
Playstation 4 Launch Lineup: Awful, Or The Most Awful?

OnlySP: At first glance a 22 game lineup sounds pretty good. On second, third, and fourth examinations that lineup just keeps on shrinking. Cross generational games, old games, games that aren't exactly showing off the new specs, and a general lack of selection compared to previous generations make things look awfully grim.

ZodTheRipper3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

I'm fine with Killzone, AC4, Resogun & maybe CoD/Fifa14 for now. For some that might be not enough but I didn't buy this console because of it's launch lineup and I'm definately more excited for it than for any other console before.

JoGam3841d ago

Totally agree. I too are cool with the line up. I think both systems have great line ups. Both camps will be happy.

ZodTheRipper3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Further more, I'm just happy to experience another big leap and play games on higher resolutions and framerate than before. Killzone's multiplayer will be a blast with 1080p@60fps + the DS4 and it's improved sticks&triggers.

hulk_bash19873841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

How about not awful at all. Killzone Shadow Fall, Knack, AC IV, Need for Speed Rivals, Resogun and Contrast for me at launch. Less than 2 weeks away until I get my hands on the PS4. Though I was hoping to add in Driveclub and Watchdogs to the list, I still can't wait.

Army_of_Darkness3841d ago

How much games does he think people will buy at launch?? because I would expect an average of 1-3 games at time of console purchase.

black0o3841d ago

i nvr though the i'd see the day that AC, BF, FIFA, NFS and COD the biggest series we hve considered it awful 3rd-party for a console launch

abzdine3841d ago

there are games for various tastes at launch what do you want more?
good multiplatform games, good exclusives so i don't see why the butthurt writer complains.

Xsilver3841d ago

We all know that when we buy a Console were in for the long run and i know Sony got me when it comes 1st party exclusives i mean come on in 2 week theirs an event where they will announce new games anyway KZSF/Knack and other's will hold me over until i get my Most wanted game of all Infamous Second Son toddles.


Its not bad, but when u compare it to the xb1's line up it is kind of weak.

hulk_bash19873841d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

Weak in what respect? I'm sorry but I disagree with you on that. The only game the xbox one has at launch that I'm even remotely interested in is Dead Rising 3. But that is what it means to have different tastes. I don't disagree with you thinking that the Xbox One has better launch games but don't state it like it's a fact, when really it is all about preference.

Boody-Bandit3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

Here they go again.
"Sony has no games"
They just never learn.

There are more games I want on the PS4 than I will have time to play. BF4 and KZ2 alone will keep me busy for several months but I'm probably going to pick up 10 games the 1st week or 2. I always go a bit overboard when a new console is launched and since I'm saving a ton of money by not getting an X1? I'm going even bigger than usual.

This will be the first generation that I am only getting one console at launch and that one is the PS4. Spin away sites looking for hits while we gamers get ready for another amazing generation from the best in the gaming industry, Sony.



Yes it is about preferences but let me explain what I mean.

Let's take multiplatform games out of the discussion because they are on both consoles. For me indie games are an after thought and I don't play them unless there is a gaming drought.

We are buying NEXT GEN consoles here I am personally not buying a next gen consoles to run games that are capable on a tablet or cell phone...sure they can be fun sometimes but I want a next gen experience. The xb1's exclusive games provide that for me. I have had my hands on both systems, even though I have not played killzone, its the only ps4 game that looks like a wonderful next gen experience.

Killer Instinct, Ryse, Forza, and DR3 all feel look and sound next gen.

Sevir3840d ago

Not sure why people are surprised by limited games on a console launch! Consoles aren't defined by launch software, we've gone through this with 8 generations of launch games...

Get hyped for the games that come shortly after, both consoles have some impressive games coming in the first 6 months alone, that's a lot bettet than previous gens where those games came 9 months after launch.

Infamous, Driveclub, Deep Down, Titan Fall, Quantum Break... Seriously what's on offer for both consoles is fine and a lot better than last generation's launch.

hulk_bash19873840d ago


You're still stating your preference which doesn't apply to everyone. It doesn't make it a fact.

ZodTheRipper3840d ago

"Its not bad, but when u compare it to the xb1's line up it is kind of weak."

"I have had my hands on both systems, even though I have not played killzone, its the only ps4 game that looks like a wonderful next gen experience. "

lol you must be joking, troll somewhere else

Triella3840d ago

BS article I'll have Knack, AC4, FIFA, Contrast and Tiny brains at launch way enough games to play before I get my next already preordered games : Infamous SS, the Order and Watchdogs. And Sony has always had top notch exclusives anyways.

It's plenty compared to the PS3 when I only had Resistance fall of Men and Virtua Tennis3 to to keep me busy for three months (which was definitely not enough) before a steady flow of exclusive games came out from Sony among other third parties.

nveenio3840d ago

The lineup would have been meatier with Watchdogs and Driveclub, but like zod18 said, it's not the launch titles that are most promising for PlayStation. It's everything that comes next. Sony chose the perfect slogan: Greatness Awaits.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3840d ago
aceitman3841d ago

and as of right now we have Injustice: Gods Among Us as a fighting game(not confirmed for x1) what would be funny is that they say its in 1080p 60fps iwas holding on this game for a little but now its coming to ps4 I am getting it.

Wingsfan243841d ago

For someone like me whose buying both at some point, the launch line-up is what mattered to me so I chose Xbox One over PS4 for that reason. But, I'm very excited for what the PS4 will offer post launch with Infamous and The Order.

ZodTheRipper3841d ago

I could never buy both, I would need a XB1, a new online account + subscription, additional controllers and of course much more games to justify all that - PS always had the better exclusives and now it also has the better multiplats so I don't see a point in spending money on the other.

Wii U or maybe even a Steam Box (as a replacement for my 4 year old PC) are different stories though, they offer something different.

Wingsfan243841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Eh, there's games I want on both sides so I put away the money to do so. I never got into being a fan of a company, all I care about are the games. And you say PS had "better" exclusives, but it's all based on opinion. Personally, I like Halo more than Killzone because the story interests me more etc. Just all based on preference, it's a shame it's so hard to have a discussion about games without it turning into what's better than what.

black0o - You're right, after the console launches this will become history, BUT the console hasn't launched yet so why not discuss it? I don't understand the need to "defend" a system so much? You're buying it for the games yes? So why try and make the Xbox look like an inferior product? Have fun with your games and the people who buy an Xbox will enjoy theirs.

-Foxtrot - Why should it matter to you what I do with my money or who I give it to?

black0o3841d ago

one month from know all this talk about launch titles will become history ..

Q1/2014 ps4 has FF14,driveclub, infamous and the order while the x1 only gets one title titanFall so far

at launch the 3rd party takes the crown if u ask me
FIFA sells big
COD/BF sells big
AC sells big
1st party always takes back seat when those hit the market

-Foxtrot3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

So despite all the crap Microsoft has done since the reveal, the fact it seems kind of rushed and the fact their first party lineup decreases over the years instead of improving not to mention the fact that in a way your paying more for less you chose them just because it has one or two more launch games.......REALLY

I mean I have enough for both but I wouldn't buy the Xbox One because it sends MS the wrong message

People are acting like the PS4 has no games....

Zack_attack3841d ago

I'm with you on this one pockeyking. X1 at launch due to the lineup, and the ps4 when i get taxes back, or my next bonus.

ZodTheRipper3841d ago

PS4 in fact has more games thanks to Indie exclusives and the gap will only get bigger over time when AAA exclusives are coming out regulary thanks to the first party rotation within SCE. Further more you can expect Indies who were supported by Sony and were succesful with it leaning more towards PS4 / Vita just like Devolver is doing it with Hotline Miami.

Zack_attack3841d ago

The abundance of indie games doesnt do me much good. I've never really put too much time into them. Ryse and BF4 are more my taste.

-Foxtrot3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

"-Foxtrot - Why should it matter to you what I do with my money or who I give it to? "

I'm not saying it does bother me.....although it's nice to see one of the type of people who support companies trying to ruin the gaming industry.

This is why they don't learn

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3841d ago
come_bom3841d ago

Personally I think the exclusives launch lineups for the PS4 and X1 are not very good. I would say they are average.

I won't purchase any of the consoles at launch. I'll let the die hard fanboys be the guinea pigs, let them test the consoles.

Killjoy30003841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

I'm getting

Battlefield 4
Killzone Shadowfall
Call of Duty Ghosts
NBA 2K14
Assassin's Creed IV
Injustice: Gods Among Us

Plus Planetside 2, Warframe, Resogun.

That is a GREAT console launch. I fail to see how it's awful, especially with the best console version of each game. PS gamers will be having the last laugh when The Last Of Us 2 ALONE gets announced.

live2play3841d ago

Battlefield 4- rehash
call of duty-rehash and multiplat
ass creed-rehash
injustice- old port
knack-haha riiight that games worth 10 bucks

not impressed

TENTONGUN3840d ago

bf4, nba and maybe just maybe madden. these are the types of games i play so this launch is right up my alley

colonel1793841d ago

it's not about the awfulness of the launch lineup. It's the awfulness of not having something coming afterwards.

OrangePowerz3841d ago

DriveClub and inFamous for the start of next year?

live2play3841d ago

Killzone 6 rehash
CoD port rehash
knack is the original one but even that game is worth maybe 15 bucks

Destrania3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Hmm, all I see is rehash posting coming from your pathetic and worthless pov.

Ketzicorn3841d ago

So I guess you feel the same way about the X1 with all of their rehashed games and the pretty looking mass of boredom Ryse will be.

Bathyj3841d ago

Actually Killzone looks very different to any Killzone that's come before it, way more strategic and open. unlike all the halos, gears of wars, cod s and battlefields which have all basically been the same game Everytime.

Jihaad_cpt3840d ago

I know I will be knocked but why is this guy acting to cunty

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3840d ago
KillrateOmega3841d ago

I don't understand why people are even fussing about the launch line-up of the PS4.

I mean, Jesus Christ, how many games are these people planning to but at launch? I would think 3-4 would be the amount that most people would go with and can afford.

The way these people go on, you'd think the PS 4has no games and never will...

Destrania3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

I know, it's ridiculous. There is far more than enough for me to play on day one and beyond. Plus, I'm happy to become an owner of the most powerful gaming console ever made, and can't wait to see everything else the most incredible developers in the world will be able to do on it :-) Greatness Awaits us all!


Not sure what 'looks good' or is good about the Xbone, but to each their own I guess. Sony's devs are going to blow people's minds though. Glad we'll get to see more of their wad that they've been keeping secret very soon too haha. Exciting times ahead. #PS4AllAccess 11/14

TENTONGUN3840d ago

if i had a shit load of games my ps4 would burn up in like 2 months. im good with 3

Bathyj3841d ago

The launch line up is kind of awful. There's only one retail game and a couple PSN games that I want.

Fortunately I'm not an impatient child and I'm buying this console for the next decade of gaming not the next month.

MS will blow their wad in the first three years like they always do, that's why their line up looks good.

OrangePowerz3841d ago

People must forget the launch lineups from the previous consoles. I get consoles on launch since the DC and they always had bad launch lineups and the PS4 has actually one of the better ones and same goes for Xbone.

Visiblemarc3841d ago

Yeah agree, the lineup is solid. Anyone complaining about launch has no sense of console history. This is actually one of the best launches of all time. Will things get better within the year? Yeah of course. People seem to think games appear out of thin air.

RyuCloudStrife3840d ago

AC4 and Killzone plus the free games on PS+ should keep me busy on the week vacation I took from work ;).

Automatic793840d ago

Most are in denial and true gamers on both platforms agree this is a weak launch lineup. What's even more sad is if this were Xbox One's launch titles the same amount of people in denial would be out with pitch forks and knives bashing it. But because it is there system of choice its okay.

Note: there is no doubt that Sony will have games in due time. Saying launch doesn't count is really just an excuse.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3840d ago
M-M3841d ago

Just get it out while you can, the launch lineup is good(in my opinion) but guys on the other side try to bash it. Let them enjoy the moment, because remember who has the long term 1st AND 3rd party support this generation.

ThatCanadianGuy5143841d ago

Yep exactly.

What they seem to be forgetting, much like how 360 started out, is MS always tries to impress at first.

All day one
But then nothing for 6 months until titanfall

2 months later Infamous
Then Driveclub
Then Deep Down
Then The Order1886
Then, and then, and then, it will just keep going.PS onslaught never stops

History repeats and i'm glad i'll be on the Playstation side when they make history again.

vishant1013841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

titanfall comes out march 11th which is like 3-4 months

project spark should be somewhere in-between. also you forgot killer instinct.

that's five AAA games within the first 4 months of release not to shabby if you ask me.

oh and i doubt order will be out in first 6 months

come_bom3841d ago

DayZ... at least make a little effort and try to be truthful... Xbox One has other exclusives coming it's way on 2014.

Quantum Break
Sunset Overdrive
Fable Legends
Black Tusk Studios game

-Foxtrot3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )


Quantum Break - Probably will be out September time

Halo 5 - Not out untill next October/November

Sunset Overdrive - Apparently when it was shown off it hadn't actual started development yet so it will be a while

D4 - Honestly don't know

Fable Legends - I'd say June/July with it being an MMO type game

Black Tusk Studios game - Since it hasn't even got a name yet I'd say late next year or early 2015

Problem with MS they blew all their cards at E3 by announcing nearly everything too early since they were trying to make up for the bad reveal and DRM at the time

Campy da Camper3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

People also forget the free games we get with PLUS. I'm pretty certain Sony has a couple goodies lined up for the free games collection for the ps4 early adopters.

I don't know about everyone else but I have to work 8-430. I get home at 5 and eat dinner and have about 3 hours to play each night. Usually I can get 6-8 in over sat and sun. So, having Killzone, ACBF, Knack, Reshogun, Planetside and some indies and whatever PlUS throws my way in December I'm certain will keep me busy til early next year. Then its Infamous and Watchdogs, soon to follow will be the Order, Destiny, the Division and any other games that the Sony devs who haven't announced anything yet have up their sleeves. I'm sure Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica and Media Molecule have stuff planned for first half of next year.

Plus, I'm a proud WiiU owner. Mario Kart 8 and 3d Mario are dropping next month. I've got games for a while.

Automatic793840d ago


Please don't spread lies

Xbox one will have

Plants v Zombies Garden Warfare
Project Spark
Kinect Sports Rivals

Both systems will have there fair share of great games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3840d ago
Wingsfan243841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

And if you read the editorial he doesn't bash the future line-up at all. It's just "launch" titles being discussed here, not the full term for PS4.

Edit: And I re-read it. You say guys on the other "side" try to bash it. Nobody's bashing anything. The author supports the PS4, just not the "launch" line-up. So people call the site begging for hits without even reading the dang article.

M-M3841d ago

Re-read my comment.

black0o3841d ago

''CLICK'' that's what the title for

and how can i read the article if i didn't click on the link, in your words the title is flame bait

Sarobi3841d ago

IMO.. PS4's line up looks really good compared to the horrible line up PS3 had.

Ravenor3841d ago

What? Genji and Gundam: Crossfire were modern classics!

bleedsoe9mm3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

not quite as good as the xbox one's , but i'm not buying either system for launch games ,just buying and waiting for second son and titanfall

PoSTedUP3841d ago

we're cool with KZ, N4S n AC4. awful would be ps3 launch line up and we all know it ended up : )

Consoles4kidz3841d ago

Sure do, had to wait like 6 years for any good games lol

Bruce_Wayne3841d ago

I disagree...

Resistance at launch for PS3. (2006)
Uncharted. (2007)
MGS4 (2008)
LBP (2008)
Killzone 2. (2009)
Uncharted 2(2009)
Infamous. (2009)

And there were many others but I just pointed out the biggest ones. From 2010-2013, there's no argument.

ZBlacktt3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

You know, we see these types of stories left and right. Yet, look at the pre orders. They are the highest they've ever been. Don't try and rain on peoples excitement. We see the new system as much needed. The games that are coming out have strong online modes ( KZSF, BF4 and COD ). You've got AC4 that has over 100 hours of awesome adventure single player mode. There's PSN games, Knack, something for everyone. Then before we know it in comes Infamous Second Son, Drive Club Watch Dogs in the spring. Then Destiny, The Order1886, etc...

It's just nice to have a new console. One so powerful and with so much potential.

Sony gave us all such a high point on the end of the PS3 current Gen with first party games like The Last of Us, Gran Turismo 6, Beyond: Two Souls, God of War: Ascension.

ZBlacktt3841d ago

Disagree all you want. Then sit there and pout. I have 3 games pre ordered and I'll be deep in AC4's vast open world day one. Just loving life. New Dual Shock 4.... happy guy!

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thorstein3h ago

Don't worry, AI will save us all.

And if you didn't know, that's sarcasm!

Goodguy013h ago

Idk. Great games have still been releasing. Mcsft is still no different than after the 360 era. PS, you just have to wait many years for. Nintendo is readying next gen and will definitely have many games. 3rd party and indies have been the highlight so far this year.

LucasRuinedChildhood15m ago(Edited 6m ago)

Yeah but the games coming out have been in development for many years so they're not affected by this issue.

This is more about the future.

I would say that indies will continue to put out interesting games at least. They need to avoid buyouts though or they're in danger of ending up like Roll7.

Part of the issue is that CEOs created projections based on the Covid years. Now that the line/Growth™ isn't going up, they're overcorrecting for stakeholders despite good profits. There's a certain mindlessness to it.

Hopefully with inflation down and more realistic projections, things will level out.


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