
How Japanese Gamers Felt After Touching the PS4 and Xbox One

The PS4 and Xbox One won't be out in Japan until next year, but many attendees to last month's Tokyo Game Show got to try out the upcoming consoles and voice their opinions. Here's what they thought.

This week, Weekly Famitsu published the results from its TGS 2013 poll. One of the questions were on gamers' impressions of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Note: Unlike the apparent uninterested population at large, the people who answered were people who would likely be buying the new consoles when they are released next year.

Lalanana3857d ago

"The new vibration function to the triggers help to add to the immersive atmosphere." This xbox one controller is way awesome already. Can't wait to get my x-one

SuperBlur3857d ago

woooow , it's just a vibration function , what is there to get excited about ?

IcicleTrepan3857d ago

Remember when PS3 came out and it didn't have any at all? yeah.

xHeavYx3857d ago

Coming from Kotaku, I would have expected the title to be "How Japanese gamers felt after being touched by the PS4 and Xbox One"

GrizzliS19873857d ago

kids talking next gen controllers as their in line for buying batteries. gtfo

sobotz3857d ago

And touchpad is so innovative, looking forward to playing gimmick mini-games just like in Vita's games.

ziggurcat3857d ago

@ xHeavYx:

coming from kraptaku, i'm surprised it's not racism this, misogyny that...

MaximusPrime_3857d ago

@IcicleTrepan - there was a dispute between Sony and vibration industry (can't remember it name) that's why there were no vibration in sixaxis controllers.

Now that dispute was settled Dual shock 3 was released.

IMO, while we wait for vibration function, we enjoyed the used of SIXAXIS control. Nothing bad about that..

Fireseed3857d ago

Thought that myself... then I played it. Trust me when I say you HAVE to feel it to know.

SuperBlur3857d ago

oh hoo here come the mum joke , the things people have to guts to say behind a keyboard

feraldrgn3857d ago

Because when you fire a gun, it actually 'feels' like you're firing a gun!
So thrilling! /s

On a less joking note, my guess would be that it gives the player a similar sense of empowerment a human would get from shooting a real gun.
Not my cup of tea, but it'll appeal to the gun crowd probably, it's a smart move to sell it to the US.

johndoe112113857d ago

"The design is compact, so it fits in naturally in the living room."

At this point I stopped reading.

Izzy4083857d ago

If the ps4 had this technology in their controller ps fanboys wouldn't be able to shut up about it.

MarkusMcNugen3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

Bias much? From everything I have read and seen a lot of people think its smaller than they thought when held to scale or seen in real life. Its not much wider than a Xbox 360, and a smidge shorter in height when compared laying flat on its side...

Its great controller technology for any device. PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, or PC. Dont stoop to fanboy levels by making assumptions or accusations in reference to another console. Its something that stands out in comparison to a different product, but its not the end all be all to console controller R&D.

kickerz3857d ago

I would take rumble triggers over touch pad any day. Just my opinion guys don't hate me.

GrizzliS19873857d ago

im not even a developer, but the second i saw the touchpad i thought hmmm, imagine playing a game and to open a door in metal gear solid, you need a finger print from an enemy, where you go and kill the guard and cut off his thumb, go up to the door, and it asks you to put your fingerprint on the touchpad, in which you do on the controller. It helps with the immersion of the game.

Not to mention stealing cars in GTA VI and turning them on by push to start, touching your controller...same in Gran Turismo or any other racing game.

imagine being james bond and doing all sorts of touch features like setting off a booster seat or bag of nails behind the car, or detonating a bomb...

i can think of milion things, and these are just on top of my head...

Imma get the xbone for KI, but first thing il do is disable the rumble feature, as i do with all other games...its freaking annoying

GrizzliS19873857d ago

did i mention playing an FPS, and being asked to sketch out a route for your team mates to take on the touchpad? dragging your finger in the direction you want them to go as the main character is drawing it on screen...shoooooo

johndoe112113857d ago


Bias? are you freaking kidding me?


UnholyLight3857d ago


This is only for Forza 5, imagine what else can be done with them (Not to mention we get to spend an entire gen finding out just how far they can take this new dimension on the controller). And You were saying??



"The cool thing about the Xbox One controller is we not only have rumble to give you feedback, but we also have Impulse Triggers.

"The rumble itself, we call that chassis rumble. It rumbles the controller, and we’ve got a small motor, and a big motor, and we can buzz, we can warble and we can create a lot of different sensations and those are called haptics," Greenawalt explained.

"With the chassis we simulate the rumble over the rumble strips, the suspension, bumps when you hit things and what have you, but that’s not giving you the dynamics of the car.

"When you’re over accelerating and spinning the rear tyres, we can tell you you’re over accelerating with the acceleration impulse trigger.

"It’s the same thing with the breaks; if they apply the brakes they can feel the threshold if you don’t have ABS on and if you do have ABS on you can feel it pulsing," Greeawalt continued.

"Now it’s very subtle, but what we’ve already found, and this is what’s so cool, is that formally digital players are becoming analogue. They didn’t know why, but it’s because of the impulse trigger.

"Instead of going all acceleration, they are going in a little bit," Greenawalt said. "It doesn’t happen straight away, it takes a couple of laps, but it happens subtly – we don’t have to tell them."

MarkusMcNugen3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

Yep. Like I said, slightly larger than a Xbox 360. Not very big.

Gekko363856d ago

@All I love that Sony nicked the idea of the pad from ninty.

Don't see the point in it to be honest, less innovation and more faffing

awesomeisjayell3856d ago

yea for some reason your mom understands the vibration function i wonder why ? mmm beats me lol

UnHoly_One3856d ago

No offense, GrizzliS1987, but...

Every one of those ideas you listed as uses for the touchpad sound absolutely freaking horrible to me. lol

Not a slight against you by any means, don't take offense. I just haven't seen, heard, or thought of one single thing yet that would make that touchpad fun.

Sixaxis was the same way, it ruined everything it touched, unfortunately. I cringe every time I think about using it to aim grenades in UC1. What a terrible idea that was. ugh.

On the flip side, I'm not sold on rumble triggers either, but at least I know that it won't screw anything up.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3856d ago
ShinMaster3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

I'm exited to try the DS4. The new and improved sticks, triggers and overall feel of the controller along with the Enhanced force feedback will be pretty interesting.

ZHZ903857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

EDIT: Anyways removed everything that had to do with X1.

As for PS4's touchpad
"I felt a lot of potential in the touch pad."

Sounds great. :)

"I want to play a game that utilizes the touch pad."

Hope so. :)

Can't November come soon.

Your comment does sound too much fanboyism to me, and DS4 is great controller so as well will be Xbox One controller btw I am gonna turn vibration off because it gives me less enjoyment. And fo your note I didn't bash Xbox One so you can be all like "DS4 isn't powerful".

Golden_Mud3857d ago

Actually the DS4's vibration isn't that powerful so it doesn't let you feel as your controlling something , the Xbox One's controller does let you feel as your controlling something when driving or shooting, I'm actually happy that both have some unique features

king_george3857d ago


I dont want to be "that guy" but it just sounds like anything ms does is stupid to you and anything sony does is awesome... im a HUGE playstation fan (check my avatar and comment history) but i gotta say, ms is doing a pretty good job at turning things around and adding neat features. Of course, in my opinion sony is still mopping the floor with microsofts face in terms of games and focus but ms is doing a good job too. Kinect is looking pretty cool (although i hate that its forced uggghhh) and the rumble triggers sound super immersive. Im getting ps4 first but if ms keeps turning things around i might pick up a One eventually.

Now hopefully i dont lose all my bubbles because of this post :(

WeAreLegion3857d ago

I completely agree, king_george.

I'll try to back you up on the bubble front, but I can only do so much. :/

king_george3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

Sorry if you got the impression i was bashing you or anything. I wasnt. No worries buddy :)


Haha thanks man much appreciated. Not to worried about it

xActionBasturdx3857d ago

This has fanboy written all over it...

pwnsause_returns3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

to be fair, there is some innovation on adding vibration to the triggers, im sure it will display best on Race and Flight sims. it gives a nice touch to an already great controller.

DrJones3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

( "I hope they release a lot of games that utilize the Kinect."

I think people will be like no to this.

"I want to play a game that utilizes the touch pad."

Hope so. :)

"Your comment does sound too much fanboyism to me" )

That is what you wrote. Think about that for a second. You call people fanboys? Oh the irony.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3857d ago
tigertom533857d ago

it just not vibration it is feedback which it really adds a lot it's something you have to try to understand...

3856d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3856d ago
TechMech23857d ago

A majority of Japanese gamers aren't going to enjoy Xbox one, but I sure will!

claudionmc3857d ago

"Only 2.5 percent of those who replied said they wanted to buy the Xbox One in the console's launch window."

Well, that's pretty bad

CGI-Quality3857d ago

It's pretty bad, but also expected. They'd never be able to make the head way Nintendo and Sony have made there, so ANY interest is really all they can ask for at this point!

pyramidshead3857d ago

To be fair, it's Xbox and Japan lol.
NA is the hit of the whole fruit for MS, and the way Sony is creeping in there, they'll do well to focus a lot more on their home turf!

Hicken3857d ago

Why do people keep forgetting that NA was Sony territory for two straight generations before now?

Jazz41083857d ago

It does not really matter. I feel they will be biased towards the ps4 like most of the people on this site. Just my opinion as maybe Japan like the xboxone but I doubt it as they tend to buy from there home corporations unless there is no decent japanese competition like in Apple.

Thegamer413857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

No decent competition for Apple? You do know Sony make phones as well, so if you want to follow your Japanese loyalty logic, tell me why Apple do so well compared to sony phones.
At least know what you are talking about and before you say Sony don't make good phones, just remember, that is your opinion not a fact.

andibandit3857d ago

Sorry but up until recently Sony phones have just sucked, that why

WeAreLegion3857d ago

Sony is currently 3rd in Japan's mobile phone market. For at least the past year, Sony's phone lineup has been incredible...surpassing even the Galaxy line. The Xperia Z1 is, in my opinion, the best phone on the market. And you'd be surprised how handy that waterproof feature is. ;)

Sony is the 4th largest in the worldwide phone market now...which is saying something. They've got a ways to go to grab public appeal like Apple and Samsung have got, but they are doing everything right in the phone and tablet departments.

I have an Xperia TL. Phenomenal phone. It's free now, btw. I recommend it. ;)

ShinMaster3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

It's not bias. It's just unappealing to them.
Also, PS gets more games in Japan that are more appealing to their demographic.

AWBrawler3857d ago

lol idk. xboxone might do better than 360 in Japan. having kinect day one might help, but realistically, japan will be a ps4 vs wiiu battle

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