there "can be" a big difference, rather than flat out saying there "is" a difference. Claims that there is a clear difference between the 2 resolutions, isn't completely true.
There are factors that play a part in the difference or benefit people will get from 1080p vs 720p, such as screen resolution, screen size and distance from the screen.

To be able to detect differences between resolutions, the screen must be large enough and you must sit close enough. Another factor that almost always never gets mentioned, is whether or not the person has 20/20 vision, since can also play a factor. Also you would actually need a TV capable of 1080p resolution, but that goes without saying.

Here is a link to an article that explains when and if 1080p actually makes a difference - http://carltonbale.com/1080...

Here is a pic of the "distance vs screen size chart" in the article - http://s3.carltonbale.com/r...

There is a tool at the end of the article, that lets you put in your TV's screen size and calculate the effective distance before benefits start becoming visible.

For instance, for a 50" screen (a size I see mentioned a lot)) you would need to sit 10' away or closer to benefit from 720p, and 7' or closer to benefit from 1090p. I know a lot of people sit more than 7" away from their TV, regardless of screen size.

As the article says:

"If you are a videophile with a properly setup viewing room, you should definitely be able to notice the resolution enhancement that 1080p brings. However, if you are an average consumer with a flat panel on the far wall of your family room, you are not likely to be close enough to notice any advantage."

One final thought is this. The debate over 720p vs 1080p when speaking about X1 vs PS4, isn't entirely accurate to begin with, since we aren't actually comparing 720p to 1080p. We are comparing 1080p upscaled to 1080p native.

MikeGdaGod3824d ago

i've made my decision so me and my ps4 have no worries with this issue

headblackman3824d ago

you don't have any real world proof because you don't have a real world Xbox one that's been tested against a real world ps4. so your claims will wait until both have been thoroughly broken down,examined, and tested in the real world. paper specs aren't everything and anonymous devs don't count (I say that because they aren't foolish enough to say anything about the console ahead of schedule because of that binding contract that forbids them to do so). but Nov 22 will soon be here and we will no longer have to speculate and assume things that we really don't have a real world clue about. and with all that said, GAME ON WITH WHATEVER SYSTEM YOU SPEND YOUR HARD EARNED DOLLARS ON :-)

osprey193824d ago

U stood next to a 720 screen next to a 1080 screen recently? I doubt it. The difference is nion unnoticeable from one another if u are anymore than 1.5 metres away. The eye cant pick up the difference at that distance. Goes to show how petty this whole argument has become, people arguing over things where no-one can honestly tell the difference.

I have to wonder though if we put xb1 cod next to ps4 cod and didn't tell which is which and see who thinks they look the same or different. Answer?

Its been done to stop the fanboyism, if they aren't told which is which they cant tell u which platform its running on.

tordavis3824d ago

It's not that most people can't tell the difference, it's that most people don't care. If you only have one system, and that system is 720p, you won't have anything to compare it to. Then again, 720 upscaled to 1080p does make it harder for people to be able to tell the difference.

DeathofSouls3824d ago (Edited 3824d ago )

Your all forgetting that this is a business. I'm getting an xbox one, but look if they say the 720p version of their game looks like crap compared to the 1080p version.....they will sell less copies. They want people to think that both versions are good so people buy both versions, simple business.

assdan3824d ago (Edited 3824d ago )

IF you think about it, the xbox one is the PERFECT 720p machine. It can run any game 720p at 60 fps. But with the way it was designed, there are to many bottlenecks created when in 1080p. And as of now, the only games that are 1080p, are sports games and forza. And you can't pretend like 1080p isn't more than double 720p

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3824d ago
Enemy3825d ago

Well, we see what we see, and it's already happening. So far, not a single 720p PS4 game.

dcj05243825d ago

I think Metal Gear Solid V is 720p.

GarrusVakarian3825d ago

Kojima said they are "aiming" for 1080p 60fps. We will see.

Debaitable3825d ago

Realistically, I think we'll see a lot of graphically intense big budget games run at 1080p @ 30FPS+ or at sub 1080p @ 60fps. Games that run at 1080p @ 60fps will still look good but the games that don't have to trim stuff to achieve 60fps will look better.

MidnytRain3825d ago

BF4 is not 1080p. You could argue it's the dev's fault for botching the game, but that doesn't change anything.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3825d ago
SpinalRemains1383825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Is this a joke?

If there was no clear difference we wouldn't be discussing it.

Jesus man. Damage control on steroids. Your competition smashes records and you're touting 720p as on par with 1080p?

That's just sad.

Its not too early. The machine is what it puts out. If it puts out native 720p then that's what it is. Why confuse people?

Fireseed3825d ago

Competition? You do know that Divekick is a Sony console exclusive... right?

SpinalRemains1383825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

I have Divekick on Vita but I read the article and see they are trying to get the game on Xbox One.

Damage control
Selling out

Call it whatever, but the idea that ppl cannot tell the difference is just a lie. Its vastly different. Its noticeable and clearer.

obliteratorFTW3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )


Anand Shimpi, AnandTech( reputed tech site)

For the first time the guts of both the Xbox and PlayStation are very similar - their processor and memory hardware vary in performance but not capabilities. Gone are the days when Sony's machine was substantially more difficult to program for than Microsoft's. In fact, the PlayStation 4 has appreciably "MORE GRAPHICS HORSEPOWER" under its hood than the Xbox One, THERE's NO WAY AROUND THAT FACT". Both firms have licensed the same GPU (graphics processing unit) architecture, but Sony's chip has 1152 "cores" compared to Microsoft's 768. Microsoft runs its cores at a slightly higher speed, but the maths works out to Sony having about a "40%" peak potential graphics performance advantage.

People thinking there is no power difference are misterx's minions lol.

Chaostar3825d ago

Perception, once initially established, is a hard thing to change.

GarrusVakarian3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

That is one of the truest sentences ive ever read on any website in my entire life, seriously. Bubbs for well said.

Humans and their mental stubbornness, *tut* *tut*.

Show all comments (111)

PlayStation Plus: Cloud Storage Expanding to 100GB, Free Games for February

In early February, cloud storage space will be expanded from 10GB to 100GB for PS Plus members — giving PS4 owners even more space to keep all those game saves.

For Honor and Hitman is featured on PS4. Also included are:

Divekick, PS3 (Cross-Buy with PS Vita)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, PS3
Gunhouse, PS Vita (Cross-Buy with PS4)
Rogue Aces, PS Vita (Cross-Buy with PS4)

Read Full Story >>
SpaceRanger1925d ago

MGS4 to send off the beauty and beast of last gen. Nice.

TiredandRetired1924d ago

Yes, I owned it only pre-trophy release, so I want to play it again bc a)trophies and b) it's a damn good game.

Only wish Vita didn't go out on such a whimper. Considering JRPG fans are the ones probably still playing it to this day, they could have given us something solid. Demon Gaze 1 or 2 (although I already own 1), or a similar labyrinth JRPG, or something else entirely. At least 1 non-indie.

Hitman 1st season is very solid! I have been wanting to buy that still, so I'm excited for that. For Honor looks interesting, although I'm not much of a MP guy. I'll give it a shot considering the theme.

Overall, great month, despite the Vita whimper.

Donnie811924d ago

For honor has a campaign as well. Nothing groundbreaking but worth a play through

TiredandRetired1924d ago

Ok, thanks for that info, Donnie!

UltraNova1924d ago

Dont have either, great month afaic. What a great send-off for the ps3 with MGS4...

Profchaos1924d ago

Yeah I recently dusted off my vita and took the plunge and brought a bigger memory card to hold all the awesome games I kept in saying it would be nice to play but it's to annoying to backup and download and play.

I've spent the past week playing games like borderlands 2, AC liberty, Killzone Merc, ratchet and Clank the list goes on and honestly the vita had so much potential it's just such a shame Sony gave up on it so easy it really was the switch before the switch in some ways like I was able to cross play my save games between PS3 and vita to pick up where I left off

bouzebbal1924d ago

Wow an amazing month!!!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1924d ago
dkeat1924d ago

For honor. Called it when they announced steep.

Sono4211924d ago

Honestly, pretty great month, cool stuff. I also just repurchased games pass on Xbox so I have so many games to play now it's overwhelming lol

rainslacker1924d ago

I never played it again since the trophy patch, so this might be a good reason to do so. More backlog I guess

-Ghost1925d ago

So glad they expanded cloud saves to 100GB. I was just uploading my game saves and didn't have enough space.

Cmv381924d ago

I found out the hard way that the storage space fills fast.

KyRo1924d ago

It's insane to think we used to save our data on a 15 mb memory card, usually in a 1mb slot in the PS1 days to what we have now.

zahdab1924d ago

for some reason save files for ps4 are huge even for the same games where they are tiny on ps3 ...
funny enough i believe they get compressed before uploading to the ps plus but ps plus still reports the uncompressed size.

When i was on a real slow connections 30 mb files would upload in seconds which judging by my connection at the time means they were < 1 mb

kayoss1924d ago

Digital games are great, convenient, and load a bit quicker. But games are no longer in single digit GB, they are going into double digit GB and wouldnt be surprised if next gen, we see games that 100gb plus. Even with hard disk going cheaper, you will run out room fast.

TiredandRetired1924d ago

Yea, I was going through recently deleting auto-saves from demos and betas. Not that I care to keep those, it's just good to not have to squeeze out every hidden MB to save a game. Some of them can be quite large.

MrVux0001924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

*mash that X for dem nostalgia flashbacks boi*

StormSnooper1924d ago

Are you saying it wasn’t good?

galmi1924d ago

Compared to the first five games (peace walker included), I felt it was the weakest

MrVux0001924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Where did you get that impression? lol
It is a reference to the optional button (X) mashing some cut-scenes had in MGS4 for flashbacks.

To me personally it is one of the best games of all time, when it released it has truly blown us away by its gameplay, graphical fidelity and cinematography.

It also had one of the most heart-wrenching endings i have ever seen... *ugh....someone is cutting onions again*

KyRo1924d ago

The last great MGS. I'll always pretend MGSV didn't happen. MGS4 closed everything it needed too. It's a shame the direction it went in with V

Nyxus1924d ago

What about Peace Walker? People always forget about that one. I think MGSV is great by the way, but MGS4 also got a lot of hate when it was new.

TheSinsibleOne1924d ago

4 is my favourite. Too damn epic. 5 doesn't exist.

Matrix61924d ago

Wow! I've always wanted to have MGS4 as digital, planning on playing back to back MGS games on my PS3.

TheUndertaker851924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

I really hope they don’t think upping cloud storage is going to be a suitable replacement for two different libraries of games. Since they’ll be removing value they need to make up for that value or drop the price.

Not to mention another company gives out cloud storage to all users of their console for free, not just subscription members.

KickSpinFilter1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Pretty sure they will be adding PSVR rather soon.
Again worst case your paying 16 cents a day for online gaming.
What else is that cheap, I spend 2.50 for a second cup of coffee per day that works out to $912.50 yearly.
$47.99 (cuz you only buy when on sale) per year is nothing.

TheUndertaker851924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

But that’s absolutely stupid and not adding any value either. PSVR games have already been distributed by PS+.

I’m also positive more people benefit from PS3 & PS Vita games versus PSVR. There’s even more Vitas out there versus PSVR. There’s definitely more PS3s.

I like your coffee example but it’s poor. I buy coffee for between $4.50 and $8. What I buy with that amount of money provides me with over 200 cups of coffee.

xHeavYx1924d ago

It's time to let the PS3 and PSVITA go man.

StormSnooper1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

But they also provide services that the other side doesn’t like free to play without paywall Or Spotify background music (unless I think they also got it recently?) I’m sure there are others.

uth111924d ago

@undertaker - only a handful of PSVR games have been given out on PS+. it's not every month

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1924d ago
Silly gameAr1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Always have to have that one guy that thinks he's owed everything for 60 dollars a year.

TheUndertaker851924d ago

Or maybe I know how to identify that going from the current program to the proposed one:

PS3 games
PS Vita games
PS4 games
Cloud storage

PS4 games
Cloud storage

It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to identify they’d effectively be removing half of the current PS+ program and yet still charging $60 a year.

So again, there’s no twist. That’s effectively removing value.

Oh, and to you I say personally, isn’t that like the one who always comes charging in when anything negative is pointed out about Sony?

trooper_1924d ago

@Undertaker: Apply for a job at Sony and give them your feedback.

I mean...for someone to complain about this is really baffling.

Kribwalker1924d ago

always have to have some die hards defend moves that aren’t in the consumers favour. They are giving you less for the same money. How is that a good thing?

monkey6021924d ago

That well is drying up dude. There's been such measly choices on the PS3 and Vita for months now. Could even go as far as to say 2 years. It had to end sometime and there was plenty of pre warning.

KickSpinFilter1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Not exactly while yes my first cup of coffee from home is yes $4-8 for a pound of coffee yields sure 200 cups of coffee.
My second coffee when I'm at work: the local coffee shop charges me $2.50 for my cold brew, per coffee.
So not a poor example at all.
As for the PS3/PS Vita time to put them to rest, it's been 13 years of support for PS3 and plenty for a failed device like Vita, Time to move forward with PS4/PSVR. Not only that we don't know what their plan is for PS4 perhaps they up it to 3 games per month. Plus free MP games are not behind a paywall, unlike some other company.

TheUndertaker851924d ago

I have a travel cup so I don’t have the added expense when I go out. The point is you’re making the choice to buy that second cup, not being forced to.

That’s also the point. At this time there has been zero explanation about what will be added. They have made it very clear what they will be removing. So at this point Sony has a choice, exactly as I said in the first place. I don’t see upping cloud storage as a replacement to removing full titles and libraries. They can either add content or drop the price. But as is should not be acceptable. They’re literally preparing to charge the same for less.

jznrpg1924d ago

No way you get 200 cups of coffee unless your coffee tastes like water

BLow1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

And that other console makes you pay to play F2P games. And the only reason you are getting games in the first place on the other console is because of this console. You all, including myself, paid for Live last gen and got nothing. And fanboys praised it. All of you, again including myself, still paid it. I actually stopped after my 3 console got the RROD but most continued. People complained about not getting AAA games and now that we are getting AAA games, some are still complaining. Most people don't buy every single AAA game that comes out including myself so this month is great for a lot of people.

They didn't have to up the storage but they did. We don't know what will happen once they stop with giving out PS3 and Vita games. Plus ,I thought no one owned a Vita and now you want all the games for it. I don't get it. How about you wait and and see what they do first before complaining and just enjoy all these games you are getting now. Plus all the games you have got all these years that they have been doing this even before this gen.

Question: How long do you want them to continue to give out PS3 and Vita games seriously? We won't mention the other console because they just started this gen and not at the very start either. This month, the games offered pretty must offset the cost of a yearly sub to PS Plus. I will put these games in my already huge backlog. I am grateful. I don't care if they just gave out 1 game. Anything is better than nothing and we know who started that....

DerekTweed1924d ago

I think his point is if you take the before value and after value, they are giving you less.

I think he want to be given something of equal value that he was already getting for his money, not less.

So it doesn't have to be PS3 and PSVita games.

jordan22290ps1924d ago

I mean, we are getting less for the same price so I agree. Idk what the downvotes are for. It's common sense. And no it's not entitlement or thinking I'm owed something. I hope they throw in an extra game. On a side note, I wish they'd take the ps3 games that are given every month and put them on ps now. I'd love to play MGS4 again but don't have my old ps3

uptownsoul1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Your logic is flawed…You keep claiming the value is in the number of games offered…But the value can be made up in several ways…Let me give you just 2 examples:

More AAA PS4 games throughout the year. Or maybe…More recent AAA PS4 games (the more recent a game is, the more it costs the consumer…thus creating more value if they get put into PS+ sooner)

TheUndertaker851924d ago (Edited 1923d ago )

I don’t have to have logic to say that Sony has not stated one little bit of what you just did. So until they do again, this isn’t hypocritical. They’ll be removing content with no replacement at this point in time.

And as evidenced above apparently the majority don’t have an issue with that, even if they’ll be paying the same.

Makes perfect sense right? Claiming the value could rise while arguing that the cost should stay the same? And apparently there’s something wrong with wanting the same amount of content. But cutting content in half is cool too because it’s old content.

crazyCoconuts1924d ago

I didn't realize XBL does cloud for non-Gold members. That's nice.
I suspect Sony will share some news about something for PS Plus users before March as I don't think they'll like having MS give away more games per month than them. Maybe something that utilizes PSNow games somehow... Just wishful thinking

CP_Company1924d ago

Removing PS3 and vita games does not change anything because most of the people does not own those systems but increasing cloud storage benefits all members that it is very important especially with PS5 when saves going to take even more space.

jznrpg1924d ago

The Vita and PS3 have lived good lives but it’s time to let go . I still play my Vita but I’d rather have PSVR games because generally what we get on Vita isn’t so great. PS5 is coming and it’s time to transition . I download the games they give away on PS3 but I either have them already or rarely play any of them. This was going to happen no matter what and right before PS5 coming out is longer than I had expected. They will replace it with something and someday we will get PS5 PSVR2 and maybe even ps Vita 2 games ( I really hope so!) All good things come to and end

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The Gamesmen, Episode 174 – Double the Height Half the Actor

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Hardlydan2494d ago

Let us know if you thought the same about the Ryse Son of Rome character.

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Divekick, Grim Fandago Remasterd, and More Storm Orbyt Play’s Humble Weekly Bundle

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derkasan3001d ago

Not a bad bundle. DiveKick and Grim Fandango for around $3 is a steal.