
Microsoft’s Phil Harrison Explains that Xbox One’s Cloud Can Actually Improve Graphics

The cloud feature of Xbox One has been discussed quite actively by developers and fans, and one of the points of contention is if it can actually provide enough computational power to improve a game's graphics. Even the PS4's lead architect Mark Cerny explained that "Trying to boost the quality of the graphics, that won’t work well in the Cloud."

Yet Microsoft seems to disagree with that view, as explained today during his panel at Eurogamer Expo by Corporate Vice President Phil Harrison.

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Ksar3882d ago ShowReplies(13)
NYC_Gamer3882d ago

Does MS have any GPU farms?if not then their cloud service won't improve anything graphic related.

Abriael3882d ago

Computational power is computational power actually. It's not like CPU computations and GPU computations are completely separate by some firm divide. CPUs and GPUs simply are optimized for their specific purposes.

Not that I blindly believe him, just saying.

darthv723881d ago

Have a look at this: http://software.intel.com/e...

Or this: http://www.anandtech.com/sh...

The idea of cloud assisted graphics is not that far off.

minimur123881d ago

So when we don't have an internet connection, the graphics will looks X360? lol

r1sh123881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

@Abrial @Darthv72

Cloud GPU processing already exists in the form of encoding/decoding frames.

AMD can do both and process all GPU computations, its a server rack blade you stick in and good to go.
I use it as part of my job at a major European airport:


THe problem is bandwidth and whilst it is likely MS can do some processing remotely the issue they have is latency and managing to get it across from a server to the client console.
I know MS have a CDN (Content delivery network) that has insane speeds, but if the users internet bandwidth is low it completely defeats the point.
Not sure if compression will be used, but the tech is already there, the problem is internet speeds.
Which leads me to the next off topic point,
Majornelson would say "Oh you could take your account to your friends hosue, and play your games there - Digitally" BUt the issue I see in this scenario, if said friend has not installed the game, the game has be to be downloaded right.
How long will that take? 16+GB at least a few hours LOOOL.
The big issue for most of the world is internet speeds.

dumahim3881d ago


I believe MS has said you'll be able to play while the game is downloading in the background, much like the PS4.

UltimateMaster3881d ago

And clearly there won't be significant lag due to the amount of Mbps it would require to make such a thing happen.

Sony can't even release Gaikai in Europe because of low internet speed, let alone having Microsoft telling us it can increase graphics.

It could work on paper, but in reality, not really.

It's like how Sony's abandoning the 3G on their Vitas, it doesn't work as well as wi-fi and cost significantly more for the users and they aren't interested in paying that extra amount.

I could go off into detail how Internet Connection works on SmartPhone with their multiple channels, but it won't really matter since you don't get that much bandwidth usage in the first place and that's a perfect example how it works on paper but not in real life.

You'd need a 50Mbps connection speed, minimum, to play this without significant lag.
So forget your 6Mbps, it just won't work.
And 50Mbps is in hopes your internet speed Doesn't fluctuates and go lower than that.

Omegasyde3881d ago

I work with with Cloud software and hardware like VMware and MS hyperV.

I will tell you write now, they are full of $%#%# as far as graphics are concerned,however both consoles are future proof if streaming is to be considered.

Microsoft will eventually release thier own streaming service much like Sony's with Gaikai. So in 5-6 years from now, you will be streaming your games. Ideally, this means everyone has to have a good connection speed, or > 300ms in latency for it to work "smoothly" especially for multiplayer. Think like Onlive.

Cloud computing can help with metrics and AI and can be used in innovative ways, but to tell you the truth we have been using the power of "teh clowd" for years now.

Example 1:
Insert favorite racing game
You compete against a ghost car of your friend's game. This data was uploaded from your friend's console to a server with how he exactly raced from time to path on track. This server then uploads the data to your console.

Example 2:
Comparing your progress and stats in GTA5 is another example or how the stockmarket changes based on the global community.

In the IT world, "Cloud" is just a fancy term for virtualization. The idea came from some sales person who wanted to describle an off-site server in a more tantaliyzing way for his/her sales pitch.

Similar examples: syngery=teamwork, New and Improved= upgraded, crowdsourcing = hiring consultants.

LonChaneyTV3881d ago

minimur12 - "So when we don't have an internet connection, the graphics will looks X360? lol"

I don't think any xbox 360 game is comparable to ryse or quantum break.


Anyways, just so you know Cloud computing is for future usage. we won't see the best of it until later on. right now it's just used as dedicated severs.

UnholyLight3881d ago

I always said that this was something they have been briefly mentioning about the cloud since the Xbox One's reveal.

I feel like it's something that Microsoft would probably be able to accomplish to some degree down the road seeing as how Microsoft has the resources to make it happen.

In any case this is exciting news because it means that it's something Sony will likely become invested in too!

= Good for all of us gamers!!

itBourne3881d ago

Very well said man, was going to say something similar. Seen where a developer pointed towards matchmaking as an example of "cloud" computing lol.
Things are still a long ways off though as far as graphics, because then are devs going to make games scalable like pc games? If you dont have an internet connection you play on "low settings" if you do then "high settings"? Also the U.S. has a ridiculously awful internet base. In places like Korea sure no prob, streaming stuff is easy, but here is a much different story.

nveenio3881d ago

I'll believe Cerny for now.

dedicatedtogamers3881d ago

Where's the proof?

We have an alarming amount of fingers-in-ears-lalala going on in the gaming industry right now. No one wants to admit the obvious truth that Microsoft trying to smoke and mirror gamers, and the only people who stand up are instantly labelled as - obviously! - Sony fanboys.

Microsoft has made numerous lofty claims before (so has Sony, for the record, which is why I'm still leery of EVERY PS4 game Remote Playing on Vita smoothly) and they've lied before.

The proof so far is that virtually every next-gen multiplat game has been running on PC or PS4, not Xbox One. If their Cloud service is so powerful (of course, not available at launch, we must not forget) then by now they certainly have a proof of concept or a "prototype" server to show us these improved graphics, right? Right?

Where's the proof?

mistertwoturbo3881d ago

Microsoft does everything for the interest of the consumers, they listen to feedback from their fans, and above all they never ever lie.

pixelsword3881d ago

If the cloud actually works for Xbone, which game shows it off?

corvusmd3881d ago

@minimur12 Seeing as we haven't seen any XB1 games running with the cloud hooked up....it'd look like we've seen them demo'd...so about the same level as PS4. Cloud computing would only advance it from there. Not being connected wouldn't downgrade the existing hardware to 360/Ps3 days.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3881d ago
Kayant3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

Maybe he's referring to it in an indirect manner as due to the offloading to the cloud more power will be available locally to do other things.... If not I don't totally believe it until it's shown in a game because things like nvidia's grid/amd's radeon sky/onlive/gaikai are all mainly GPU based.

If this is all true then it will must likely be only used in MP only games like titanfall I don't see this working in SP as they don't have mandatory drm anymore and not everyone wants to play a single-player and having to be tethered to the internet a.k.a Sim city

Gamer6663882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

You don't need GPU farms... Cloud processing is about distributed, coordinated processing, it does not matter what you are processing.

It is just taking the WELL PROVEN concept of distributed processing and focusing it for real time uses on a console.

P0werVR3881d ago


"If this is all true then it will must likely be only used in MP only..."

No kidding Sherlock!


GPU farms?!

CPU computational power is just that...CPU, computational, power! It's not complicated

Azure will progress throughout it's existence therefore getting powerful overtime.

GutZ313881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

Is everyone neglecting to talk about latencies on purpose?
Lets say you do offload, say 10% of CPU burden, we will call it non-essential physics, the best internet connection is usually around 55ms. thats 55 milliseconds one way, at ideal internet latencies. At 180 milliseconds, lag/latency becomes noticeable to people with fast reflex's, or professional gamers. Now, the average latency in the USofA is about 155ms for the west coast, and 200ms roughly for the east coast(stats show higher latency at 261ms). Note, these are averages, meaning you could experience much less, or much worse in the form of lag no matter where you are in the US at any given time, and thats before you add communication with offsite servers in the mix. And for the Europeans, your internet is ever more finicky than ours.
Anyway, back to that 10%.
After about 150ms, the data has been sent to the servers for processing. For the hell of it, lets just say its super fast at doing the calculations, so, 20ms? well, it still needs to send the data back to the user, so add another 150ms to that, you get 320ms, a very noticable lag.
I am being a little critical here, but look it up, the math isn't false, it is what we deal with everyday, and sometimes worse.

If the infrastructure isn't there, we are all going to be disappointed in the technology coming from both sony and microsoft with the cloud.

malokevi3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

It's easy to dismiss cloud processing on the basis of latency... until it's your life's work to solve the dilemma. There are brilliant mind working tirelessly on these issues as we speak.

you don't think there's a solution? We'll, then you underestimate the ingenuity of human kind.

I choose to look forward with cautious optimism.

GutZ313881d ago

There are extremely talented individuals out there working on brilliant ways of getting around bottlenecks, and latencies. The problem lies in corporate interests.
We are force fed data limits by companies like Time Warner, or Cox at fixed rates across all companies. They basically agree to not be competitive with prices. This leads to a saturated market that everyone has the same model, with no real benefits, or reason for the caped data speeds.
The nation, nay, I say the world is capable of gigabit internet connections for all, but the only company even trying to shake things up is google.
Latency is always an issue. Even when you have the best minds working on this, you will always have the problem of upload/download inequality by todays standards.

I'll put it this way;
I don't trust companies to do good by consumers, I trust consumers to make right what companies do wrong.

I expect whining and hateful remarks made at sony and MS for failed promises, but hope to be proven wrong.
I rather expect failure, and get success than expect success, and get failure.

malokevi3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

Thats why I say cautious optimism. I don't expect success, but I refuse to dismiss everything I've heard in favour of a pessimistic standpoint.

"latency" is not the be-all-end-all death of cloud processing. There are other, clever ways that developers are learning to leverage the tech to positive effect. No reason why it can't work for certain applications.

I don't expect real time by the millisecond processing. Cautious optimism implies realism. I have faith in the ingenuity of greater minds than mine, supported by a pocket book that could send men to mars. Assuming you are able to maintain a decent connection, I see no reason to deem this stuff as anything but positive.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3881d ago
hqgamez3881d ago ShowReplies(1)
Blaze9293881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

Microsoft: Something we designed, know about, and worked closely with can do the statement we're saying it can do.

N4G: I'm just a gamer, not employed by anything even closely related to this field. It won't work! Foolish Microsoft

...N4G users definitely know best.

christian hour3881d ago

Right, because people who use N4G are just N4G users and nothing else and couldn't possibly know anything about anything.

There is a wide variety of people on this site with a wide range of expertise in different areas. But one thing we all have in common is we're all using the internet. We all know what latency is. We all know how lag comes about. or at least I hope we all should.

Offloading graphical processes and physics to the cloud works in theory, but internet speeds and bandwidth are where it can and will fall short. Sony have a cloud service too, and the only reason their not tooting about how its going to improve graphics is because they aren't looking like the weaker console to the consumer right now so they don't need to grasp at straws.

If anyone calls me a fanboy for saying that then all you're doing is showing your ignorance, your denial and your severe insecurity that the product you plan on purchasing might not be as good as the product somebody else is planning on purchasing. oh noes! /sarcasm

AngelicIceDiamond3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

@Blaze Lol that is true.

The funny thing is Sony fans are super defensive and reassuring themselves and other fanboys that MS is lying and then have the nerve to say "Its fake" and "not real."

Then they try and pretend like they know what they're talking about, when they don't. They're scared because what if MS actually achieves this goal. That's the question here.

They say "Well I haven't seen it, therefor its fake and PR crap."

Yeah because MS works on super insecure, super defensive fanboys that damage controls every single major Xbox article all time lol.

It sounds cool but I have to see for myself. You don't see me sweeping it under a rug and calling it fake like everyone doing here.

If something like this sounds cool why not get at least cautiously excited for it?

Oh because Sony's using cloud for something totally different and MS is using cloud to supposedly add extra horse power to game development.

Picture this for 2 seconds fanboys, Sony says. "We're using cloud power to enhance games." See how cool that sounds now? just imagine, its not so bad now is it?

Have fun and stay in damage control fanboys.

BlackTar1873881d ago

Angelic you seem rather defensive.

Just a observation.

"Have fun and stay in damage control fanboys." You talking to yourself in a mirror?

I'm pretty sure Sony people have commented more then once on that even the gaiki thing is up in the air due to bandwidth limitations. You just gonna pretend people haven't said this multiple times?

The facts about Cloud is that we do not as a planet have the infrastructure up to do the things MS is saying are possible. MS does not have a secreat sauce unreleased in tech journls. I mean this is FACT. Now what they are saying in theory will be possible later when we get a stronger build country wide - Worldwide but stop pretending like people are only calling it PR nonsense because of fanboy loyalty. To do so is being nieve.

The real question should be that if MS is far enough along to tout such a feature and we are less then 2 months from release show it do something to prove it. It isn't so hard to do so if you have tangible substance to do so. The wait till the console comes out mentality is just a form of business that has gone on for decades and the success rate is very low.

If MS introduces this feature in 5-6 yrs after release is that a period in which you can say i told you so? No well i hope not.

buynit3881d ago


So what are you saying that you know it cant and will never be done? Are u that high up in the food chain or have the knowledge to truly know it cant ever be done?

Im not going to act like I know about thia but plenty of ppl are saying it works on paper and thats from the same ppl saying It cant be done, sounds to me like its close to happening so shouldnt we embrace it and wish them the best of luck on getting it done instead of acting like a bunch of little brats all cause sony isnt trying to do it or saying that it can be done..

AngelicIceDiamond3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

@Blacktar "Have fun and stay in damage control fanboys." You talking to yourself in a mirror?

Lol What Please explain this, if you can that is?

listen, what if Sony was doing the exact same thing as MS, and MS wasn't opting to such a thing what would you say? Honest question.

Would your tone change. Would you hype it up like most fanboys would on there said console? Which is a natural reaction.

"I'm pretty sure Sony people have commented more then once on that even the gaiki thing is up in the air due to bandwidth limitations. You just gonna pretend people haven't said this multiple times?"

Obviously that's why I said its wait and see and I'm CAUTIOUSLY optimistic.

Your comparing Gaikai to something different here but I do believe Sony and MS will have the same problems with bandwidth. But MS has servers in just about every city across america.

"but stop pretending like people are only calling it PR nonsense because of fanboy loyalty. To do so is being nieve."

Well who else is complaining about this? Calling it fake and not real? MS fans, regular users, Sony fans or somewhere in between? Who is it?

"The real question should be that if MS is far enough along to tout such a feature and we are less then 2 months from release show it do something to prove it."

MS hasn't even off the the Dashboard that runs 4 apps at a time. People are still looking forward to that. Like I said they'll show it off when they're ready to. BTW if MS does show off the cloud. What will you be looking for? And how will you compare it and what will you compare it to? If MS shows an example or tech footage that won't be enough for you and "others" because you wanna see real stuff that you can't even begin compare it to anything.

BlackTar1873881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )


First off stop pretending like you know me or how i operate in life. I work for a VAR (Value added Reseller)in the bay area. We sell HW and SW and Engineering support. As a base requirement for this field since we are a small business you have to understand what Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Networking are at the base level. I'm not some person who knows everything about it but im also not some person who knows nothing in order for small businesses like ourselves to succeeded we provide VALUE on all levels and knowledge at least in base form is required. That said i don't expect you to believe me nor do i care.

"listen, what if Sony was doing the exact same thing as MS, and MS wasn't opting to such a thing what would you say? Honest question. "

Honest Answer I wouldn't be pumping up a feature i know is not infrastructuraly available to over 90-95% of the US population. And 95%-97% of the developed world. So honest answer is a wait and see approach. Which is only partially what you are seeing. You're banking on this idea to bring something at a base customer level when we have nothing on this actually being fee sable at this current time with ISP restrictions and lag delays. So no I would not be using this as a reason to Purchase and am not with the Xone I will buy it for games like i have with every system that isn't named WiiU(I will get one) to date for the last 20+ yrs.

"Would your tone change. Would you hype it up like most fanboys would on there said console? Which is a natural reaction. "
Why would i hype something up that technically sin't realistic yet in the current set up across america as a whole? This is the same question worded differently as above please see above.

"Obviously that's why I said its wait and see and I'm CAUTIOUSLY optimistic" Okay you are being very casual with your definition of Wait and see and ho wit applies to you in your use.

"Well who else is complaining about this? Calling it fake and not real? MS fans, regular users, Sony fans or somewhere in between? Who is it? " It's all of the above. The xbox only fans are not all in agreement in using this as a reason to hype a system some of them me included are not so deluded to think MS has a secret sauce. Which btw in this day and age is just almost impossible to have. SOny fans sure yea okay them and so do people who have no interest in video games or the market in general. The difference is only 1 group of people are choosing to ignore it and our somehow trying to convince themselves of a secret sauce.

Last Question:
Ms hasn't shown its Dashboard? The relevancy here is very low considering Dashboards don't sell systems. Games do and they showed those. Cloud Computing at the level MS is saying would too the problem is MS most likely isn't at that level yet so their sellign you an idea that is still a work in progress. Thats a problem. Games are also works in progress but they are built on a architecture that is set in stone. Cloud computing has no such advantage since the majority of people (HUGE) do not have the proper ground work laid in their area to use such features.

Omegasyde3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

Hey Blaze, I actually do work with virtualization and I can tell you most of what Phil said is funky BS. Read above.

Stop drinking the MS koolaid.

rainslacker3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )


OK, lets put fanboyism aside for a moment. Lets put console preference aside for the moment.

Lets say, some random engineer from a reputable company known to make strides in the computer engineering field, or their PR lackey, came out and said they could offer this big improvement in game performance.

What would be your first response?

Mine, being that I have used the net since 28.8K modems would be, "what about latency".

What would be your second response should they offer more detail, without any quantifiable proof?

Mine would be, "OK, well the principle is sound, distributive computing has been around for a couple decades now, but how about all the things that hinder actual implementation....lets say...latency and the extreme amount of resources required to run such an application on a large scale."

What would be your third response should they just keep repeating it offering examples of things that are already done which don't actually involve improving the game in the manner being spoken of, such as matchmaking or dedicated servers.

Mine would be..."do you really think I'm a idiot?"

See, a lot of us have common sense. I'm personally a computer programmer, and have a decent understanding of network infrastructures, and more so cloud computing. For others on here, there have been numerous articles which discredit everything that MS has proposed as being well into the future. Even NVidia which showed a real world prototype of the exact application MS is trying to say they can deliver said that it's well into the future, and prone to issues such as latency and cost, and their system is specifically designed to deliver such content.

Either way, it doesn't take a degree in computer engineering, or being completely up to date with every advance in the last couple years to be able to use a modicum of critical thinking skills.

Why do we have to be fan boys when we use our common sense, and take the "Put up or shut up" attitude? Why are all of us dismissed because there are those that act they way you describe?

The answer to that is, fanboyism. It's easier to dismiss an argument than address it, and there is no easier way to discredit another person on the internet than pulling out the bias card. It lacks imagination, and it's getting really old.

I believe that if you can't offer a counter-argument that discredits what the "Fan boys" keep saying, then it is entirely possible that they may be right. They could still be wrong, but it's not like I see droves of MS supporters coming in and offering real evidence that what MS proposes is possible right now, or even in the immediate future. Even MS can't seem to provide that in even a prototype form. I would think that if that evidence existed, we would have seen it offered up at some point, by at least one MS fan.

corvusmd3881d ago

Christian, you're a retard. Sorry but flat out you are...true, Sony has "cloud" but "cloud" is just a general term used for functions done outside your system on a server. The Sony version of Cloud is roughly equivalent of what X360 calls cloud. The reason Sony isn't talking about this, is cause Sony doesn't have this. You clearly need to learn more before you pipe in about this topic.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3881d ago
ALLWRONG3881d ago ShowReplies(4)
xtremeimport3881d ago

The cloud is the most interesting thing about xb1 for me.

Interested to see how they utilize it. Curious, could Sony not add a similar type of feature in the future to the PS4? Or is it something that the system itself isn't built to use?

xtremeimport3881d ago

classic. Ask a question and get dislikes...what? lol

BoriboyShoGUN3881d ago

Sony has already stated they could do the same thing, but they dont see it being very beneficial. I prefer the power to be in the hardware myself. With all the lag we had to deal with this pass gen now u want to get your graphical power from a server as well????How are games going to look offline?? Just too many questions on this whole cloud service!

Omegasyde3881d ago

Question: Could Sony not add a similar type of feature in the future to the PS4?

Answer: Most definately yes. Gaikai is streaming data in realtime over the internet(the "cloud") to an endpoint.

In the article, Phil mentions how data could be uploaded and downloaded from end users to "dynamically" change the game.

Cloud gaming has already been happening for a while. A really good example would be a game like MAG where 1 of the three factions win and it effect other matches going on.

Techincally, dedicated servers are also using "teh pow3r of the clowd". Another great example is Battlefield. The game "hub" is on a host with decent processing power and resources. Each player is basically sending controller inputs which includes thier actions. THe hub interpets these actions, and reflects the changes to all the other gamers.

xtremeimport3881d ago

So when people say that Titan fall isn't coming to PS4 because it doesn't utilize the cloud...thats basically hogwash?

Or a legitimate cause for concern?

BoriboyShoGUN3881d ago

Any game that saids "they need the cloud" i would say is hogwash!I tell you one thing if it doesnt work as advertised day one Xbox guys are going to flip out! Especially if the games are looking better on the PS4.

xtremeimport3881d ago


You actually think they would admit to that?!
Not a chance...lol

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3881d ago
zippycup3881d ago

its not that its not feasible its just that if company's start using this to make graphics better they will get lazy and start doing evrything on the cloud but tell me this what happens when the servers go down or my internet goes down will i still be able to play or will game look like crap ??

Clunkyd3881d ago

Dont you need like a fast and stable internet speed connection in order for this to even have a chance of working?

I highly doubt anyone has that.
I get 15Mbps on a good day so im sure this wont work for me.

AlphaJunk3881d ago

I think that is the most "tech-ignorant" comment I've seen. wow

Beastforlifenoob3881d ago

You can use any type of memory (RAM, VRAM) even storage, so if they had a bunch of massive hard-drives they could use it as RAM or VRAM since they are all just differnent types of memory, albiet one is short term and the other is long term, but theoretically all they would need are servers with large hardrives and plenty of RAM and they could use this for whatever purpose they wish.

I'm still going with PS4 but I fear the next generation may be the most money grabbing greedy generation of gaming yet to come.

Beastforlifenoob3881d ago

Haven't YOU kids ever heard of Pager files, they are basically files allocated on your hardrive that are activated once you run out of RAM and use a portion of the hardrive as RAM.

SegaSaturn6693881d ago

What I really want Phil Harrison to explain is:

Where his hair went!

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3881d ago
grassyknoll3882d ago ShowReplies(1)
TheGamingArt3882d ago

This can't work. The bandwidth needed for fast calculation, this won't work. The ONLY way this can work is just streaming the damn game which ISN'T what they're advertising. That's an Onlive/Gaikai feature (not something new, not tossing some workloads to a cloud server). Microsoft is spewing bs.

iamnsuperman3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

The fact they have yet to show a difference should speak volumes. If they wanted to make this point they should show a tech demo (a tactic used since the dawn of consoles to show a feature). A game running without the cloud and A game running with the cloud.

Talk is talk and like you said everyone is picking up on the bandwidth issue with such a move. Yet Microsoft have chosen to ignore this with their explanation. It comes off like they think we are idiots

v6volume3881d ago

A tech demo running on an actual Xbox One

caseh3882d ago

There's nothing ruling out that cloud based solutions could facilitate background activities in some games like weather or environment conditions.

Every little mundane task that is taken from the console frees it up to improve on other aspects.

Just something to think about ya know.

warczar3881d ago

Sounds like all the stuff Forza is missing. No weather or night driving. Wouldn't Forza be the perfect game to show off the power of the cloud? Instead we have to trust the word of a microsoft yes man.

Bolts3882d ago

The reason is simple. It's a scam. If cloud rendering have any real tangible benefits in terms of performance and image quality then the tablets will be doing it.

Izzy4083881d ago

You must know everything then. Are you an egineer working at MS? Are you an expert in cloud computing? Because people have NEVER in history figured out how to solve or improve something right? Just because Sony hasn't figured out a way to do it, and PS fanboys want the cloud to fail, doesn't mean MS hasn't already solved the problem.

LogicStomper3881d ago

Scam - A dishonest scheme; a fraud.

So how exactly is this a scam? Are we paying Microsoft money specifically for this cloud feature? No. When we pay for Xbox Live Gold, we want the online gaming services. We're not subscribing just to use the cloud. So you just failed at a simple concept, it's not a scam.

TheGamingArt3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )


As a software engineer, all because something is advertised doesn't mean it's plausible. Yes, innovation breaks new ground every day. But on a technical scale, this LITERALLY isn't feasible. The bandwidth between the graphics card and CPU is very very very very very very fast. In order to do cloud computation, you would have to predict EVERYTHING that needs to be rendered and stream it. You can't just toss data for rendering purposes back and forth. That's not how this work. And predicting that type of data ahead of time, simply not logical to even try since everything is meant to be real time. This is literally BS and MS's way of calming everyone down over the numerous hiccups they've shown the public.

Mike134nl3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

Streaming full games cost more bandwidth compared to simply using the cloud for calculations and sending the 'answers' of those calculations to said device. This however does mean that fast calculations will not be offloaded to the cloud but only slower calculations such as AI.

Streaming services such as gaikai require more bandwidth than what Microsoft is doing at the moment.

DragonKnight3882d ago

Not only this is pure PR garbage that isn't based in reality, but even Microsoft knows that something like that isn't happening any time soon. Yusuf Mehdi said as much himself.

"The challenges there are latency in particular and then some of the bandwidth. So you can do game trials and game demos, but to do full games, where you are not at a disadvantage to your friend who is playing locally, and that’s a big barrier if you’re a gamer, that’s still going to take a bit of time technically. I say I’m long-term bullish, but short term, I think it needs more work."


Phil Harrison needs to just shut up. Cloud computing is this gen's 4D, 120 FPS, blast processing, toy story graphics PR that is never going to happen. Count on it.

caseh3882d ago

Blast Processing for the win!

solidjun53881d ago

While I was reading the last phrase, I was hoping you ended it with "deal with it." lol.

BallsEye3882d ago

FFS man... watch the damn nvidia presentation..

Geez you n4g techs are getting annoying. Watch the vid and then make another comment that it is impossible.

DragonKnight3882d ago

So it's your contention that a video that seeks to make the claim that cloud enhanced lighting exists (meanwhile no information is given about the conditions of the testing, such as network connection speed etc...) is the same as the cloud making one Xbox One as powerful as 3 Xbox Ones?

BG115793882d ago

In case you didn't saw Kayants reponse :
"Nvidia Cloudlight is also a tech demo, used GPU's for the rendering and was done in July 2013 in a controlled environment.

So when exactly will MS's work? 2 years? 4 years?? Also it doesn't go in line with what Yusuf Mehdi has said before as DragonKnight pointed out earlier ---> http://n4g.com/news/1362334... "

Funantic13881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

@BallsEye. That's a great video. I had to save it to prove a point in future debates. It clearly shows that cloud computation can free up resources on the hardware. Mark Cerney should even watch this video. He obviously was trying to downplay cloud enhanced graphics and has never seen 300,000 servers at work. PS fanboys will be in denial still.

BallsEye3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )


Ah the denial...Did you even watch the video?? It shows real world conditions and up to 500ms latency. Thats answer to your network conenction. Since I travel around the world a lot I had plenty of different connections. from 1 mbps to 100 mbps. On slowest connection possible in asia (shitties providers ever) I had maximum of 340ms to other side of the world. This video does not seek to make a claim, this video is a proof made by Nvidia one of 2 biggest gpu tech(and more) companies out there. For sure they know what they are doing, and got more credibility than a random dude on n4g, such as you. Cheers!

DragonKnight3881d ago

@BallsEye: I did watch the video. The answer to your comment was given to you by BG11579. What I want to know is why you avoided my question.

Is it your contention that that video correlates to one Xbox One being as powerful as 3 or more Xbox Ones?

Edward753881d ago

Bub up.
I never commented to much about the cloud processing because I was unsure about it technically being viable. That video should be proof to anyone who thinks that cloud processing can't help in the future.

Maybe there is something to this "cloud" stuff.

People really need to watch this video.

rainslacker3881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

Perhaps you should read the tech papers on that video before you start putting it out there as proof.


Biggest thing to point out.

"While design of rendering pipelines for PCs and consoles is reasonably well understood, design of Cloud pipelines is in its infancy.[In relation to asynchronous graphics processing]"

Note the word infancy. That means barely off the ground. MS is touting this as something for the here and now, or the very near future. Go through and look at the hardware required to run that for just 50 different clients, and note the drastic drop off of quality as more users are being processed.

Most people aren't saying it isn't possible, they're just saying it isn't going to be what MS says it will be any time soon.

What NVidia achieved in this demonstration is impressive. You would think that MS, being the apparent forerunner in delivering this technology into the home, could provide a suitable demonstration of their own.

Point of fact...
NVidia hasn't spent months saying how they're going to revolutionize cloud assisted graphics processing, they did the work, and put out a technical demo of it. They showed(or at least pointed out) it's limitations. They didn't use it as a selling point, because it's nowhere close to being consumer ready.

If MS wants people to believe them, if MS wants people to take them seriously on this, then they should take an example from NVidia on this. Surely by now they have similar tech demos and white papers available internally.

What they're doing is trying to get people to believe it's possible. It's PR hype, and I say show me proof and make me a believer.

NVidia in it's own reports says that there is still much work to do to make what they're showing a viable, working, consumer level solution. Now, I don't know about you, but I would take NVidia's claims about graphics processing in the future over MS any day.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3881d ago
imt5583881d ago

I bet that Phil has no idea what is the purpose of cloud. Such a bullshit from Phil's mouth. God damn!

Beastforlifenoob3881d ago

GDDR5 isnt "BETTER" than DDR3, GDDR5 has been around since 2008 and is based on DDR3 RAM but simply has more graphical capabilites. Its better for graphics but not for raw computation power especially considering GDDR6 and DDr4 are coming to PC next year.

Xbox one sucks but dont try and confuse matters with this majical "GDDR5 goodness". Also cloud does not need to be running massive quad titan SLI PCs all they need is a TONN of pagerfiles and ram. Not saying the xbox one is better, there business practices are questionable, but you shouldnt jump the gun, I know im going with a PS4/PC combo next year, PS4 for exclusives and PC for epic graphics.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3881d ago
Ohlmay3882d ago ShowReplies(1)
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Google Exec on How Stadia Factors Into the Next-Gen Future

Phil Harrison discusses the future of gaming and how Stadia's cloud-based service aims to be a big part of it.


A $0.05 Component Delayed the PS3

In this month's IGN Unfiltered interview, Phil Harrison revealed a big reason why the PlayStation 3 released a year after the Xbox 360.

FallenAngel19841637d ago

I’m glad Sony didn’t rush PlayStation 3’s launch. Microsoft did so for Xbox 360 just to get an advantage over the competition and their console had one of the worse hardware malfunctions in history. Scratched discs, overheating and RRoDs out the wazoo. Add that to the no HDMI out of the box on launch units, no WiFi & myriad of other cost cutting decisions showed Microsoft cheaped out on so many things just for that headstart.

Jin_Sakai1636d ago

And still lost to PS3 in the end.

Artemidorus1635d ago

In fairness right at the end. Didn't do the same impact as Playstation 4

darthv721635d ago

both lost to the wii... big whoop

Brave_Losers_Unite1636d ago

The 360 was so outdated tech. A wifi adapter and the HD DVD addon LOL

Minute Man 7211635d ago

Outdated tech that could run games made on the PS3 1st better that the PS3.

Good-Smurf1636d ago (Edited 1636d ago )

My 360 went out within a month after purchase it was a nightmare and a fight to find a store that will fix it took me almost two months to find the right guy that can fix E74 error.
I liked that console had many great racing games that never came out on PS3 but damn was it unreliable to anyone who bought it before 2009.

TFJWM1636d ago (Edited 1636d ago )

Did MS not honor the warranty?

1635d ago
Atticus_finch1636d ago

It had way too many problems. And worst of all is that 360 is still Xboxs best console. SMH

crazyCoconuts1636d ago

I thought OG Xbox was there best because it pushed the bar way past PS2 with built in Ethernet and XBL

JEECE1636d ago

Gosh I always forget they shipped that thing without HDMI. I'm sure we all have bad memories of being at friend's house and seeing that they had their Xbox 360 set up on an HDTV through composite cables, while they obliviously talked about how they couldn't believe how good the graphics in Gears of War were. My eyes hurt just thinking about it.

crazyCoconuts1636d ago

Their software was superior though imo. Dashboard updates and XBL functionality was way ahead of PS. Party chat for example...

kitano19471636d ago

as it should be from a software company. I also liked their simple blade set up and found the PS3 interface slow and too much like a dvd, bluray interface

UnSelf1635d ago

the Wii was a fraction of the price and geared towards old women.

Should we compare candy crush downloads now?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1635d ago
KeenBean3451636d ago

Another interesting reason for the delay was that the first batch of chips which Sony funded and ordered were defective, where as Microsoft bought backups from a 3rd party. So Microsoft got chips Sony funded even before Sony did, as Sony didn't consider the chance of Microsoft asking IBM for a chip, with IBM showing them what they were working on for Sony

Neither company had great luck during RnD last gen

Ripsta7th1635d ago

i love the disagrees
even when your talking sense , if it makes sony look bad youll get disagreed
this site is ran by Sony fanboys left and right
what a effin joke

Silly gameAr1635d ago

Why should the disagrees/agrees that someone else gets concern you? If this site bothers you so much, why are you still here?

KeenBean3451635d ago (Edited 1635d ago )

Yeah it's strange, there is loads of really interesting facts and stats about the 360s and PS3s development and I feel that not many people would know that. I never really worry about the agrees and disagrees, doesn't matter much :)

PhoenixUp1636d ago

- PS2 launches ahead of Xbox: PlayStation outsells it
- Xbox 360 launches ahead of PS3: PlayStation outsells it
- PS4 launches alongside Xbox One: PlayStation outsells it

Seems no matter what timeframe Microsoft releases their console they’ll still have less marketshare than Sony.

Even if PS5 were somehow delayed a year behind the next Xbox, I’m certain it’d still outsell it just like PS3 did to 360. Unfortunately for Microsoft the PS5 will release alongside the next Xbox.

Tross1636d ago (Edited 1636d ago )

There were holes in MS's strategy with the 360. They had a year head start, but they focused heavily on the short term. They paid off companies for exclusive DLC or timed exclusivity on games and DLC, but they didn't really focus a lot on securing studios, and the ones they had they didn't exactly put in the money to keep them firing on all cylinders.

That strategy paid off in the short term as for at least a few years the 360 was the system to have, but eventually that dried up while Sony first party studios kept turning out exclusives. That carried over into this gen where the XB1 had an alright launch lineup, but that dried up pretty quickly and that's why MS has recently had to go on a purchasing spree for studios to hopefully produce more games than their first party studios have been. Of course, the conclusion of their contract with Bungie didn't help either. Even if there was no DRM fiasco marring the XB1's launch I doubt it would have performed as well as the PS4 regardless.

SkatterBrain1636d ago

didnt microsoft close down alot of studios then now decided to go out and buy a few? i thought that was weird, im surprised some of Lionhead(Fable) went on to make media molecule( Little Big Planet, Tearaway, Dreams)

JEECE1636d ago

The problem for MS is they can't compete outside the United States. 360 absolutely dominated here, but got trounced everywhere else. I mean, Japan is not a huge market for home consoles anymore, but if the PlayStation basically gets basically an uncontested 10 million unit gap each generation, that matters a lot in the overall. Although MS does better in Europe than Japan, they still don't come close to PlayStation.

XONE is actually pretty competitive in the US. That's why you probably have friends who started really playing games on the 360 but don't follow the industry as a whole who have no idea that XONE got outsold so badly.

badz1491636d ago

nobody is big in Japan except for Nintendo now in the console space. it's been 6 years and the PS4 is yet to reach even 8mil let alone 10mil like you said.

DarkZane1635d ago

@badz149 8 millions for a home console is pretty good for Japan nowadays. As for the Switch, it's only doing so well in Japan because it's considered a portable console. If it was an actual home console like the PS4 and Xbox One (no portable mode), it wouldn't be doing nearly as well as it is right now and it would just sell at the same rate the PS4 did.

JEECE1635d ago (Edited 1635d ago )


10 million was a reference to PS3 since that generation is done, and PS3 sold around that in Japan. PS4 is selling similarly there year by year, so it's a useful number.

Anyway, your comment illustrates my point: even if you assume 8 million, it's 8 million that are basically uncontested (XONE is under a million in Japan, maybe even under half a million). In a close gen like last one was (obviously this one isn't, but just as a hypothetical) a free 7 million unit advantage could be the difference between outselling your competitor or not.

XtaZ1636d ago

All those sales and Xbox has still beaten them out each gen by having the superior platform. Crazy how sales don't actually matter at all in the end for us consumers, huh.

Ripsta7th1635d ago

ps pro comes
xbox one x outpowers it

JEECE1635d ago

And neither unit has had any impact on the trajectory of the overall race. It's almost like a new, more powerful console isn't as enticing if there are going to be literally zero games designed from the ground up for its specs, rather than designed for a much weaker system and just given graphical improvements.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1635d ago
Thundercat771636d ago

And still against all odds the PS3 surpassed Xbox 360. Xbox has finished last in each of their console generations.

Immagaiden1636d ago

“Xbox has finished last in each of their console generations.“

Rewriting history much?

- Xbox outsold GameCube
- Xbox One outsold Wii U

badz1491636d ago

Wii U never existed. not even Nintendo wants to admit they released that one

Orionsangel1636d ago

PS3 launch was a fail. $599! Riiiidge Racer! Backlash!

Xbox One launch was a fail! The system will always be online. Backlash!

If these two consoles are taking turns on launch fails. PS5 launch will be a fail.

Oh no!

battletrax1636d ago

Playstation won't fail. They have proven talent with their games studios.

badz1491636d ago


that's like xbox fanboys biggest dream EVER!

Orionsangel1635d ago

I own both consoles. I have no stake in a console war or loyalty to a brand.

Dude Dutch1636d ago

After reading this I had to restart my brain

darthv721635d ago

PS3 was Sony's 3rd console, XBO was MS's 3rd console... if you look back throughout platforms where they released a 3rd console, it has historically been shown to not be as successful as their 2nd and sometimes 1st. Those that have gone on to release a 4th has fared better but not always.

Some call it a 3rd console curse.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1635d ago
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Inside Google's bid to launch Stadia and transform the entire game industry

Creative engineers Phil Harrison, Jade Raymond, Majd Bakar, and more take you behind the scenes of Google Stadia

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