
Toshiba announces press conferences, expected to end HD DVD

Japanese news website Nikke.net reports that Toshiba has scheduled a press conference for 5PM Tokyo time (12AM PST) on Tuesday.

According to the well-respected Nikkei financial newspaper (see Alternative Sources,) Toshiba will announce an immediate withdrawal from its HD DVD business. Toshiba will cease all development, production and sales of HD DVD players -- effective immediately.

Toshiba president Atsutoshi Nishida would make the announcement, the Japanese newspaper said.

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akaFullMetal6059d ago

u must mean homies, everybody who bougth hd-dvd is going to be disappointed, we should all hold a moment of silence for hd-dvd.

ChefDejon6059d ago

is that in 2 hours eastren time

pwnsause6059d ago

announcement at 3am EST. i'll stay up for that.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI6059d ago

I got school tmr, ( Waterloo math contest as well) SO its either all-nighter or I don't see this. I guess I will pull all-nighter since this would be a very nice bit of info on my technology essay (about advancements in media tech, that is)

mikeslemonade6058d ago

Yep this calls for a celebration. All those Bladestar, Power of Green, and Bloodmask theories were wrong, and yet two of the three still continue to post more theories about how 360 will be the best and sell the most.

OmegaKulu6059d ago

Could this be it? The final moment? Hope we can finally watch all the movies on one single format.

xplosneer6059d ago

Above: you disagree with each other. Which is it?

grashopper6059d ago

12:00AM Pacific 3:00AM Eastern if your in a unimportant area in the middle you have to figure it out :)

Tru_Blu6059d ago

2 AM Central, that other one is the unimportant one.

aiphanes6059d ago

That right Texas is the center of the world and its in Central Time!

pwnsause6059d ago

lol what do you mean unimportant NYC FTW!

bosels116059d ago

Hey 4.3 and 4.6 - thats right 3rd times a charm TEXAS!

deeznuts6059d ago

I am from California but I lol'd. I actually really like texas. Big steaks, BBQ what's not to like? I get my bbq rub from there for my ribs and briskets.

Foxx776058d ago

That unimportant time zone known as Mountain Time where I'm at ... hooray! ;)

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Italy's Crackdown on Counterfeit Retro Consoles Highlights Industry Failures in Game Preservation

In a major crackdown, Italy's financial police have dismantled a ring trafficking counterfeit vintage video game consoles, highlighting a severe issue within the gaming industry. The operation underscores the industry's failure to preserve classic games, driving gamers toward illegal alternatives as legitimate options remain scarce and prohibitively expensive.

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Knightofelemia3d ago

Even if they do crack down all a person needs is an Everdrive and a regular old school machine. Or modify a disc based console that has a dead laser to boot off an SD card. Some of those illegal devices look neat and some of them are just plain crap.

XiNatsuDragnel3d ago

This won't stop it unless you have a great service.

Inverno3d ago

What a stupid thing to be wasting time, money and effort. Aren't these guys literally drowning right now? Maybe y'all should focus more on that instead trying to stop people from playing old games no longer being sold.

Inverno2d ago

Pretty sure I've read and seen parts of Italy experiences/ing pretty bad floodings. Id argue that's more important than trying to prevent the sale of emulation devices.


Companies are Misleading Consumers with Micropayments, Says European Consumer Organisation

European Consumer Organisation claims companies are misleading consumers with micropayments.

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PS5 Pro pre-orders might be limited as an anti-scalping measure, analysts suggest

PS5 Pro pre-orders might be limited as a response to anti-scalping measures, industry analysts are suggesting.

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andy854d ago

People will just order from different retailers. Until you have the sense to need a PS account with a confirmed address to order. It'll always happen

thorstein4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I grabbed the Astrobot controller from Playstation a week later because they sold out because of scalpers then PS just dropped more on their store.

I can see a similar strategy here.

fr0sty4d ago

"People will just order from different retailers." not when pre-orders are limited to PlayStation's direct store only.

jznrpg4d ago

Only for two weeks then they will go live in the first week of Oct for other retailers. It doesn’t release until Nov7th

andy854d ago

They aren't though. The first run yes

MrGameAndWatch4d ago

If players aren't interested, scalpers won't be either..

Tacoboto4d ago

There was scalping even for the Series S at launch...

arm711744d ago

I hope I can pick it up day one

jznrpg4d ago

I believe you will be able to. Stay in the queue for PS direct you should be able to get one. They will probably do some rounds each day. If you don’t get one there early Oct Amazon Best Buy etc will have preorders open.

jznrpg4d ago

They will have rounds like usual. I got a launch PS5 day one during a chip shortage I anticipate it will be a little easier to get the Pro

Relientk774d ago

If they are limited that should increase demand.

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