
Titanfall an Xbox One, 360, PC Exclusive for Its 'Lifetime'

During its quarterly earnings call today, EA squashed recent rumors about Titanfall coming to PlayStation 4. CFO Blake Jorgensen emphasized that Titanfall "is exclusive only for the lifetime of the title on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC."

Jorgensen also assuaged worries that Respawn was rushing Titanfall to market, declaring the intended release date was always in the March, April, May time frame. "No, we're not doing that at all," COO Peter Moore said on the subject of Titanfall's alleged hurry. He praised Respawn Entertainment's talent, and anticipates it will review "very highly" when it launches in March 2014.

Mikelarry3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

bah ah well, i get it on my 360 then


xPhearR3dx3845d ago

It's EA. If it makes a ton of cash, it will come to PS4. Look at Mass Effect.

sobotz3845d ago

Still in denial. It won't coming to PS4, get over it

mhunterjr3845d ago

That bodes well for Titanfall 2... Maybe...

pompombrum3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

I dunno.. maybe EA are hoping to make the next Gears of War for the Xbox One so to speak. People can hate on Microsoft all they want but nobody can deny they know how to market their exclusives. Seeing as Titanfall is the first real system seller, I imagine they'll be quick to pick it up and promote it as heavily as possible.

Still, I guess it would be naive to underestimate EA's greed. Titanfall 2 will most likely be on the ps4 too.

Thomaticus3845d ago

When the PC version comes out, people will end up finding some PS4 code somewhere.

xPhearR3dx3845d ago


Denial? No. I'm getting it for PC, so I could care less if it comes to PS4. However, this is EA were talking about. Of course EA is going to deny it. They're going to hype it up, make it sound exclusive so everyone buys it instead of waiting, then release the PS4 version to make even more money.

Moncole3845d ago

EA doesnt own the IP so they cant do what ever they want.

gaffyh3845d ago

That sentence is worded really strangely, "only for the lifetime...", why doesn't it just say is exclusive for the lifetime?

I still think this will come to PS4 at some point, not that I will get it for the PS4 I just think it will happen. Will get it for 360 when its available.

cleft53845d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if this game did stay exclusive to Xbox One. However, the series will not be exclusive. So next year when Titanfall 2 comes out, it will be another story.

If you think about it, it does make sense to launch a new ip on one platform if that platform holder gives them a bunch of money to remain exclusive. That way you can launch a new IP and still play it safe. Still they could be lying and 6 months later we see Titanfall come to PS4. Only time will tell, doesn't matter to me anyways. Titanfall looks amazing if you are good at fps online games, I am not so this game doesn't interest me regardless.

Sayai jin3845d ago

Hmmm. I am one that believe console exclusives are good and help give people a reason to buy a particular console, but also do not mind if really good games go multi-plat so everyone can experience the game. I see a lot of people saying , but EA and Mass Effect. I do not remember EA ever saying Mass Effect would be an exclusive for lifetime. Maybe MS said that, but not EA. I know it's EA, but they are saying it plain and simple that it will be that way for lifetime. Anyways, the games appears to be a stellar new IP so it would suck if one console gamers do not experience it.

-Alpha3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

I'm sure Titanfall 2 will come to PS4.

MS must have adjusted their deal, otherwise they'd have made this known sooner. One thing is certain, EA must be making an incredible amount of money upfront.

Regardless, it's a pretty big move for MS to lock this away from PS4. I like what I see from Titanfall, and I can understand that a lot of people are genuinely excited for it. I was really hoping to play it on consoles/PS4. Just going to have to accept that I wont get everything I want sticking only to a PS4, but it's not the biggest loss for me.

lifeisgamesok3845d ago

Hard at hearing huh. Xbox One has some great looking exclusives you should buy one :)

loulou3845d ago

you lot are idiots. they have obviously thrashed out a deal with ea, where they ea's lost ps4 royalties.

an expensive cheque. i would think that this cost microsoft anything from 60m upwards.

potentially an amazing exclusive

P0werVR3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Well, obviously the sequel will more likely come to PS4 INEVITABLY!

Just because they say lifetime of this title doesn't mean for it's sequel.

Get it, got it, good!!!

But as history has shown us, ALL good third party games that first released on Xbox 360 shows that no matter what, it was ALWAYS bought for Xbox 360.

Microsoft will for sure make this to be better played with Azure. Gaming is going to be sweet! Titanfall than Destiny 2qt of next year?! Gaming stamina baby.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33845d ago

Ah well, there you have it folks...oops, this is N4G, I guess you don't have it :P

Funantic13845d ago

Do you get it? How many times you must be told. IT'S NOT COMING TO PS4!!! This game will make the Xbone sell like crazy. I'm buying 3 copies of Titanfall myself. 1 for my 360 and 2 for my Xbones.

SuperLupe3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Sony faboyism is a VERY SERIOUS condition.

It sucks the intelligence out of you and places a big fat blob of denial at the place lol.

But guys please, dont stop begging for a port 12 months later, it was funny and I dont want the comedy to stop right now.

edit: now watch how all of them are going to be like "meh have a gaming PC anyway" :D

halfblackcanadian3845d ago

Mass Effect 1 was published by MS. EA purchased Bioware after the fact. ME2+3 were multiplat because EA published them. I'm not saying your scenario is impossible, but the situations are different

P0werVR3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )


Nailed it bro! You loose IQ points reading these posts. I can deal with Xbox fanboys, they just make me laugh. Sony fanboys are on another level of low, on par or if not worst than the republican tea party.

Dirtnapstor3845d ago

Maybe, just maybe the exclusivity will be restricted to MP. Perhaps a campaign for us PS4 owners?
If it's true, I'll get it for the 360... No Xbone for me.

pixelsword3845d ago

What does the "lifetime of the title" mean?

Does that mean "as long as it sells"?

4Sh0w3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Well its going to sell a sh*t ton so maybe Titanfall 2 will come to ps4??? Thats unfortunate news for ps4 because its a great new IP that will at least for the time that matters will stay exclusive to xbox consoles.

Although I think both should have some in house exclusives to sell their console Im not selfish so it would be cool to see Titanfall sequels on ps4 so everybody can enjoy it, however speaking from a business perspective it would be smart if Microsoft paid to lock up t he IP, like they did with Gears.

SITH3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Well, EA made sure that is the end of that discussion. What's next!?

soljah3845d ago

they are making a ton of cash off of it.
look who made the announcement the CFO OF EA thats chief financial officer. they announce this the day after comparison's between bf4 on ps4 and xb1. microsoft is panicking , a ton of money was exchanged to keep it exclusive.
notice this was not a decision announced by respawn

Gazondaily3845d ago

Ooops...I said this was definitely coming out on PS4...I was wrong. :(

hutness3845d ago

The irony of what you just said. You actually described what it means to be an Xbox fanboy.

black0o3845d ago

TitanFall will nvr hit the ps4 but TitanFall GOTY edition may DO

MorePowerOfGreen3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

MSFT's console is designed from the ground up to be enhanced by cloud compute. Sony doesn't have the type of servers nor the infrastructure right now or possibly ever.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3845d ago

Dont care can get it on PC if its any good i dont need an xbone to play it and i wouldnt have played it on PS4 anyway.

Computersaysno3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Ahhh after all this fuss over this one game. Imagine if it turned out it wasn't all that great anyway.

What if it turned out to be the 'Too Human' of Microsoft exclusives.

I hope it doesn't honestly I want it to be great I want a fun new IP but seeing the frenzy over this game watching it fall flat would also be kinda amusing you have to admit.

I find it really weird it seems and appears to have all this hype here but it's Pre orders look really weak. I don't know maybe there are a lot of people still on the fence about it or maybe it doesn't have a big enough profile even still.

We take it for granted everyone knows about the game cos we visit games sites like this but the low Pre orders suggest it isn't as well known as I imagined at this point

Paytaa3845d ago

Mass Effect also was Microsoft's IP until they sold Bioware and their assets to EA. Not a similar situation at all.

KillrateOmega3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

@SuperLupe & P0werVR

The second that you start trying to argue the comparative stupidity of two groups of fanboys, you know that you're just as low as them.

On topic:
I really don't care if I miss out on playing this game. I already have more than enough FPSes to quench that particular thirst:
1) Battlefield 4
2) Destiny
3) Killzone: Shadow Fall
4) Call of Duty: Ghosts

So, yeah. I can live without CoD with mechs and wall-running. If you disagree with my view on the game, then please, tell me what makes it so special.

Gamer6663845d ago

EA cannot lie to investors especially on a quarterly conference call. If they say it is staying exclusive, it will stay exclusive.

If they lie on a quarterly conference call they can have they can be sued.

Outside_ofthe_Box3845d ago

I'm very surprised this ended up being exclusive. MS made a good move here. Titanfall looks promising. Looks like they don't have the entire franchise on lock though, that would have been an even bigger move.

BattleAxe3845d ago

Well I'll continue to have hope that it will release on Steam then...

MynextGen3845d ago

Keep dreaming never you keep knack

AngelicIceDiamond3845d ago

@Phear You can still play it on PC.

But I think the premier way to play this beast is on X1 though.

FamilyGuy3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

One of the devs literally said that they only recent found out and that EA made a deal with MS. If the game sells and reviews good enough MS might set up another deal to keep any franchise exclusive as well.
The reason why the devs had been so elusive up till this point was because it was only a timed exclusive till EA and MS made this deal recently.

It's still coming to 360 and it's still coming to PC but a PS4 version would have to be some TitanFall Sigma -like situation.

I'm good with Infamous SS, DriveClub and Killzone though. TitanFall still looks fun but I lost a lot of interest in TitanFalls CoD/current gen look after seeing so many other great looking games that are also fun looking on top of their looks. If they overhaul/upgrade the graphics I might be jealous though.

ShadowNextGen3845d ago

The only reason Mass Effect came to PS3 is because EA bought Bioware and that changed the deal that Bioware and Microsoft had. EA already owns Respawn so that won't be happening this time.

warczar3845d ago

guess what, It's a goddamn online only game which means there is really no story line to speak of so a year from now when Titanfall 2 comes out on PS4 we'll all be on the same level story wise. There would really be no reason to get Titanfall 1 at that point. Don't get me wrong this is a big win for microsoft but it's still not a big enough reason for a microsoft hater like myself to buy an xbone.

abzdine3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Mass Effect

i have nothing to add

abzdine3845d ago

even if it's not coming to PS4 or PS3, i think it's cool each console has its own exclusive games that make it more attractive and worth the investment.
Let's just hope this game turns out to be good and not just creating hype for nothing.
You dont own an xbox, go play it on PC if you're interested. I'm sure it's gonna run at more than 720p on PC :P

FlunkinMonkey3845d ago

Typical MS really.. Instead of investing in 1st party studio's and avoiding any obstacles with release on other systems, they just buy the rights to deny it to another console..

I'm honestly not bothered, it looks fun, but i would personally take killzone and Planetside 2 over this in a flash, let alone together.

VENOMACR12273844d ago

Finally! The X1 has a real exclusive. I know "its on PC and 360" its still exclusive to Microsoft. What game right now makes you want an X1? Ryse? Nope. Forza? Maybe. KI? Nope. So it's good that they finally have a game that can hopefully take over for Halo and Gears which are becoming stale.

Zack_attack3844d ago

@hutness wow, you are truly original. You pretty much just pulled a, "I know you are but what am I". I swear some people on here are 9yrs old lol

+ Show (44) more repliesLast reply 3844d ago
abc12333845d ago

Or the PC version. Won't be amazing but my laptop should be able to run it whilst hooking it up to the tv.

AlexanderNevermind3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Yup....seems MS needed some positive news after the whole COD/BF4 drama. If its good then I will get it on PC. I've said it all along. No worries on my end.

@Sayai Jin

Yeah I've never said the X1 version is bad, honestly its not that far behind....I'm just insinuating that this news being released today was no accident. MS needed a bold move to keep some of the folk on the edge from jumping to the other side.

Again I've been gaming on PC for the last 5 yrs and if I want titan fall then I will get it there. Honestly I've been down the jet pack and overpowered Mechs with Killzone 3. Really this news does not bother me in the least.

Sayai jin3845d ago

@AlexanderNevermind - The graphics on BF4 on the PS4 are better. Many critics are saying this. That's great news for PS4 owners, but that does not mean the XB1 version is bad. It still looked great. I doubt anyone will be playing BF4 thinking aaah let me count the pixels or I remember the graphics comparison...maybe some fanboys might, but not the cores.

To your comment...This was not MS that mentioned this being exclusive this time, it was directly from EA. So what does this have to do with MS.

With that, PS4 gamers can buy an XB1 or play Titan Fall on a PC if they have one...or maybe this...some of them might not care about the about the game.

AlexanderNevermind3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

@Sayai Jin

Also Destiny is due to be released the same time...So I'm sure PS4 owners will have plenty to keep us busy. Just no Titan Fall.

Back to the point that this was a recent move by MS/EA see link below; the Dev says as much...or you honestly think the dev would not know that their game was a platform exclusive......


MRMagoo1233845d ago

I might have cared about the game if it wasnt multiplayer online only, but like i have said in a diff thread, if i do get a hankering for this game ill get it on pc i guess but i dont see me wanting it anytime really.

sobotz3845d ago

Pretty much every game is better on PC

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3845d ago
StraightPath3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

this will sadden a lot of PS4 gamers. Titanfall is lighting up next gen and the hype is immense. This could be the next big thing in gaming and damn does the game look good. This is a killer app for Xbox One. Next gen all I hear is about Titanfall. It won pretty much all awards from E3 and other gaming shows and public reception seems Titanfall most exciting game for next gen. People who do not have a Xbox One, Xbox 360 or gaming PC will sorely miss out.

BigShotSmoov0073845d ago

It won't sadden them at all. What it will do is turn there venom towards EA and Titanfall now. All of a sudden you'll here it's only 720p, it's not better than Killzone, blah blah blah. I can see it coming already.

darx3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )


Don't forget boycott EA games and the standard petition or else.

DialgaMarine3845d ago

Honestly, if you read in between the lines of this statement, a potential sequel could easily come to PS4, as well as the original. It really doesn't matter to me, personally, either. Yeah yeah, Titanfall is next big thing since Jesus. We hear it all the time. At the end of the day, it's a generic looking shooter that's getting hyped because CoD fanboys are finally getting bored of CoD. As a PS4 owner, I'm perfectly satisfied with Killzone, from what I've seen.

imt5583845d ago

I don't care about Titanfall ( KZ : SF is here ), but remember, it's EA. Mass Effect was X360 exclusive.....

Mikeyy3845d ago

Who is going to be saddened by the loss of another COD clone? Seing the Battlefield videos today makes it even more apparent that most of us wont miss titanfall.

64 player warfare


6v6 spawnkilling because of tiny maps

Think about that, COD maps are soo freaking small, you can get spawnkilled on 12 player maps. That is a joke.

I just don't understand what is so exciting about COD with robots?

besides COD attempted vehicles in World at War and you all hated it, and complained about vehicles being OP for COD. fast forward to today, and that same exact concept is all the sudden Award winning?

7 vs 7 is what titanfall is rumored to be at. There is nothing ambitious about this game. Mech Warrior online has it beat in every way.

SuperLupe3845d ago

All hope is not lost man.

They can still start a petition like this one: http://www.change.org/petit...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3845d ago
Eddie201013845d ago

Seems like a strange explanation to me, for the lifetime of the game on Xbox 360, Xbox One And PC.

Seems like an explanation that leaves a window open.

Why didn't they say in plain English that the game will only be on the three mentioned platforms and will not be made for any other system ever, if it is truly not in consideration for PS4.

Xbots should not be surprised when it is announced for PS4 six months to a year from now.

Doesn't really matter to me one way or the other just pointing out the weird way that the announcement was phrazed.

-Alpha3845d ago

Super Ultra Titanfall: Total Remix PS4 Edition

BigShotSmoov0073845d ago

Doesn't seem strange at all. Titanfall will be an exclusive to the PC, 360 & XBO. Now Titanfall 2 probably might come to the PS4 or it could be a gears of war deal where they paid for a certain amount of games to be exclusive. Either way the first one will be exclusive, no hidden message in what he said.

Eddie201013845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )


You know that's exactly what they will do, just change the name a little and add extra content.

The Xbots Keep saying that Sony fanboys can't except the information.

BUT, the Xbots can't except the past of Xbox 360 where 90% of its exclusives made it to the PS3.

MysticStrummer3845d ago

It wouldn't surprise me to see a Titanfall trilogy on PS4 eventually, but maybe not.


Either way, well played MS for deflecting attention from the BF4 comparisons.

MRMagoo1233845d ago

I really cant imagine it will have a sequel, its online multiplayer only i have a feeling it wont be that big because of that alone, i may be wrong but i dont really care much either way, if it turns out to be amazing i can get it on pc or get a 360 for $20 and it will run at the same rez like bf4

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3845d ago
Lalanana3845d ago

lmao..sony guys are still in denial huh?
too funny

Evil_Abed3845d ago

Not just the longest river in the world, but also a favorite hang out spot for N4G faithfuls.

kickerz3845d ago

Can't wait to fire up this game in my xb1
Good times ahead (^_^)

Mikelarry3845d ago

lol at the disagrees, last time i checked it was coming to the 360. nothing you can do will stop me from getting it... let that sink in for a minute

LonDonE3845d ago

This is what makes me laugh about xbox gamers, i can lay money on the fact that PS4 will over its life time get TONS of TRUE exclusives! more then xbox! that's the funny thing see, any Playstation gamer who wants to play most of the xbox exclusives has to only have a pc, while if a xbot wants to play one of the great Playstation exclusives HE HAS TO BUY A PLAYSTATION CONSOLE FACT! without it, its not happening!!!

Xbox exclusives are for the most part not even true exclusives, they are whored out to Microsoft buy lazy and greedy third parties, meanwhile Sony on the other hand OWNS most of the companies who bang out exclusives year after year on Playstation consoles!

I will be enjoying titanfall on my pc at a higher then 720p resolution (LMAO AT XBOX 720p) and at a higher frame rate, xbox guys cant say shit! since their console doesn't hardly have any true exclusives, Playstation has LOTS!

And if past generations are anything to go by, most likely give it 2 to 3 years and watch most of the good games will dry up on x1, and they will be left with a few yearly rehashes and KINNECT GAMES an TV SHOWS! LOL while Playstation gamers will be getting new i.p's and true exclusives every year or so, this is what's going to happen trust me, if history is anything to go by.

Its sad but true, Microsoft do this all the time, they get a few good deals and focus on games for the first 2 to 3 years, and then don't bother much, while Sony on the other hand continue to support their platform year after year, look at the ps2 and ps3 no one can deny that! hell this year alone look how many great true exclusives the PS3 has gotten?

And if you analyse the wording of that ea guy, you can clearly see that he is not talking about the whole franchise, only the first game.
So most likely titan fall 2 will be on PS4, or like said above their will be a sigma like move, maybe then we will finally get a true next gen console version of titan fall, LOL 720p on x1? lol it looks like a current gen game sorry but its true, the textures are muddy,and game play looks generic, cod with mechs that's all! i don't see what the hype is all about? it looks good, but nothing earth shattering.

MarkusMcNugen3845d ago

"Xbox exclusives are for the most part not even true exclusives, they are whored out to Microsoft buy lazy and greedy third parties, meanwhile Sony on the other hand OWNS most of the companies who bang out exclusives year after year on Playstation consoles!"

You do realize that to play Titanfall on a PC you have to have a Windows OS right? So it is a true exclusive... to Microsoft products. Microsoft will be laughing on their way to the bank while your playing it on your superior PC running their OS.

"And if past generations are anything to go by, most likely give it 2 to 3 years and watch most of the good games will dry up on x1, and they will be left with a few yearly rehashes and KINNECT GAMES an TV SHOWS! LOL while Playstation gamers will be getting new i.p's and true exclusives every year or so, this is what's going to happen trust me, if history is anything to go by.

Its sad but true, Microsoft do this all the time, they get a few good deals and focus on games for the first 2 to 3 years, and then don't bother much, while Sony on the other hand continue to support their platform year after year, look at the ps2 and ps3 no one can deny that! hell this year alone look how many great true exclusives the PS3 has gotten?"

Microsoft does it all the time... by that you mean the last generation. Must not remember much about the OG Xbox generation do you?


Plenty of exclusives throughout its life.

"So most likely titan fall 2 will be on PS4, or like said above their will be a sigma like move, maybe then we will finally get a true next gen console version of titan fall,"

Wait... PC version isnt next gen but a PS4 version would be? No No... I think not. Thats a PS Fail right there.

Im sorry if I sound condescending, Im easily agitated to stupidity and bullshit.

LonDonE3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

are you dizzy brah?
i have a cracked version of windows 7 and windows 8, and either way i just take the master disk from my work place who have paid for it, and install it on my pc's LOL hell i even make copies of the disk and give it out to all my family and friends, my work place buys the business license version, and i have access to it! either way i have never bought a windows disk, i just pirate them!! AHAR ME HARTIE! HAR HAR!! ME A JOLLY PIRATE AND PROUD when it comes to Microsoft! i even have a modded xbox 360 which i pirate games for, HAR HAR HAR!!!
and i even play online with it with mods and hacks to piss off xbots when i feel like trolling, HAR HAR HAR!!!

I will even pirate titan fall on 360 for shits and giggles!! LOLOLOL
lol doesnt matter what you say, it is FACT! to play xbox exclusives all you need is a pc most of the time, but to play Playstation exclusives YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO BUY A PLAYSTATION!

VaporCell3845d ago

I guess we will have to play the sequel on ps4 then lmao

Nachoman323845d ago

You know this game is getting way more hits and attention then it needs to, I mean the franchise is unproven but everybody is going bat shit crazy over it ( its COD with jetpacks... i get it and its made by the former founders of Infinity Ward which explains why this game is COD with freaking jet packs) I mean what happens it the game ends up being shit? In the end this FPS fad has got to end, its getting old.

But what I'm really trying to say is it's okay to come to the dark side. Go ahead. Buy a PS4 ;P

MysticStrummer3845d ago

"bah ah well, i get it on my 360 then"

I most likely won't play it at all now, but I don't anticipate that will impact my gaming fun even a little.

solar3845d ago

280 comments at the time of this post, and 250 of them have got to be Sony Extremists who crap on the game because it isnt coming to the PS4.

Ashby_JC3845d ago

Any and all Titanfall comments before today was...."it will come to PS4 for sure" or similar...or "THe game isnt all that its COD with mechs"

After this announcement its "Uhh it still could come to the PS4 its EA!"

"Its not exclusive its on PC"

"Look at the way they worded the announcement...that leaves it open so it still can come to the PS4"

"I dont really care, I wasnt getting this game anyways"

Even with this announcement folks are grasping. Its not coming for the PS4...end of story!! I knew coming in this comments what I was going to read and I wasnt wrong.

This game is WANTED by all gamers. And the fact that these comments are made cements it for me. If this game was on the PS4 ONLY...all the ones say MEH about it...would be shouting from the rooftops about how great this game is and rubbing it in other faces.

Beastforlifenoob3845d ago


NOW: Oh who gives a shit playing this on my xbox 360 or PC, atleast i dont have to play this horrible crap game anymore, this game disgusts me

insomnium23845d ago

I challenge you to find some sort of hypocrisy from my comment history regarding the things you just said guys.

I am a PS-fan and I despise MS for moltitude of reasons but I never EVER lie or bend the truth etc. That would make me a hypocrite and a fanboy.

I can wholeheartedly say that I don't really care about Titanfall. hell I don't even care about nextgen atm. PS3/Vita is all I need.

BoriboyShoGUN3845d ago

That's what happens when people won't shut up about how it will be on the PS4 too! I'm sure Microsoft paid a big chunk to lock it down. I was prepared to (not) play it so it doesn't bother me.but it would of been welcome on the PS4 for sure.

MynextGen3845d ago

I will on Xbox One lmao so loving the news time exclusive ya right

LonDonE3845d ago

straight from vince zampella's mouth!

MarkusMcNugen3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

BWAH HAHAHAHA! Its still an Xbox One exclusive! Must have really wanted it on the PS4 to praise that tweet as some kind of insult to the Xbox fanboys. Although likewise Im sure Xbox fanboys are butthurt about the resolution revelations recently.

You and them, are both just sad. Its alright though, haters gonna hate and gamers gonna game. And we already know which one of those you belong to.

LonDonE3843d ago


You call that an exclusive? LMAO
i am getting it on my gaming pc, and will play it at higher then 720p resolution LMAO while on x1 you can play it at a last genb resolution, just like the xbox 360 folks, BWAH HAHAHAH!!!!

I will be enjoying my countless TRUE EXCLUSIVES on my PS4, which you cannot play on anything other then PS4!!!!! now that's an exclusive!

Seriously why do people even bother with xbox? i play most multi plats at native 1080p 60fps or higher on my gaming pc, should i buy it for HALO? LOL
You fail to grasp that most core gamers like myself own a gaming pc along with the consoles which have EXCLUSIVES we want to play, x1 has NONE!!! and even the ones it does, at sub par graphics barely next gen, what's the point?

An exclusive should be only on that particular system alone, and so should help sell units for that system, PS4 has this, PS3 has this, X1 barely has any!! BWAH HAHAH so try harder noob!

showtimefolks3845d ago

would love to know how big of a check MS written to EA, also respawn stop hiding behind EA, you are under partner's program which grants you the IP and control over it. So if you didn't like the fact EA was making this an exclusive you could have done anything you wanted but Money speaks

DiRtY3845d ago

Can we stop listening to Cboat now?

malokevi3844d ago

lol, good point. Another proof that the guy is a BSer.

ritsuka6663844d ago

That's huge.

I'll be playing on PC though.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3843d ago
abc12333845d ago

Megaton incoming.

I'm going to go lock myself in the shelter now.

Mikelarry3845d ago

ha like that is going to save you

abc12333845d ago

You'll be begging me to let you in soon enough.

PixelNinja3845d ago

Don't leave us out there to die, let us in!

pyramidshead3845d ago

Gotta give credit where it's due though. MS scored big with this one I feel, but then again I think they need all the help they can get recently, especially after the past weeks, and the upcoming future comparisons of multiplatform games.

Personally not affected by this as 1: it has no single player, and 2: my net is waaay too shit to online game, 3: whenever my nets gets upgraded there's always the option to run it on a PC, and by the looks of it it won't need a super stellar rig to run either.

Kinda almost feel sorry for the devs though, missing out on all those PS4 sales. I'd be fuming about getting signed exclusively when the other console has way better press and pre-order numbers. EA gonna EA though I guess :p.

halfblackcanadian3845d ago

I think the pre-order numbers aren't as big a deal as people would like to think. We hear partial numbers often, but the fact is the PS4 is more than likely in the 30% more pre-orders range. IF each pre-order accounts for a gamer on one console and not the other (I know 5 people myself that this is not the case) and then you factor in the ratio of people who would buy this game specifically...well, there isn't a whole ton of loss.
Additionally, I work with a lot of mothers with kids who are going Xbox One who haven't pre-ordered because of the extra stuff (fitness mostly). Not to say these numbers will specifically speak to Titanfall sales, but the total sales numbers can change once you factor in those of us who didn't pre-order.

BlackTar1873845d ago

Why isn't Bungie next game carrying more hype? Kinda weird. I think if you switched the situation around with this game and destiny that the hype would be crazy for Destiny. It's really this type of thing that happens all the time.

All of the sudden everyone is interested in Dead Rising game sbtu not many people cared for #1 or #2 when they released. Now DEADRISING OMG GREATEAST LAUCNH GAME EVER CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY.

The history is with Bungie yet its multip platform so now all the xbox crowd cares abotu is TitanFall. You can see it in this chat area. Xbox fans saying Sony fans are sad yet can't stop themselves from throwing nothing but insults at other people. Its just the line int he sand moving the american media does with American products

4Sh0w3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Not true while Destiny looks great Titanfall had that gameplay spark that was refreshing. Why would so many outlets just fabricate hype for Titanfall? and no apparent bias since most of the same ones like IGN, Gamespot, etc even speculated that it was coming to ps4. Im not knocking your opinion but just because you dont see what the hype is about doesn't make everybody else wrong. Hell you could be right Destiny COULD be better but hype is about excitement so far Im interested in both but Titanfall has me more excited. Maybe its because Destiny hasnt shown as much and coming out later. Why do you bring Destiny up now only when Titanfall is confirmed exclusive? Also the original Dead Rising was hyped quite a bit as at the time there werent any console games with so many charachters on screen. #2 not so much as it was just a progression on the first.

Ashby_JC3845d ago

I may end up getting Destiny once more info comes and it gets closer to launch. But I can honestly say that I dont really know exactly Destiny is going to be....a shooter....dungeon crawler....MMO...action??

The few vids I have seen I can say it looked boring. But it looks like the type of game that has to be played versus watched to get it.

Titanfall on the other hand looks like allot of action and fun!!! And the fact the people who have played it are backing that sentiment up.

It would be one thing if MS, EA or Respawn was hyping there own game...buts its the Journo who are hyping it. Myself Ill take the word of ppl who played it and praise it versus the dev praising there own game (cause of course there going to say positives ..even if they KNow its Shite lol)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3845d ago
TheTwelve3845d ago

This is the first really positive X1 news....ever

Sayai jin3845d ago

Great plan! But you forgot to look around the shelter before locking it down. ***You lock the shelter door and look around slowly in the dark....you hear several whispering voices saying things like "Dah Powah of the cloud"...50% more powerful..."mine is bigger than yours no smaller"..."dah pre-orders"..."RAM-E SRAM-magical unicorns"..."I am making my self look like a J-A and working for a company without getting paid er cough cough"... You reach to turn on the lights and you feel other hands on the switch. You begin to see eyes coming towards you...and then you realize it's some rabid fanboys (both sides) closing in on you.... They got in there before you did so they can spread their hysteria. You finally manage to turn on the lights, but due to the "Powah of da cloud" and the "50% more power" the lights die out....The fanboys say to you we have you nooow...booohaaaahaa

On topic, my daughter wrote the short story...she is getting PS4 and I am as well. My son said jokingly to her when he read this article "ha ha you won't be playing Titanfall on your PS4". My daughter is quiet for a second and she says "that she will wait to see if this is actually true...if so then I will just play it on your Xbox One or Dad's; just like you plaid TLOU on my PS3. LOL

abc12333845d ago

Suddenly Yoshida breaks down the door with a flick and gives me his anti-BS suit whilst he heroically sacrifices himself under a crowd of fanboys and Major Nelson repeatedly whispering "secret sauce".

Go give your daughter a cookie. Don't give one to your son.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3845d ago
-Foxtrot3845d ago

Yeah sure...ok then

EA passing an opportunity to make more money on what looks like to be a massive audience.

I don't think so

BattleTorn3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Do they need to clarify it a second time for you?

Or was the phrasing "lifetime" too vague?

Angels37853845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Jesus...get educated...

Edit: he edited his comment it originally said "do he need to clearify for second for time for you?"

-Foxtrot3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

They can say it as many times as they like and I still wouldn't believe them.

Why would they jeopardize potential sales for the Xbox One version, they know of all the negative press surrounding the Xbox One and are probably crapping themselves that it's not going to do as well in numbers as they want...this is EA so even if it looks good to us they will still be disappointed. They thought MS was going to have the running jump on Sony and thats why they did this deal.

As soon as the game comes out and they make as many people buy it for the Xbox One they will work toward getting it on the PS4.

There is no point, business wise, to talk about a PS4 version when you want as many people to buy the version your doing at the minute.

It's like MS and the "Kinect-less SKU" which will most likely happen next year. They say it's not going to happen ONLY BECAUSE they know if they come out and say it now most people will hold off and get the cheaper bundle which in turn means less money coming Microsoft's way.

What does Lord Beckett say again..."It's just good business" :)

Brix903845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

It is a little vague "Titanfall is exclusive only for the lifetime of the "TITLE" on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC". So I think people can assume Titanfall 2 may still come too all platforms considering they didn't specify next installments and Mass Effect is a great example an reason why people will speculate. Anyway if Respawn even wanted there game to come on PS4 I'm sure they would want to wait till Sony gets there Cloud services up and running first.

BattleTorn3845d ago


I believe that's precisely what they meant.

Titanfall ***1*** is not coming to PS4.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3845d ago
abc12333845d ago

Makes you wonder how much MS paid them.

-Foxtrot3845d ago

EA are as greedy as Microsoft, they probably have people working right now behind closed doors trying to find a loophole or a way around their deal with Microsoft so it can come to the PS4

I just can't believe after EVERYTHING EA has done this gen that they will leave something like TitanFall away from, as I've said above, a growing audience.

xXxSeTTriPxXx3845d ago

Probably doing all the adverts and a ton of cash.

SegataSanshiro3845d ago

Foxtrot, I genuinely loled. I imagined them working late hours at night reading the contract over and over desperately

LiQuiZoN3845d ago

I'm not that interested in online only games. So no biggy. I won't even try the demo of my PC because I hate origin!

I win!

OpieWinston3845d ago

EA has plenty of money coming their way from Star Wars Battlefront. Like they care about Titanfall being sold on another platform when it's being sold on 3.

Beastforlifenoob3845d ago

Or maybe they were just lying to your fucking face they want to make it a "suprise" so you canget suprised when they announce it for PS4.

Yeah thats right "lifetime" means infinite.

IF this news was changed to "Titanfall an Ps4 exclusive for its lifetime" people would be taking a nice smelly dump on the XBOX One and syaing "you SEE its never, ever coming HAHAH my console is better than your console, my console is better than your console, did i tell you my console is better than your console"


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3845d ago
Dark113845d ago

What about Titanfall 2 EA?;)

secretcode3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

It's not like that's ever happened befo-

*stares at Mass Effect 2*



It's a shame, and a slight blow to the PS4 in terms of short-term exclusivity, but going by the current timeframe, I'd be busy with Destiny at that time and I'd rather check out what Bungie's been doing all this time instead of the former Call of Duty dudes.

Ashes2Ashes3845d ago

I am glad I am getting the Xbox One first but agree that Titanfall 2 will most certainly come to multiple consoles. They and Larry Hyrb said the lifetime of "Titanfall" not the lifetime of the Titanfall series. I would assume it will follow in the footsteps of Mass Effect. Though I can't for Titanfall... hence getting the One first.

lifeisgamesok3845d ago

Microsoft has never said Mass Effect will stay with them for its "lifetime"

Some of these comments are ridiculous

You'd think Microsoft was speaking Portuguese the way you people interpret their words

secretcode3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

@lifeisgamesok: I will always admit when and if I am wrong, and after seeing the various other news tidbits as well as Zampella's recent tweet ( https://twitter.com/VinceZa... ), I fully correct myself and I admit I was wrong. Congrats to Microsoft for snagging a pretty cool looking exclusive franchise.

EDIT: BUT THEN *WHAM* this shit happens and I feel completely fucking vindicated. https://twitter.com/VinceZa...

4Sh0w3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Well if you truly know your history the reason ME went to ps3 is because Bioware was brought out by EA so the deal created a opportunity to bring the game to ps3. This contract is between EA/Respawn/Micro. So Bioware was relatively very very tiny compared to EA and Nobody is going to buy out EA anytime soon.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3845d ago
Kayant3845d ago (Edited 3845d ago )

Coming to all platforms expect if the contract changes. This is just for Titanfall and remember EA considers this as a new franchise in their rotation with BF.

Well PS fans PC, X360 or XB1 it is for you guys me I never really cared for TF not doubting it will be fun but don't see why it's hyped so much.

Kyosuke_Sanada3845d ago

Every time I see Titanfall I wish that Namco Bandai gave Repawn the rights to make a Gundam game (Universal Century of course).

LeCreuset3845d ago

You have just explained why I like Titanfall. Well, hopefully it at least opens a few eyes to the possibilities that exist with that type of gameplay and the Gundam license. Maybe we'll even get a Gundam MMORPG one day. I can dream.

Reborn3845d ago

I've been waiting for a Gundam game that really does capitalize on what the actual fights are like. However, I dont think we'll see one of those even next gen.

Same with Naruto. The games are good, just not as good as they could be.

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EA to Spend Billions Boosting Share Prices After Mass Layoffs

EA has announced it will engage in a shareholder-pleasing share buyback program just a couple of months after mass layoffs at the studio.

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XiNatsuDragnel1d 4h ago

I'm hoping for a game crash atp

Yi-Long1d 3h ago

Well, anything to make those shareholders happy, I guess. They're all that matters in this industry nowadays.

badboyz091d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

EA stocks haven't been profitable in over 5yrs. They better hope Take-two don't get the FIFA license lol.


EA Hopes to Use Generative AI to Drive Monetization and Make Development 30% More Efficient

Today Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson provided a look into his ideas for the use of generative AI in the company's development processes.

Read Full Story >>
thorstein64d ago

I wonder what the next buzz word they'll slap in front of AI to make it sound exciting next? "Generative" as if it's creating its own content. Lol.

Cacabunga63d ago

EA is already dying a painful death..

peppeaccardo63d ago

i have a better idea .. why the whole exec team doesn't get replaced by chat bots ?

just_looken63d ago

Though i agree the ai thing is already in other forms of media there have been ai translations/scripts/voice over and even full ai commercials aired on tv. Ubisoft has created a ai game creator story/vo/music except the building of the game

The new unreal engine has auto terrain creation tools

In the world of greed in which it is winning without any major blow back ai is our future.

everyone want's biden dead on the mic or a criminal instead of a woman and now we are getting ai everything because no one will stop watching/playing ai created media.

GamerRN63d ago

Maybe they should just focus on making good games?

Just a thought...

Kiryu199263d ago

Exactly EA are just pure evil. When they are beating Bank of America to be voted the worst company to work for that’s saying a lot

Good thing I don’t buy their games day one and wait for deep deep sale years after launch (the select few games I am actually interested in)

Gaming is making so much money yet the greed of these companies is never ending

CEO’s and people on board making millions yet cutting jobs to those who are actually making the products

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 63d ago
Knightofelemia64d ago (Edited 64d ago )

EA is still a shady shitty company even with or without the help of Skynet. All they will use AI for is new ways to milk loot boxes and come up with the same sports title with a different year on the label. They are one company I truly do hate with a passion. They single handedly ruined some great franchise with their death touch. ME, Dead Space, Alice Returns, Dante's Inferno.

Stuart575663d ago

EA layoffs followed by 'Generative AI to Drive Monetization'

I knew it. Wonder what AI salary looks like? Nothing.

ChasterMies63d ago

I having a feeling that most of the layoffs in the industry are based on the idea that AI will do the same job for less.

DarXyde63d ago

Very likely, yes.

Made worse by the fact that the execs aren't changing their compensations.

My deepest fear at this point is that we are now in the capitalism endgame.

At this point, we really should just burn AI to the ground. Executives cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
How are those people expected to support families if everything gets automated?

Barlos63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

And take away creativity, and people's jobs as we've been seeing. Got it.

No thanks. I want my games created by people, not AI.

CobraKai63d ago

Exactly. If or when games start becoming more AI than people, im done with gaming. AI and companies like EA can suck donkey d***k.

just_looken63d ago

Though i agree remember this is no ps3/360 era were we got up to 3 games in one generation from on developer like gears/halo/bioware/sony/ms

The people today are pro esg/sweet baby for the most part AAA gaming is imploding right now.

We should be stepping back re evaluate everything as a whole this year xmen 97 written/directed by a woman that is nuts and its also being made by a group reshaping bodies to be less sexual like wtf. A dam famous cartoon from the 90's is being rebuilt with millions spent to be worse in everyway.

Gaming/movies/tv shows made today are worse than what we had 7years ago ai won't change this but that ai is also being made by these groups so either way we are screwed.

Eonjay63d ago

Don't be of afraid of women. Sexy characters in games and movies still exist. Got my Stellar Blade on preorder!!! Everything all the time doesn't need to be sexual...that's stupid, childish and dull.

Chocoburger63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

EA doesn't want to lose their title of worst gaming company ever, always trying their best to remain the champs!
What's sad is that they have so much potential to be a decent publisher.

SSX Tricky / SSX 3
Def Jam Vendetta / Fight for New York
NBA Street
NFL Steet
Mirror's Edge
Bad Company
Burnout 3 / 4 / 5

Remember when EA used to be awesome? It's all over with now. Unpolished, if not out-right broken games these days. Endless monetization and gambling in their sports games, and let's not forget wasting hours of your life trying to unlock characters or equipment using "surprise boxes!"

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EA And Sony Layoffs, Entertainment News And More Skewedcast

Gareth, Justin, and JoeyZ look at Layoff news for EA and Sony and reasons behind the downturn in the industry and more.